Imágenes de páginas

Bellamy (John), New Translation of the
Bible, Part II. 287-additional proofs of
his unfitness for the work, ib. 238-refu
tation of his assertion, that Jerome made
his Latin translation from the Greek and
not from the Hebrew, 292, 293-and that
all modern European translations have
been made from the Septuagint and Vul-
gate, 294-298-his slander of the English
Universities disproved, 299, 300-and also
his assertion that there was not a single
critical Hebrew scholar among the trans-
lators of the authorized version, 301-
304-specimens of his blunders, 307-317
-his other incompetency for the task he
has undertaken, 324, 325.

Belly and the Members, fable of, versified,
458, 459.

Belzoni (M.), assassination of, attempted by
two renegade Frenchmen at Thebes, 94
-discovers the ruins of Bernice, 95.
Bible, authorized translation of, tracts in
vindication of, 287-when any translation]
may be said to be made from the original,
291, 292-notice of English translations
of it, antecedent to the present authorized
version, 295-298-notices of the transla-
tors, 301-303-and of the instructions
given to them, 305, 306.

Bishop's Bible, notice of, 297, 298,
Blackader (Colonel), remark of, on the
English army, under the Duke of Marl
borough, 22, 23-his reflections on the
battles of Schellenberg, 25—of Blenheim,
27, and note-of Ramilies, 40--of Oude-
nard, 53 of Maplaquet, 60.
Blenheim, (battle of), 28.
Blow-pipe, structure of, 467-account of its
application to fusion. 468-471-analogy
in its operations to the nature of volca
noes, 470, 471.

Bosset (Lieut. Col.), Proceedings at Parga,
111-his mistakes corrected, 115-his
misconduct as Governor of Parga, 129,130.
Bourbons, policy of, considered, since the re
turn of Louis XVIII., 196.

Bowles (Rev. W. L.), on the invariable
Principles of Poetry, 400-strictures on
his hostility to Pope, 407, 408-on his de-
finition of poetical execution, 409-and
on his observations on the poetic charac-
ter of Pope, 409, 410-Mr. Bowles's In-
variable Principles of Poetry examined,
410, 411-vindication of the poet's private
character against his aspersions, 412, 413
-particularly respecting Pope's quarrel
with Lady Mary Wortley Montague, 414
-418-and with Addison, 419-421-bis
unjust charge against Pope for censuring
Rowe, 421, 422.

Bread, different sorts of, used by the Athe-
nians and other Greeks, 246-248.
Brewster (Rev. John), Sketch of the Histo-
ry of Churches, 549.


Burgess (Sir James), Reasons in favour of a
New Translation of the Bible, 287-his
abuse of the Quarterly Review, 289-
specimens of his ignorance and unfairness,
289-291-refutation of his assertion that
Jerome executed his Latin version of the
Old Testament from the Greek and not
from the Hebrew, 293, 294-wilful blun-
der respecting the authorised translators
amination of his misrepresentations con-
of the Bible, 303 note, 305, 306, 307—ex-
cerning the Quarterly Review, 318-324
-his plagiarism, 321.


Caloyers or Greek monks of Salympria, ac-
count of, 343, 344-and of Mount Athos,

Canada, advantages of, for emigration, over
the United States of North America, 374,
375, 376-advice to persons emigrating
thither, 377-importance of gypsum as a
manure there, 378, 379-observations on
the deeded lands, granted by government,
381-notice of the settlement of Perth,
382-state of the church in Upper Cana-
da, 383, 384-account of proposed im
386-objections to emigrating to this coun
provements in its inland navigation, 385,
try considered, 390-not likely to be con-
quered by the United States of America,
390-means of advancing the prosperity
ing information concerning it, ib. 392, 393
of this colony, 391-importance of diffus-
304, 395-what class of persons best for
-illustrated by an estimate of expenses,
emigrating, 396-400.

