Imágenes de páginas

200...difficulties attending the subject,200,
201...strictures on the construction of the
poem, 202, 203...plan of it, with extracts
and remarks. 203..223...general observa-
tions on the poem, compared with the an-
thor's former work, 223...225.

tious with the elector, up his
country to military execution, 27.. defeats
the French at the battle of Blenheim, 28...
conduct of the Duke's political adversaries
in consequence of it, 29, 30...its important
results, 30, 31---effects of his fatigues on the
Duke's health, 32...grateful and honour- Milton, Pope's criticism on, 432.
able reception of the Duke, on his return, Ministry (English), composition of, at the
33...he embarks again for the continent, accession of Queen Anne, 10.
ib...tardy preparations of the Emperor of
Germany, ib..manœuvres of Marshal Vil-
lars, 34...chagrin of the Duke, 35...account
of the campaign in Flanders, 36, 37...ho-
nourable anecdote of Marlborough's kind-
ness, 38...movements of the French under
Villeroy, 39...they are defeated at the
battle of Ramilies, 40...its brilliant results,
ib. 41...vexatious situation of affairs to
Marlborough, both abroad aud at home,
42, 43... disinterested conduct of the Duke
to the Queen, 44, 45... brilliant reception
of the Duke on his return, 45,
motes the union between England and
Scotland, 46...situation of affairs at home
and abroad in 1707, 46, 47...treachery of
Barley against him, 50...invasion of Eng
land by the Pretender, 51... Marlborough
forms the plan of a new campaign on the Montague (Mr. Wortley), character of,417.
continent, ib...gins the battle of Oude-Montesquieu, curious mistakes of, relative to
Dard, 53... besieges and captures Lille, 54 England, 188, 189.

Mitchell (T.), translation of Aristophanes,
474...general character of it, ib...exami
nation of the execution of particular parts,
with specimens, 491...504...this decidedly
the best translation of Aristophanes ex-
tant, 505. See Aristophanes.

Mollien (G.), Voyage dans l'Interieur de
l'Afrique, &c. 225...estimate of his ac-
quirements as a traveller, 242..objects of
his mission, 242, 243...the information ob-
tained by him of little value, 243, 244.
Monastic Orders, benefit of, to the church,

Montague (Lady Mary Wortley), character
of, 414...416..singular scheme of, for sep-
tennial marriages, 415...was self-educated,
416...account of her quarrel with Mr.
Pope, 417, 418.

concerning the Parganotes, 135.


Niger (river), information relative to the
course of, 229...233... proofs of its identity
with the Nile of Egypt, with a plan, 236

[ocr errors]

Nuptial ceremonies of the Modern Greeks,


...56...invests Ghent, 57 ..nobly resists a Monck (Sir Charles), false statements of,
bribe from the French government, ib....
defeats the French at the battle of Mapla-
quet, 59, 60...and captures Mons, 61...en-
ters upon his last campaign, 63...his noble
treatment of Fenelon, 55...falsely charged]
with peculation, 66...peace of Utrecht con-
cluded, and Marlborough disgraced, 67,
68. .noble reception of him abroad,
recalled on the accession of George I. ib...
his death, ib....brief review of his charac-Oudenard, battle of, 53...its brilliant results,
ter, 71...73...excellent moral order of his
camp, 72.
Marlborough (Sarah, Duchess of), adopts a
different line of politics from her husband,
11...her opinion on giving places, 12...dis-
missed from her office by Queen Anne, 62,
63...her reply to proposals for a second
marriage, 70...generous conduct to a Chel-
sea pensioner, 71, 72...her character, 11,
12...her noble sentiments on the giving of
places, 12...did not offer Pope a thousand
pounds to suppress the character of Atossa,
423, 424.

Marriages (septennial), curious proposal for,


Matthews's Translation of the Bible, notice
of. 296.

Messiah, song to, 209, 210.

Methodists in America, observations on,383.
Michaelis, opinion of, on the spread of infi-
delity, 568.

Milman (Rev. H. H.) The Fall of Jerusa-
lem, a dramatic poem, 198...situation of
the Jews at the siege of Jerusalem, 198...

