Imágenes de páginas




From Dahkota City, by Ayoway Creek and Running Water River, to

Fort Laramie.

From Dahkota City to Fort Pierre.

From Amadi to Sergeants Bluff, Iowa.

From Plattsmouth, by Kenosha and Wyoming, to Kearney City.

From Wyoming to Sidney, Iowa.

From Wyoming to Salt Creek.

From Nebraska City to Salt Creek.

From Kearney City to New Fort Kearney.

From Brownville to New Fort Kearney.

From Brownville to Linden, Missouri.

From Missouri River, between Great and Little Nemaha River, by

Archer and Salem, and to Big Blue River.


From Leipsic, via Ottoway, Buckey, and Cairo Lima.

From Lallipolis, by Mercersville, Kennedy's Cross Roads and Scottsville, to Quaker Bottom.

From Lee to Berlin Cross Roads.

From Oak Hill, via Centerville, Ridgeways, Harrisburg Porter, Pine Grove, Anselm, and Rigersville, to Middle Port.

From Oakhill via Centerville, Ridgeway's Harrisburg, Pine Grove, Anselm, Kygerville, Middle Port, to Pomeroy.

From Gilliad, by Westfield, Milton Corners, Jackson, and Pleasantville to Portageville, in Hancock county.

From Kinsman, via East Gustavus, Lindinville, and East Cherry Valley, to Jefferson Court-House.

From New Philadelphia, via Buchers, Rogersville, Rowville, New Bedford, Kelley's, to Millersburg.

From Beaceville, via New Falls, to Milton.

From New London, via Clinton, North Fairfield, to Centreston, and Steuben.

From Harrisonville to Wilksville, through Salem township.

From Cambridge, Guernsey county, via Creighton, Adamsville, to

Dresden, in Muskingum county, Ohio, (twenty-eight miles.)
From New London to Centreville.

From "Lee's," in Athens county, to Berlins Cross Roads.
From Sunfish to Woodsfield.

From Marysville, by the Kenton Pike, to Boke's Creek post-office.
From Canton, Stark county, via Mount Airy and McDonaldsville, to

Akron, in Summit county.

From Pomeroy, Ohio, via Chester, Meigs county, Coalville, Athens county, Belpre, Washington county, Ohio, to Parkersburgh, Virginia. From Dayton, in Montgomery county, via Clayton, to Centre, in said county.


From Corvallis, in Benton county, to Eugene City, via Pierce's Office, on the Coast Fork, on the Williamettee River, to Winchester, in Douglas county.


From Bristol, via Londebaugh's Corner, Oxford Valley, Summerville, and Ashland, to Dallington.

From Bethlehem to Bath.

From New Castle, via Brooks, Harlandsburg, and Pelain Grove, to Centerville, (Stepping Rock,) Post-Office.

From Bristol, by Londe Borough's Corner, Oxford Valley, Summerville and Oakland, to Dallington.

From Bristol, via Centreville and Falls, to Yardleville.

From Shakelegville, via Londy Creek and Luttons' Corner, to Evans


From Reading, in Berks county, to New Holland, in Lancaster county.
From Staddardsville, via Clifton, to Summersville.

From Saxonburgh, via Cypher's Cross Roads and Winfield Furnace, to
Slate Lick.

From Kittaning, via Davis', Knoxville, Rural Village, to Dayton.

From Brady's Bend, via Miller's Ferry and Black Fox Furnace, to Callensburg.

From Worthington to Millersburg.

From New Washington, via Miller's Store, Horton's and Neal's Mill, to Punxsatawney.

From Southwest to Garland.

From Callensburg to Reimenburg in Clarion County.

From Morrisdale to Kylartown.

From Punxsatawney, via Speankles Mill, to Pleasantville.

From Laporte, via Eaglesmen, Forkville, Eldreds, Shenk, to Canton.

From Brady's Bend to Miller's Eddy.

From Wind Gap P. O., by Bushhill Center, to Moorstown P. О.

From Indiana to West Lebanon, in Indiana county.

From Centerville, (Penn's Creek P. O.,) through Mercer's Valley, to

Middle Creek P. O.


From Natural Grove to Johnsonville.

From Yorkville to Lyon's Store, North Carolina.

From Jefferson P. O., via Neil Graham's, Blackeney's Bridge, Lynchwood, and Perkins, to Camden.

From Lexington Court-House, by Sawyer's Mills, Bull Swamp, to F. M. Rastes, &c.

From Camden, via Jefferson, McCroghan, Chesterfield, C. H., to Cheraw.

From Ninety-six Depot, via Coopersville, Grove Hill, to Richardson


From Ritching's Mills, via Robert Garvin's, jr., and Neil Ablis, to Rishe's Store.


From Seviersville to Strawberry Plains.

From Hillsboro, by Prairie Plains, Kenley's Store, to Deehard, Frank

lin county.

From Russelsville to Sneidsville.

From Clinton, via Montgomery, Jamestown, to Livingston.

From Concord, via Scarborough Mills, to Robertsville.

From Post Oak Springs to Yellow Springs.

