Imágenes de páginas

Assay Office at

New York.



Assay Office, New York. For salaries of officers and clerks, nineteen thousand two hundred dollars.

For wages of workmen, forty-three thousand dollars.


Territory of Oregon.-For salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary, twelve thousand five hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars.

Territory of Minnesota. For salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary, nine thousand three hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty-six Appropriation thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter said compensation, mileage not to be exceed- and contingent expenses shall not exceed the sums previously appropriated

ed hereafter.

New Mexico,





Judiciary. Salaries of Judges.


Territory of New Mexico. -For salaries of governor, superintendent of Indian affairs, three judges, and secretary, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars.

To enable the governor to employ an interpreter or translator, five hundred dollars.

For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars.

For providing for fire-proof vaults for the security of the archives of the Territory of New Mexico, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

Territory of Utah. -For salaries of governor, superintendent of Indian affairs, three judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars.

Territory of Washington.-For salaries of governor, superintendent of Indian affairs, three judges, and secretary, twelve thousand five hundred dollars.


For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars.

Territory of Nebraska. For salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars.

Territory of Kansas. For salaries of governor, three judges and secretary, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Judiciary. For salaries of the chief justice of the Supreme Court and eight associate judges, fifty-four thousand five hundred dollars.

For salary of the circuit judge of California, four thousand five hundred dollars.

For salaries of the district judges, one hundred and one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For salaries of the Chief Justice of the District of Columbia, the associate judges, and the judges of the criminal court, and the orphans' court, eleven thousand seven hundred dollars.

Office of the Attorney-General. For salaries of the Attorney-General Office of Attorand the clerks and messenger in his office, eighteen thousand and forty ney-General. dollars.

For contingent expenses of the office of the Attorney-General, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For legal assistance and other necessary expenditures in the disposal of private land claims in California, twelve thousand dollars.

For purchase of law and necessary books, and binding for the office of

the Attorney-General, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For the purchase of Mexican and Spanish law-books for the office of the Attorney-General, five hundred dollars.

For fuel and labor for the office of the Attorney-General, five hundred dollars.

For office furniture and book cases for office of Attorney-General, five hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of commission for codifying laws of District Codifying laws

of Columbia, including necessary books, six hundred dollars.

For compensation of the District Attorneys, eleven thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation of the marshals, nine thousand eight hundred dollars.
For salary of the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, one

thousand three hundred dollars.

of Dis. of Col.

District Attor





For salaries of two commissioners to codify laws of the District of Co- to codify laws. lumbia, six thousand dollars.

Court of Claims. For salaries of three judges of the Court of Claims, Court of Claims. the solicitor, assistant solicitor, and deputy, clerk and assistant clerks, and messenger thereof, twenty-seven thousand dollars.

For stationery, fuel, gas, labor, printing, and miscellaneous items for the Court of Claims, three thousand dollars.

For fees of witnesses, in behalf of the government, in the Court of Claims, and of agents or attorneys to be appointed by the solicitor thereof, to attend to the taking of depositions, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Independent Treasury. - For salaries of the assistant treasurers of the Independent United States, at New York, Boston, Charleston, and St. Louis, sixteen Treasury. thousand five hundred dollars.

For additional salaries of the treasurer of the mint at Philadelphia of one thousand dollars, and of the treasurer of the branch mint at New Orleans of five hundred dollars, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For salaries of six of the additional clerks authorized by the acts of sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, twelfth August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, thirty-first August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and fourth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six thousand five hundred dollars.

For salary of additional clerk in office of assistant treasurer at Boston, one thousand two hundred dollars.

For salaries of clerks, messengers, and watchmen in the office of the assistant treasurer at New York, thirteen thousand nine hundred dollars. For salary of a clerk to the treasurer of the branch mint at San Francisco, California, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses under the act for the safe-keeping, collecting, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue, of sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, ten thousand dollars, in addition to premium received on transfer drafts: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended for clerical services.