Oxygen Gas, notice of experiments with, in
aid of fusion, 472.


Painting, advantages of an annual grant for
the encouragement of, 589. munificence
of British sovereigns in encouraging sad
promoting it, 590...especially of George
III 59!...and his present Majesty, ib.
Parga, general misunderstanding prevalent
concerning the cession of, to the Porte,

111...its origin, 112 ..extent of its territo-
ry, 113. shakes off its allegiance to the
Turks, 113, 114..throws itself into the
protection of the French, 115...surrenders
unconditionally to General Campbell, 116
...proofs that Parga was never considered
by the British government otherwise than
as belonging to the Porte, 117...119...and
that, previously to Parga being given up
to Ali Pasha, by the British government,
every provision was made for the inhabi
tants, 121...considerations on the proba
ble situation of Britain, had she insisted

on keeping possession of Parga, 122.. 124)
...bad character of the Parganotes, 124...
127...character of Ali Pasha, 128...narra-
tive of the proceedings for giving up Parga
to the Porte, 129. .131.. estimate of the
property of the Parganotes, 131,
berality of the Lord Commissioner to
them, 133...and of the amount of compen-
sation given to them, 134...false assertion
of the Edinburgh Review detected, 135,

Parnell, (Wm. Esq.), Letter to the Editor

425...427...his own statement of his poeti-
cal studies, 427...429...gratitude of Pope
to the Abbé Southcot, 428, note...his opi
nion on writing a poem, 430, 431... Lord
Hervey's and Aaron Hill's characters of
his works, 431...strictures on his preference
of antiquity to the best modern poets, 432
...and on his criticism on Milton and
Shakespeare, 432, 433...general character
of Mr. Pope's poetry, 433, 434.
Press, observations on the liberty of, 578.
Population of Modern Greece, notice of, 327.
of the Quarterly Review, 360,..answer to Productions of Van Diemen's Land, 78, 79
his first complaint, that the editor LO-
tally ignorant of farming, ib. 361...his Professors of the German Universities, de-
...of Modern Greece, 330...334.
mistakes in early Irish history corrected,
362...365... Mr. Parnell guilty of great in-
pendent on the students, 447...consequen-
consistency, 365, 366...the reviewer vindi-Publications (New), List of, 281.
ces of such dependence, 448.
cated from the charge of ignorance, 366,
367...Mr. Parnell's ridiculous abuse of the
potatoe, 388, 369... refuted by facts, 369...
his mistakes concerning the government of
the Irish, 370...372 ..concluding remarks
on Mr. Parnell, 372, 373.
Pastry of the Athenians, notice of, 249.
Paterson (James), A Practical Treatise on
Public Roads, 96...character of it, 98.. his
illustration of the difference between going
over a hill, and round its bottom, 102...his
mode of mending roads over springy sub-
strata, 103...and of draining them, 106.
Paving recommended for roads near the ca-
pital and great towns, 107.

Perfumes of the Greeks, account of, 263...

Pergamus, state of learning at, 137, 138.
Perth, a settlement in Upper Canada, notice
of, 382.

Pic-nic parties of the Athenians, notice of,


Pictures, proposal for decorating churches
with, 587, 588...remarks thereon, 538...

Pittwater settlement in Van Diemen's land,
notice of, 76.

Purity of the Greek language, instances of
the decline of, in the first ages of Chris-
tianity, 143...145.
Ramilies, battle of, 40...its brilliant results,
ib. 41.

Ritchie (the late Mr.), admirable qualifica-
Religion, the only basis of freedom, 579.
Africa, 126...notice of his researches in
tions of, for exploring the interior of
the interior of Tripoli, 227...his prema-
ture death, 228...substance of information
procured by him relative to Timbuctoo,
Bornou, the river Niger, and the neigh-
bouring countries, 229...233...probabilities
that the Niger is the same as the Nile of
Egypt, 236...241.

