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ment; about two hundred horses, and five hundred small-arms.

I also took possession of Hickman, the enemy having passed it.

I moved north with Buford's division, marching direct from Jackson to Paducah in fifty hours; attacked it on the evening of the twentysixth, drove the enemy to their gunboats and forts, held the town for ten hours, and could have held it longer, but found the small-pox raging, and evacuated the place.

We captured many stores and horses, burned up sixty bales of cotton, one steamer in the drydock, and brought out fifty prisoners.

[blocks in formation]

My loss at Union City and Paducah, as far HEADQUARTERS THIRD MINNESOTA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, as known, is twenty-five killed and woundedLITTLE ROCK, ARK., April 3, 1864. among them Colonel Thompson, commanding Captain John Peetz, Post-Adjutant, Little Rock: the Kentucky brigade, killed; Lieutenant-Col- CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report the part onel Lanhum, of the Faulkner regiment, mor- which the detachment of the Third Minnesota tally wounded; and Colonel Crosslin, of the volunteers, under my command, took in the reNinth Kentucky, and Lieutenant-Colonel Mor-cent expedition and action up White River, unton, of the Second Tennessee, slightly wounded.der command of Colonel C. C. Andrews, of the The enemy's loss at Paducah was fifty killed Third Minnesota. and wounded. The prisoners, in all, five hundred. N. B. FORREST. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION FORREST'S CAVALRY, MAYFIELD, KY., March 23.


I received orders from Colonel Andrews at half-past four o'clock P.M., March thirtieth, to be in readiness to march with four days' rations at six o'clock that evening, and at seven o'clock I marched my command, six companies-comThe General Commanding returns to the offi- pany B, commanded by Lieutenant Pierce, comcers and troops of this division his congratula-pany C by Lieutenant Grummons, company E tions upon the success which has thus far at- by Lieutenant Knight, company G by Captain tended the campaign into Kentucky. The Devereux, company H by Lieutenant Misener, hardships you bore upon a march almost un- company I by Captain Swan-one hundred and precedented, from Tibbie Station, Mississippi, eighty-six strong-to the ferry, and immediately to Paducah, in a week; the devotion you have proceeded to the railroad dépôt, where, by direc exhibited to the cause of freedom, and the valor tion of the Colonel, we embarked on the cars, our skirmishers displayed in their attack upon and at nine P.M. left for Duvall's Bluff. We the fort at Paducah, call for the highest admira- reached the Bluff at four o'clock next morning, tion and praise of your commander. At the and forthwith embarked on the steamer Dove, very doors of their homes some of your com- and at seven o'clock, together with a small force rades laid down their lives to rescue Kentucky of the Eighth Missouri cavalry, proceeded up from the iron heel of abolition despotism, and White River, reaching Gregory's Landingthe rule of the negro. Among those whose which is ten miles above the mouth of the faces are gone from us for ever, we are forced to Little Red, and one hundred and ten miles pay a lasting regret to the memory of one brave, above Duvall's Bluff-about eight o'clock P.M., courteous, and beloved, and whose merits as a where we disembarked, and marched to the supcitizen, as a friend, and as a soldier, we all felt port of the cavalry, toward Cache River Crossand appreciated. He fell as a soldier desires to ing, where it was supposed McCrea was encampfall, at the head of his command, a hero regret-ed. After marching three miles in the darkness ted by all. Colonel A. P. Thompson, Third and rain, it was ascertained that McCrea had Kentucky regiment, and commanding the Third left that country and gone toward Jacksonport. brigade, will long be remembered by all who Upon getting this information, we immediately knew his noble deeds and heroic death. With returned to the boat, and proceeded up the river a force less than that of the enemy within the stockade, you, in an exposed condition, with your skirmishers, silenced his guns; caused one of his gunboats to withdraw from action, fearful of the accuracy of your fire; captured and destroyed immense stores-quartermaster, commissary, and ordnance; and inflicted upon him a loss of twenty-seven killed, and from seventy to eighty wounded, besides capturing sixty-four prisoners; your own loss being ten killed and forty wounded.

