Imágenes de páginas

On Publication.—Ministers, G. Abeel, D.D., Augustus Blauvelt, D.D., John M. Wagner. Elders, Abraham Marshall, Alex. Dorn.

On Nominations.—Ministers, C. W. Fritts, C. R. Blauvelt, A. F. Munn. Elders, James Van Zandt, H. Van de Carr.

On Correspondence.- Ministers, P. Peltz, D.D., J. B. Drury, Henry V. Voorhees. Elders, Abram Hees, Joseph Conover.

On Accounts.-Ministers, M. Kiekenveldt, A. F. Todd, W. W. Letson. Elders, F. Van Driele, Nicholas Vischer.

On Leave of Absence.—Ministers, L. H. Van Dyck, Polhemus Van Wyck, J. Mayou. Elders, D. Vanderveer, Richard Walsh. On Board of Direction.-Elders, S. R. W. Heath, James A. Williamson, D. S. Jones, Walter Brett, Johu Dorrance.



The following report was received from the Board of Superin. tendents of the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, and referred to the Committee on the Professorate:

To the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America:

The Board of Superintendents of the Theological Seminary met. in Peter Hertzog Hall, at New Brunswick, on Tuesday, May 19th, 1874, at 12 o'clock M., and adjourned on Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock.

Rev. Dr. Gordon opened the meeting with prayer, and was afterwards elected President of the Board, and the Rev. J. B. Drury was elected Clerk pro tem.

The following members were present:

From the Particular Synod of New York.

[blocks in formation]

From the Particular Synod of New Brunswick.

Rev. William R. Duryee,

Elder John W. Ferdon,

Rev. William R. Gordon,

Rev. Charles S. Hegeman.

From the Particular Synod of Chicago.

Rev. A. H. Van Vranken.

From the Report of the Professors it appears that the following students have been members of the Theological Seminary:

[blocks in formation]

From the Report of the Faculty it appeared that in addition to the above, Henry Devries, lately from the Netherlands, and mem. ber of the Reformed Church of Sayville, had been examined by the Faculty on personal religion, and his views in desiring to prepare for the work of the ministry. But not having a College Diploma or its equivalent, he was, without being received as a member of the Seminary, yet permitted to go on with the Junior Class in the studies of the year. Mr Devries has been educated in the High Schools of Hollan, and the Faculty attested the good measure of

his attainments, his great diligence, and commendable progress, and recommended him to the Board for full admission to the Seminary. The Board accordingly admitted him to full standing in the Junior Class, with which he has pursued his studies, and passed the usual examinations before the Board.

The Professors examined the several classes in the presence of the Board in all the departments of the studies of the past year, and the examinations were sustained to the satisfaction of the Board. The members of the Senior Class were recommended to the Professors for the Professorial certificate which will entitle them to examination before their respective Classes for licensure.

The Board, however, were impressed with the difficulty of doing justice either to Professors or students by the present system of examinations, and therefore adopted the following resolutions:

First. That hereafter the examinations shall be by written answers to questions agreed upon by a Committee of the Board and the Professors, together with such oral questions as members of the Board may desire to ask.

Second. That it be competent for the Board to divide itself into sections for the purpose of carrying on the examinations simultaneously.

Third. That each Professor shall be allowed one day in which to examine his classes.

The annual address to the students was delivered by Rev. Dr. Peltz.

J. A. DE BAUN, Chairman.

A communication was received from the Classis of Raritan on the subject of the revised Liturgy, which was read, and laid upon the table for consideration when the report on the Liturgy is presented. It was afterward taken up and indefinitely postponed.

The following communication was received from the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, on the subject of an Ecumenical Council of the Presby terian Churches of this and other lands, and was referred to the Committee on Correspondence..

To the Moderator of the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America.

The last General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, in session at Baltimore, Md., May 27th, 1873, adopted the following preamble and resolution:

Whereas, There is substantial unity of faith, discipline and worship among the Presbyterian Churches in this and other lands, and whereas it is important to exhibit this union to the Churches and to the World; and whereas a desire has been expressed in many places for closer union among all branches of the great and widely scattered family of Presbyterian Churches; therefore

Resolved, That a Committee consisting of the Moderator of the General Assembly, the Stated Clerk, and the Rev. James McCosh, D.D., LL. D., be appointed to correspond with sister Churches holding by the Westminster Standards, with the view of bringing about an Ecumenical Council of such Churches to consider subjects of common interest to all, and especially to promote harmony of ac tion in the mission fields at home and abroad.

In accordance with this action, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, through its Committee, respectfully proposes to your honorable body, the con sideration of the expediency of such an Ecumenical Council with the request that if such Council be deemed expedient, a Committee be appointed with power to determine through correspondence or conference with like Committees of other Presbyterian bodies, the time, place, and manner of holding said Council. In commending this invitation to your regard, the Committee would mention, among the many advantages sought by such a Presbyterian conference, the strength that would thus be imparted to organiz::tions that may be feeble, because of their smallness, or their distance from evangelic centres, the unity of spirit that would be emphasized throughout our different bodies, the more perfect system that would be introduced into our processes of evangelization, and the powerful testimony to the truth that would be lifted up against the many forms of error with which the Church of Christ has to contend.

Earnestly urging this matter upon you as a work for the progress of the Redeemer's Kingdom, we have the honor to subscribe our selves your faithful servants in the Gospel of Christ.

HOWARD CROSBY, Moderator of the General Assembly

of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. EDWIN F. HATFIELD, Stated Clerk, General Assembly Presb. Ch. United States of America.

JAMES McCOSH, President of the College of New Jersey,


A communication was received from the Classis of Arcot, together with a paper containing the "Proceedings of the Conference on Presbyterian Confederation, held at Allahabad, Nov. 1873," and was referred to the Committee on Foreign Missions.

A communication was received from the Classis of Poughkeepsie on the subject of Hymn Books, and referred to the Committee on Overtures.

An overture was received from the South Classis of New York, and another from the South Classis of Long Island, and also a communication from the Board of Publication, in relation to the Board of Publication, all of which were referred to a special Committee consisting of Revs. Ransford Wells, A. M. Mann, Charles H. Poole, and Elders James Wood and Abram Hees.

A memorial was received from the Classis of Westchester, in reference to the Statistical Tables, and was referred to the Committee on Overtures.

A request was received from the Classis of Montgomery for a dispensation on behalf of Mr. George Sharpley, and referred to the Committee on Overtures.

A request was received from the South Classis of Long Island for a dispensation on behalf of Mr. Norman F. Nickerson, and referred to the Committee on Overtures.

A request was received from the Classis of New York for a dispensation on behalf of Mr. Charles R. Strok, and Mr. A. J. Beekman, and referred to the Committee on Overtures.

A communication was received from the Classis of New York, referring to the General Synod the action of the Particular Synod

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