Rivers, in Van Diemen's Land, notice of, 75,

Romaic or modern Greek language, changes

in the terminations of, 146, 147...the affi-
nity of this language to the Hellenic, why
greater than that of the Italian to the La-
tin, 147...instances of such affinity, 147...
...151---observations on the accentual
149...certain letters, how pronounced, 149
Plato, study of, a mean of preserving the
mode of reading and speaking, 151...153...
Greek Language, 137, 139.
why there are no standard works in this
Pope (Alexander), character of, assailed by Romaika, or circular dance of the Modern
language, 154.
his two last editors, 407... Warton's objec- Greeks, described, 350, 351.
tion to him as a poet, 408... vindication of Romans, cultivated Greek literature, 138.
his poetical character against the petty cri- Rowe, Pope's observation on, considered,
ticisms of Mr. Bowles, 408...411...and
from the charge of being sordid, 412, 413
...instance of his generosity and indepen-
dence, 413... real state of his quarrel with
Lady Mary Wortley Montague, 414...418
...vindicated against Mr. Bowles's ac-
count of his quarrel with Addison, 419...
421...and from the charge of sparing
neither friend nor foe, in the case of Rowe,
421, 422...proof that he did not receive a
thousand pounds from the Duchess of
Marlborough for suppressing the character
of Atossa, 423, 424...and of his indepen-
dence, ib....account of his early education,
VOL. XXIII. NO. 46.—Q. R.

Rubichon (M.), de l'Angleterre, 174...why
421, 422.
Frenchinen dislike England, 177...impres-
sions of an Englishman at Paris, 178...
contrast between the English and French,
when speaking of their countries, 180, 181
...difference between the intellectual en-
dowments of the two nations, 181...184...
influence of history and political circum.
stances on the characters of the two na
tions, 184...186...the great developement
of all the intellectual powers of England,
form just ideas of that country, 187, 188...
a reason why Frenchmen find it difficult to

illustrated in the person of Montesquieu, Theophrastus taught many facts which are
188...190...qualifications of M. Rubichon considered as of modern discovery, 466.
for his work, 191...character of it, ib....spe- Timbuctoo, account of, 231.

cimens of his misrepresentations, 192,193, Tindall's translation of the Bible, notice of,
194...his strictures on modern French] 295.

glory, 194, 195.. and on the policy of the Todd (Rev. H. J.), Vindication of the An-
Bourbons since the return of Louis XVIII.
196...ludicrous blunders of the author,
196, 197...and contradictions, 198.


Salad, political one described, 275.
Salympria, account of a Greek monastery at,
343, 344.

Sand (Charles Lewis), Memoirs of, 434...
character of them, 444, 445...notice of his
early career, 445...his assassination of
Kotzebue vindicated by Professor Krug,
445, 446, notes.

Satyr and the traveller, fable of, versified,
461, 462.

Sauces of the Athenians, account of, 254...


Savoy (Duke of), preserved from destruction
by the Duke of Marlborough, 32.
Schellenberg, battle of, 24, 25...its conse-
quences, 26, 27.

Schiller, notice of, 444.

Secret Tribunal, account of the constitution
and proceedings of, 441, 442.
Septuagint, Greek version of the Old Testa-
inent, observations on the language of,142,
143...its present state vindicated, 322.
Shakespeare, Pope's criticism on, considered,


Siloam (Fountain of), exquisitely poetical
apostrophe to, 205.

thorized Translation and Translators of
the Bible, 287...character of his work,

Torcy (Marquis de), in vain attempts to
bribe the Duke of Marlborough, 57, 58.
Trade of Van Diemen's Land, 79, 0.
Translation, true principles of, developed,
480...484...application of them to a trans-
lation of Aristophanes, 484...486. 489, 490
...exemplification of them in a scene from
that poet's Acharniaus, 486...489.
Travels, value of, why frequently diminish-
ed, 174, 175.

Treachery of the Arabs, 279, 280.
Trinity, statute of 9 and 10 W. III. against
impugners of, repealed, 569.

