salary of minister to,.. 52 made a port of delivery,...... 2 assistant secretary of legation to,...... 52 Harbors and Rivers, Frankfort-on-the-Main, salary of consul-general at,..... Funchal, salary of consul at,.. appropriations for improvement of, at 53 Des Moines Rapids, .. 51 Mississippi River,...... 24 53 Patapsco River,....... 44 Savannah River,. 30 Sheboygan harbor, 144 G. St. Clair Flats, (Mich.). 25 St. Mary's River, (Mich.) 25 Harper's Ferry, Gaboon, Galena, sale of land at, 93 Geneva, Genoa, salary of commercial agent at,......... 55 public buildings at, General Land-Office, appropriation for, salary of consul at,. salary of consul at.. Harrison, The, sale of, authorized, 90 93 Havana, salary of consul-general at,.... 53 108 Havre, Georgetown, (D. C.) 53 Home Department. See Interior. Hong Kong, school tax may be levied in, 32 salary of consul at,.. 53 Giddings, Geo. H., disposition of, voters in... penalties for violating election laws, 32 evidence of qualification of voters to be payment to, for mail service,. 33 mail contract with, may be annulled,.... 95 33 Honolulu, 32 salary of consul at..... 54 32 Hospital Department in the Army, 51 additional surgeons and assistants in, ... 51 51 pay of soldiers acting in,....... 51 Hospitals, 95 pay of soldiers acting as cooks or nurses 51 Glasgow, in, salary of consul at,. enlistment of men for, 51 53 Globe, Congressional, and Appendix, marine and naval appropriations for at 47 Boston, appropriations for, 92, 103, 104 84 Graduation of price of land, Evansville, 47 periods for, how fixed in Greensburg Dis- Galena, 84 trict, (La.,). Mobile, 120 85 Great Britain, New Orleans,.. 47 salary of minister to, Norfolk, 47 52 assistant secretary of legation may be ap- Pensacola, 47 pointed to, Philadelphia, 84 52 marking of boundary between Washing- St. Louis,. 84 pay of commissioner under reciprocity ton Territory and possessions of,... 42 Hyatt, Ann, St. Marks, (Fl.) 79 treaty with, Greensburg District, (La.) periods under graduation law, how fixed protection of citizens discovering,....... 119 Illinois, transportation of guano in such cases to 119 4, 92 courts in, Cumberland road in, surrendered to,.... 7 120 Ingham, The, 90 120 land and naval forces may be employed sale of, authorized, Ingraham medal, 88 120 appropriation for, Winnebagoes,... in another of the same State,........ 2 78 Judiciary, deficiency, appropriation for,..........12, 14 79 appropriations for, .......114, 115, 116 79 Jurisdiction, 79 of Washington extended over Navy Yard 120 Bridge, 79 over newly-discovered guano islands, 79 Jurors, 79 79 in District of Columbia, pay of, grand, court may discharge at pleasure,... 43 6 ... ... 69,78 Wyandots,... appropriations to prevent depredations,.. Map of Indian Territories, Ann Hyatt,. for Indians and Indian affairs in California, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, VOL. XL. Рив.-21 Marseilles, salary of consul at, Matamoras, grant of land to for railroads,.... 30 .. .45, 46 River, 48 . appropriation for improvement of at Southwest Pass and Pass a l'Outre,.. 24 .... 84 Missourias, appropriations for the............... 72 84 Molalas, 84 appropriation for the,......... .. 77,78 84 Monrovia, 84 salary of commercial agent at,.......... 55 85 Montevideo, 84 salary of consul at,.......... 54 84 Moscow, salary of consul at,...... 53 Munich, 53 49 salary of consul at,. 50 Munsees, 50 appropriation for the,. 76, 77 salary of consul at,...... Matanzas, salary of consul at,............ 54 Names of Vessels, 53 T change of,.. |