For grading, gravelling, and completing the culvert across Tiber Culvert. creek on Indiana avenue six thousand dollars. For the payment of laborers employed in shovelling snow from the Shovelling snow. walks to and around the Capitol, the President's house and other public buildings, five hundred dollars. For the purchase of books for library at the Executive mansion, to be Executive liexpended under the direction of the President of the United States, two brary. hundred and fifty dollars. For repairs of the Potomac navy yard and upper bridges, eleven thou- Bridges. sand dollars. And, with a view to the construction of a new and substantial bridge Plans and estiacross the Potomac, the Secretary of the Interior be and he is hereby mates for a new bridge across the authorized to cause drawings and estimates for the construction of an Potomac. iron suspension bridge and also for a stone-arched bridge to be prepared and submitted to Congress at its next session: and with a further view of enabling Congress to select the most eligible site for said bridge, the Secretary aforesaid is instructed to cause drawings and estimates to be prepared for a bridge at or near the site of the present Potomac bridge, another at or near a place known as the "Three Sisters" and another at such intermediate point as may be deemed most eligible. For repairs of Pennsylvania avenue, three thousand dollars. Public grounds. dred and seventy-five dollars. For repairs of water pipes, five hundred dollars. Miscellaneous. For repairing heating apparatus, raising, repairing passages, painting, reglazing and extending seed-room and green-house according to plan, six thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Buildings. For public reservation number two, and Lafayette Square, three thousand dollars. For rebuilding Franklin-engine house, including the purchase of a suitable lot, &c., &c., five thousand dollars. For taking care of the grounds south of the President's house, continuing the improvements of the same, and keeping them in order, three thousand dollars. Site for new That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby authorized and required to cause a suitable site for a new jail to be selected at or near jail. the Penitentiary, in the city of Washington, and that he cause to be prepared drawings and specifications for said jail to be submitted to Congress on or before the tenth day of December next, together with estimates of the cost of building said jail. Agricultural For the collection of agricultural statistics, investigations for promoting agriculture and rural economy, and the procurement and distribution of statistics. cuttings and seeds seventy-five thousand dollars, to be expended under port. the direction of the Commissioner of Patents: Provided, That the Commissioner shall report to Congress the varies [various] kinds, and amounts of saids [seeds] purchased, and to be purchased under this appropriation, from whom, and where obtained and the cost of the same. Patent-office Towards the erection of the north front of the Patent-Office building, for the accommodation of the Department of the Interior, two hundred building. thousand dollars. To complete the bridge across the Potomac at Little Falls, agreeably to the plan already adopted, seventy-five thousand dollars. To meet necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of the neutrality act of the twelfth (twentieth) April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, ten thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the President, pursuant to the third section of the act of Congress of the first May, one thousand eight hundred and ten, entitled "An act VOL. XI. PUB.-12 Suppression of slave-trade. fixing the compensation of public ministers and consuls residing on the coast of Barbary, and for other purposes." To enable the President of the United States to carry into effect the act of Congress of the third March, one thousand eight hundred and 1819, ch. 101. nineteen, and any subsequent acts now in force for the suppression of the Audubon's slave-trade, eight thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of State to purchase one hundred copies, each, "Birds and of Audubon's "Birds of America," and "Quadrupeds of North AmeriQuadrupeds." ca," for presentation to foreign governments, in return for valuable works Filling up dock in Boston. Minnesota. Powder maga sent by them to the government of the United States, sixteen thousand dollars. For filling up the dock between Central and Long wharves in Boston, the widening of the street on the east front of the custom-house, and the extension and maintenance of the drains, fifteen thousand dollars. For arrearages on account of legislative expenses of the Territory of Minnesota, being for printing, binding, and miscellaneous items, for the sessions of eighteen hundred and fifty-one, eighteen hundred and fiftytwo, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twenty-two thousand one hundred and twenty-two dollars and four cents. For the construction of a powder magazine for the naval service at zine at Man Is- Man Island, California, the sum of one hundred and nineteen thousand land, California. three hundred dollars. Extra clerks in office of Indian affairs. 1854, ch. 267. 1855, ch. 204. For the continuation of extra clerk hire in the office of Indian Affairs authorized by an act making appropriations for the support of the army, approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and the act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, approved March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, seven thousand dollars. Compensation For additional compensation and mileage of senators for the present and mileage of Congress, one hundred and seventy-eight thousand one hundred and members of twenty-eight dollars. senators and House of Repre extra pay of employees. For additional compensation and mileage of members of the House sentatives, and of Representatives and delegates from Territories for the present Congress, seven hundred and seventy-three thousand four hundred and thirtytwo dollars; and to enable the clerk of the House of Representatives to pay the additional compensation to its employes and others authorized by the resolution of the House of Representatives of August fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, a sum sufficient for that purpose is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and is hereby added to the contingent fund of the House of Representatives. Revenue cutters on the Lakes. