Imágenes de páginas

Vol. vii. p. 379.

Vol. vii. p. 395.

Vol. vii. p. 296.

For life annuity to chief, per third article treaty twentieth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, two hundred dollars.

For life annuity to chiefs, per third article treaty twenty-sixth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, seven hundred dollars.

For education, during the pleasure of Congress, per third article treaty Vol. vii. p. 317. sixteenth October, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, second article Vol. vii. p. 379. treaty twentieth September, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and fourth article treaty twenty-seventh October, eighteen hundred and thirtytwo, five thousand dollars.

For permanent provision for the payment of money, in lieu of tobacco, Vol. vii. p. 317. iron, and steel, per second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen Vol. ix. p. 854. hundred and twenty-eight, and tenth article of the treaty of the fifth and seventeenth June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, three hundred dollars.

For permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt, per second article Vol. vii. p. 320. treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two hundred and fifty dollars.

Vol. ix.

p. 854.


of Huron.

For interest on six hundred and forty-three thousand dollars, at five per centum, per seventh article of the treaty of the fifth and seventeenth June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, thirty-two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.

Pottawatomies of Huron.-For permanent annuity in money or otherVol. vii. p. 107. wise, per second article treaty seventeenth November, eighteen hundred and seven, four hundred dollars.


Vol. vii. p. 425.

Chasta, Scoton, and Umpqua Indians.

Quapaws. For education during the pleasure of the President, per third article treaty thirteenth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one thousand dollars.

For blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, and iron and steel for shop, during the pleasure of the President, per third article treaty thirteenth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one thousand and sixty dollars.

For farmer during the pleasure of the President, per third article treaty thirteenth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, six hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaties negotiated eighteenth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, with certain bands of

Chasta, Scoton, and Umpqua Indians.-For second of fifteen instalments of annuity, to be expended as directed by the President, per third Vol. x. p. 1122. article treaty eighteenth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two

Rogue Rivers.

thousand dollars.

For second of fifteen instalments for the pay of a farmer, per fifth article treaty eighteenth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars.

For second of five instalments for support of two smiths' shops, per fifth article treaty eighteenth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand one hundred and twenty dollars.

For second of ten instalments for pay of physician, medicines, and expense of care of the sick, per fifth article treaty eighteenth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand and sixty dollars.

For second of fifteen instalments for pay of teachers and purchase of books and stationery, per fifth article treaty eighteenth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand two hundred dollars.

Rogue Rivers.-For third of sixteen instalments in blankets, clothing, Vol. x. p, 1018. farming utensils, and stock, per third article treaty tenth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, two thousand and five hundred dol

Sacs and Foxes


Sacs and Foxes of Mississippi.-For permanent annuity in goods or of Mississippi. otherwise, per third article treaty third November, eighteen hundred and Vol. vii. p. 85. four, one thousand dollars.

For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments as annuity in specie, per third article treaty twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, twenty thousand dollars.

For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments for gunsmith, per fourth article treaty twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, ix hundred dollars.

For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments for iron and steel, for shop, per fourth article treaty twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirtytwo, two hundred and twenty dollars.

For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments for blacksmith and assistant, shop, and tools, per fourth article treaty twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, eight hundred and forty dollars.

For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments for iron and steel, for shop, per fourth article treaty twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirtytwo, two hundred and twenty dollars.

For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments for forty barrels of salt and forty kegs of tobacco, per fourth article treaty twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, one thousand dollars.

Vol. vii. p. 375.

For interest on two hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, per second article treaty twenty-first October, eighteen hundred and thirty- Vol. vii. p. 540. seven, ten thousand dollars.

For interest on eight hundred thousand dollars at five per centum, per second article treaty eleventh October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, forty thousand dollars.

Sacs and Foxes of Missouri.-For interest on one hundred and fiftyseven thousand, four hundred dollars at five per centum, under the direction of the President, per second article treaty twenty-first October, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, seven thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars.

For the third instalment upon forty-eight thousand dollars, per second article treaty eighteenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, ten thousand dollars.

Senecas. For permanent annuity in specie, per fourth article treaty twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and seventeen, five hundred dollars.

For permanent annuity in specie, per fourth article treaty seventeenth September, eighteen hundred and eighteen, five hundred dollars.

Vol. vii. p. 596.

Sacs and Foxes of Missouri.

Vol. vii. p. 540.

Vol. x. p. 1074.


