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subcontractors related to the terminated portion of the war contract;


(3) reasonable accounting, legal, clerical, and other costs and expenses incident to termination and settlement of the terminated war contract; and

(4) reasonable costs and expenses of removing, preserving, storing and disposing of termination inventories; and

(5) such allowance for profit on the preparations made and work done for the terminated portion of the war contract as is reasonable under the circumstances; and

(6) interest on the termination claim in accordance with subsection (f) of this section; and

(7) the contract price and all amounts otherwise paid or payable under the contract.

The following shall not be included as elements of cost:

(i) Losses on other contracts, or from sales or exchanges of capital assets, fees and other expenses in connection with reorganization or recapitalization, antitrust or Federal income-tax litigation, or prosecution of Federal income-tax claims or other claims against the Government (except as provided in paragraph (3) above); losses on investments; provisions for contingencies; and premiums on life insurance where the contractor is the beneficiary.

(ii) The expense of conversion of the contractor's facilities to uses other than the performance of the contract.

(iii) Expenses due to the negligence or willful failure of the contractor to discontinue with reasonable promptness the incurring of expenses after the effective date of the termination notice.

(iv) Costs incurred in respect to facilities, materials, or services purchased or work done in excess of the reasonable quantitative requirements of the entire contract.

The failure specifically to mention in this subsection any item of cost is not intended to imply that it should be allowed or disallowed. The Director may interpret the provisions of this subsection (d) and may provide for the inclusion or exclusion of other costs in accordance with recognized commercial accounting practice.

Where the small size of claims or the nature of production or performance or other factors make it impracticable to apply the principles stated in this subsection (d) to any class of settlements which are subject to this subsection (d), the contracting agencies may establish alternative methods and standards for determining fair compensation for that class of termination claims. The aggregate amount of compensation allowed in accordance with this subsection (excluding amounts allowed under paragraphs (3) and (4) above) shall not exceed the total contract price reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made or to be made under the contract.

(e) Settlement by agreement. -In order to carry out the objectives of this chapter, termination claims shall be settled by agreement to the maximum extent feasible and the methods and standards established under subsection (b) of this section shall be designed to facilitate such settlements. To the extent that he deems it practicable to do so without impeding expeditious settlements, the Director shall require the contracting agencies to take into account the factors enumerated in subsection (d) above in establishing methods and standards for determining fair compensation in the settlement of termination claims by agreement.

(f) Interest. Each contracting agency shall allow and pay interest on the amount due and unpaid from time to time on any termination claim under a prime contract at the rate of 21/2 per centum per annum for the period beginning thirty days after the date fixed for termination and ending with the date of final payment, except that (1) if the prime contractor unreasonably delays the settlement of his claim, interest shall not accrue for the period of such delay, (2) if interest for the period after termination on any advance payment or loan, made or guaranteed by the Government, has been waived for the benefit of the contractor, the amount of the interest so waived allocable to the terminated contract or the terminated part of the contract shall be deducted from the interest otherwise payable hereunder, and (3) if after delivery of findings by a contracting agency, the contractor appeals or sues as provided in section 113 of this title, interest shall not accrue after the thirtieth day following the delivery of the findings on any amount allowed by such findings, unless such amount is increased upon such appeal or suit. In approving, ratifying, authorizing, or making termination settlements with subcontractors, each contracting agency shall allow interest on the termination claim of the subcontractor on the same basis and subject to the same conditions as are applicable to a prime contractor.

(g) Amendment of contracts. - Where any war contract does not provide for or provides against such fair compensation for its termination, the contracting agency, either before or after its termination, shall amend such war contract by agreement with the war contractor, or shall authorize, approve, or ratify an amendment of such war contract by the parties thereto, to provide for such fair compensation. (July 1, 1944, ch. 358, § 6, 58 Stat. 652.)

