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treated our soldiers whom they had captured, and the way in which they intended to treat them? Answer. On the evening of the twelfth I was in Colonel Duckworth's headquarters. I had not been conscripted then. I saw a despatch there from Forrest to Duckworth, dated that afternoon. It read something like this:

"Colonel W. L. Duckworth, Covington, Tennessee. I have killed three hundred and captured three hundred."

Duckworth remarked to me previous to the attack that no quarter would be shown at Fort Pillow at all; that they were a set of damned Yankees and Tennessee traitors there, and they intended to show them no quarter.

Question. When did he say this?
Answer. On the evening of the eleventh of
April, at Covington.

Question. How long had you known Duck


Answer. I never saw him before I saw him there.

Question. Did he say this to you?

Answer. I was not in conversation with him, but I heard him say this to a Captain Hill, a retired confederate captain, who formerly belonged to his command. He was within five or six feet of me when he said it.

Question. Were they talking at that time about the intended attack on Fort Pillow?

Answer. Yes, sir; and five days' rations were ordered then, and Duckworth said they were going to take Fort Pillow, and no quarter would

be shown at all.

Question. Do you know how Major Bradford got to Covington, and when?


jor Bradford and the conscripts, including the
affiant, were placed in charge of two companies
of the Seventh Tennessee cavalry, Captains Rus-
sell and Lawler commanding. They were taken
to Brownsville, Tennessee, and started from there
to Jackson, Tennessee. When they had proceed-
ed about five miles from Brownsville a halt was
made, and Major Bradford was taken about fifty
yards from the command by a guard of five con-
federate soldiers in charge of a lieutenant, and
was there deliberately shot, three of the confed-
erate soldiers discharging their fire-arms, all of
which took effect, killing him instantly.
was on the fourteenth day of April, 1864, near
dusk; that the body of Major Bradford was left
unburied in the woods about fifty yards from the
road. The affiant, with the other conscripts,
were taken on to Jackson, and on the twenty-
second day of April the affiant and twenty-five
others of the conscripts made their escape from the
confederate forces at Jackson. On the way back he
saw the body of Major Bradford lying in the same
place where he was shot. This was on Saturday
night, the twenty-third of April. Major Bradford,
before he was shot, fell on his knees and said
that he had fought them manfully, and wished
to be treated as a prisoner of war.

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The following papers, and affidavits were fur

Answer. I think he arrived there on the even-nished the Committee by General Mason Braying of the twelfth, just about dusk.

Question. Did Major Bradford state to you that he desired to disguise himself?

Answer. Yes, sir. He said that he had personal enemies in that command, among whom was this Willis Wright, who recognized him and told them who he was. Major Bradford was a native Tennesseean.

Question. Did any of the conscripts who were with you see Major Bradford shot?

Answer. Yes, sir; and I understand that one or two others, who escaped when I did, are here in in the city; and I shall try to get their statements.

man, at Cairo, and are herewith submitted:

CAIRO, ILLINOIS, April 18, 1864. We have the honor of reporting to you, as the only known survivors of the commissioned officers of the Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry, that, on the morning of the twelfth day of the present month, at about the hour of daylight, the rebels, numbering from five thousand to seven thousand, attacked our garrison at Fort Pillow, Tennessee, numbering as it did only about five hundred effective men. They at first sent in a flag of truce demanding a surrender, which Major Booth, then commanding the post, (Major Booth, of the Sixth W. R. McLagan, a citizen of the United States, United States heavy artillery, colored,) refused. being first duly sworn, states, upon oath, that Shortly after this Major Booth was shot through for the last two years he has been trading be- the heart and fell dead. Major William F. Bradtween St. Louis, Missouri, and Covington, Ten- ford, then commanding the Thirteenth Tennessee nessee; that at the time of the attack upon Fort cavalry, assumed command of the Fort, and under Pillow, April twelfth, 1864, he was at Covington, his orders a continual fire was kept up until about Tennessee, and was taken by General Forrest as one o clock P.M., when our cannon and the rifles a conscript on the thirteenth of April, with about of the sharp-shooters were mowing the rebels down thirty other citizens; that on the evening of the in such numbers that they could not make an adtwelfth of April Major Bradford, Thirteenth Ten-vance. The rebels then hoisted a second flag of nessee cavalry, United States forces, arrived at Covington, under guard, as a prisoner of war, and was reported as such to Colonel Duckworth, commanding Seventh Tennessee cavalry, confederate forces; that on the thirteenth of April MaVOL. VIII.-Doc. 5