The General Commanding feels proud of the division, and relies upon your courage, your for


to Augusta, where we arrived at half-past five
A.M., on the first of April; disembarked, and
pushed without delay, with one hundred and
sixty men, all told, into the country, on the
Jacksonport road, the cavalry in advance.
orders were to keep within supporting distance,
which I did. At the crossing of the Cache
River road, four miles from Augusta, I encamp-
ed with the cavalry, which had been skirmishing
with the enemy for the last two miles, and here
found them in force. The Colonel ordered me
to take three companies into the woods and
engage them. I took companies B, H, and I,

and drove the enemy before me about one mile, and across a large cypress-swamp. I afterward learned from prisoners that the force I drove was the notorious Rutherford and about one hundred and fifty men. At this time the rest of the force came up, the cavalry advanced, and I followed, crossing the swamp, and proceeding toward Jacksonport, the cavalry doing the skirmishing. We marched on to the Methodist church, near Dr. Westmoreland's house, twelve miles from Augusta, where, by the Colonel's orders, I halted my command, while the cavalry scouted in advance. Finding no force of the enemy, they returned, and, after a short rest, started back for the boats. We had moved back about two and a half miles, and halted to rest at Fitzhugh's farm-house, where we discovered a large force of mounted men charging down upon us on our right and rear. I immediately formed, and, by Colonel Andrews's orders, sent two companies to engage the enemy; Captain Swan, company I, those in the road, and Lieutenant Misener, company H, those on the right. They charged down through the open field with loud yells. I let them approach within one hundred and fifty yards, then sent a volley of Minié balls into them, which caused them to cease their yelling, and break to the rear for the woods with headlong speed. I followed a short distance, and discovered we had inflicted a severe loss on them. Our cavalry having pushed on in advance, we did not follow up. Finding the enemy was not disposed to come out of the woods, we again proceeded toward Augusta. We marched on about two and a half miles, to Fitzhugh's Woods, when the enemy was again heard shouting and yelling, and seen coming down through an old corn-field, on the same flank as before. I immediately fixed bayonets, and charged on at a double-quick to meet him, coming up in line at about two hundred yards from this force, which was, I should judge, at least three hundred strong, and gave him a volley before he opened. He immediately broke to the rear for the thick timber. At this instant, when we gave a shout to see the enemy so broken, we were attacked by another and still larger force from the road we had just come up. The troops were immediately faced about, and charged down into the woods in the face of a deadly fire from the enemy. While leading this charge, the Colonel's horse was killed under him. After gaining the heavy timber, we engaged the enemy as skirmishers, in a contest which lasted two hours and a half, when I discovered that we were getting short of ammunition. I immediately reported the fact to Colonel Andrews, who ordered me to withdraw gradually from the timber and occupy some farm-buildings up the road toward Augusta, and protect the crossing of Cypress Swamp, about half a mile further on, which was successfully accomplished; the cavalry passed through the swamp, the infantry following. We then formed on the opposite side, and marched to Augusta, six miles, without further molestation, bringing some thirty prisoners,

and a large number of contrabands, which had been picked up during the day.

The following embraces a full list of the casualties in the regiment at the combat of Fitzhugh's Woods:

Company B. - Privates Benjamin Sanderson and Ole Hanson, killed; Sergeant Albert G. Hunt, severely wounded; Corporal Edward Fraygang, severely wounded; private William F. Ingham, severely wounded; First Sergeant, Henry A. Durand, slightly wounded; privates George Brewer and William Shearier, wounded and missing.

Company C.-Private Henry W. Farnsworth, killed; privates James P. Chapin and Henry H. Wallace, severely wounded; Corporal Lewis Kimball, slightly wounded; private Orin Case, slightly wounded.

Company E.-First Sergeant Corydon D. Bevans and private Clark D. Harding, killed; Corporal Isaac Lauver and private Albert G. Leach, severely wounded.

Company G.-Private Albert R. Pierce, severely wounded; private Andrew Bingham, missing. Company H. Corporal George H. Peaslee, killed; privates Rollin O. Crawford and John Eaton, severely wounded.

Company F.-Privates: Washington I. Smith, killed; Joseph Markling, dangerously wounded; Andrew Clark, severely wounded; John Pope, wounded and missing.

Quartermaster's Sergeant, H. D. Pettibone, slightly wounded.

Killed, seven; wounded, sixteen; missing, four. Total casualties, twenty-seven.

The loss of the enemy, as near as could be astertained, was upward of one hundred killed and wounded-four times our own. Of these, several were known to be officers.

I am very proud to say that every man was perfectly cool during the entire engagement, and many instances of great daring and bravery occurred which are worthy of being mentioned. Hardly a man escaped without some bullet-mark through his clothing.

I am especially obliged to Lieutenant E. Champlin, Acting Adjutant; Sergeant-Major Akers, Quartermaster Sergeant H. D. Pettibone, and First Sergeant C. D. Bevans, who, I lament to say, was killed; also First Sergeant James M. Moran, company H, and, in short, to all the officers and men of the regiment, for their promptitude in obeying all orders.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant, EVERETT W. FOSTER, Major Third Minnesota, commanding Regiment.