From Waverly to Dover by Magnolia, in Stewart County.

From Straight Fork to Snyders.

From Russelville, via Spring Vale and Warrensburg, to Conoy Branch.

From Springhill, via Vastal's Fan Yard and Santa Fe, to Williams


From Speedwell, via Clearfork, to Boston, (Kentucky.)

From Lebanan to Cookville, via Gordensville and Trousdale's Ferry.
From Concord, via Lowe's Ferry P. O., and Louisville, Marysville,

to Mount Vale Springs.

From Mossy Creek, by Leadvale and Parrotsville, to Warm Springs, (N. C.)

From McMinville, (Tenn.) to Danville, (Ken.) via Sparta, Cookville, Livingston, (Tenn.) thence to Danville.

South Carolina.


[blocks in formation]

From Austin, via Kapps Mills, Cannonville, Pittsburg, Middleton, and Curiate, to Sisterdale.

From Wheelock, by Owensville, Eutaw, Polk, and Steel's Creek, to

From Liberty, via Livingston and Sumpter, to Crockett.
From Eutaw, via Alto Springs, to Springfield.

From Waco, by Birdsdale, Alton, and Sherman's, to Preston's.

From Jefferson, via Linden, Douglassville, Boston, and De Kalb, to

From Dallas, by Birdsville and Weatherford, to Fort Belknap.
From Paris, via Greenville, to Kaufman.

From Austin, by Gatesville, Meridian, and Wardville, to Dallas.
From Crockett, via Palestine and Athens, to Kaufman.

From Kaufman, via Millwood, Spring Hill, to Bonham.

From Tyler, in Smith county, by Hamburg and Teleco, to Waxa

hache's, in Ellis county.

From Birdville, via Ashland, Walnut Creek Village, to Fort Belknap. From Alton, via Dallette, Ranch, Ashland, Cream Level, to Weath erford.

From San Antonio to San Diego, in California.

From McKinney, via Alton, to Birdville.

From Alto, in Cherokee county, by Rusk, Jacksonville, Larisso, to

Tyler in Smith county.

From Camden, via Belleview and Berrien, to Tyler.

From Indianola, by New Braumfels and Middleton, to Fredericksburg.
From Chaffeville, via Lafayette, Bacon's Store, to Quitman.

From Palestine to Alto Springs.

From Henderson to Carthage, via Grand Bluff.

From Linwood, by the Rossel Place, near the Ferry on Neuces River

and Hancock's, to Noyallis Prairie, in Trinity county.

From Anderson, via Kellum's, Sulphur Springs, Lee's, Vassbuiders, Wilson's Store, Joseph Henson's, to Fairfield.

From Bonham, via Kentucky Town and Pilot Grove, to McKinney. From Springfield, by Killsborough, Wardville, Fort Worth, and Mount Calem, to Birdsville.

From Tyler, via Hamburg, Telico, to Waxahatchie.

From Crockett by Randolph, Calthops, and Fishers, to Nachogdoches.
From Clarksville, via Mt. Pleasant, to Tyler.

From Henderson, via Knoxville, Larissa and Kickapoo, to Palestine in

Anderson county.

From Austin to Fredericksburg.

From Tarrant, by Paris and Lake creek, to Jernigan.
From Austin, via Florence and Gatesville, to Waco.

From Jasper, by Anderson's Ferry on the Angelina River, Motts, and

Jonesville, in Cherokee county.

From Galveston, via Richmond, to Lagrange.

From Cofferville, Upshur county, by Lafayette Bacon's Store and Hooker's, to Quitman, in Wood county.

From Austin, via up the west bank of the Colorado, to Burn's Ford, from thence by Mormon Mill to Hamilton.

From Nacogdoches by Rainbolts, Caledonia, and Walnut Hill, to

Carthage, in Panola county

From Austin, via Burleson, to Gatesville.

From Fort Belknap to Preston.

From Liberty Hill to Lamposas.

From Sabine Pass, via Beaumont and Jasper, to San Augustine.

From Austin to Benleson.

From Fredericksburg to Austin.

From San Augustine via Carthage and Brewster's Bluff, to Marshall's.
From La Grange, in Fayette county, to Galveston, via Richmond.

From Austin to Gatesville, Coyell county.

From Huntsville, via Madisonville, Leona, Centreville, Fairfield, and Corsicanica to Waxahatchie.

From Tyler, by Hamburg, Brownsboro, Athens, Buffalo, Taos, to Waxa


From Anderson, via Kellem's Springs, Lee, Washbimdee's, Wilson's Store, and Henson's, to Fairfield.

From Alto to Sumpter.

From Cedar City, via Harmon's Pine Valley, to Santa Clora.

From Paris, by Wright's Ferry, on Red River, Lackfatah, Eaglestown, Pytchlin's, Howell's, Harris' Mill, and Sterritt's, to Hot Springs, in Arkansas.


From Cedar City, via Harmony, Pine Valley, to Santa Clara.


From Morgantown, via Urffington, Clinton Furnace and Gladesville, to Kingwood.