Chapels, private, cause of the increase of,


Châtelet (Marchioness du), origin of her ac-
quaintance with Voltaire, 156, 157-her
reception of Madame de Grafigny, 157-
description of her apartment, 159-her
Occupations, 160-prys into the letters of
her visitors, 161-her barbarous treatment
of Madame de Gratigny, 163, 164, 165.
Churches, want of in North America, 550,
Church, state of, in Canada, 383, 384.
551-want of them in London in the reign
of William and Mary, 563-of Queen
Anne, 553-deficiency of them at present,
this want, 554-559-influence of the
in England, 553, 554-evil consequences of
that anciently promoted the erection of
church on the peasantry, 558-motives
in erecting churches in Scotland and Ire-
churches, 559, 560-liberality of James I.
land, 561-outline of the Act of Parlia-
ment for building new Churches, 565, 566

Dr. Franklin's opinion on building
Churches, 566-speculative impiety, cir-
culated through the press, a reason for the
erection of them, 567-St. Paul's, the first
church erected in Britain, 582-beauty of
the English churches, 583-the retaining

of pews in them, defended, 584, 585-the| Darwin (Dr.), Letter of, 534—his death,
propriety of decorating them with works


Day (Mr. Thomas), eccentric anecdotes of,
523, 524-bis marriage, 525.
Deeded lands, in Canada, observations on,

Denon (M.), dismissed from the Museum,
to make way for Count Forbin, 83.
Dinners of the Greeks, notice of, 257, 258.
D'Israeli (J ), Curiosities of Literature, vol.

Docherd (Mr.), progress of, through the in
terior of Africa, 241, 242.

Douglas (Hon. F. S. N.), Essay on certain
points of resemblance between the ancient
and modern Greeks, 325. See Greece.
Duigenan (Dr), vindicated from the charges
of Mr. Edgeworth, 517.

of art considered, 586-592.
Churchill, the poet, anecdote of, 433.
Churchill (Lord). See Marlborough.
Church-yards of the metropolis, observations
on, 559-simple expedient for preventing
the robbery of graves in, 559 note.
Clare (John), Poems, descriptive of Rur
Life, 166-biographical notice of him, 166
-171-specimens of his poems, ib. 172- iii. 245.
comparison of him with Burns and Bloom-
field, 173-concluding advice to him, 174.
Clarke (Dr. E. D.), on the Gas Blow-pipe,
466-origin and progress of his discove
ries, in the art of fusion, 467, 468-ac-
count of his mode of using the blow-pipe,
468-470-on the analogy in its opera
tions to the nature of volcanoes, 470, 471
-remarks thereon. 473.
Clergy, of modern Greece, wretched state
of, 342-of England, duties of, before the
Reformation, 553-their influence after
that event, 554-why they cannot have
the same influence now, in large parishes,
564-real causes of their diminished influ
ence, 580-increased facilities given to
produce qualified ministers. 581.
Clubs of the Athenians, notice of, 270.
Colonies, in a more immoral state than their
mother countries, 552.

Comedy, early, of modern Europe, stric-
tures on, 474, 475-principles of the
Aristophanic comedy, 475, 476.
Commerce of modern Greece, notice of, 335
-causes of the stagnation of commerce in
Germany, 450.

Confectionary of the Athenians, 249.
Cooks (Greek), account of, 249-253-no-
tice of the fraternity of, at Athens, 253,

Coray (M.), 'Exanien Bißarobnun 136. See
Greek Language.

Course of the Niger. See Niger.
Coverdale's translation of the Bible, notice
of, 296.

Coxe (Rev. Wm.), Memoirs of John Duke
of Marlborough, 1-strictures on his re-
mark on Sir Robert Walpole's opinion of
history, in materials of his work, ib. 2.
See Marlborough.

Cranmer's (Archbishop) Translation of the
Bible, notice of, 297.

Cripps (Mr.), on the excellent state of the
Swedish roads, 101.

Crowne's tragedy of the Destruction of Je

rusalem, notice of, 200 note-203 note-
specimens of it, 216-219, 220 notes.


Dances of the modern Greeks described, 350,

Dandy, conversation of a, poetically descri-
bed, 507.