truce and sent it in, demanding an unconditional surrender. They also threatened that if the place was not surrendered no quarter would be shown. Major Bradford refused to accept any such terms, would not surrender, and sent back word that

if such were their intentions they could try it on. were several confederate officers standing near at While this flag of truce was being sent in, the the time. None of them ordered the firing to rebel officers formed their forces in whatever ad- cease; but when they found they could not hit vantageous positions they were able to select. | him, they allowed him to give himself up as a They then formed a hollow square around our prisoner, and paroled him to the limits of the garrison, placed their sharp-shooters within our camp. They now claim that he violated his parole deserted barracks, and directed a galling fire upon the same night and escaped. We have heard our men. They also had one brigade in the from prisoners who got away from the rebels trenches just outside the Fort, which had been that they took Major Bradford out in the Hatchie cut by our men only a few days before, and Bottom and there despatched him. We feel conwhich provided them with as good protection as fident that the story is true. We saw several that held by the garrison in the Fort. Their de- negroes burning up in their quarters on Wednesmand of the flag of truce having been refused, the day morning. We also saw the rebels come order was given by General Forrest in person to back that morning and shoot at the wounded. charge upon the works and show no quarter. We also saw them at a distance running about Half an hour after the issuance of this order a hunting up wounded that they might shoot them. scene of terror and massacre ensued. The rebels There were some whites also burning. The recame pouring in solid masses right over the bels went to the negro hospital, where about breastworks. Their numbers were perfectly over- thirty sick were kept, and butchered them with whelming. The moment they reached the top of their sabres, hacking their heads open in many the walls, and commenced firing as they descend- instances, and then set fire to the buildings. ed, the colored troops were panic-stricken, threw They killed every negro soldier Wednesday morndown their arms, and ran down the bluff, pursued ing upon whom they came. Those who were sharply, begging for life. But escape was imposable they made stand up to be shot. In one case sible. The confederates had apprehended such a white soldier was found wounded. He had a result, and had placed a regiment of cavalry where it could cut off all effective retreat. This cavalry regiment employed themselves in shooting down the negro troops as fast as they made their appearance. The whites, as soon as they perceived they were also to be butchered inside the Fort, also ran down. They had previously thrown down their arms and submitted. In many instances the men begged for life at the hands of the enemy, even on their knees. They were only made to stand upon their feet and then summarily shot down. Captain Theodore F. Bradford, of company A, Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry, was signal-officer for the gunboat, and was seen by General Forrest with the signal flags. The General, in person, ordered Captain Bradford to be shot. He was instantly riddled with bullets, nearly a full regiment having fired their pieces upon him. Lieutenant Wilson, of company A, Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry, was killed after he had surrendered, he having been previously wounded. Lieutenant J. C. Akerstrom, company E, Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry, and acting reg. imental quartermaster, was severely wounded after he had surrendered, and then nailed to the side of a house and the house set on fire, burning him to death. Lieutenant Cord. Revelle, company E, Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry, was shot and killed after surrender. Major William F. Bradford, commanding our forces, was fired upon after he had surrendered the garrison. The rebels told him he could not surrender.

He ran

into the river and swam out some fifty yards, they all the time firing at him, but failing to hit him. He was hailed by an officer and told to return to the shore. He did so. But as he neared the shore the riflemen discharged their pieces at him again. Again they missed. He ran up the hillside among the enemy with a white handkerchief in his hand in token of his surrender, but

been lying upon the ground nearly twenty-four hours without food or drink. He asked a rebel soldier to give him something to drink. The latter turned about upon his heel and fired three deliberate shots at him, saying: "Take that, you negro equality." The poor fellow is alive yet and in the hospital. He can tell the tale for himself. They ran a great many into the river, and shot or drowned them there. They immediately killed all the officers who were over the negro troops, excepting one who has since died from his wounds. They took out from Fort Pillow about one hundred and some odd prisoners, (white,) and forty negroes. They hung and shot the negroes as they passed along toward Brownsville until they were rid of them all. Out of the six hundred troops (convalescents included) which were at the Fort they have only about one hundred prisoners, (all whites,) and we have about fifty wounded who are paroled.