From Central Plains, to Seven Island in the county of Flurvanna.

From Boggsville, via Spring Creek, to Running Spring.

From West Milford, via New Milton, to Oxford.

From Goshen Bridge, Alum Springs, to Cowpasture Bridge.

From Rock Creek, via Mouth Gilbert Creek, Little Halfs Creek, and

Clearfield Fork of Sandy River, to Tazwell Court-house.

From near Coleman's Store, Jackson county, via Pond and Tucker's Creeks, to West co. house.

From Penn's Boro to North Bend.

From Middlebourne, via Mouth Elk Fork Creek and Carises Schoolhouse, to New Martinsville.

From Jackson Court-house, via Elk Fork of Mill Creek, to Walton.
From Langley, via Lewinville, to Fairlfield C. H.

From Sweet Spring to Stephen Hooks.

From Blaunt's Store to Sinking Creek.

From Central Depot on V. & F. R. R. to Laurel Fork.

From Madison in Rockingham county, North Carolina, via Smith's Store, and Smith and Moore's Store in Henry county, Virginia, to Horse Pasture Store, in the same county.

From Martinsville, via Fraylorsville and County Line Mills, thence by Magis Store and Spa Brook Station, to Patrick Court-house.

From Elamsville, via Mr. Griffin's Store and Robert Sander's, to Rocky Mount in Franklin county.

From Martinsville, via Rough and Ready Mills, and Pallamans, to Mr. Griffin's Store in Franklin county.

From Leatherwood's Store in Henry county, by Elger's Store, to Shady Grove in Franklin county.

From Nevis Ferry, on the Richmond and Danville railroad, via Peytonsburg and Raceville, to Chalk Level in Pittsylvania.

From Appomatox Depot, on the South Side railroad, via Oakville and Panky and Gray's Store, to Berk Creek.

From Central Plains to Seven Islands, Flurvanna county.

From Amherst C. H., via Pedler Mills, to Big Island, Bedford county.
From Jettersville, in Amelia county, to Cumberland C. H.

From Chapmansville, Logan county, by Mrs. Toney's and Twelve

Miles Creek, to Wayne Court-house.

From Central Depot, Virginia and Tennessee railroad, Montgomery
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county, Virginia, via Grayson's Mills, to Indian Creek, Floyd county, Virginia.


From Lynden Corner to Island Pond.


From Sparta C. H., by Burr Oak, Los Angelos, Galesville, to Monteville on the Mississippi.

From Mineral Point, by Linden, Constance, Highland, Tulaskee, Miscada and Orion, to Richland Centre.

From Burlington in the county of Racine, by the way of Vienna, Honey Creek, East Troy and Troy Centre, in the county of Waurester.

From Port Andrew, via Spencer's, Petersburg and Langdon's, to Lynxville.

From Ontonagon to Superior.

From Hudson, via River Falls, Forestville, Seely's, to North Pepin.
From River Falls, in Pierce county, to Brookville in St. Croix county.
From Mineral Point to Orion and Richland Centre.

From Labrosse in Jarget, Lake Hokah, San-Jacinto, Houston, Rushford,

Chatfield, High Forest, to Mankota, Minnesota Territory.

From Unleith, (Illinois,) via Potosi, to Lancaster, Wisconsin.
From Hayle Green, via Meeker's, North Elk Grove, and Bethel, to
Cottage Inn.

From Wingville, via Sylvester and Knowlton's Mill, Bascobel, Manhatton, Marietta, Towersville, to Vieroquar.

From Newport, via Plainville, Point, Bluff, Quincy, Strong's Prairie, Grand Rapids and Plover Portage, to Steven's Point.

From Hudson to St. Paul.

From Hudson, via River Falls and Rush River, to North Pepin.
From Hudson to Prescott (increase) Prairie du Chien to Stillwater (do.)
From Prairie du Chien, by Johnson's Landing and Waukon Iowa, to

Elliotta, Minnesota Territory.

From Kewaunee to Sturgeon Bay.

From Green Bay to Wausau.

From Columbus, via Waterloo, to Jefferson.

From Waupacca, via Secundinaria to Steven's Point.

From Wyocena, via Pardueville to Montillo.

From Warsaw to Bayfield.

From Bayfield to Superior.

From Falls of St. Croix, to Bayfield, Minnesota.

From Berlin, in Marquette county, to Steven's Point, in Portage county.


From Cowlitta Landing to Boice, Fort Prairie.

From Pacific City to Olympia, via Oysterville and Bruceport.

From Cathlamet to Olympia.

From Oakpoint to Mount Prairie.

From Olympia, to Fort Montgomery, via Nathan Eaton's, and Selm


From Steilacoom, to Fort Walla Walla, via Military Road.

From Steilacoom, to Seattle.

APPROVED, August 18, 1856.

Aug. 18, 1856. CHAP. CLXIX. An Act supplemental to an Act entitled "An Act to amend the several acts respecting Copyright," approved February third, eighteen hundred and thirty-one. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any copyright hereafter

1881, ch. 16.

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