Danneker, a German sculptor, notice of, 443

Dutch, noble reception of the Duke of Marl
borough by, 15-vacillation of the Dutch
government, 12, 13-their crooked policy
impedes the plans and progress of the
Duke of Marlborough, 17-and also the.
misconduct of their generals, 18-inter-
pose additional difficulties in the Duke's
way, 35, 36.

Duval (Amciury), Exposé des Faits sur la
Cession de Parga, 11-falsehood of his
statements, 127. 133 note.


Edgeworth (R. L. Esq.), Memoirs of, by
himself and his daughter, 510-anecdotes
of his ancestors, 511-514-his lax notion
of the degrees of kindred, between whom
marriage may be contracted, 512-sundry
improbabilities in his narrative pointed
out, 513-birth of Mr. Edgeworth, 510
-anecdote of his early years, 514—his
mock marriage, 515-falsehood detected
in his account of it, 516- and in his state-
ment relative to a college-examination,
517, 518-his first marriage, 518, 519—
attempts at telegraphic apparatus, 520-
remarks on his claim to the invention,
521, 522-is recalled from France by the
death of his wife, 526—becomes acquain
ted with Miss Honora Sneyd, 527-whom
he marries, 529-retires into Ireland, 530

state of that country, 531-vacillating
conduct of Mr. Edgeworth, 532-letter
of Dr. Darwin to him, ib.-curious blun
der of Miss Edgeworth relative to the
meaning of the term decade, 535-death of
Mr. Edgeworth's fourth wife, 536-his
fifth marriage, ib-rebellion of 1798, 537

temporizing conduct of Mr. Edgeworth,
ib.-its effects to himself, 538-strictures
on his conduct in parliament, relative to
the Union of Ireland with England, 540,
541-and on his experimental method in
education, 541, 542-last hours of Mr.
Edgeworth, 543-reasons for inferring his
disregard of Revelation, 543-548-con-
cluding strictures on the memoirs, 548,
549-notice of Mr. Edgeworth's Essay

on the construction of Roads and Carria-
ges 6. 98-he recominends som degree
of urvature in laying out roads, 102-his
opinion of the inefficacy of convexity, in
laying out roads, 103-advises the mate-
rials to be broken small, 104-his mode
of forming roads on unsound sub strata, ib.
Edinburgh Review, falsehoods of detected, :
135, 136.

Edrisi's African Geography, of little value,

Education, progress of, among the modern
Greeks, 358, 359-strictures on the expe-
rimental method of education, 541, 542.
Egyptians, custom of, at feasts, 278.
Elgin marbles, depositing of, in the British
Museum, proved to be a national advan-
tage, 591.

Elmes (James), Letter to Lord Liverpool
on New Churches, 549-his proposal for
improving their architecture, 586, 587.
Emigrants to Canada, advice to, 377.
Emigration, expediency of, as a relief for
distressed population, considered. 387,
388-expenses of emigration to Canada,
394, 395.

England, why disliked by the French, 177
-impressions of an Englishman at Paris,
178-contrast between them in speaking
of their respective countries, 180, 181-
difference in their intellectual endow-
ments, 181–184-influence of bistory and
political circumstances on their charac
ters, 184-186-reason why the French
find it difficult to form just ideas of Eng
land, 187-190-curious blunders and
misrepresentations concerning it, 192-
194 196, 197-will not be impoverished
by transfer of capital to the other side of
the Atlantic, 388, 389-population of
England before the Reformation, 557.
Eugene (Prince), concerts the plan of a
campaign with the Duke of Mariborough,
21-participates with him in the hattle of
Schellenberg, 25-of Blenheim, 28-ma
nœuvre of, at the battle of Oudenard. 53
-his indignant remark on the treachery
of the English ministers, 65-defeats the
French in Italy. 41-is recalled by the
Emperor of Germany, 63.

Exports and imports of Van Diemen's Land,


Fenelon (Archbishop), noble conduct of the
Duke of Marlborough to, 63.
Field, (Dr.), eulogium of, on the English
Bible, 303, 304.

lies, 40-its brilliant results, ib. 41-
Marlborough commences a new campaign
there, 51-battle of Oudenard, 53---Lille
besieged and captured, 54-56-Ghent,
invested, 57---the French again defeated
at the battle of Maplaquet, 59, 60--Mons
captured, 61-a new campaign commenced
there, but terminated by the ignominious
peace of Utrecht, 63---65.