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized to cause to be sold at public auction Sale of the In- the revenue-cutter "Ingham," now stationed at Detroit, and the "Harri graham, and of the Harrison. Officers for said cutters. Additional son," now stationed at Oswego, and in lieu thereof, to cause to be built six cutters for the protection of the revenue on the lakes, of the burden of about fifty tons each; and that the sum of forty-five thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for said purpose, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in addition to the proceeds of the sale above authorized. SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That not more than two competent officers (one of whom to be a captain or first lieutenant, at the discretion of said Secretary) shall be allowed to each of said six cutters. SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That in addition to those now clerks of Post- allowed by law, the Postmaster-General shall be authorized to employ master-General. four clerks of class one; and the sum of four thousand eight hundred dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated to pay such increased compensation and the clerks thus authorized, including arrears now due to temporary clerks to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven. Purchase of SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to purchase for the United States the three stores at stores at Atlantic the Atlantic dock, at the port of New York, now held by the United dock. States under a lease for a term of years, and the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be required for the purpose, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That the title to said stores, and the grounds thereunto belonging, shall be made to the United States in such manner as shall be satisfactory to the President. SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the commissioner under the Commissioner under reciprotreaty with Great Britain, of June fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, city treaty with shall be allowed the sum of four dollars per diem for subsistence, the Great Britain. same to be paid out of the appropriation made on the first of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, "for the prosecution of the work, including pay of commissioner, and all other expenses provided in the first article of the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain." Extra allow &c. in land offi SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That in the settlement of the accounts of registers and receivers of the public land-offices, the Secretary ances for clerks, of the Interior be and he is hereby authorized to allow, subject to the ces. approval of Congress, such reasonable compensation for additional clerical services and extraordinary expenses incident to said offices as he shall think just and proper, and report to Congress all such cases of allowance at each succeeding session, with estimates of the sum or sums required to pay the same. SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the holders of the war bonds of the State of California the amount of money appropriated by act of Congress approved May [August] fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four " in payment of expenses incurred and now actually paid by the State of California for the suppression of Indian hostilities within the said State prior to the first day of January, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-four, under the following restrictions and regulations: Before any bonds shall be redeemed by the Secretary of War, they shall be presented to the board of commissioners appointed by the legislature of said State by an act approved April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, and the amount due and payable upon each bond be endorsed thereon by said commissioners. Upon presentation to the Secretary of War of any bond or bonds thus endorsed, it shall be his duty to draw his warrant in favor of the holder or holders thereof for the amount certified to be due upon the same by the said commissioners, upon the Secretary of the Treasury, who is hereby directed to pay the same: Provided, That said amounts in the aggregate shall not exceed the amount of money appropriated by act of Congress approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, said bonds, after redemption, and after taking off the coupons that may remain unpaid, shall be delivered to the Secretary of War to be cancelled. Payment authorized to holdof California. ers of war bonds 1854, ch. 267. aminers and as SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That there shall be appointed and paid, Additional exin the manner now provided by law, two principal examiners and two assistant examisistant examiners, in addition to the examining force now authorized by ners in the Patlaw to be so employed in the Patent-Office. ent-Office. those grades SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioner of Pat- Payment of ents is hereby authorized to pay those employed in the United States persons acting in Patent-Office from April first eighteen hundred and fifty-four until April heretofore." first eighteen hundred and fifty-five, as examiners and assistant examiners of patents, at the rates fixed by law for these respective grades: Provided, That the same be paid out of the Patent-Office fund, and that the compensation thus paid shall not exceed that received by those duly en rolled as examiners and assistant examiners of patents for the same period. Examination SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be into expenses of directed to examine into the amount of expenses necessarily incurred in suppression of Indian hostilities the suppression of Indian hostilities in the late Indian war in Oregon and in Oregon and Washington, by the territorial governments of said Territories, for the Washington. Pay of clerk of courts in S. Illi nois for trans maintenance of the volunteer forces engaged in said war, including pay of volunteers, and that he may, if in his judgment it be necessary, direct a commission of three to proceed to ascertain and report to him all expenses incurred for purposes above specified. SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the compensation of the clerk of the district and circuit courts of the United States for the southern cribing records district of Illinois, for transcribing certain records under the act of Con under act of 1856, ch. 18. Payment to commissioners gress approved April twenty-third eighteen hundred and fifty-six, shall be the same as is authorized by the act of February twenty-six, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, concerning fees and costs for copying records and attending courts during their sittings. SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That