ST. PAUL, April 16. In conversation with Captain Devereux, of the Third regiment, who has just returned from Little Rock, Arkansas, we were favored with the following particulars of the recent fight at Fitzhugh's Woods, near Augusta, in North-Eastern Arkansas.

On Wednesday, the thirtieth ultimo, the Third regiment was on duty at Little Rock, in Arkan.


The fight lasted about four hours, on ground of McRae's own choosing, and three desperate attacks from superior numbers had been repuls ed, our men behaving nobly. Twice the rebels charged upon our lines, in line, mounted. The

At five P.M. it received orders from Colonel whence we checked the rebel advance. After an (now General) Andrews, commanding the post, hour and a half of continual firing on both sides, to be prepared to march in one hour. At half-our lines were moved forward, and the rebels past six o'clock, the regiment was marched to the driven to the original position of their attack. railroad dépôt, and conveyed by the cars to Du- After about fifteen minutes, the rebels were disval's Bluff. At four A.M., the expedition, consist-mounted, and charged upon us, yelling and ing of six companies of the Third, numbering whooping. We were unable to check their adone hundred and sixty men, under Major E. W. vance until we had fallen back to the line at the Foster, and forty of the Eighth Missouri cavalry, fence. We held this line until about half-past under Captain Estes-the whole under command four o'clock, the enemy ceasing their fire at about of General Andrews-was embarked at Duval's four o'clock and retiring, protected by rough Bluff on the steamer Dove, and proceeded up ground and the trees, annoyed by prompt fire White River, convoyed by gunboat No. Twenty- from our line at every exposure. five, of the Mosquito Fleet. At Gregory's Landing, sixty-five miles from the Bluff, the expedition was landed at eight P.M., and marched into the interior, a distance of four or five miles, in the direction where the noted rebel General McRae was supposed to be encamped. His camp-third time they dismounted, and advanced under ing-ground was found, and it was learned from cover of trees and with the advantage of ground. inhabitants of the neighborhood that McRae, with The enemy, at the close, showed no stomach for a considerable force, had left that camp on the further fight, and was, in the opinion of our men, Monday previous, and gone in the direction of badly hurt. His first intention seems to have Augusta, near which place they supposed him been, under the impression that his force was then to be. The command was immediately re-large enough to capture us, to cut off our line of turned to the boat, and proceeded up the river retreat to the river. to Augusta, reaching that place at about daylight of Friday morning. A picket-guard was at once posted around the town, and a patrol sent through it, which latter arrested and brought to the boat a number of citizens, that information might be obtained from them as to the whereabouts of McRae and his command. The citizens, however, knew, or pretended to know, little or nothing about McRae. General Andrews, acting on the previous information, resolved to leave the boats at Augusta, and march into the country; and did so march the command a distance of twelve or thirteen miles. It was remarked as a singular fact that the citizens along the line of our march, as at Augusta, all professed to know nothing of McRae or his whereabouts, though the command soon after learned positively that he was in the immediate neighborhood. Having gained no reliable information whatever, the General ordered a return to the boats, intending to proceed from Augusta further up the river, and make another landing and reconnoissance.

At half past twelve o'clock, on the return, at about six miles from Augusta, the command was attacked by General McRae's force, from five hundred to eight hundred mounted men; at the same time on both flanks and in the rear. Retaining a small reserve, General Andrews caused his men to be deployed as skirmishers toward each point of attack, while the rebels were coming on with a yell, as if to make a desperate charge. So soon as the lines of Federal skirmishers were formed, firing was commenced, at orders given, and the rebels were repulsed, retreated, and were followed by the skirmishers, till the lines becoming too extended, it was deemed best they should be withdrawn, and kept available for mutual support. At the retiring of our lines, the rebels advanced again. We had to retire a short distance, and then formed our line behind a fence, from

Finding that the rebels intended no further attack, General Andrews returned with his command to the river, without hindrance or gaining sight again of their forces. Near the battle-field, about five miles from Augusta, the column had to make its way on the road through a swamp, where the muddy water overflowed it from one to three feet deep, and where the enemy, with his knowledge of the country, might, if his fighting disposition had remained good, have attacked General Andrews in a bad position for concerted defence.

The loss of General Andrews's force in this action was seven killed, sixteen wounded, and four missing. Total casualties, twenty-seven. The loss of the enemy, as near as could be ascertained, was upward of one hundred in killed and wounded, of whom a number were known to be officers. Our force, having no ambulances or wagons, left its dead on the field.