Flowers, used by the Athenians at their
feasts, 264, 265.

Fontaine's Fables, translated, 455---charac-
teristic of his poetry, 455-excellence of
his narrations, 456--and characters, ib.
457-design of the translator, 457---speci
mens of his translations, with remarks, 458

Forbin (Count) Voyage dans le Levant, 83
---succeeds Denon in the custody of the
Museum, ib. embarks at Marseilles, ib.
--arrives at Athens, 84--specimen of bis
mawkish declamation there, ib.---blunders
of his, corrected, 85---his foolish sneer on
English and German artists, ib.--his vanity
mortified by the popularity of the English,
86---misfortunes that befel the Count at
Constantinople, ib.--commercial meanness
of the Count, 87-his ignorance exposed,
88, 89-and falsehood, 90-92-arrives at
St. Jean d'Acre, 88-traverses Palestine,
ib. 89-arrives at Cairo, 90--deterred
from visiting upper Egypt by dread of the
English, 91, 92--his abuse of Mr. Salt cor-
rected. 93.

Franklin (Dr.) reproof by, of the American
convention, for their disregard of the Dei-
ty, 551, note-his sentiments on building
new churches, 566.
Free-thinking Christians' Conference, insti-
tuted, 574---questions proposed for discus-
sions 574, 575-their tenets, 575--utterly
subversive of Christianity, 575, 576-
blasphemous handbills, 576-activity of
their agents in circulating infidel tracts,
576, 577.

French defeated at the battle of Schellen-
berg, 24, 25 --of Blenheim, 28-of Rami-
lies, 40---of Oudenard, 53-of Maplaquet,
59, 60-why the French dislike England,
177 --contrast between them and the Eng-
lish, when speaking of their respective
countries, 180, 181-difference between
the intellectual endowments of the two
nations, 181-184--influence of history
and political circumstances on their re-
spective characters, 184-186--why the
French find it difficult to form just ideas
of that country, 187-190-strictures on
the modern French glory, 194, 195.
Funeral ceremonies of the modern Greeks,

Fish, account of the different sorts of, eaten
by the Athenians, 256-259-instances of
their love of fish, 259, 260.
Fishmongers (Athenian), notice of, 261, 262.
Flanders, account of the Duke of Marlbo Fusion.-See Gas Blow-pipe.
borough's campaign in, 36, 37-move-


ments of the Freach under Villeroy, 39-Gas Blow-pipe, origin and progress of disco-
they are defeated at the battle of Rami- veries with, in the art of fusion, 467, 468

-Dr. Clarke's mode of using it, 468-470
-analogy in its operations to the nature
of volcanoes, 470, 471,

Geneva version of the Bible, notice of, 297.
Germany, estimable character of the inha
bitants of, 435-why they are attached to
secret societies, ib-the real design of
such societies, 436-description of a Ger-
man inn, 438, 439-and of the scenery on
the Rhine, 439-440-constitution and
proceedings of the secret tribunal, 441,
442-forest of Odenwald, described, 442,
443- observations on the German courts,
443-especially Weimar and Stuttgardt,
ib.want of discipline the cause of the ir
regularities of the German Universities,
446- the professors there, dependent on
the students, 447, 448-evils of the subdi-
vision of property, 449-causes of the
stagnation of German commerce, 450-po-
litical state of Germany, 451---453-public
journals there on the increase, 453-curi-
ous blunder in one, 453, 454.
Godolphin (Lord Treasurer), created a peer,
46-his observations on the Emperor of
Germany's conduct, 48---his disinterested-
ness, and death, 67.