Retroactive effect of this section, see section 124 (a) of this title. Separability provisions and short title, see note under section 101 of this title. Settlement of claims for war contract losses incurred between September 16, 1940 and August 14, 1945. Act Aug. 7, 1946, ch. 864, §§ 1-6, 60 Stat. 902, provided: "Where work, supplies, or services have been furnished between September 16, 1940, and August 14, 1945, under a contract or subcontract, for any department or agency of the Government which prior to the latter date was authorized to enter into contracts and amendments or modifications of contracts under section 201 of the First War Powers Act, 1941 [section 611 of Appendix to Title 50], such departments and agencies are hereby authorized, in accordance with regulations to be pre prescribed by the President within sixty days after the date of approval of this Act [August 7, 1946], to consider, adjust, and settle equitable claims of contractors, including subcontractors and materialmen performing work or furnishing supplies or services to the contractor or another subcontractor, for losses (not including diminution of anticipated profits) incurred between September 16, 1940, and August 14, 1945, without fault or negligence on their part in the performance of such contracts or subcontracts. Settlement of such claims shall be made or approved in each case by the head of the department or agency concerned or by a central authority therein designated by such head. "Sec. 2. (a) In arriving at a fair and equitable settlement of claims under this Act [Act August 7, 1946, ch. 864, 60 Stat. 902], the respective departments and agencies shall not allow any amount in excess of the amount of the net loss (less the amount of any relief granted subsequent to the establishment of such loss) on all contracts and subcontracts held by the claimant under which work, supplies, or services were furnished for the Government between Septem

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ber 16, 1940, and August 14, 1945, and shall consider with respect to such contracts and subcontracts (1) action taken under the Renegotiation Act [section 1191 of Appendix to Title 50], the Contract Settlement Act of 1944 [sections 101-125 of this title], or similar legislation; (2) relief granted under section 201 of the First War Powers Act, 1941 [section 611 of Appendix to Title 50], or otherwise; and (3) relief proposed to be granted by any other department or agency under this Act. Wherever a department tment or agency considering a claim under this Act finds that losses under any such contract or subcontract affected the computation of the amount of excessive profits determined in a renegotiation agreement or order, and to the extent that the department or agency finds such amount was thereby reduced, claims for such losses shall not be allowed under this Act.

"(b) Every claimant under this Act shall furnish to the department or agency concerned any evidence within the possession of such claimant bearing upon the matters referred to in subsection (a) of this section.

"Sec. 3. Claims for losses shall not be considered unless filed with the department or agency concerned within six months after the date of approval of this Act [August 7, 1946], and shall be limited to losses with respect to which a written request for relief was filed with such department or agency on or before August 14, 1945, but a previous settlement under the First War Powers Act, 1941 [sections 601-622 of Appendix to Title 50], or the Contract Settlement Act of 1944 [sections 101-125 of this title] shall not operate to preclude further relief otherwise allowable under this Act.

"Sec. 4. Appropriations or funds available for work, supplies, or services of the character involved in the respective claims at the time of settlement thereof shall be available for payment of the settlements: Provided, That where no such appropriations are available, appropriations for payment of such settlements are hereby authorized.

"Sec. 5. Each department and agency shall report to the Congress quarterly the name of each claimant to whom relief has been granted under this Act, together with the amount of such relief and a brief statement of the facts and the administrative decision.

"Sec. 6. Whenever any claimant under this Act is dissatisfied with the action of a department or agency of the Government in either granting or denying this claim, such claimant shall have the right within six months to file a petition with any Federal district court of competent jurisdiction, asking a determination by the court of the equities involved in such claim; and upon the filing of such a petition, the court, sitting as a court of equity, shall have jurisdiction to determine the amount if any, to which such claimant and petitioner may be equitably entitled (not exceeding the amount which might have been allowed by the department or agency concerned under the terms of this Act) and to enter an order directing such department or agency to settle the claim in accordance with the finding of the court; and thereafter either party may appeal from the decision of the court as in other equity cases."

§ 119. Fraudulent claims, vouchers, statements, etc.; jurisdiction. Every person who makes or causes to be made, or presents or causes to be presented to any officer, agent, or employee of any Government agency any claim, bill, receipt, voucher, statement, account, certificate, affidavit, or deposition, knowing the same to be false, fraudulent, or fictitious or knowing the same to contain or to be based on any false, fraudulent, or fictitious statement or entry, or who shall cover up or conceal any material fact, or who shall use or engage in any other fraudulent trick, scheme, or device, for the purpose of securing or obtaining, or aiding to secure or obtain, for any person any benefit, payment, compensation, allowance, loan, advance, or emolument from the United States or any Government agency in connection with the termination, cancelation, settlement, payment, negotiation, renegotiation, performance, procurement, or award of a contract with the United States or with any other person, and every person who enters into an agreement, combination, or conspiracy so to do, (1) shall pay to the United States an amount equal to 25 per centum of any amount thereby sought to be wrongfully secured or obtained but not actually received, and (2) shall forfeit and refund any such benefit, payment, compensation, allowance, loan, advance, and emolument received as a result thereof and (3) shall in addition pay to the United States the sum of $2,000 for each such act, and double the amount of any damage which the United States may have sustained by reason thereof, together with the costs of suit.

