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boat stationed at the mouth of Red River followed them so close, pouring in shell among them, that she drove them back, after which the gunboat took the Black Hawk in tow, and carried her back to Red River, where she repaired sufficiently to proceed on her way. The casualties on board the boat were very severe. Mr. Samuel Fulton, a brother of the captain, was shot in the leg by a cannon-ball. His leg was afterward amputated below the knee. A colored man, by the name of Alfred Thomas, had his head blown off while lying flat down on the cable-deck. James Keller, of Louisville, belonging to the Twenty-second Kentucky volunteers, received a wound in the arm from a fragment of a shell. His arm was afterward amputated, and he soon after died. A passenger was slightly wounded in the arm.

November 22.-A scouting-party of fifty men, belonging to Colonel Higginson's regiment, First South-Carolina colored troops, was sent, under the command of Captain Bryant, Eighth Maine volunteers, and Captain Whitney, First SouthCarolina colored volunteers, to release twentyeight colored people held in pretended slavery by a man named Hayward, near Pocotaligo, S.C. The expedition was successful. The captives were released and their freedom restored to them. Two rebel horse-soldiers, stationed as pickets, were regularly captured as prisoners of war. These men were members of the First South-Carolina cavalry. Their comrades, seventy-five in number, under command of a major, pursued the raiding party toward the ferry at Barnwell's Island. The negroes received them in ambush, and fired on them at twenty paces, emptying several saddles, and putting them to flight. Obtaining reënforcements and artillery, they tracked the retreating colored men with bloodhounds. The dogs dashed into the party in advance of their comrades, the rebels. One hound was shot, and left with broken legs upon the field. Five others were impaled upon the bayonets of the Union troops, and brought as trophies into their camp. The gallantry of the negroes on this occasion was manifested not merely by their brilliant bravery, but by the willingness with which they gave up the ferry-boats (in which they had crossed to the mainland) to their wounded and to the non-combatants on their return. In fording the river, two of their number were drowned. Another man, a corporal, was lost. Six of the party were wounded.

November 23.-The battle of Chattanooga, Tenn., commenced this day. At half-past twelve o'clock, Generals Granger's and Palmer's corps, supported by General Howard's, were advanced directly in front of the Union fortifications, drove in the enemy's pickets, and carried his first line of rifle-pits between Chattanooga and Carter's Creek. The Nationals captured nine commissioned officers and about one hundred enlisted men. Their loss was about one hundred and

eleven men.

November 24.-A court of inquiry convened by order of the rebel war department to examine and report facts and circumstances attending the capture of the city of New-Orleans, in April, 1862, and the defence of the city by the rebel troops under the command of General Mansfield Lovell, gave as their opinion that General Lovell's "conduct was marked by all the coolness and self-possession due to the circumstances and his position; and that he evinced a high capacity for his command, and the clearest foresight in many of his measures for the defence of New-Orleans." -General Orders, No. 152.

-HERSCHEL V. JOHNSON, in a speech at Milledgeville, Georgia, used the following language: "There is no step backward. All is now involved in the struggle that is dear to man-home, society, liberty, honor, every thing-with the certainty of the most degraded fate that ever oppressed a people, if we fail. It is not recorded in history that eight millions of united people, resolved to be free, have failed. We cannot yield if we would. Yield to the Federal authorities-to vassalage and subjugation! The bleaching of the bones of one hundred thousand gallant soldiers slain in battle would be clothed in tongues of fire to curse to everlasting infamy the man who whispers yield. God is with us, because He is always with the right." He closed in counselling a firm reliance on Providence, and the cultivation of a spirit of reliance and devotion.

-THE Richmond Examiner of this date contained the following: "Five balls advertised, and flour one hundred and twenty-five dollars per barrel! Who prates of famine and want? Who is suffering for the necessaries of life? Does not all go 'merry as a marriage bell?' If the skeleton come in, put a ball-ticket at five dollars into its bony fingers, a masquerade ball costume upon its back of bony links, and send the grim guest into the ball-room to the sound of cotillion music."

