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A division of the question on the proposed amendment being called for:

The question was put upon the insertion of the words 'recording clerk,' and carried.

The question being then taken on the striking out the word 'doorkeeper,' it was lost.

Mr. Britain moved to amend by striking out the word 'one' where it occurs before the word 'enrolling,' so as to read'one engrossing and enrolling clerk;' which motion prevailed. On motion of Mr. Hascall,

The resolution was then adopted as amended.

Mr. Ellis moved that the election of officers, as contemplated in the foregoing resolution, be made to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, A.M.; which was adopted.

The senate then adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

THURSDAY, Nov. 5, 1835.

The journal of yesterday having been read and adopted, Mr. McDonell laid on the table the following nominations for officers of the senate:

For secretary, John J. Adam; for enrolling and engrossing clerk, Silas D. McKeen; for recording clerk, Edward A. King; for sergeant-at-arms, George W. Dexter; for doorkeeper, Diodate Hubbard.

On motion of Mr. Hough,

The senate then proceeded to the election of secretary, whereupon Mr. McDonell nominated John J. Adams for that office who received the votes of the following gentlemen, viz.

Messrs. McDonell, Davis, Ten Eyck, Ellis, Durocher, Hough, Comstock, Barry, Britain, Moody, Finch, Rumsey, Raynale, Hascall, Stockton, Clark,—(16) and was therefore declared duly elected as secretary of the senate.

On motion of Mr. McDonell,

The senate then proceeded to the election of an enrolling

and engrossing clerk: Mr. Hascall nominated Silas D. Mc Keen, and Mr. McDonell nominated D. K. Brown.

The following gentlemen voted for S. D. McKeen, viz. Messrs. Ten Eyck, Ell's, Durocher, Hough, Barry, Britain, Comstock, Moody, Finch, Rumsey, Raynale, Hascall, Stockton, Clark,―(14.)

For D. K. Brown, Messrs. McDonell, Davis,-(2.)

And Silas D. McKeen was therefore declared to be elected enrolling and engrossing clerk of the senate.

On motion of Mr. Moody,

The senate proceeded to the election of recording clerk. Mr. Britain nominated Edward A. King, for whom the vote stood as follows, viz.

For Mr. King, Messrs. McDonell, Davis, Ten Eyck, Ellis, Durocher, Hough, Barry, Britain, Comstock, Moody, Finch, Rumsey, Raynale, Hascall, Stockton, Clark,—(16.) Edward A. King was therefore duly elected recording clerk of the senate.

On motion of Mr. Hascall,

The senate proceeded to the election of sergeant-at-arms. Geo., W. Dexter was nominated and received the votes of the following gentlemen, viz:

Messrs. McDonell, Davis, Ten Eyck, Ellis, Durocher, Hough, Barry, Britain, Comstock, Moody, Finch, Rumsey, Raynale, Hascall, Stockton, Clark,—(16.)

And was therefore declared duly elected.

On motion of Mr. Stockton,

The senate proceeded to the choice of doorkeeper. Diodate Hubbard and John Bronson were nominated. Mr. Hubbard received the votes of the following gentlemen, viz:

Messrs. Davis, Ten Eyck, Ellis, Durocher, Hough, Barry, Britain, Comstock, Moody, Finch, Rumsey, Raynale, Hascall, Stockton, Clark,—(15.)

Mr. Bronson received the following vote:
Mr. McDonell,—(1.)

Mr. Hubbard was therefore declared duly elected. Mr Comstock offered the following resolution, which was adopted.

Resolved, That the president be requested to procure a suitable person to perform the duties of messenger in the


Mr. Britain offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. McDonell, was laid on the table for one day:

Resolved, That the senate proceed to the election of president pro tem. of the senate.

Mr. Britain asked leave to bring in a bill to organize the township of New Buffalo, Berrien county; the question on granting leave was on motion postponed for one day.

Mr. McDonell called up his resolution offered yesterday, relating to the election of United States senators. Mr. Stockton moved the following amendment: Resolved, That the senate will, on the

day of

at 4 o'clock, P. M., proceed to the election of two senators to the congress of the United States.

Mr. Britain moved that the resolution and amendment lie on the table one day, which was lost.

The question then recurring on the amendment, it was declared lost.

The question then being on the adoption of the original resolution, Mr. Ellis moved to strike out the word 'present,' and insert the word 'elect,' which was lost.

Mr. Britain moved a postponement of the consideration of the resolution until to-morrow, which was carried.

Mr. McDonell offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That a committee of three members be appointed on the part of the senate to join such committee as may be appointed by the house of representatives to act as a committee of ways and means;

And that the house of representatives be informed thereof, and their concurrence therein requested.

The following was the committee appointed on the part of the senate, in pursuance of the above resolution; Messrs. McDonell, Clark, Britain.

On motion of Mr. Clark,

The senate adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morn


FRIDAY, Nov. 6, 1836.

The senate met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. McDonell offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

· Resolved, That the secretary furnish daily the publisher of the Democratic Free Press a copy of the proceedings of the


Mr. McDonell offered the following resolution, which was laid on the table:

Resolved, That on all votes taken in the senate by yeas and nays, the secretary shall call over the names of members alphabetically.

Mr. Rumsey presented a petition in relation to the location of the county seat of Ingham county; which on motion, was laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. Ellis,

Ordered, That fifty copies of a list embracing the names of senators, classified alphabetically, by districts, be printed for the use of the senate.

Mr. Durocher called up his resolution in relation to a joint committee of accounts and expenditures, and orders from either house in regard to their several expenses.

Mr. Hascall offered the following amendment, which was agreed to:

Resolved, That there be a committee of three appointed on expenditures, and that no articles shall be furnished or charge allowed as forming any part of the contingent expenses against the present session of the senate, without the express order and sanction of said committee, or the order of the senate.


Mr. Hascall then moved the adoption of the resolution as amended.

Mr. Britain moved to add, and that it be made one of the rules of the senate, which was lost.

The question then being on the resolution as amended, it was adopted; and the following gentlemen were appointed the committee; Messrs. Durocher, McDonell, Ellis.

Mr. Comstock offered the following resolution, which was laid on the table :

Resolved by the senate and house of representatives, That our senators and representative in congress are hereby instructed and requested to procure an immediate appropriation to construct and improve the harbors of the Kalamazoo and St. Joseph rivers.

Mr. Ellis offered the following resolution, and moved that ît be laid on the table, which was agreed to:

Resolved, That the senate proceed to decide by lot, in accordance with the provisions of the 5th section of the 4th article of the constitution, the terms of service of the senators elect.

On motion of Mr. McDonell, the senate proceeded to the consideration of the resolution in relation to the election of senators to the congress of the United States.

Mr. Britain moved a re-consideration of the vote taken yesterday, on the amendment offered by Mr. Stockton, which motion prevailed.

Mr. Britain then offered the following amendment:

Resolved by the senate and house of representatives of the state of Michigan, That the senate and house of representatives proceed on the day of

to nominate two senators to the congress of the United States, a majority of both houses in all cases being necessary to an election, and if on a comparison of the vote of both houses, it shall appear that no election has been made, the senate and house of representatives immediately thereafter proceed in

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