Imágenes de páginas

bargo, or otherwise violating, or assisting and abetting violations of the same.

forici ures;

SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That Penalties & all penalties and forfeitures incurred by force how to be reof this act, unless herein before otherwise mitted or midirected, and all penalties and forfeitures ligated. incurred by force of the act, entitled, “An act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbors of the United States," or by virtue of the several acts supplementary thereto, may be prosecuted, sued for, and recovered by action of debt, or by indictment or information, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding; and if recovered in consequence of any seizure made by the commander of any public armed vessel of the United States, shall be distributed according to the rules prescribed by the act, entitled, "An act for the government of the navy of the United States," and if otherwise, shall be distributed, and accounted for in the manner prescribed by the act, entitled, "An act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnage," passed the second day of March, one, thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and may be mitigated or remitted in the manner prescribed by the act, entitled, "An act to provide for mitigating or remitting forfeitures, penalties, and disabilities accruing in certain cases therein mentioned," passed the third day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, and made perpetual by an act passed the eleventh of February, one thousand eight hundred; and any officer or other person entitled to a part or share of any of the fines, penalties or forfeitures aforesaid, may, if necessary, be a witness on the trial

C c


a certam

therefor, but in such case he shall not re.
ceive any part or share of the said fine, pe-
nalty or forfeiture, but the part or share to
which he would otherwise be entitled shall
revert to the United States.

SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That may employ the President of the United States be, and he number of hereby is authorised to hire, arm and employ vessels men- thirty vessels, not exceeding in tonnage one embar. hundred and thirty tons each, belonging to go, &c. &c. citizens of the United States, and so many

forcing the

the embar


President no longer au

seamen as shall be necessary to man the same,
for immediate service, in enforcing the laws
of the United States on the sea coast there-
of, and to dismiss the same from service,
whenever he shall deem the same expedient.
Provided however, That such hiring, arm-
ing and employment shall not be for a term
exceeding one year. And the said ships or
vessels, when so hired and armed, shall be em-
ployed under the direction of the Secretary
of the Treasury.

Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That
the powers given to the President of the
thorized to United States by the seventh section of the
grant per-
missions to act of March the twelfth, one thousand eight
dispatch ves- hundred and eight, to grant permission to
citizens having property of value in places
without the jurisdiction of the United States,
to dispatch vessels for the same, shall hence
forth cease.



SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That of this act. this act shall be in force from and after the passing thereof, during the continuance of the act, entiled, "An act laying an embar go on all ships and vessels in the ports



and harbors of the United States," and no longer.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Vice-President of the United States, and President of the Senate.

January 9, 1809.




An ACT for the relief of Augustin Serry.


E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby authorised to settle the account of Augustin Serry, formerly a boatswain on board the United States brig Sophia; and that they allow him the pay and emoluments of a boatswain, from the fif teenth day of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, until the sixteenth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight; and that they pay the balance which may be found due to the said Augustin Serry, out of any monies in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated. J. B. VARNUM,

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

January 12, 1809.




An ACT to revive and continue in force. for a further time, the first section of the act, intituled "An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States, against the Barbary powers.”


E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That so much of the act, passed on the twenty fifth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and four, intituled "An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States, against the Barbary powers," as is contained in the first section of the said act, (and which was revived and continued in force, for the time therein mentioned, by an act, intituled "An act to revive and continue in force, for a further time, the first section of the act, intituled "An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States, against the Barbary powers," passed the nineteenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eight) be, and the same hereby is revived and continued in force, until the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ten: Provided however, That the additional duty laid by the said section shall be collected on all such goods, wares and merchandise, liable to pay the same, as shall have been imported previous to that day.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

January 10, 1809.-APPROVED,



An ACT authorising the proprietors of squares and lots in the city of Washington, to have the same subdivided and admitted to record.

&c. &c. may

BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That whenever the proprietor of any square or lot in the Proprietors city of Washington shall deem it necessary of squares, to subdivide such square or lot into conve- subdivide nient building lots, pieces or portions for them. sale and occupancy, and alleys for their accommodation, he may cause a plat of the same to be made, on which shall be expressed the dimensions and length of all the lines of such portions as are necessary, for defining and laying off the same on the ground, and may certify such subdivision under his hand and seal, in the presence of two or more credible witnesses, upon the same plat, or on a paper or parchment attached thereto.


may be exa.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That at the request of the said proprietor, the sur veyor of the city shall examine whether the mined by the lots, pieces or parcels into which any square recorded. Surveyor, & or lot may be subdivided as aforesaid, agree in dimensions with the whole of the square or lot so intended to be subdivided, and whether the dimensions expressed on the plat of subdivision, be the true dimensions of the parts so expressed; and if upon such examination, he shall find the plat correct, he shall certify the same under his hand and seal, with such remarks as appear to him necessary for the further illustration thereof, and

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