1846, ch. 90.

1848, ch. 166. 1861, ch. 32. 1852, ch. 108.

1854, ch. 242.

1846, ch. 90.

For compensation to special agents to examine the books, accounts, and money on hand of the several depositaries, under the act of sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, five thousand dollars.

For compensation to such persons as may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury to receive and keep the public money, under the 1846, ch. 90. fifteenth section of the act of sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty-six,

1858, ch. 89.

Steamboat in


for the additional services required under that act, at the same rates provided in the act approved second March, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and under the same restrictions and limitations, fifteen thousand dollars.

For salaries of nine supervising and fifty local inspectors, appointed under act thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, for the better

1852, ch. 105. protection of the lives of passengers by steamboats, with travelling and

Collection of

land revenue.


Expenses of



other expenses incurred by them, eighty thousand dollars.

Expenses of the Collection of Revenue from Lands. To meet the expenses of collecting the revenue from the sales of public lands in the several land States and Territories, in addition to the balances of former appropriations:

For salaries and commissions of registers of land-offices, and receivers of public moneys, two hundred thousand dollars.

For expenses of depositing public moneys by receivers of public moneys, thirty-eight thousand dollars.

For incidental expenses of the several land-offices, fifteen thousand dollars.

Penitentiary. For compensation of the warden, clerk, physician, chaplain, assistant keepers, guards, and matron of the penitentiary of the District of Columbia, twelve thousand five hundred and sixty dollars.

For compensation of three inspectors of said penitentiary, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For the support and maintenance of said penitentiary, ten thousand and eighty-five dollars, including four thousand dollars for furnaces.

For defraying the expenses of the supreme, circuit, and district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures incurred in the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and previous years; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the safekeeping of prisoners, one million dollars.

For rent of Surveyor-General's office in Oregon, fuel, books, stationery,

Generals, offices. and other incidental expenses, three thousand dollars.

Employees at Washington. 1854, ch. 52.

For office rent for the Surveyor-General of Washington Territory, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, three thousand dollars. For rent of Surveyor-General's office in Kansas and Nebraska, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, three thousand dollars. For office rent for the Surveyor-General of Utah Territory, fuel, books, stationery, furniture, and other incidental expenses, three thousand dollars.

For compensation of a translator in the office of the Surveyor-General of New Mexico, two thousand dollars.

For rent of the Surveyor-General's office in New Mexico, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, three thousand dollars.

For compensation, in part, for the messenger in charge, of the main furnace in the Capitol, three hundred and fifty dollars, and twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four-making together four hundred and twenty dollars.

For compensation to the laborer in charge of the water-closets in the Capitol, three hundred and sixty-five dollars, and twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-fourmaking together four hundred and thirty-eight dollars.

For compensation to the public gardener, twelve hundred dollars, and twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four-making together one thousand four hundred and forty dollars.

For compensation of sixteen laborers employed in the public grounds and President's garden, at forty dollars per month each, and twenty per cent thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four-making together nine thousand two hundred and sixteen dollars.

For compensation of the keeper of the western gate, Capitol Square, seven hundred and thirty dollars, and twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four-making together eight hundred and seventy-six dollars.

For compensation of two day watchman employed in the Capitol Square, at five hundred dollars each, and twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-fourmaking together one thousand two hundred dollars.

For compensation of two night watchmen employed at the President's house, at five hundred dollars each, and twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-fourmaking together one thousand two hundred dollars.

For compensation of the door-keeper at the President's house, five hundred dollars, and twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four-making together six hundred dollars.

For compensation of the assistant door-keeper at the President's House, three hundred and sixty-five dollars, and twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four-making together four hundred and thirty-eight dollars.

For compensation of one night watchman employed for the better protection of the buildings lying south of the Capitol, and used as public stables and carpenters' shops, five hundred dollars and twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four-making together six hundred dollars.

