SEC. 608. That there shall be levied and collected on all beer, lager beer, ale, porter, and other similar fermented liquor, containing one-half of one per centum, or more, of alcohol, brewed or manufactured and hereafter sold, or removed for consumption or sale, within the United States, by whatever name such liquors may be called, in lieu of the internal-revenue taxes now imposed thereon by law, a tax of $6.00 for every barrel containing not more than thirty-one gallons, and at a like rate for any other quantity or for the fractional parts of a barrel authorized and defined by law, to be collected under the provisions of existing law. SEC. 610. That natural wine within the meaning of this Act shall be deemed to be the product made from the normal alcoholic fermentation of the juice of sound, ripe grapes, without addition or abstraction, except such as may occur in the usual cellar treatment of clarifying and aging: Provided, however, That the product made from the juice of sound, ripe grapes by complete fermentation of the must under proper cellar treatment and corrected by the addition (under the supervision of a gauger or storekeeper-gauger in the capacity of gauger) of a solution of water and pure cane, beet, or dextrose sugar (containing, respectively, not less than 95 per cent of actual sugar, calculated on a dry basis) to the must or to the wine, to correct natural deficiencies, when such addition shall not increase the volume of the resultant product more than 35 per centum, and the resultant product does not contain less than five parts per thousand of acid before fermentation and not more than 13 per centum of alcohol after complete fermentation, shall be deemed to be wine within the meaning of this Act, and may be labeled, transported, and sold as wine," qualified by the name of the locality where produced, and may be further qualified by the name of its own particular type or variety: And provided further, That wine as defined in this section may be sweetened with cane sugar or beet sugar or pure condensed grape must and fortified under the provisions of this Act, and wines so sweetened or fortified shall be considered sweet wine within the meaning of this Act. 66 SEC. 611. That upon all still wines, including vermuth, and all artificial or imitation wines or compounds sold as still wine, which are hereafter produced in or imported into the United States, or which on the day after the passage of this Act are on any winery premises or other bonded premises or in transit thereto or at any customhouse, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, in lieu of the internal-revenue taxes now imposed thereon by law, taxes at rates as follows, when sold, or removed for consumption or sale: On wines containing not more than 14 per centum of absolute alcohol, 16 cents per wine gallon, the per centum of alcohol taxable under this section to be reckoned by volume and not by weight; On wines containing more than 14 per centum and not exceeding 21 per centum of absolute alcohol, 40 cents per wine gallon; On wines containing more than 21 per centum and not exceeding 24 per centum of absolute alcohol, $1 per wine gallon; All such wines containing more than 24 per centum of absolute alcohol by volume shall be classed as distilled spirits and shall pay tax accordingly. T. D. 2295, 2391, 2400, 2414, 2801. SEC. 612. That under such regulations and official supervision and upon the giving of such notices, entries, bonds, and other security as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe, any producer of wines defined under the provisions of this title, may withdraw from any fruit distillery or special bonded warehouse grape brandy, or wine spirits, for the fortification of such wines on the premises where actually made: Provided, That there shall be levied and assessed against the producer of such wines a tax (in lieu of the internal-revenue tax now imposed thereon by law) of 60 cents per proof gallon of grape brandy or wine spirits whenever withdrawn and hereafter so used by him in the fortification of such wines during the preceding month, which assessment shall be paid by him within ten months from the date of notice thereof; Provided further, That nothing contained in this section shall be construed as exempting any wines, cordials, liqueurs, or similar compounds from the payment of any tax provided for in this title. Tax on chamSEC. 613. That upon the following articles which are hereafter pagne and spark. produced in or imported into the United States, or which on the ling wine. day after the passage of this Act are on any winery premises or other bonded premises or in transit thereto or at any customhouse, there shall be levied, collected, and paid taxes at rates as follows, when sold, or removed for consumption or sale: On each bottle or other container of champagne or sparkling wine, 12 cents on each one-half pint or fraction thereof; On each bottle or other container of artificially carbonated wines, 6 cents on each one-half pint or fraction thereof; On each bottle or other container of liqueurs, cordials, or similar compounds, by whatever name sold or offered for sale, containing sweet wine fortified with grape brandy, 6 cents on each one-half pint or fraction thereof. The tax imposed by this section shall, in the case of any article upon which a corresponding internal-revenue tax is now imposed by law, be in lieu of such tax. T. D. 2801. SEC. 614. That upon all articles specified in section 611 or 613 upon which the internal-revenue tax now imposed by law has been paid and which are on the day after the passage of this Act held by any person and intended for sale, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a floor tax equal to the difference between the tax imposed by this Act and the tax so paid. SEC. 615. That upon all sweet wines held for sale by the producer thereof upon the day after the passage of this Act there shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid a floor tax equivalent to 30 cents per proof gallon upon the grape brandy or wine spirits used in the fortification of such wine. Floor tax. Floor tax. Tax to be paid SEC. 616. That the taxes imposed by section 611 or 613 shall be by stamps. paid by stamp on removal of the wines from the customhouse, winery, or other bonded place of storage for consumption or sale, and every person hereafter producing, or having in his possession or under his control when this title takes effect, any wines subject to the tax imposed in