351-attachment of the women to the
bath, and its effects on their constitutions,
352---general character of the modern
Greeks, 353, 354-their habitations and
domestic arrangements described, 354-
356-state of literature among them, 357

progress of education among them, 359.
Greek language, causes of the preservation
of, for so many centuries, 137-141-alte
rations effected in it by the Macedonians
about the time of Alexander, 141-at
what period most pure, 141, 142---struc-
ture of the Greek of the Septuagint ver.
sion of the Old Testament, 142, 143--io-
stances of the declining purity of the Greek
language in the first ages of the Christian
church, 143–145-particularly in the
sixth century, 145-changes in the termi-
nations of Romaic Greek words, 146, 147

the affinity of the Romaic Greek to the
Hellenic, why greater than the affinity of
the Italian to the Latin, 147-this affinity
illustrated by examples, 147-149- stric
tures on the pronunciation of certain Greek
letters, 149-151--and on the accentual
mode of reading and speaking, 151–153-
the reason why there are no standard
works in the Romaic or modern Greek,

Grafigny (Madame de), Vie privée de Vol-
taire et Madame du Châtelet, 154-bio-
graphical notice of her, 155-account of Gypsum, importance of, as a manure, 378,
her reception by them, 157--description of 379.

her apartment, 159, 160--and of their


common pursuit, 160-her reflections on Hadji Hamet, route of, through the interior
the misery of Voltaire and Madame du of Africa, 231, 232.
Châtelet. 162-their cruel treatment of
her, 163-165-her death, 165.
Grece (C. F), Facts and Observations on
Canada, &c. 373 --character of his work,
375-on the comparative advantages of
Canada and the United States of North,
America for emigration, 376---advice to
emigrants, 377 on the use of gypsum in
agriculture, 378, 379.
Greece (Modern), account of, and of its in-
habitants, 325-its physical geography, Hellenic language, cultivation of, extending,
326, 327-population, 327-mountains, ib. 358.
-plains, 328-climate, ib. 329-produc- Herodotus, veracity of, established, 96.
tions, 330-334-account of the Vlaki or
migratory shepherds, 334-commerce,335
--character of the Greeks of the conti
nent, 336-especially of Ali Pacha, ib.
337-the Albanians, 337-and the Mai
niotes, 338, 339---notice of the district of
Maina, 339, 340 --character of the modern
Athenians, 340, 341-wretched state of
the inferior Greek clergy, 342--character
of the Archbishop of Larissa, 343-account
of the Caloyers of Salympria, 343, 344-
and of the Monastery of Mount Athos,
345, 346, 347--attachments of the modern
Greeks to the superstitious ceremonies of
their ancestors, 347-their nuptial cere-
monies, 348 --funeral rites, 349-amuse-
ments, 350- the Romaika or circular
dance, 350, 351-dances of the Albanians,

Harley, intrigues of, against the Duke of
Marlborough, 49, 50-dismissed from the
ministry, 51.
Haydon (B. R) on new churches, 549-his
proposal for decorating them with paint-
ings, 587-observations on it, 588-592.
Haygarth (W. Esq.) Greece, a poem, 325.
Hebrew literature, proofs of the cultivation
of, in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I.

Highways, importance of, on canals, 97---
testimonies to the bad state of the roads
near London, 99, 100-improvements of
certain roads, 100, 101-curved roads re-
commended, 102-too great a convexity
the prevalent fault in forming roads, 103
---their materials ought to be broken
small, ib. 104---suggestions for improving
roads on unsound bottoms, 105-- best mode
of keeping roads in repair, 106--partial
paving recommended, 107-suggestions for
improving highways, 108-first, the ap
pointment of county or district surveyors,
ib.--secondly, the union of several trusts
within ten miles of London, ib. 109-
thirdly, the combining all the existing
highway laws into one code, 109-.-benefit
of a general commutation for statute la-

[ocr errors][merged small]

bour, ib.cause of the defective state of Literature, state of, among the modern
parish roads, and its remedy, 109– 111. Greeks, 357, 358.

Hill (Abigail), intrigues against her bene-Liturgy, importance of reading it impres-
factors the Duke and Duchess of Marlbo-

rough, 49, 50.

Hobart Town, in Van Diemen's Island, ac-
count of, 75, 76.

sively, 558.

Lonsdale (Lord), munificent donation of, for
providing ministers for the Church of Eng-
land, 581, note.