For compensation of four draw-keepers at the Potomac bridge, and Draw Keepers. twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, and for fuel, oil, and lamps-making together three thousand two hundred and sixty-six dollars.

For compensation of two draw-keepers at the two bridges across the eastern branch of the Potomac, at four hundred and fifty dollars each, and twenty per cent. thereon, per act twenty-second April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, and for fuel, oil and lamps-making together one thousand one hundred and eighty dollars.

1844, ch. 56.

For arrearages due Bailey Brown, keeper of the upper Eastern Branch Bailey Brown. bridge for expenses incurred in the years eighteen hundred and fiftythree, and eighteen hundred and fifty-four, in the purchase of fuel, oil, and

repairs of lamps, one hundred dollars.

For compensation of the auxiliary guard, and for fuel, and oil for Auxiliary guard lamps, nineteen thousand four hundred dollars.

For furnace-keeper at the President's house, three hundred and sixty- Furnace keeper

five dollars.

For printing and publishing one thousand copies of the papers of Printing the James Madison now in the archives of the State Department under the Madison papers. direction and control of the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress, six thousand dollars: Provided, that said works be printed by the public printer, and that no more be paid for such printing, than the amount authorized by the law regulating the public printing.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the first section of the act Compensation entitled "An act to remodel the diplomatic and consular systems of the of diplomatic


1855, ch.


of Interior.

United States, passed March first, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, shall be so construed as that the annual compensation fixed for the diplomatic representatives of the United States at the several countries therein enumerated, shall be the same as therein specified therefor respectively, whether such representatives shall be of the grades existing at the time of the passage of the bill, or of a superior grade; and that such compensation shall commence from the first day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, as the period designated in said act.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be clerks authorized authorized to employ in addition to those now allowed by law, one clerk in War Departof class four, in the office of the Colonel of Topographical Engineers, and ment. to take one clerk from class two and add one to class four in his office; In Department that the Secretary of the Interior be authorized to employ in his office one clerk of class four, in addition to those now allowed by law, and temporarily one clerk of class two to take charge of the census returns; and In Treasury the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to employ one clerk of class Department. three in the office of the Fifth Auditor, and to take one clerk from class two and add one to class three, in the office of the First Comptroller; and to take one clerk from class three and add one to class four in the office of the Register; and such sum as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this section to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated; and to enable the Secretary of War to em


clerks of Quar- ploy temporary clerks in the office of the Quartermaster-General on



Pay of clerks in the State De


Pay of Marine

bounty-land service, five thousand dollars, and that the same is hereby also appropriated.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That to enable the Secretary of State to pay to the clerks in his office of class four the same compensation as was paid to the same class in other executive departments from the first of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, to the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, inclusive, the sum of twenty-one hundred and seventy-eight dollars and seventy-six cents be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the pay of the marines in the service of the United States who compose the corps of musicians known as the "Marine Band," stationed at the Navy Yard in Washington city, be and the same is hereby increased at the rate of four dollars per month, commencing on the first of May last, and to continue as long as they shall perform by order of the Secretary of the Navy or other superior officer on the Capitol grounds or the President's grounds.

APPROVED, August 18, 1856.

Aug. 18, 1856. CHAP. CLXIII.-An Act to authorize the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia to

Sale of real

decree the Sale of Real Estate in certain Cases.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United estate authorized States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases in which in certain cases real estate within the District of Columbia shall have been limited herelimitations over. tofore, or shall be limited hereafter, by the provisions of any deed or will

where there are

Application to

to one or more, for life or lives, with a contingent limitation over to such issue of one or more of the tenants for life as shall be living at the death of their parent or parents, and the said deed or will containing the limitation shall not prohibit a sale, the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia, upon the application of the tenants for life, shall have power to decree a sale of such real estate, if, upon the proofs, it shall be of opinion that it is expedient to do so, and to decree to the purchaser an absolute and complete title in fee simple.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That application for the sale of such

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