section 611 or 613 shall file such notice, describing the premises on which such wines are produced or stored; shall execute a bond in such form; shall make such inventories under oath; and shall, prior to sale or removal for consumption, affix to each cask or vessel containing such wine such marks, labels, or stamps as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may from time to time prescribe; and the premises described in such notice shall, for the purpose of this Act, be regarded as bonded premises. But the provisions of this section, except as to payment of tax and the affixing of the required stamps or labels, shall not apply to wines held by retail dealers, as defined in section 3244 of the Revised Statutes, nor, subject to regulations prescribed by the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, shall the tax imposed by section 611 apply to wines produced for the family use of the duly registered producer thereof and not sold or otherwise removed from the place of manufacture and not exceeding in any case two hundred gallons per year. T. D. 2667, 2765, 2525. Tax on imported wines may be SEC. 619. That the collection of the tax on imported still wines, including vermuth, and sparkling wines, including champagne, and paid by stamps on imported liqueurs, cordials, and similar compounds, may be or be assessed. Penalties. drinks. made within the discretion of the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, by assessment instead of by stamps. SEC. 620. That whoever evades or attempts to evade any tax imposed by sections 611 to 615, both inclusive, or any requirement of sections 610 to 621, both inclusive, or regulation issued pursuant thereto, or whoever, otherwise than as provided in such sections, recovers or attempts to recover any spirits from domestic or imported wine, or whoever rectifies, mixes, or compounds with distilled spirits any domestic wines, other than in the manufacture of liqueurs, cordials, or similar compounds, shall, on conviction, be punished for each such offense by a fine of not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both, and in addition thereto by a penalty of double the tax evaded, or attempted to be evaded, to be assessed and collected in the same manner as taxes are assessed and collected, and all wines, spirits, liqueurs, cordials, or similar compounds as to which such violation occurs shall be forfeited to the United States. But the provisions of this section and the provisions of section 3244 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, relating to rectification, or other internalrevenue laws of the United States, shall not be held to apply to or prohibit the mixing or blending of wines subject to tax under the provisions of sections 611 to 615, both inclusive, with each other or with other wines for the sole purpose of perfecting such wines according to commercial standards: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting the use of tax-paid grain or other ethyl alcohol in the fortification of sweet wines as defined in section 610 of this Act and section 43 of the Act entitled "An Act to reduce the revenue and equalize duties on imports, and for other purposes," approved October 1, 1890, as amended by this Act. SEC. 628. That there shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid in lieu of the taxes imposed by sections 313 and 315 of the Revenue Act of 1917 Tax on cereal (a) Upon all beverages derived wholly or in part from cereals beverages. or substitutes therefor, and containing less than one-half of one Tax on soft per centum of alcohol, sold by the manufacturer, producer, or importer, in bottles or other closed containers, a tax equivalent to 15 per centum of the price for which so sold; and upon all unfermented grape juice, ginger ale, root beer, sarsaparilla, pop, artificial mineral waters (carbonated or not carbonated), other carbonated waters or beverages, and other soft drinks, sold by the manufacturer, producer, or importer, in bottles or other closed containers, a tax equivalent to 10 per centum of the price for which so sold; and Mineral wa ters. Reports. (b) Upon all natural mineral waters or table waters, sold by the producer, bottler, or importer thereof, in bottles or other closed containers, at over 10 cents per gallon, a tax of 2 cents per gallon. Regulations 52. SEC. 629. That each manufacturer, producer, bottler, or importer of any of the articles enumerated in section 628 shall make monthly returns under oath in duplicate and pay the taxes imposed in respect to such articles by such section to the collector for the district in which is located the principal place of business, containing such information necessary for the assessment of the tax, and at such times and in such manner as the Commissioner. with the approval of the Secretary, may by regulation prescribe. The tax shall, without assessment by the Commissioner or notice from the collector, be due and payable to the collector at the time so fixed for filing the return. If the tax is not paid when due, there shall be added as part of the tax a penalty of 5 per centum, together with interest at the rate of 1 per centum for each fu!! month, from the time when the tax became due. SEC. 1001. That on and after January 1, 1919, there shall be levied, collected, and paid annually the following special taxes- (12) Every person carrying on the business of a brewer, dis- Special tax tiller, wholesale liquor dealer, retail liquor dealer, wholesale $1,000. dealer in malt liquor, retail dealer in malt liquor, or manufacturer of stills, as defined in section 3244 as amended and section 3247 of the Revised Statutes, in any State, Territory, or District of the United States contrary to the laws of such State, Territory, or District, or in any place therein in which carrying on such business is prohibited by local or municipal law, shall pay, in addition to all other taxes, special or otherwise, imposed by existing law or by this Act, $1,000. The payment of the tax imposed by this subdivision shall not be held to exempt any person from any penalty or punishment provided for by the laws of any State, Territory, or District for carrying on such business in such State, Territory, or District, or in any manner to authorize the commencement or continuance of such business contrary to the laws of such State, Territory, or District, or in places prohibited by local or municipal law. The taxes imposed by this section shall, in the case of persons upon whom a corresponding tax is imposed by section 407 of the Revenue Act of 1916, be in lieu of such tax. Title XIII.