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patriotic acts and sacrifices of their nation had the total mortality among all the Union soldiers not been sufficiently appreciated.

to fifty per day, or fifteen hundred monthly.

General McNeil replied that it gave him very great pleasure to receive this token of respect of brought from the island argues that hundreds "The extremely reduced condition of those the Cherokee nation. Among the responsibilities quite sick are left behind who, with us, would of the command to which he had been assigned, be considered fit subjects for hospital treatment. there was none greater than his duty toward their Such, too, is the fact, as invariably stated by suffering people. One of his first acts on assumscores we have conversed with from that camp. ing command was to represent the condition of The same, to a degree, holds true of their prisonthe Indian tribes, and he had recommended some measures for the improvement of their condition.mate to put the number who are fit subjects for ers in the city. It would be a reasonable estiThe Government is very desirous that you should hospitals, but who are refused admittance, at five make a crop this spring, and such a disposition hundred. One thousand are already under treatof troops will be made that you can do it in ment in the three hospitals; and the confederate Mr. Ross.-If white troops will keep away our surgeons themselves say the number of patients white enemies, the loyal Indian troops can provided. Thus we have over ten per cent of the is only limited by the small accommodations protect themselves.


General McNeil.—I ask if I may assure the Government that the Cherokees will not make civil war on their tribes except in self-defence. Chief Christy.-You may.

-THE rebel schooner Maria Alberta, while attempting to run the blockade, was captured off Bayport, Florida, by the National schooner Two Sisters.—THE battle of Mine Run, Va., was fought this day, between the Union forces, under MajorGeneral Meade, and the rebels, under the command of General Lee.—(Doc. 15.)

—A PARTY of surgeons belonging to the United States army, lately prisoners in Richmond, made the following statement: "We the undersigned consider it our duty to publish a few facts that came to our knowledge while we were inmates of the hospital attached to the Libby prison. We enjoyed for several months daily access to the hospitals where the sick and wounded among our Union soldiers were under treatment. As a result of our observation, we hereby declare our belief that, since the battle of Chickamauga, the number of deaths per diem has averaged fully fifty. The prevailing diseases are diarrhoea, dysentery, or typhoid pneumonia. Of late the percentage of deaths has greatly increased from causes that have been long at work, as insufficient food, clothing, and shelter, combined with that depression of spirits brought so often by long confinement. It may seem almost incredible that, in the three hospitals for wounded soldiers, the average mortality is nearly forty per day, and, we are forced to believe, the deaths in the tobacco factories and upon the Island, will raise

whole number of the prisoners held classed as sick men, who need the most assiduous and skilful attention; yet, in the matter of rations, they are receiving nothing but corn-bread and sweet potatoes. Meat is no longer furnished to any class of our prisoners, except to the few officers in Libby Hospital; and all the sick and well officers and privates are now furnished with a very poor article of corn-bread, in place of wheatbread-an unsuitable diet for hospital patients, prostrated with diarrhoea, dysentery, and fever.

"To say nothing of many startling instances of individual suffering, and horrid pictures of death from prostrated sickness and semi-starvation, we have had thrust upon our attention, the first demand of the poor creatures from the island was always for something to eat. Self-respect gone, half-clad and covered with vermin and filth, many of them are often beyond all reach of medical skill. In one instance, the ambulances brought sixteen to the hospital, and during the night seven of them died. Again, eighteen were brought, and eleven of them died in twenty-four hours. At another time, fourteen were admitted in a single day, and ten of them died. Judging from what we have ourselves seen and do know, we do not hesitate to say that under a treatment of systematized abuse, neglect, and semi-starvation, the number who are becoming prematurely broken down in their constitutions must be reckoned by thousands. The confederate daily papers in general terms acknowledge the truth of all we have affirmed, but usually close their abusive editorials by declaring that even such treatment is better than the invading Yankees deserve.

