Imágenes de páginas

From June to September Sirius, the dog-star, reigns in our Northern latitudes. Then we have blazing heated or humid days, and restless, sleepless nights-and long for some far-away ideal land of peaceful rest. If you will take a lovely five-days' sea voyage to Jamaica, in the Golden Caribbean Sea," you will find there just such a delectable land as you are longing for, where there are balmy, breezy days, and delightful, sleep-laden moonlight nights, where the thermometer is rarely lower than 70° or higher than 88°; where there are no flies, mosquitoes, fogs, fevers,

snakes or disagreeable pests so common among our Northern summer
resorts; where you will be in the midst of a vast tropical conserva-
tory, and where "Nature seems to have thrown prudence to
the winds, and dressed herself in gipsey
gorgeousness." Lofty mountains, with

magnificent views; lovely valleys for quiet,
rest and study; beautiful white, sandy
beaches, laved with warm, crystal-blue
waters, inviting you to enjoy sea-bathing
in perfection; medicinal thermal springs,
that will drive all rheumatic pains and
liver troubles away; hard, smooth,
perfect roads and by-paths, also
steam and electric railroads that will
permit your making many delightful
excursions to famous old towns
and villages whose romantic
histories far antedate our United
States records; good boarding
houses, elegant hotels, fully
up-to-date in all comforts.
You can stop here for ten
days or ten weeks and will
not regret a day of such

a vacation until you start for
home. The elegant twin


screw "Admiral" steamers leave Boston every Wednesday and Friday, also good passenger service every week from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Round trip tickets, $60.00, including meals and stateroom berths. Good from May 1st to October 1st. Write for free booklet, "Tropical Holidays." Address UNITED FRUIT CO.

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Wharf, Boston.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox in a letter to the New York Journal writes:Why do you not know of this lost Garden of Eden,- this incomparable combination of American comfort, English cleanliness, and Italian climate? And such beauty,-such glory of coloring, such opulence of nature's best gifts. As I write, the majestic Blue Mountains are back of me, the highest peak towering head and shoulders above Mount Washington.

In front of me lies the exquisite bay of Port Antonio, divided from the blue Caribbean Sea only by a long, narrow, palmcovered island. Stately cocoa-trees rear their fruit-laden branches above my balcony, and the mangoes are almost within reach of my open window. The thermometer marks 84 degrees in my room; but a delicious cool breeze blows in from the mountain, and, even when the mercury ran to 88 degrees, there was no humidity or oppressiveness in the air. A fog was never known here, so the captain of the steamer "Sampson told me.

I never before saw out of a painting by an "impressionist" such riotous coloring as Nature indulges in here. There is within the range of my vision at this moment an area of the bay which shames the most intense emerald ever seen. Just beyond it the waters shade into an amethyst. Next come the vivid yellows and dark greens of the tropical verdure on the narrow island, and just beyond the waves of the Caribbean Sea, as intensely blue as the purest sapphire. It seems as if Nature had thrown prudence to the winds and dressed herself in gipsey gorgeousness here under this tropical sky. And to think that it is a steady all th year climate, for there is scarcely a variation of 10 degrees in twelve months. I have not felt one mosquito so far, and have seen but two flies. There are no reptiles, and there is fruit and there are vegetables enough to keep one well and hearty at small cost and small labor. And all this in five days from Boston, and on comfortable and clean ships of the United Fruit Company's line.

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THERE are many white soaps, each represented to be just as good as the Ivory; they are not, but like all imitations, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon getting it.


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