Among the incidents of this fight at Fitzhugh's Woods are the following: General Andrews's horse was shot dead from under him. Two bullets passed through Major Foster's coat into his saddle. Three bullets passed through Captain Swan's coat. Orderly-Sergeant H. A. Durand, of company B, was taking aim at a rebel, when a bullet struck the cock of his gun on the side, knocked it off, and glancing wounded the Sergeant slightly on the side of his forehead. The men wore their blankets rolled and twisted, the ends tied together, and the coil thus made thrown over the head, and hanging on the left shoulder and right side. After the fight one of the men found a very large bullet imbedded in his blanket, having passed two thirds through the twisted folds, just above his stomach.

It was understood, at leaving Little Rock, that the object of the expedition was to relieve Batesville, an outpost on White River, threatened by

McRae's force, or to divert McRae's attention from that post for the time.


LITTLE ROCK, ARK., April 6, 1864.

I would be doing injustice to my own feelings if I were to close this article without speaking of Colonel Andrews's noble behavior in this engagement. His horse was shot from under him, and the strap of his sabre was shot in two, and balls A force of one hundred and fifty of the Third whistled thick as hail all around him. Through Minnesota infantry, and fifty of the Eighth Mis-all this he was cool and deliberate as a judge upon souri cavalry, under Colonel C. C. Andrews, left the bench. He inspired his men with bravery, Little Rock at eight P.M. of the thirtieth ultimo, and the enemy with terror. He is certainly one reached Duvall's Bluff at four o'clock next morn- of the ablest commanders west of the Mississippi. ing, and embarked on the steamer Dove. With A. B. FRAZIER, the iron-clad No. 25 we reached Gregory's Landing at dark. Secrecy being indispensable, we took every man we met prisoner. Disembarking, we moved in the dark toward the understood locality of the rebel McRay's camp, five miles distant. After fording the muddy branch of White River, we learned that Ray and his band had gone up the river to attack our transports then on their way to Batesville.

Surgeon Fourth Arkansas Cavalry.

Doc. 129.

The following correspondence appeared in the
Mobile Tribune of April seventeenth :


H. B. M.'S LEGATION, WASHINGTON, D. C., April 1, 1864. Mr. Jefferson Davis, etc., etc., Richmond, Va. : SIR: I have been instructed by Earl Russell, her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to convey to you the following extract of a despatch which has been forwarded to me by his lordship. I have chosen the method which appeared to me to be the only available which the country is involved, and I trust that the absence of all recognized diplomatic or consular_residents or other agents of her Majesty near Richmond, will be recognized as sufficient reason for its not being sent through usual channels. I need scarcely say that the bearer of this despatch, whom you have consented to allow to visit Richmond, has been authorized by the Gov

Returning to our boat, we reached Augusta and landed at sunrise; then took up our line of march on the Jacksonport road, having learned that the enemy was posted in strong force near it. Less than a mile ahead, we discovered McRay's advance. They ran like Indians, and we chased about one mile, making several prisoners, and at length approaching a body of rebels who snowed some disposition to stand, but soon dis-one, under the present unhappy circumstances in persed in the woods. We followed McRay twelve miles over the Jacksonport road, and then, learning nothing more of him, started back near night for our boats. We had gone about five miles when we were suddenly attacked on the left rear. Our brave lads sprang to position and went to work. The battle lasted two hours and a half. The rebels were at least three to our one. They struggled powerfully to surround us, at one time form-ernment of the United States to pass into your ing in a complete semi-circle and inflicting a severe cross-fire. They showed little disposition to advance far from the swamp, for whenever they attempted to leave it, our fire was most effectual. To draw them from the timber, we fell back a few hundred yards to a strong position near a farm-house. Every attempt they made to approach us was repulsed with loss. Being five miles from our boat, the sun getting low, and the rebels retiring in their swamp, we leisurely resumed our march, and at sunset reached the boat, singing the "Battle-Cry of Freedom," giving three cheers for the flag and three for Colonel Andrews.

We were away from Little Rock three days, travelled three hundred and twenty miles, chased McRay's boasted band of eight hundred twelve miles without being able to get a fight out of them, and repulsed an attack of five hundred rebels. We lost twenty-five killed, wounded, and missing, and are sure the rebels lost not less than one hundred. We saw several of their officers unsaddled, one of them doing his best to get his men to charge. He was killed-a brave fellow, and may have deserved a better fate.