"The Examiner, in a recent article, begrudged

the little food the prisoners did receive, and the boxes sent to us from home, and closed by eulogizing the system of semi-starvation and exposure as well calculated to dispose of us. Recently several hundred prisoners per day were being removed to Danville, and in two instances we were standing in view of them as their ranks filed past. Numbers were without shoes, nearly all without blankets or overcoats, and not a man did we see who was well fed and fully clad; but to the credit of the prisoners in Richmond, of all ranks, be it recorded, that, although they have shown heroic fortitude under suffering, and spurning the idea that their Government had forgotten them, have held fast their confidence in the final and speedy success of our cause. In addition to the above statement, we wish to be distinctly understood that the confederate medical officers connected with the hospitals referred to, Surgeons Wilkins, Simmons, and Sobal, and the hospital steward, Hollet, are not in any way, as far as our observation has extended, responsible for the state of things existing there, but on the other hand, we are bound in justice to bear testimony to their kindness and the faithful performance of duties with the limited means at their disposal."* -AMONG the prisoners captured at Chattanooga, were found a large number of those paroled at Vicksburgh. General Grant inquired whether he should proceed against them according to the established usage in such cases, which is to shoot the persons so found. The War Department forbid, it being manifestly unjust to execute soldiers who were required by the rebel government to break their parole.-GENERAL JOHN H. MORGAN, with six of his officers, escaped from the penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio.-(Doc. 37.)

November 28.-A cavalry fight took place at Louisville, Tenn., between a party of rebels and two hundred and twenty-five men belonging to the Sixth Illinois regiment, resulting in the rout of the rebels.

tions to the commanders of the brigades who were to attempt it:

"HEADQUARTERS, November 29, 1863. "GENERAL: Please impress your officers and men with the importance of making a rush when they once start to take such a position as that occupied by the enemy yesterday. If the troops, once started, rush forward till the point is carried, the loss will be trifling; whereas, if they hesitate, the enemy gets courage, or, being behind a comparatively sheltered position, will fight the harder.

"Beside, if the assaulting party once loses courage and falters, he will not find courage, probably, to make a renewed effort. The men should be cautioned before they start at such work, and told what they are to do, and the importance and great safety of doing it with a rush.

"Very respectfully, J. LONGSTREET,

"Major-General McLaws."


-THE schooner Winona was captured by the gunboat Kanawha, off Mobile Bay, Ala.

November 30.-Fort Esperanza, in Matagorda Bay, having been blown up and abandoned by the rebels, was occupied by the National forces under the command of Major-General C. C. Washburne. (Doc. 17.)-THE rebel blockade-runner Chatham, was captured in Doboy Sound, Ga., by the gunboat Huron.

December 1.-The army of the Potomac withdrew from before the works of the rebels on Mine Run, General Meade being convinced that they could not be taken without a great sacrifice of life. A soldier, writing from Kelleysville, on December fourth, gives the following account of the retrograde movement: "Since joining the regiment I have had very tough work, marching great distances in a short space of time, besides living on short rations. We crossed the Rapidan at Ely's Ford, marching through the battle-field of Chancellorsville and the Wilderness, to within six miles of Orange Court-House, where we halted. Our impressions were, that we would reach Gordonsville before any serious opposition missing. A few hours previous to the assault, The army skirmished with the rebels from the would be shown, but were mightily mistaken.

November 29.-Fort Sanders, near Knoxville, Tenn., was assaulted by the rebel forces under General Longstreet, who was repulsed with a loss of over eight hundred in killed, wounded, and

the rebel General issued the following instruc

time we crossed the Rapidan until we halted, and

* The surgeons who signed this statement were, Daniel Meek-through such a perfect wilderness as to be almost er, United States Navy; C. T. Liners, Assistant Surgeon Sixth indescribable--the road, the only place where Maine regiment; J. L. Brown, Assistant Surgeon One Hundred man or beast could walk, with both sides covand Sixteenth Ohio volunteer infantry; and A. M. Parker, Assistant Surgeon First Maine cavalry. ered with dense woods, overrun with under

December 3.-A large body of rebels, under the command of Chalmers and Forrest, made three desperate charges on a division of National cavalry, stationed at the Wolf River Bridge, Tenn., but were finally repulsed with heavy loss. The National troops were commanded by Colonel Hatch's cavalry division, which suffered severely.

