CONCLUDED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WITH FOREIGN NATIONS AND INDIAN TRIBES, WHICH HAVE BEEN PROCLAIMED SINCE THE PUBLICATION OF LITTLE AND BROWN'S EDITION OF THE LAWS AND TREATIES OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SESSION OF 1854-1855. Carefully collated with the Originals at Washington. EDITED BY GEORGE MINOT, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. The rights and interest of the United States in the stereotype plates from which this work is printed, are hereby recognized, acknowledged, and declared by the publishers, according to the provisions of the joint resolution of Congress, passed March 3, 1845. TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY. BOSTON: LITTLE,.BROWN AND COMPANY. 1856. ADVERTISEMENT. IN publishing the following Laws, the same plan has been adopted that was prescribed in the joint resolution of Congress of March 3, 1845, authorizing a subscription to the edition of all the Laws of the United States just published by us. A close examination of this pamphlet will disclose some apparent errors in the Laws as here printed; but as we procured a careful collation with the records at Washington, by an experienced reader, and have scrupulously followed the original, we feel justified in saying that the public can safely rely on this publication. Any seeming errors, therefore, must be attributed to the Rolls, and not to us. Where any thing absolutely necessary to the sense is omitted in the Rolls, our plan is to insert it in the text, inclosed in brackets. We intend to publish annually, and as soon after the close of each Session of Congress as we can, the Acts of that Session, in a similar form and with a similar arrangement. The pamphlets will be paged consecutively, and, when enough have accumulated to make a volume, we shall publish, with the last one, a General Index to the whole, so that any one purchasing the successive pamphlets, as they come out, can then have a complete volume without any additional expense, other than that of binding them together. It will be seen, by the following joint resolution, that this edition has been sanctioned by Congress, and is now made the official edition. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State be authorized and directed to contract with Little & Brown to furnish their annual Statutes at Large, printed in conformity with the plan adopted by Congress in eighteen hundred and forty-five, instead of the edition usually issued by his order, under the act of Congress of April twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, and which conforms to an edition of the laws now out of use.-APPROVED, September 26, 1850. BOSTON, October, 1856. LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1856, by LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. RIVERSIDE, CAMBRIDGE: STEREOTYPED AND PRINTED BY H. O. HOUGHTON AND COMPANY. protection against depredations,. provisions to secure peace and indem- Chippewas of Swan Creek and Black River, treaty of Aug. 2, 1855, with,. certain lands in Michigan to be withdrawn from sale,. grant of land to each of said Indians,... 31 payment to said Indians,. cession of all the lands heretofore owned by said Indians,. release of liability,.. surrender of annuities,. said grants and payments to be in full of all claims,.. 40 certain land entries confirmed,. interpreter to be provided,. 40 the tribal organization of said Indians dissolved,. 40 amendments, 40 40 Chippewas of Sault Ste. Marie, treaty of Aug. 2, 1855, with,. right of fishing surrendered,. payment for such surrender, grant to O-shaw-waw-no,. 41 treaty of June 22, 1855, with,.... future boundaries of the Choctaw and Chickasaw country,..... the lands in those limits guaranteed to them,..... proviso as to sales, and as to the reversion in said lands,.. district established for the Chickasaws, 22 Choctaw district, ...... present laws and government to remain in force till altered,. either tribe may settle within the limits so far as lawful the said tribes to have intruders to be removed,. payment to Choctaws out of the cession of land by the Choctaws,.. payment to each of said tribes,. if sums are awarded, how to be paid,.. sums due under present treaties to be funds held in trust,. protection of said Indians,. 22 22 22 222 222 2 2 2 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 |