Vol. vii. p. 161.

Vol. vii. p. 175.

For blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, and iron and steel, during the pleasure of the President, per fourth article treaty twenty-eighth Vol. vii. p. 349. February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, one thousand and sixty dollars.

For miller, during the pleasure of the President, per fourth article treaty twenty-eighth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six hundred dollars.

Senecas of New York.-For permanent annuity, in lieu of interest on stock, per act of nineteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six thousand dollars.

For interest, in lieu of investment, on seventy-five thousand dollars at five per centum, per act of twenty-seventh June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For interest at five per centum, on forty-three thousand and fifty dollars, transferred from Ontario Bank to the United States treasury, per act of twenty-seventh June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents.

Senecas of New York. 1831, ch. 26.

1846, ch. 84.

Senecas and

Senecas and Shawnees.-For permanent annuity in specie, per fourth article treaty seventeenth September, eighteen hundred and eighteen, one Shawnees. thousand dollars.

For blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, and iron and steel for shop, during the pleasure of the President, per fourth article treaty,

Vol. vii. p. 179.

Vol. vii. p. 352.


Vol. vii. p. 51. Vol. x. p. 1056.

Six Nations.

twentieth July, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, one thousand and sixty dollars.

Shawnees. For permanent annuity for educational purposes, per fourth article treaty third August, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, and third article treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand dollars.

For third instalment of interest at five per centum on forty thousand dollars for education, per third article treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars.

For third of eight annual instalments of money, in payment for lands, per third article treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one hundred thousand dollars.

For permanent annuity for educational purposes, per fourth article treaty twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and seventeen, and third article treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars.

Six Nations of New York.-For permanent annuity in clothing and Vol. vii. p. 46. other useful articles, per sixth article treaty eleventh November, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, four thousand five hundred dollars.

Sioux of Miss.

Sioux of Mississippi.-For interest on three hundred thousand dollars Vol. vii. p. 538. at five per centum, per second article treaty twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, fifteen thousand dollars.

Vol. x. p. 949.

Vol. x. p. 954.


and Munsees.

1849, ch. 106. 1855, ch. 204.

For the last of twenty instalments in goods, per second article treaty twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, ten thousand dollars.

For the last of twenty instalments for the purchase of medicines, agricultural implements, and for the support of farmer, physician, and blacksmith, per second article treaty twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, eight thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For the last of twenty instalments for provisions, per second article treaty twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, five thousand five hundred dollars.

For sixth of fifty instalments of interest at five per centum on one million three hundred and sixty thousand dollars, per fourth article treaty twenty-third July, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, sixty-eight thousand dollars.

For sixth of fifty instalments of interest at five per centum on one hundred and twelve thousand dollars, being the amount in lieu of the reservations set apart in the third article of Senate's amendment of twenty-third June, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, to treaty twenty-third July, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, five thousand six hundred dollars.

For sixth of fifty instalments of interest at five per centum on one million one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, per fourth article treaty fifth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, fifty-eight thousand dollars.

For sixth of fifty instalments of interest at five per centum on sixtynine thousand dollars, being the amount allowed in lieu of the reservation of lands set apart by the third article of Senate's amendment of twentythird June, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, to treaty fifth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, three thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. Stockbridges and Munsees.-For expenses of improvements, per second and fourth articles of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, forty-one thousand one hundred dollars.

For expenses of their removal to the lands granted them by the provisions of the second and fifth articles of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, two thousand five hundred and seventyfive dollars; and the amount now in the treasury appropriated by acts of third March, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, and thirty-first July, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, for the removal of the Stockbridges, shall also be applicable to the expenses of the removal provided in the treaty aforesaid.

For payment for improvements on lands ceded by the first article of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, per fifteenth article of said treaty, five thousand dollars.

For purchase of stock and necessaries, and to settle their affairs, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in conformity with the amendment of the Senate to the second article of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, eighteen thousand dollars.

For the expenses of the survey and allotment of lands, per third article of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, seventeen hundred dollars; and the sum of two thousand dollars now in the treasury, appropriated by the act of third March, eighteen hundred and fortynine, as the first instalment to "sachems and chiefs," per amendment of the Senate to the treaty of twenty-fourth November, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, and now relinquished by the first article of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, shall also be applied for the expenses of said survey and allotment.