there be allowed and paid of land claims in to the late commissioners for settling private land claims in California, California and appointed under the act of March third eighteen hundred and fifty-one, their disbursing and acts additional thereto, one month's salary for services rendered sub agents. Payment to certain Chero sequent to March third eighteen hundred and fifty-six, (and to the several disbursing agents for said commission the same compensation for the receipt and disbursement of monies as are allowed to other disbursing officers of the government in California, the same to be paid out of the unexpended balance of monies heretofore appropriated for the salaries and expenses of said commission.) SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Intekees east of the rior ascertain the number of Cherokees east of the Mississippi that were Mississippi. omitted in the census taken by D. W. Siler in eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and pay the five thousand dollars appropriated by the eighth section of the act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, approved July thirty-one eighteen hundred and fifty-four, to said Indians, according to the per capita distribution made by the Department of the Interior, in pursuance of the principles contained in the opinion of the Attorney-General of the United States on that subject, of April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one. Salary of Chaplain of Penitentiary. SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That the annual compensation of the chaplain to the United States Penitentiary shall be five hundred dollars, and twenty per cent. on the same, from July first eighteen hundred and fifty-three. Rate of paySEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That there shall be paid to John ment for Globe C. Rives, by the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of and Appendix. Representatives, out of the contingent funds of the two houses, according Special exam &c., be to the number of copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix taken by each, one cent for every five pages of that work exceeding three thousand pages, for a long session, or fifteen hundred pages for a short one, including the indexes and the laws of the United States, commencing with this session. SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasiner of drugs, ury be and he is hereby authorized and required to appoint a suitably pointed at San qualified person as special examiner of drugs, chemicals, medicines, &c., at San Francisco in California, whose annual salary shall be two thousand dollars. Francisco. Public build ings at Portsmouth, SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be constructed the following buildings. At Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for the accommodation of the custom Ν. Η. house, post-office, and United States courts, a building of stone, with fireproof floors, of iron beams and brickwork, iron roof, shutters, sills, &c., eighty-five feet long by sixty wide and sixty feet high, to cost not more than eighty-eight thousand dollars. At Nashville, Tennessee, for the accommodation of the custom-house, Nashville, Tenn. post-office, United States courts, and steamboat inspectors, a building of like materials, eighty-five feet long by sixty deep and sixty feet high, to cost not more than ninety-five thousand dollars. Ogdensburg, At Ogdensburg, New York, for the accommodation of the custom-house and post-office, a building of like materials, sixty feet long by forty-five N. Y. deep and thirty-two feet high, to cost not more than fifty thousand dollars. Georgetown, At Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, for the accommodation of At Dubuque, Iowa, for the accommodation of the custom-house, post- Dubuque, Iowa. Knoxville, At Knoxville, Tennessee, for the accommodation of the custom-house, post-office, and United States courts, a building of like materials, eighty- Tenn. five feet long by sixty deep and sixty feet high, to cost not more than eighty-eight thousand dollars. At Galena, Illinois, for the accommodation of the custom-house and Galena, III. post-office, a building of like materials, sixty feet long by forty-five deep and thirty-two feet high, to cost not more than fifty thousand dollars. At Springfield, Illinois, for the accommodation of the United States Springfield, Ill. courts and post-office, a building of like materials, sixty feet long by forty-five deep and thirty-two feet high, to cost not more than fifty thousand dollars. Rutland and At Rutland and at Windsor, Vermont, suitable buildings for the accommodation of the circuit and district courts of the United States, and the Windsor, Vt. several offices connected therewith, and the post-offices at said Rutland and Windsor, the cost of which shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars each: Provided, That no money shall be expended under this act for the erection of a custom-house, where the duties collected do not equal the expense of collection. Appropriation SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That the several sums mentioned in the preceding section of this act, as the cost of the buildings therein therefor. authorized to be constructed, together with ten per cent. thereon to cover the compensation of architects, superintendence, advertising, and other contingent expenses, and so much as may be required to purchase suitable sites for said buildings, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the purposes aforesaid, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That no money hereby appropriated shall be Proviso that used or applied for the purposes mentioned until a valid title to the land title be first sefor the site of such buildings in each case shall be vested in the United cured and right States, and until the State shall also duly release and relinquish to the United States the right to tax or in any way assess said site, or the property of the United States that may be thereon, during the time that the said United States shall be or remain the owner thereof. to tax released. Custom-house Ohio. SEC. 20. And be it further enacted, That to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to enlarge the building now in progress of construction to at Sandusky, be used as a custom-house and post-office, at Sandusky, Ohio, by the addition of another story, and otherwise, as said Secretary may deem expedient, the sum of nineteen thousand five hundred dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated, with the per cent. thereon for contingencies : Provided, That the money hereby appropriated shall not be expended |