December 4.-General Longstreet raised the siege of Knoxville, and fell back to Morristown, Tenn., in consequence of the approach of heavy reinforcements to General Burnside, under General Granger, as well as the great victory around Chattanooga.-(Doc. 19.)

brush. So you can readily imagine what a place age and resolution. Let the past take care of for troops to advance in line of battle, and ma- itself. We care more to secure the future." nœuvre for instant action. Yet it was done, and with a hearty good will, for the impression animated the whole army we would give the rebels a sound whipping, as we were on their flank; but alas! they got wind of it, and formed a line of battle on the high ridge of hills on the opposite side of Mine Run. We would have cleared them out from there, but the whole of our army did not arrive in time. Night came on, and they improved the time by fortifying. When morning came, they had one of the most formidable works in view I ever saw. The creek, or run, was crammed with felled trees, to break our ranks when advancing in line, and then came immense breastworks with abattis in front, making it an impossibility to make a charge over. Yet that morning the whole line had orders to take off knapsacks and overcoats, and make the attack, or rather attempt it. When all was ready, and going on the advance, the order was countermanded, and with it came many light hearts, as we knew it was impossible to make any impression on what we saw before us, although we were willing to attempt it. We lay all that day, and the next until evening, when we picked up our traps, and made a splendid retrograde movement. To be sure, the army suffered a little in killed and wounded, but nothing in comparison to what it would have been if we had fought them. One of the men in my company was shot in the breast while skirmishing. We are now near Kelly's Ford, and have arrived at the conclusion that General Meade

acted wisely in not giving battle, for he would have been repulsed, and that would not do, when things looked so bright in the West."

December 2.-General Braxton Bragg issued a general order from his headquarters at Dalton, Ga., transferring the command of the rebel forces to Lieutenant-General Hardee who, on assuming the position announced, in orders, that "there was no cause for discouragement. The overwhelming numbers of the enemy forced us back from Missionary Ridge; but the army is still intact and in good heart; our losses were small, and were rapidly replaced. The country is looking to you with painful interest. I feel I can rely upon you. The weak need to be cheered by the constant successes of the victors of Shiloh, Perryville, Murfreesboro, and Chickamauga, and require such stimulant to sustain their courVOL. VIII-DIARY 2

December 5.-Major-General R. C. Schenck relinquished the command of the Middle Department, and was succeeded by Brigadier-General Lockwood.-STEPHEN D. LEE, Major-General in the rebel service, sent the following report from his headquarters, at Holly Springs, Miss., to General Joseph E. Johnston: "Chased enemy's cavalry, eight hundred strong, from Ripley into Pocahontas, on the first. The enemy concentrated at Pocahontas, and evacuated Salisbury on the second. Two miles of railroad destroyed at Salisbury. Forrest passed safely over. Routed and drove across into Wolf River, at Moscow, two regiments of the enemy's cavalry, killing, wounding, and drowning about one hundred and seventy-five, capturing forty prisoners, and forty horses, and killing about one hundred horses."

-A BODY of rebel cavalry, with a few pieces of artillery, crossed the Rapidan, and made a demonstration in front of the National lines. After a brief skirmish, it was discovered that the rebels wished to reestablish signal-stations on three peaks overlooking the section of country occupied by the Union army. This was successfully accomplished, and quiet restored.— A TRAIN, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, was attacked by a party of guerrillas, at a point two miles east of Bealton Station.-GEORGETOWN, S. C., was destroyed by fire this night.

December 6.-Major-General W. T. Sherman and staff, accompanied by Brigadier-General Wilson, arrived at General Burnside's headquarters, at Knoxville, Tenn., at noon to-day.-A MOST Successful reconnoissance was made to Madison Court-House, Va., by four squadrons of the First New-York Dragoons, under Major Scott,

point about eight miles above Bayou Sara, and seriously damaged. MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN A. LOGAN assumed command of the Fifteenth army corps, at Bridgeport, Ala.—THE British steamer Ceres was captured off the port of Wilmington, North-Carolina.