The several district courts of the United States, the District of Columbia, the several district courts of the Territories of the United States, within whose jurisdictional limits the person, or persons, doing or committing such act, or any one of them, resides or shall be found, shall, wheresoever such act may have been done or committed, have full power and jurisdiction to hear, try, and determine such suit, and such person or persons as are not inhabitants of or found within the district in which suit is brought may be brought in by order of the court to be served personally or by publication or in such other reasonable manner as the court may direct. (July 1, 1944, ch. 358, § 19(a), (c-e), 58 Stat. 667, amended Ex. Ord. No. 9809, § 8, Dec. 12, 1946, 11 F.R. 14281; 1947 Reorg. Plan No. 1, § 201, eff. July 1, 1947, 12 F.R. 4534, 61 Stat. 951; June 25, 1948, ch. 645, § 21, 62 Stat. 862.)

Codification.-Subsec. (b) of section 19 of Act July 1, 1944, cited to text, amended section 590a of Title 18.

Effective date. - Section 20 of Act June 25, 1948, cited to text, provided that the amendment of this section should be effective as of Sept. 1, 1948.

Effective date of chapter, see section 124(a) of this title.

Transfer of functions. - Secretary of the Treasury was substituted for Director and Department of the Treasury was substituted for Office of Contract Settlement in subsec. (d) of this section upon authority of Ex.Ord.No. 9809, cited to text. See note under section 104 of this title.

Repeals. Act June 25, 1948, cited to text, repealed former subsecs. (a), (d), and (e) of Act of July 1, 1944, cited to text, leaving only subsec. (c) of said Act July 1, 1944, in operation.

Termination of hostilities. The termination of hostilities of World War II, for purpose of determining the period during which records must be preserved under this section, was proclaimed at 12 o'clock noon of December 31, 1946, by Proc. No. 2714, 12 F.R. 1, set out as note under section 601 of Appendix to Title 50.

Cross References. - Separability provisions and short title, see note under section 101 of this title.



§ 1751. Congressional declaration of policy. It is declared to be the policy of Congress, as a measure of national security, to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation's children and to encourage the domestic consumption of nutritious agricultural commodities and other food, by assisting the States, through grants-in-aid and other means, in providing an adequate supply of foods and other facilities for the establishment, maintenance, operation, and expansion of nonprofit school-lunch programs. (June 4, 1946, ch. 281, § 2, 60 Stat. 230.)

Short title. Congress in enacting this chapter provided by section 1 of act June 4, 1946, cited to text, that it should be popularly known as the "National School Lunch Act".

§ 1752. Appropriations. - For each fiscal year, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, there is authorized to be appropriated out of money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary to enable the Secretary of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as "the Secretary") to carry out the provisions of this chapter. (June 4, 1946, ch. 281, § 3, 60 Stat. 230.)

Appropriation. - Section 301 of Act July 30, 1947, ch. 356, Title III, 61 Stat. 550, provided in part: "To enable the Secretary to carry out the provisions of the National School Lunch Act of June 4, 1946 (Public Law 396) [this chapter], there is hereby made available $65,000,000 of the funds appropriated for the fiscal year 1948 by section 32 of the Act approved August 24, 1935 [section 612c of Title 7], such amount to be without regard to the 25 per centum limitation contained in said section 32 [said section], and to be exclusive of funds expended in accordance with the last sentence of section 9 of the National School Lunch Act [section 1758 of this title]: Provided, That no part of such funds shall be used for non-food assistance under section 5 of said Act [section 1754 of this title]. The remainder of the fund appropriated by said Act [section 612c of Title 7] for the fiscal year 1948 is hereby rescinded effective July 1, 1947, and shall be carried to the surplus fund and covered into the Treasury immediately thereafter."

§ 1753. Apportionments to States; definition. The sums appropriated for any fiscal year pursuant to the authorization contained in section 1752 of this title, excluding the sum specified in section 5, shall be available to the Secretary for supplying, during such fiscal year, agricultural commodities and other foods for the school-lunch program in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The Secretary shall apportion among the States during each fiscal year not less than 75 per centum of the aforesaid funds made available for such year for supplying agricultural commodities and other foods under the provisions of this chapter, except that the total of such apportionments of funds for use in Alaska, Territory of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands shall not exceed 3 per centum of the funds appropriated for agricultural commodities and other foods for the school-lunch program. Apportionment among the States shall be made on the basis of two factors: (1) The number of school

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