[graphic][merged small]

-THE second day of the battle of Chatta- ing peace. The other method suggested, in so nooga, Tennessee. General Hooker, in com- far as we can comprehend it, consists in the several States of the Confederacy taking the matter out of the hands of the confederate government, ignoring the government and the army, and all that army has done and suffered for the

mand of Geary's division of the Twelfth corps, Osterhaus's division of the Fifteenth corps, and two brigades of the Fourteenth corps, carried the north slope of Lookout Mountain with small loss, and a loss to the rebels of five or six hun-independence of the Confederacy, and then makdred prisoners.

There was continuous fighting from twelve o'clock until after nightfall, but the National troops gallantly repulsed every attempt of the enemy to retake the position.

General Sherman crossed the Tennessee River before daylight this morning, at the mouth of South-Chickamauga, with three divisions of the Fifteenth corps, one division of the Fourteenth corps, and carried the northern extremity of Missionary Ridge.-(Docs. 14 and 18.)

ing peace, each State for itself, as best it can. There would be an honorable peace!

"We are sorry to have to mention that such an idea has shown itself. It was believed that it was confined to about two newspapers, both of Raleigh, North-Carolina. But something very similar is to be found in two other newspapers of Atlanta. As it is extremely essential that the time of this Congress should not be diverted for one instant from the business of carrying on the war by any vain palaver about peace, peace, when there is no peace, we reluctantly advert to the disagreeable circumstance in order that the small distracting element may be disposed of and made innocuous the more speedily."

-GOVERNOR VANCE, in a message to the Legislature of North-Carolina, said: "We know, at last, precisely what we would get by submission, and therein has our enemy done us good service abolition of slavery, confiscation of property, and territorial vassalage.


-THE Richmond Examiner published the following: "While a furious invading enemy is laying waste our fair fields, demanding unconditional submission to its government, offering no terms of peace, not even hinting at negotiation for peace upon any other basis, but avowing the unanimous purpose to deprive us of all right, of all law and of all property; and while our devoted armies are in the field, with their arms in their hands and their banners flying, to defy and resist and beat back that foul invasion, we do "These are the terms to win us back. not comprehend how any man in the Confederacy when our brothers bleed and mothers and little can-we do not say get 'honorable peace-but ones cry for bread, we can point them back to even talk of honorable peace, save by vanquish- the brick-kilns of Egypt-thanks to Mr. Seward— ing those invading enemies. If the political sys- plainly in view, and show them the beautiful tem of those invading enemies break up, by reaclusters of Eschol which grow in the land of inson of reverses in war, or financial troubles; if dependence, whither we go to possess them. And certain States of their 'Union' remember that we can remind them, too, how the pillar of fire they have state rights, and act upon them by and the cloud, the vouchsafed guidon of Jehovah, seceding from the Union, and offering us a peace, went ever before the hungering multitude, leadso far as they are concerned, it will be well; that ing away, with apparent cruelty, from the fulness of servitude. With such a prospect before will aid us materially in the one single task we have to achieve the task of defeating and des- them, people will, as heretofore, come firmly up troying the military power of our enemies. But to the full measure of their duty if their trusted reasonable confederates would be at a loss to servants do not fail them. They will not crucify know how we can contribute to that happy state afresh their own sons, slain in their behalf, or of things, except by continued and successful put their gallant shades to open shame, by stopresistance in arms. Our sole policy and cunning-ping short of full and complete national indepenest diplomacy is fighting; our most insinuating negotiator is the confederate army in line of battle.

