with the terms and conditions specified under said head, to provide assistance to farmers whose property is destroyed or damaged as a result of floods, storms, or other natural calamity during the calendar years 1948 and 1949. (Public Law 71-81st Congress) § 224. Forest Service; Emergency Reconstruction and Repair.For the reconstruction or replacement of roads, trails, bridges, telephone lines, and other facilities and improvements under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service, damaged or destroyed by floods, $1,747,500, to remain available until June 30, 1950. (Public Law 119-81st Congress) Appeal, $ 1007 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT-Continued Deposition, power of presiding officers to take, 5 § 1006 5 55 1006, 1010 Exceptions to decisions, submission before Exemptions, agencies or bodies exempt $1003 Rules by agencies, 5 § 1002 $1009 Agency for decision of officer, 5 Habeas corpus, action for judicial review, 51009 Bias or prejudice, Administrative Proce- dure Act, 5 § 1006 Substitute check or warrant, issuance on loss, etc. of check of Post Office AGENCIES Authority of President to order posi- Extension of classification act, 5 § 681 Text of act, 7 §§ 602, 608c, 612c, 624, 672, 1282 note, 1301, 13018, 1302, AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES- Continued Investigation in interstate shipment, 7 1031 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA- TIONS Annual financial statement, 7 6 367 Acreage allotments, additional acreage, 7 Research, 7 §§ 427, 4271, 427j §1358 Emergency Price Control Act, application, 50 App. § 902 Hops and their products included, 7 AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORK Sale by Secretary of Agricultural Experi- $608c-1 343d-1 Refunds, 7612a §1312 note Tobacco quota and acreage allotments, 7 AGRICULTURAL LABOR AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT Loans by Commodity Credit Corporation, Cotton, prohibited in year beginning Corn & Wheat, 7 § 1330 Apportionment, 7 § 1313 Separate appropriation accounts for ad- Suspension of provisions, 7 § 1381 note AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT AD- Generally, 7 §§ 1621-1629 MINISTRATION FUNCTIONS Agricultural products, defined, 7$1626 71627 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ACT AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMIN- ISTRATION MISSION Buildings, appropriations for construction AGRICULTURAL WORKERS Economic Stabilization Director, delega- Experiments, authority under Agricul- tion to Director certain func- AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Stabilization Administrator, approval of Alcohol plants, government owned plants Appropriations, for research, service Basic agricultural commodities, price sup- 1302 port, 7$ 1629 Inspection, classification, etc., when 1302 Loans to support prices, 7 §§ 1282 note, Occupied area, purchase for processing, 5 56 234-234f Parity prices, 7 §§ 602, 608c (18), 1301a of parity, 71302 Research, 7 §§ 427, 427i, 1622, 1623 Transitional parity prices, 7 $ 1301 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 7 §§ 427, tural Marketing Act of 1946, 7 Market area basis, collection and disem- AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT tions, etc., to increase marketing Farm Labor Supply Appropiration Act, Microfilm or photographic reproduction Officers and Employees Stationed abroad, 5 $ 543b $543b Rent, employees stationed abroad, 5 Sale of bibliographies and reproductions, |