Major Anderson, Forrest's Assistant AdjutantGeneral, stated that they did not consider colored men as soldiers, but as property, and as such, being used by our people, they had destroyed them. This was concurred in by Forrest, Chalmers, and McCullough, and other officers.


We respectfully refer you to the accompany ing affidavit of Hardy N. Revelle, lettered" and those of Mrs. Rufin, lettered "B," and Mrs. Williams, lettered "C."

Respectfully submitted.

First Lieutenant Co. D, Thirteenth Tennessee Vol. Car.
Second Lieutenant Co. B, Thirteenth Tennessee Vol. Cav.
General M. BRAYMAN.

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Affidavit of Hardy N. Revelle.

I was in business at Fort Pillow previons to

still they continued to fire upon him. There the fight on Tuesday last. Was engaged as a

dry-goods clerk for Messrs. Harris and Company. passed down the hill. It is stated that at this Went into the fight at six o'clock on the morn- time Major Bradford put a white handkerchief ing of Tuesday, the twelfth of April. Remained on his sword-point and waved it in token of suboutside of the Federal fortifications until about mission; but it was not heeded if he did. We half-past eight A.M., acting as a sharp-shooter. At were followed closely and fiercely by the advancthis time we were all ordered within the Fort. ing rebel forces, their fire never ceasing at all. Lieutenant Barr was killed outside the Fort, also Our men had given signals themselves that they Lieutenant Wilson, the latter of the Thirteenth surrendered, many of them throwing up their Tennessee cavalry. It was not long after nine hands to show they were unarmed and submit o'clock that I took my position behind the forti- ted to overwhelming odds. fications and resumed the fight. I was standing not more than ten paces from Major Booth when he fell, struck in the heart by a musket-bullet. It was but a few minutes past nine. He did not die immediately, but was borne from the field. At this time there was continued firing on both sides. Rebels were not using artillery; our troops were.

The next thing I recollect is a flag of truce coming in, the bearers of which-General Forrest of the rebel army, and some parties of his staff - demanded a surrender of the garrison. Major Bradford was then in command. Forrest did not come within the breastworks, but remained some fifty yards outside, and Major Bradford went out to meet him. They conferred in a south-easterly direction from what was known as "old headquarters." Bradford is said to have replied that he would not surrender. Forrest told him that if he did not there would not be any quarter shown. They were in conference about fifteen minutes, during which time there was a cessation of firing. Bradford asked for one hour's time in which to confer with the commander of the gunboat. Forrest refused it; but I think there was a pause in actual hostilities of nearly that length of time. The rebels were busily engaged in plundering our hastily deserted encampment outside the fortifications, as well as robbing some of the stores below the hill. They were also massing their troops and placing them in eligible positions while the flag of truce was being considered. It is my opinion that they could never have gained the positions had they not done so under that flag of truce. They had already consumed seven or eight hours in attempting it with no success.

At about half-past two in the afternoon a large force of infantry came upon us from the ravine toward the east of where I stood. It seemed to come down Cold Creek. They charged upon our ranks. Another large force of rebel cavalry charged from the south of east, and another force from the northward. They mounted the breastworks at the first charge where I stood. We fired upon them while upon the breastworks. I remember firing two shots while the enemy were upon the walls. The negro troops, frightened by the appearance of such numbers, and knowing they could no longer resist, made a break and ran down the hill, surrendering their arms as the rebels came down on our side of the fortifications. When we found there was no quarter to be shown, and that, white and black, we were to be butchered, we also gave up our arms and