"Now we perceive, that just as Congress is about to meet, certain newspapers of the Confederacy are preparing the way for discussions in that body about some other method of obtain


November 25.-An expedition composed of details from the First North-Carolina volunteers, Twelfth New-York cavalry, and the Twenty fourth New-York battery, under command of Captain George W. Graham, First North-Carolina volunteers, (Captain R. R. West, Twelfth

New-York cavalry, having generously waived his Rapidan at several points. General Lee, comrank, in deference to Captain Graham's familiar-manding the rebel forces, noticing the movement, ity with the country to be traversed,) attacked a issued the following general order: "The enemy camp of rebels near Greenville, North-Carolina, is again advancing upon our capital, and the and after a brief and gallant contest, more than country once more looks to this army for its profifty prisoners, a hundred stand of arms, and a tection. Under the blessings of God, your valor considerable amount of subsistence and quarter- has repelled every previous attempt, and, invokmaster's stores fell into the hands of the Na- ing the continuance of his favor, we cheerfully tionals, while but one of their men was fatally commit to him the issue of the coming contest. wounded.

It was an affair in which the sterner virtues of the soldier, patience and fortitude, were equally exhibited with gallantry and daring, but twentyfour hours having been occupied in all, and a march of nearly seventy miles having been performed.-General Peck's Order.

-THE battle of Chattanooga, Tennessee, closed this day. Missionary Ridge was carried completely by the National troops, and the rebels routed, so that they fled in the night.-(Docs. 14 and 18.)

"A cruel enemy seeks to reduce our fathers and our mothers, our wives and our children to abject slavery; to strip them of their property and drive them from their homes. Upon you these helpless ones rely to avert these terrible calamities, and to secure to them the blessings of liberty and safety. Your past history gives them the assurance that their trust will not be in vain. Let every man remember that all he holds dear depends upon the faithful discharge of his duty, and resolve to fight, and, if need be, to die, in defence of a cause so sacred and worthy the name won by this army on so many bloody fields.”—(Doc. 15.)

November 27.-A delegation of Cherokees,

and including Thomas Pegg, a leading Indian, and William P. Ross, with Rev. J. B. Jones as interpreter, went in state to pay their respects to General McNeil, the district commander at Fort Smith, Ark., by order of an act of their National Council. The act recited the sufferings, and asked additional protection to the nation and authority to raise an Indian cavalry regiment. After the presentation of their credentials, Chief Christy arose and said that their national council had instructed them to call and pay their respects to the Commanding General, express their confidence in his ability and bravery, and to state the con

November 26.-At Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a meeting of the United States Christian Commission was held, in behalf of the National prisoners at Richmond. Bishop Potter of Penn-headed by Captain Smith Christy, acting Chief, sylvania presided, and addresses were made by Governor Brough, of Ohio, Major Boles, late from Libby Prison, G. H. Stuart, President of the Christian Commission, and others.-AN engagement took place at Warm Springs, NorthCarolina. "It shows," says a rebel correspondent, “that it was a very gallant affair on the part of our men. Lieutenant-Colonel Bryson, of the Twenty-fifth North-Carolina troops, with a detachment of eighty men, crossed the French Broad, and was joined that night by twenty militia, under Major Haywood. Proceeding on the march, and arriving at the enemy's outpost at daylight, he was found in line of battle, hav-dition and wants of their suffering people. He ing already discovered the plan. Although numbering about four hundred, the Yankees were charged and driven from the field. They came up the second time with the same result. A third time they were reënforced, perceiving which, Colonel Bryson gave the order to fall back, which was done in good order. In a hand-to-hand encounter, Sergeant Collins rushed forward and sacrificed his life to save Colonel Bryson's. The enemy's loss was thirty killed and wounded." THANKSGIVING DAY in all the loyal States.

-THE Union army under the command of Major-General Mcade, advanced, crossing the

then recapitulated the contents of the documents they were preparing to present. The greatest annoyance was from roving banditti, who desolated their homes and murdered their people. Their lives and those of their families were not safe away from the military fort. They desired stringent measures to change this state of things. They wished carried into successful practice a plan of Colonel Phillips, to form districts allotted for settlement, which should be adequately protected in order that the families camped in the vicinity of Fort Gibson might remove to more comfortable homes. From their present condition of suffering and disease, they thought the

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