Hodgskin (T.) Travels in the North of Louis XVI. opinion of, on the English
Germany, 434...character of them, 436,] councils, at the accession of Queen Anne,
9, 10.


Holland (Dr.) Travels in the Ionian Isles,
&c. 325.

Hope, verses on, 169.

Horses, number of, kept by the principal
coach-proprietors in and near London, 99,


Howe (Michael), the Bush Ranger of Van
Diemen's land, account of, 81.. 83.


Ibn Batouta, an early Arab traveller, notice
of. 239...outline of his route, 239, 240.
Impropriations, notice of a society for pur-
chasing them, in the reign of Charles 1.
561, 562.

Inns of Germany, described, 438, 439.
Infidel tracts, circulated with activity, 576.

Inland navigation of Canada, improvements
in, 385, 386.


Jacob (William), View of the Agriculture
&c. of Germany, 434...character of his
work, 435. See Germany.

James 1., liberality of, in erecting churches
in Scotland and Ireland, 561.
James II., noble conduct of Lord Churchill
to, 3 ..his reflection on being forsaken by
his children, 9.

Jerome, vindicated from the charge of having
made his Latin translation of the Old
Testament from the Greek and not from
the Hebrew, 292...294.
Jerusalem, Fall of. See Crowne, Milman...
(city of), poetically described, 204.
Jews, situation of, at the siege of Jerusalem,
198, 199.

Johnson (Charles, Esq.) testimony of, to the
bad state of the roads near London, 99.
Josephus's History of the Jewish War, re-
mark on, 201.

Journals (public), of Germany, notice of,


Kotzebue,immoral tendency of the dramas of,
one cause of his assassination by Sand,
447...his assassination vindicated by Pro-
fessor Krug, 445, 446.


Larissa (Archbishop of), character of, 343.
Latin language, changes in, in the early ages
of the Christian æra, 145, 146.
Launceston, in Van Diemen's land, notice
of, 76.
Life, verses on, 169, 170.


M'Adam (J. L.), Tracts on the making of
Roads, 96. .character of them, 98...his
qualifications for the task he has underta-
ken, 100...his statements relative to the
actual improvement of certain roads, 100,
101...testimony to the value of his me-
thod, 101, 102...recommends the materials
for the formation of roads to be broken
small, and why, 103, 104..and that wo-
men and children should be employed in
breaking them, 104...his mode of making
a road over a boggy or swampy soil, 105,

Macedonians altered the Greek language in
the time of Alexander, 141.
Maplaquet, battle of, 59, 60.
Macquarrie (port), in Van Diemen's land,
notice of, 77

Maina district of), brief notice of, 339...
character of its inhabitants, 338, 339.
Maitland (Sir Thomas), liberality of, to the
Parganotes, 131, 132

Margate, trip to, in a steam-boat, poetically
described, 508, 509.

Marlborough (Charles Churchill, Duke of),
anecdotes of his early life, 2, 3...created
peer, 3 ..his disinterested conduct toJames
11. ib.-remarks on his behaviour at the
Revolution, 4-his fidelity to William III..
and to the British constitution, 5-corres-
ponds with James 11. 6...magnanimous
conduct of William III. to him, ib 7...
state of Europe at the accession of Queen
Anne, 8, 9-schemes of Louis XIV. frus-
trated by the Countess of Marlborough,
10...embarks for Holland, as generalis-
simo of the Allied British and Dutch
force, impeded in his plans of action
by the tardy counsels of the Dutch states,
ib. 13...his partial successes notwithstand-
ing, 14...narrowly escapes being seized by
the French, created Duke of Marl-
borough, which dignity he accepts with
reluctance, 16...again frustrated in his
plans by the crooked policy of the Dutch,
17...and by the misconduct of their gene-
rals, 18. resolves to resign his post, but
is withheld by the intreaties of Queen
Anne, 19, 20. proposes to carry the cam-
paign into Germany, 21.. character of his
army, 22, 23...which he brings into excel-
lent order, 23. .defeats the Gallo Bavarian
army at Schellenberg, 24, 25...negocia

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