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The record will also serve to educate the people of the United States, the American public, many of whom I believe have not the slightest notion of the history of the Native Hawaiian people. They do not have the foggiest idea of the plight of their condition that gave rise to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act or to the quality of life that is lacking for many Native Hawaiians.

They do not know of the high incidence of certain diseases like diabetes and cancer that is higher in the Native Hawaiian population than in any other population in the world. They do not know that the Native Hawaiian culture has suffered at the hands of wellmeaning educators and well-meaning missionaries who sought to westernize the native people of these islands by prohibiting them from speaking their native tongue, native language, practicing their native religions and beliefs, their native dances, the traditional way of life.

So this is the people's time to speak out and to tell the world what their concerns are, what their desires are, what their hopes are for their own futures and those of their children.

The hearings have been designed and re-designed to provide this forum and the opportunity to inform and educate so that changes can be made and so that conditions can improve. So let us take advantage of this opportunity. If there are those who do not wish to be constructive in this setting, I would like to advise you that I will not tolerate the use of this forum for those who may desire to grind an axe, to castigate others, or to advance their own political ends. I am certain all of you have noted the presence of television cameras. This is being televised live and will be repeated four times over cable throughout the island of Kauai and, for that matter, throughout the State. Some of this will be televised on the mainland. So your words and your presence will be noted not just by the audience here, but by many thousands throughout this land.

During the committee's portion of today's hearing we will hear from experts who will compare the Federal and State trust responsibility owed to Native Americans including Indians and Native Hawaiians. In addition, former members of the 1983 Federal-State Task Force on Native Hawaiian Homelands will testify on the implementation of the recommendations of that task force.

Finally, the committee will hear from witnesses from the State Land and Natural Resources Department and the Department of Transportation, as well as members of the Board of Trustees of The Office of Hawaiian Affairs, on the issue of the ceded lands trust.

So we look forward to hearing today from Native Hawaiians who are not part of the homestead association, and during the homestead portion of the hearing the committee will receive testimony from Kekaha and the Anahola Hawaiian Homestead Association and from the Anahola Hawaiian Land Farms.

So let us begin. We will begin first by hearing from those who are still on the waiting list to receive homestead assignments. The first witness will be Mr. Walter Smith, a Hawaiian homes commissioner from the island of Hawaii.

He cannot be here at this moment. So may I call upon Mr. Bruce Kaeppler.

Before you testify, I would like to introduce the Committee staff who have traveled long distances to be here with us. On the Senate


S. HRG. 101-555, PT. 2













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staff we have with us Mr. Alan Parker who is the staff director. For those who are interested in Indian history, he is the great great grandson of Sitting Bull, the Great Hunkapapa Chief. So he comes from a long line of Aliis.

The chief counsel of the Senate committee is Dr. Patricia Zell, a very eminent lawyer in the Indian community. She is a Navajo. The deputy minority counsel is Steven Healey. He is Canadian Potanatoni.

The senior counsel of the committee is Peter Taylor. He is from the Haole tribe.

The senior counsel, Virginia Boylan, also from the Haole tribe. Our senior professional staff member in charge of Hawaiian affairs, a daughter of Hawaii, Lurline McGregor.

Chief clerk of the committee, is Elva Arquero. She is Cochiti Pueblo.

The committee clerk, also a daughter of Hawaii, Hawley Manwarring.

From the House we have Kaloa Robinson, representing the office of Congressman Akaka.

Also Peter McClaren of Congressman Akaka's office. And we have Marie Howard from the House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee and Cathy Wilson, the minority counsel of that committee; and Chris Kennedy of that committee.

Because of the importance of the Interior Department, we are pleased to have with us, representing the Secretary of that Department, the Honorable Mr. Lujan, Timothy Glidden.

And from the office of the Solicitor, Ms. Ruth Van Cleve of the Interior Department.

So, Mr. Kaeppler, welcome, sir.


Mr. KEPPELER. [Brief remarks in native tongue.]

By way of introduction to our organization, let me say that the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs consists of 43 component clubs organized into five district councils with representation not only in the State of Hawaii, but in California, Colorado, and Utah as well. We have also had serious inquiries from Hawaiians in the States of Nevada, Arizona, Washington, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey to charter clubs in those locations and will be working toward this in the near future.

We trace our history back to 1918 when the original Hawaiian Civic Club was founded by prominent and influential Hawaiians, as one of several groups organized to better the conditions of a decimated Hawaiian race. It was Price Kuhio himself who urged its establishment, and he was a charter member while serving as delegate to Congress. It was his earnest desire that club members get involved in government and be involved in civic activities.

The Civic Club was basically designed to perpetuate Hawaiian culture, provide an open forum for discussion of issues impacting on the needs of the Hawaiian people, and to provide advocacy necessary to implement identified solutions to critical issues of interest

In convention, through committee sessions and in floor debates, Association resolutions today are discussed, argued, amended, and adopted. These resolutions form the expressed opinion of a large body of Hawaiians who have thoroughly aired the issues and use these resolutions to present these issues to other bodies and governmental agencies for further action.

Some of the issues upon which we have recommended action through the resolution process are:

Resolution No. 83-07, urging the Congress of the United States to acknowledge the illegal and immoral actions of the United States in the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893, and to indicate its commitment to grant restitution for the losses and damages suffered by Native Hawaiians as a result of those wrongful acts.

Resolution No. 83-13, urging the Congress of the United States to establish a joint Federal-State ceded lands commission to review the status and need for federally-controlled lands in the State of Hawaii.

Resolution No. 83-14, urging the Congress of the United States to maintain Native Hawaiians in the definition of Native American and extend to Native Hawaiians eligibility in all programs affected by such definition without prejudice.

In Resolution No. 83-18, the Association went on record in support of efforts in cancer research and dedicated itself to working closely with the Cancer Research Center toward the future elimination of this dreaded disease which affects Native Hawaiians disproportionately.

In Resolution No. 84-22, we expressed our support of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs in its suit against the Department of Transportation for payment of a 20 percent pro rata share of departmental revenues generated from ceded lands.

In Resolution No. 84-23, we urged the formal recognition and protection of traditional Native Hawaiian water rights.

Resolution No. 86-13 urged the Hawaii State legislature and the Governor of Hawaii to grant Native Hawaiians, Hawaiians, and Native Hawaiian organizations the right to sue for the enforcement of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and Office of Hawaiian Affairs trusts.

Resolution 87-02 requested that the Congress establish a joint Federal-State task force on federally-controlled lands in the State of Hawaii and to prohibit the sale of any such lands.

We have urged the passage of the Native Hawaiian health bill and the Native Hawaiian Education Act. We have championed the preservation of Iolani Palace and supported a nuclear-free Pacific. We have even asked the question close to our collective 'ōpū, Why is it so hard to get poi? Actually, the last resolution, Senator, is included as a result of your sitting next to our president, Jalna Keala and the Honorable Gladys Brandt at a recent dinner where the discussion turned to the high cost of poi and how young families can no longer afford to eat it, much less feed it to the children, a basic Hawaiian stable.

You suggested that the United States Department of Agriculture may be able to provide some high tech to begin to lessen the cost and shortage of poi, and we most respectfully request that you

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