-FULL and enthusiastic meetings were held in various portions of Indiana. At the capital of the State, General Carrington made a strategical speech, illustrated by maps and diagrams, show

demonstrating that no rebel force existed in that quarter. At James City a few rebels, who fled on the approach of the Nationals, were seen. On Thoroughfare Mountain, the rebel signal-station was found in the possession of some thirty or more cavalry, who at once beat a hasty retreat. They were pursued some distance by Major Scott's men, but without capture. It was found to be a good position for its past uses, as well as in turn to be used against them, as from it the position of nearly the whole rebel army ing how the rebels could be circumvented. —JEFcan be seen. The destruction was made as comFERSON DAVIS sent a message to the rebel Conplete as possible.-THE National iron-clad Weehawken, during a terrific storm, sunk at her an-gress, which was received and read in both houses. (Doc. 21.) chorage at the entrance of Charleston harbor, S. C., carrying down with her four engineers and twenty-six of her crew.-THE merchant steamer Chesapeake, commanded by Captain Willets, was seized by a party of rebels, who had taken passage in her, while on her way from New-York to Portand, Maine. The pirates assaulted the crew, killed the engineer, and wounded two other officers, and, after landing the passengers at Part-bly surrendered Vicksburgh to the enemy, the ridge Island, ran away with the vessel.

December 8. A brisk cannonade between Fort Moultrie and Battery Gregg, in Charleston harbor, was carried on this day. The firing on Fort Sumter was moderated.—IN a speech before the rebel Congress, this day, Mr. Foote expressed great indignation at the course pursued by President Davis. "When Pemberton dishonora

President made him his companion, and carried him to General Bragg's army, when, as he rode along, soldiers were heard to say: 'There goes the traitor who delivered us over at Vicksburgh.' The President never visited the army without doing it injury; never yet that it was not followed by disaster. He was instrumental

December 7.--Major-General Foster, from his headquarters at Tazewell, Tenn., sent the follow ing to the National War Department: "Longstreet is on a full retreat up the valley. Your orders about following with cavalry, shall be carried out. My division of cavalry attacked the enemy's cav-in the Gettysburgh affair. He instructed Bragg alry in one of the passes of Clinch Mountains, yesterday P.M., and are pushing them vigorously. Couriers from Knoxville arrived last night. The road is clear. Sherman arrived here yes terday."

at Murfreesboro. He has opened Georgia to one hundred thousand of the enemy's troops, and laid South-Carolina liable to destruction. I charge him with having almost ruined the country, and will meet his champion anywhere to discuss it. Would to God he would never visit the army again!"

-PRESIDENT LINCOLN issued the following recommendation for prayer and thanksgiving, for the defeat of the rebels under General LongMr. Foote also referred to abuses in the comstreet: "Reliable information having been re- missory department. A certain commissaryceived that the insurgent force is retreating general, who was a curse to our country, is infrom East-Tennessee, under circumstances ren- vested with authority to control the matter of dering it probable that the Union forces cannot subsistence. This monster, Northrop, has stealthhereafter be dislodged from that important posi-ily placed our government in the attitude charged tion, and esteeming this to be of high national by the enemy, and has attempted to starve the consequence, I recommend that all loyal people prisoners in our hands!. do, on receipt of this information, assemble at Meats were furnished the prisoners very irretheir places of worship, and render special hom-gularly, and in a meagre manner. For twelve age and gratitude to Almighty God for this great advancement of the national cause."-A DEBATE on the question of the employment of substitutes in the Southern army was held in the rebel Congress.-THE steamer Von Phul, on a trip from New-Orleans to St. Louis, was fired into at a

days the supply was inadequate, and for eight days they had none at all!


The commissary-general," says Mr. Foote, was a pepper-doctor down in Charleston, and looked like a vegetarian, and actually made an elaborate report to the Secretary of War, show

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