I was about half-way down the hill, partially secreted in a kind of ravine with Dr. Fitch, when I saw two men, white men, belonging to the Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry, standing behind a stump on which they had fixed a white handkerchief, their hands thrown up. They asked for quarter. When they stood on their feet they were exposed, and I saw them shot down by rebel soldiers and killed. A captain of the rebel troops then came where we were and ordered all the Federals, white and black, to move up the hill, or he would "shoot their God damn brains out." I started up the hill with a number of others, in accordance with the order. I was surrendered with our men. While going up I saw white men fall on both sides of me who were shot down by rebel soldiers who were stationed upon the brow of the hill. We were at the time marching directly toward the men who fired upon us. I do not know how many fell, but I remember to have seen four killed in this way. I also saw negroes shot down with pistols in the hands of rebels. One was killed at my side. I saw another negro struck on the head with a sabre by a rebel soldier; I suppose he was also killed. One more, just in front of me, was knocked down with the butt of a musket. We kept on up the hill. I expected each moment to meet my fate with the rest. At the top of the hill I met a man named Cutler, a citizen of Fort Pillow. He spoke to a rebel captain about me, and we then went, under orders from the captain, to one of the stores under the hill, where the captain got a pair of boots. This was about four P.M. on Tuesday. The captain and Cutler and myself then left to find General McCullough's headquarters, where we were to report and be disposed of. The captain introduced me to a lieutenant and to a surgeon of the rebel army. The surgeon made me show him where goods could be found. The lieutenant got a saddle and bridle and some bits, and then we helped them to carry them to where their horses were outside of the fortifications. I also met Mr. Wedlin, a citizen, and he accompanied us. He helped the lieutenant to mount and pack his goods, and then he gave Wedlin and myself permission to depart, and instructed us as to the best means of es cape.

I am positive that up to the time of the surrender there had not been more than fifty men (black and white) killed and wounded on the Union side. Of these, but about twenty had been among the killed. The balance of all killed and wounded on our side were killed and

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Lieutenant and A. D. C.

Statement of Ann Jane Rufin.

I am the wife of Thomas Rufin, a member of the Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry; was at Fort Pillow on Tuesday, the twelfth day of April, A.D. 1864, and was removed to an island during the progress of the battle. Returned to Fort Pillow on Wednesday morning, the thirteenth of April, and saw the remains of a man lying upon the back, its arms outstretched, with some planks under it. The man had to all appearances been nailed to the side of the house, and then the building set on fire. I am satisfied that the body was that of Lieutenant John C. Akerstrom, Second Lieutenant company A, Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry, who was on duty as Quartermaster of the post of Fort Pillow. I was well acquainted with Lieutenant Akerstrom when living. After examining the body I walked around to a ditch where a large number of dead and wounded had been thrown and partially covered. I saw several places where the wounded had dug holes and attempted to get out, but had been unable to do so.

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Statement of Mrs. Rebecca Williams.

I am the wife of William F. Williams, a private in the Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry, company D.

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James R. Brigham, a resident of Fredonia, Chautauque County, New-York, deposes and says:

He was and had been a clerk in a store at Fort Pillow over a year previous to the twelfth April


On learning, early on the morning of the twelfth instant, that the post was to be attacked by the confederates, he went immediately to the Fort, and was engaged with a musket in defending the Fort, when General Chalmers was repulsed twice. After this, I was detailed to carry wounded down the hill, on which the Fort was situated, to the river bank, where, beside a large log, I raised a red flag as a sign of a hospital. The flag was made from part of a red flannel shirt. The last attack was made by General Forrest in person, who headed the column. Forrest was wounded in three (3) different places, and had his horse shot under him.

Major Booth, of the regular army, was in command. He was killed about eleven o'clock by a sharp-shooter, when Major Bradford, of the Thirteenth Tennessee regiment, took command. Major Bradford was taken prisoner, and killed near Judge Green's, some six miles from the Fort, while a prisoner.

When the confederates rushed into the Fort having taken advantage of a flag of truce to get their men close to the Fort in a ravine, and directly under the embankments, this force numbered some one thousand five hundred, with a large reserve in sight. As soon as the confederates got into the Fort, the Federals threw down their arms in token of surrender, and many exclaimed: "We surrender." Immediately an indiscriminate massacre commenced on both black and white sol

I was at Fort Pillow on the Wednesday morn-diers. Up to the time of the surrender, I don't ing after the fight of Tuesday, the twelfth of April, 1864, and saw the body of a man, which had the appearance of having been burned to death. It was pointed out to me as the body of Lieutenant John C. Akerstrom, of the Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry. I know it was the corpse of a white man.




CAIRO, April 18, 1864.

think more than from twenty to twenty-five had been killed, and not more than fifteen wounded. I was taken prisoner, and when marching with other prisoners, black and white, I saw the confederates shoot and kill and wound both white and black Federal prisoners. Some negroes were severely beaten, but still able to go along. We were taken a few miles into the country, when myself and a few others got relieved by General McCullough, on the ground of being private citizens. I saw General Forrest, and knew he was There were from twenty-five to thirty black soldiers carried off as prisoners, and not over thirty to thirty-five white. All the rest of that faithful and heroic garrison,

Subscribed and sworn to before me this wounded, as before stated. eighteenth day of April, 1864.