-General Administrative Provisions. extended 7 SEC. 1306. That where floor taxes are imposed by this Act in Payment of respect to articles or commodities, in respect to which the tax floor tax may be imposed by existing law has been paid, the person required by months. this Act to pay the tax shall, within thirty days after its passage, make return under oath in such form and under such regulations as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, shall prescribe. Payment of the tax shown to be due may be extended to a date not exceeding seven months from the passage of this Act, upon the filing of a bond for payment in such form and amount and with such sureties as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe. Method of col SEC. 1307. That in all cases where the method of collecting the tax imposed by this Act is not specifically provided in this Act, lection. the tax shall be collected in such manner as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe. All administrative and penalty provisions of Title XI of this Act, in so far as applicable, shall apply to the collection of any tax which the Commissioner determines or prescribes shall be paid by stamp. Stamps at new SEC. 1311. That where the rate of tax imposed by this Act, payable by stamps, is an increase over previously existing rates, rates. stamps on hand in the collectors' offices and in the Bureau of Internal Revenue may continue to be used until the supply on hand is exhausted, but shall be sold and accounted for at the rates provided by this Act, and assessment shall be made against manufacturers and other taxpayers having such stamps on hand on the day this Act takes effect for the difference between the amount paid for such stamps and the tax due at the rates provided by this Act. SEC. 1400. (a) That the following parts of Acts are hereby repealed, subject to the limitations provided in subdivision (b): *** Title III (called "War Tax on Beverages") * * (b) Such parts of Acts shall remain in force for the assessment and collection of all taxes which have accrued thereunder, and for the imposition and collection of all penalties or forfeitures which have accrued and may accrue in relation to any such taxes, and except that the unexpended balance of any appropriation heretofore made and now available for the administration of any such part of an Act shall be available for the administration of this Act or the corresponding provision thereof: Provided, That, except as otherwise provided in this Act, no taxes shall be collected under Title I of the Revenue Act of 1916 as amended by the Revenue Act of 1917, or Title I or II of the Revenue Act of 1917, in 104314-23—6 Titles of revenue acts. respect to any period after December 31, 1917: Provided_further, That the assessment and collection of all estate taxes, and the imposition and collection of all penalties or forfeitures, which have accrued under Title II of the Revenue Act of 1916 as amended by the Act entitled, "An Act to provide increased revenue to defray the expenses of the increased appropriations for the Army and Navy and the extensions of fortifications, and for other purposes," approved March 3, 1917, or Title IX of the Revenue Act of 1917, shall be according to the provisions of Title IV of this Act. In the case of any tax imposed by any part of an Act herein repealed, if there is a tax imposed by this Act in lieu thereof, the provision imposing such tax shall remain in force until the corresponding tax under this Act takes effect under the provisions of this Act. SEC. 1402. That if any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Act shall for any reason be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this Act, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment has been rendered. SEC. 1403. That the Revenue Act of 1916 is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof a section to read as follows: "SEC. 903. That this Act may be cited as the 'Revenue Act of 1916.'" SEC. 1404. That the Revenue Act of 1917 is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof a section to read as follows: "SEC. 1303. That this Act may be cited as the 'Revenue Act of 1917.'" SEC. 1405. That this Act may be cited as the "Revenue Act of 1918." SEC. 1407. That the provisions of section 5 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, and for other purposes," approved March 3, 1917, relating to intoxicating liquors in interstate commerce, as amended by section 1110 of an Act entitled "An Act to provide revenue to defray war expenses, and for other purposes," approved October 3, 1917, be, and the same are hereby, made applicable to the District of Columbia. See p. 115. EXTRACTS FROM THE REVISED STATUTES. Persons forSEC. 190. It shall not be lawful for any person appointed after merly in the departments not to the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, prosecute claims as an officer, clerk, or employe in any of the Departments, to in them within act as counsel, attorney, or agent for prosecuting any claim two years. Certified copies of papers admis against the United States which was pending in either of said Departments while he was such officer, clerk, or employe, nor in any manner, nor by any means, to aid in the prosecution of any such claim, within two years next after he shall have ceased to be such officer, clerk, or employee. (20 Op. Atty. Gen. 696.) SEC. 882. Copies of any books, records, papers, or documents in sible as evidence. any of the Executive Departments, authenticated under the seals of such departments, respectively, shall be admitted in evidence equally with the originals thereof. Costs in inter upon information SEC. 969. When a suit for the recovery of any penalty or fornal-revenue suits feiture accruing under any law providing internal revenue is from other than brought upon information received from any person other than a collector, etc. collector, deputy collector, or inspector of internal revenue, the United States shall not be subject to any costs of suit. Costs when paid by defendant. SEC. 974. When judgment is rendered against the defendant in a prosecution for any fine or forfeiture incurred under a statute of the United States, he shall be subject to the payment of costs; and on every conviction for any other offense not capital, the court may in its discretion award that the defendant shall pay the costs of the prosecution. |