Tuarick, a people in the interior of Africa,
notice of, 230.
Unitarians, statute of 9 and 10 W. III
against, repealed, 569...remarks on such
repeal, 569...its effects, 570...infamous
placards posted by one, 570, 571...appeal
to discreeter Unitarians on the impudence
and wickedness of them, 572...notice of
the Unitarian conferences, at Hackney,

Universities (English), proofs of the cultiva-
tion of Hebrew literature at, in the time
of Elizabeth and James I. 299...303.
Spence (Rev. John), Observations, Anec- Universities (German), cause of the irregu
dotes and Characters of Men and Books, larities in, 446...extensive range of scien-
400...secret history of the delay of their ces taught there, ib....the professors de-
publications, 401, 402...apprehensions of pendent upon the students, 447, 448.
some of the editors of Pope's works con-Utrecht, peace of, 63.
cerning their being printed, 403,


timated character and filial piety of Mr. Van Diemen's Land, when first discovered

Spence, ib. 405.

Storm Bay, in Van Diemen's Land, describ-
ed, 75.

Strachan (James), Visit to the Province of
Upper Canada, 373...character of his
work, 384, 387...on the state of religion
there, ib....inland navigation, 385, 386.
Stuart (Captain), The Emigrants' Guide to
Upper Canada, 373...character of the
work, 379, 380...observations on the
deeded lands of Upper Canada, 381. .no-
tice of the settlement of Perth, 382...
strictures on his opinion of the American
Methodists, 383.
Summer morning, poetical description of,



and settled, 73, 74...its climate and phy-
sical appearance, 74...description of its
ports and towns, 75...Storm Bay and Ho-
bart Town, ib. 76...Settlements of Pittwa
ter and Clarence Plains, 76... Port Dal-
rymple and Launceston, ib...Port Macqua
rie, 77... Port Davey, ib....state of fai ming
there, 77, 78...natural productions, 78...
exotic productions that thrive there, ik....
jurisdiction, ib....abstract of the popula-
tion, land in cultivation, and stock, 79...
trade, ib. ..statement of export and im-
ports, 80...account of the aboriginal inha-
bitants, ib. 81...and of Michael Howe, the
bush ranger, 81...83.

Vausittart, (Rt. Hon. N.), Speech on the
necessity of New Churches, 549.
Vendôme (Duke de), ootmanœuvred by the
Duke of Marlborough, 47...defeated at the
battle of Oudenard, 53.

Telegraphs, notice of Mr. Edgeworth's at-
tempts to construct, 520... remarks on his
claims to the invention of them, 521.
Telford (Mr.), on the state of the roads Villars (Marshal), manœuvres of, in Flan-

in Wales, 103.

ders, 34...instance of his falsehood in his Water drinkers among the Athenians, satiri-
Memoirs, ib.

Villeroy (Marshal), defeated at the battle
of Blenheim, 28 ..besieges Liege,
defeated at the battle of Ramilies, 40.
Vlaki, or migratory shepherds of Modern
Greece, account of, 334, 335.
Volcanoes, analogy between, and the opera-
tions of the blow-pipe, 470, 471...remarks
thereon, 473

zed, 268.

Whigs, violent conduct of, against the Duke/
of Marlborough, 43, 44.

Whittaker (J. W.), Historical Enquiry into
the Interpretation of the Hebrew Scrip-
tures, with Remarks on Mr. Bellamy's
New Translation, 287...character of his
work, 291...when any particular transla-
tion of the Bible may be said to be made
from an original, ib. 292...vindication of
Jerome from the charge of having made
his translation from the Greek, and not
from the Hebrew, 292, 293...specimen of
his corrections of Mr. Bellamy's blunders,

Voltaire, private life of, with Madame du
Châtelet, 154...origin of his conuection
with her, is an unhappy one, 162]
...their reception of Madame de Grafigny,
157...description of his apartments, 158...
their occupations, 160...his baseness to-
wards his guests, 161...163...consummate Wines, account of the different sorts of, used
impudence, 161...his barbarous treatment by the Athenians, 266, 267.
of Madame de Grafigny, 164, 165...gene-
ral character of Voltaire, 166.


Waday, a country in the interior of Africa,
notice of, 233.

Walpole (Sir Robert), remark of, on histo-
ry, l.


Yates (Rev. Dr.), The Church in Danger,
549...his statement of the want of churches
in various parts of England, 553...dan-
gerous consequences of this want, 554...on
the activity with which infidel tracts are
circulated, 576, 577.


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