Captain and District Provost-Marshal.

some five or six hundred in number, were killed or wounded in action, or murdered or wounded after the surrender. I saw officers as well as privates kill and wound prisoners, and heard them say, while held a prisoner with them in the country, that they intended taking the prisoners still further into the country, and make an example of them.

Captain Bradford, of the Thirteenth Tennessee, was engaged with a blue signal-flag in connection with gunboat Number Seven. Captain Bradford was ordered shot by General Forrest, who said: "Shoot that man with the black flag." This was after the surrender. His body was literally shot to pieces. All, both black and white, fought manfully. I saw several negroes wounded, with blood running from their bodies, still engaged loading and firing cannon and muskets cheerfully. There was no giving way till one thousand five hundred confederates rushed inside the Fort. Most were killed outside the Fort when prisoners. The Fort was defended successfully for over eight hours by from five hundred to six hundred men against three thousand five hundred to four thousand barbarians. I heard confederate officers say it was the hardest contested engagement that Forrest had ever been engaged in. I heard officers say they would never recognize negroes as prisoners of war, but would kill them whenever taken. Even if they caught a negro with blue clothes on, (uniform,) they would kill him. Officers of negro troops were treated and murdered the same as negroes themselves.

After lying in the woods two days and nights, I was picked up by gunboat Number Seven, some five or six miles below the Fort.

On my return to the Fort, I saw and recognized the remains of Lieutenant Akerstrom; he had been nailed to a house, and supposed burned alive.

There were the remains of two negroes lying where the house burned. I was told they were nailed to the floor. I also found a negro partially buried, with his head out of the ground, alive. I went for assistance and water for him; when I returned he was so near dead that no assistance could save him. We sat by him till he died.

at Fort Pillow, Tennessee, on the night of the eleventh of April, 1864. I was at Fort Pillow during the engagement between the rebel forces under Forrest and Chalmers, and the United States garrison at that place, on the twelfth of April instant, 1864. About sun-up, the alarm of rebels being in the Fort was received at Major Booth's headquarters. I took a position where I could see all that was done by the rebel and United States forces. Deponent further saith: I saw the contraband camps in flames at different points. Could see the skirmishers of the rebels. Signals were given by Captain Bradford to Captain Marshall, of the navy, commanding gunboat Number Seven, to shell them from post Number One, which is in sight of the Fort, which was done by Captain Marshall. About one hour after sunrise, brisk skirmishing_began. The bullets from rebel infantry caused me to move from where I was, and take position behind a large stump near the Fort. About nine o'clock I moved to the rear of the Fort, where I could better see the rebels who swarmed the bluff.


The rebels were here so near the gunboat that. the crew under Captain Marshall had to close their ports, and use their small-arms. At one o'clock P.M. the firing on both sides ceased. A flag of truce was sent from the rebel lines to demand an unconditional surrender. While the flag of truce was approaching the Fort, I saw a battery of artillery moved to a better position by the rebels, and saw their sharp-shooters approaching the Fort from another quarter. two o'clock the fight began again; about fifteen or twenty minutes after I saw a charge made by about two thousand on the breastworks and near it on the bluff. Sharp fighting took place inside the Fort of about five minutes' duration. I saw their bayonets and swords. I saw the Union soldiers, black and white, slaughtered while asking for quarter; heard their screams for quarter, to which the rebels paid no attention. About one hundred left the Fort, and ran down the bank of the bluff to the river, pursued by the rebels, who surrounded them; in about twenty minutes, every one of them, as far as I could see, were shot down by the rebels without

I can recount but a small part of the barbar-mercy. ities I saw on that fatal day, when hundreds of loyal soldiers were murdered in cold blood.


I left at this time, getting on the gunboat. On Thursday, the fourteenth of April, I met Captain Farris, of Forrest's command, about six miles from Fort Pillow, at Plum Point; his soldiers

Sworn before me at Cairo, Illinois, this eight-said they were hunting for negroes. I asked eenth day of April, 1864.

Assistant Adjutant-General.


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him if they took any prisoners at Fort Pillow. He said they took some of the Thirteenth Tennessee, who surrendered, but no others.


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