For expenses of the examination and adjustment, by direction of the Secretary of the Interior, of lots allotted to the Stockbridges, under the act of third March, eighteen hundred and forty-three, per thirteenth article of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, seven hundred and fifty dollars: Provided, That no part of the appropriations for the Stockbridges and Munsees shall be expended until the assent of said Indians to the Senate amendments to said treaty shall first be obtained.

Treaty of Fort Laramie.-For sixth of ten instalments, in provisions Treaty of Fort and merchandise, for payment of annuities and transportation of the Laramie. same to certain tribes of Indians, per seventh article treaty seventeenth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and Senate's amendment

thereto, seventy thousand dollars.

Umpquas (Cow Creek Band.)-For third of twenty instalments in blank- Umpquas (Cow ets, clothing, provisions, and stock, per third article treaty nineteenth Creek). September, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, five hundred and fifty


Fulfilling the articles of twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, with the

Umpquas and Calapooias, of Umpqua Valley, Oregon. For second Umpquas and of five instalments of annuity for beneficial objects, to be expended as Umpqua valley. Calapooias, of directed by the President, per third article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, three thousand dollars.

For second of ten instalments for the pay of a blacksmith and furnishing shop, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand and sixty dollars.

For second of fifteen instalments for the pay of a physician and purchase of medicines, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand dollars.

For second of ten instalments for the pay of a farmer, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars.

For second of twenty instalments for the pay of a teacher and purchase of books and stationery, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, seven hundred dollars.

Fulfilling the articles negotiated tenth January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, with certain bands of

Vol. x. p. 1125.



Calapooias, Molala, and Clackamas Indians, of Willamette Valley. Calapooias, &c. For second of five instalments of annuity for beneficial objects, per second article treaty tenth January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, ten thousand dollars.

For second of five instalments for pay of physician, teacher, black


smith, and farmer, per third article treaty tenth January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand two hundred and sixty dollars.

Utahs. For fulfilling treaty stipulations with the Utahs, pursuant to Vol. ix. p. 984. the requirements of eighth article treaty thirtieth December, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, five thousand dollars.

Vol. vii. p. 323.

Winnebagoes. For twenty-eighth of thirty instalments as annuity specie, per second article treaty first August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, eighteen thousand dollars.

For twenty-fifth of twenty-seven instalments as annuity in specie, per Vol. vii. p. 371. third article treaty fifteenth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, ten thousand dollars.

For twenty-eighth of thirty instalments for fifty barrels of salt, per second article treaty first August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For twenty-eighth of thirty instalments for three thousand pounds of tobacco, per second article treaty first August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, six hundred dollars.

For twenty-fifth of twenty-seven instalments for one thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco, per fifth article treaty fifteenth September eighteen hundred and thirty-two, three hundred dollars.

For twenty-eighth of thirty instalments, for three smiths and assistants, per third article treaty first August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars.

For twenty-eighth of thirty instalments for iron and steel for shop, per third article treaty first August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, six hundred and sixty dollars.

For twenty-eighth of thirty instalments for laborer and oxen, per third article treaty first August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, three hundred and sixty-five dollars.

For twenty-fifth of twenty-seven instalments for education, per fourth article treaty fifteenth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, three thousand dollars.

For twenty-fifth of twenty-seven instalments for six agriculturists, purchase of oxen, ploughs, and other implements, per fifth article treaty fifteenth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For twenty-fifth of twenty-seven instalments for the pay of two physicians, per fifth article treaty fifteenth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, four hundred dollars.

For interest on one million one hundred thousand dollars, at five per Vol. vii. p. 545. centum, per fourth article treaty first November, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, fifty-five thousand dollars.

For tenth of thirty instalments of interest on eighty-five thousand dolVol. ix. p. 878. lars, at five per centum, per fourth article treaty thirteenth October, eighteen hundred and forty-six, four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.


Wyandots. For second of three equal instalments upon three hundred and eighty thousand dollars, in lieu of former annuities and claims, per Vol. x. p. 1159. sixth article treaty thirty-first January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one hundred and twenty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.

Miscellaneous. 1819, ch. 85.

Post, p. 21.

Miscellaneous. For carrying into effect the object of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and nineteen, making provision for the civilization of the Indian tribes, the sum of five thousand dollars, in addition to the sum specified in said act, to be expended in the manner provided in said act.

For surveying and marking the boundaries of the Choctaw and Chickasaw countries, in pursuance of the provisions of the nineteenth article of the treaty of twenty-second June, anno Domini, eighteen hundred

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