The moral effect of this successful expedition in this section will be excellent. A majority are praying for the overthrow of the rebellion. VOL. VIII.-Doc. 33

lines on the flag-of-truce boat, for the purpose of delivering it, and will desire your permission to return for Washington by the same mode of conveyance.

I have the honor to be, with high respect, your obedient, humble servant, LYONS.


You will also convey to Mr. Davis at Richmond, through such channel as shall be available, and as you may in your discretion deem proper, the formal protest and remonstrance of her Majesty's government against the efforts of the authorities of the so-called confederate States to build war-vessels within her Majesty's dominions, to be employed against the Government of the United States. Perhaps your Lordship might best accomplish this object by obtaining permission from the authorities of both belligerents to send a special messenger to Richmond with the necessary despatch, in which you will transmit this paragraph, or the substance of it, together with all that follows, to the close of this communication.

Her Majesty's Government, in taking this course, desire Mr. Davis to rest assured that it is adopted entirely in that spirit of neutrality which has been declared the policy of this country with regard to the two belligerents now so

lamentably desolating America, and which will conviction of her Majesty's government, and the continue to be pursued, with a careful, and earn-law officers of the crown, and admitted, as they est desire to make it conducive to the most rigid impartiality and justice.

After consulting with the law officers of the Crown, her Majesty's Government have come to the decision that agents of the authorities of the so-called confederate States have been engaged in building vessels which would be at least partially equipped for war purposes on leaving the ports of this country; that these war-vessels would undoubtedly be used against the United States, a country with which this Government is at peace; that this would be a violation of the neutrality laws of the realm; and that the Government of the United States would have just ground for serious complaints against her Majesty's Government, should they permit such an infraction of the amicable relations now subsisting between the two countries.

are convinced it must be, by Mr. Davis, and by every other person of sound and impartial judgment, there is not the slightest room to doubt that it is purposed to use the vessels in question against the United States, a country with which this nation is at peace and on terms of amity, and that the permitting of them to leave the ports of her Majesty's dominions would be a violation of the neutrality laws of the kingdom, and such an injurious act toward the United States as would justify the government of that country in seriously complaining of it as unfriendly and offensive in the highest degree, even to the imminent peril of rupturing the peaceful relations now existing between the two countries.

Under these circumstances, her Majesty's government protest and remnostrate against any further efforts being made on the part of the socalled confederate States, or the authorities or agents thereof, to build, or cause to be built, or to purchase, or cause to be purchased, any such vessels as those styled rams, or any other vessels to be used for war purposes against the United States, or against any country with which the United Kingdom is at peace and on terms of amity; and her Majesty's government further protest and remonstrate against all acts in violation of the neutrality laws of the realm. I have the honor to be your Lordship's obediRUSSELL.


RICHMOND, VA., C. S. A., April 6, 1864. To_the_Right Hon. Lord Lyons, C. B., etc., H. B. M.'s Minister to the Government of the United States:

Mer Majesty's Government confidently rely on the frankness, courtesy, and discernment which Mr. Davis has displayed in the difficult circumstances in which he has been placed during the past three years for a recognition of the correctness of the position which her Majesty's Government have taken upon this subject. No matter what might be the difficulty in proving in a court of law that the parties procuring the building of the vessels are agents of the so-called confederate States, it is universally understood throughout the world that they are so, and her Majesty's ent servant, Government are satisfied that Mr. Davis would not deny that they are so. Constructed as "rams," as these vessels are, they would certainly be in a condition, on leaving port, to inflict the most serious damage on vessels belonging to the United States, as was shown by the destruction of the Cumberland, United States MY LORD: I have been instructed by the Presisloop of war, by the "ram" Merrimac, merely by dent to acknowledge the receipt of a despatch the latter being run into collision with the Cum- from your lordship, inclosing a copy of a portion berland. Such vessels are to all intents and of a despatch from Earl Russell, H. B. M.'s Secpurposes equipped as war-vessels of a certain retary of State for Foreign Affairs, purporting to power, although they be without a gun or any be a "formal protest and remonstrance of her ammunition on board; nor can the frequent Majesty's government against the efforts of the use of the word "equip," in the sense of "to authorities of the so-called confederate States, to furnish with every thing necessary for a voy-build war-vessels within her Majesty's dominage," be held for a moment to limit its signi- ions, to be employed against the government of ficance to the furnishing of a war-vessel with the United States." every thing which it might be possible to put upon her, or the ultimately putting of which on her might be contemplated. Such a construction cannot be entertained for an instant. It is clear that a hundred-and-twenty-gun ship might be equipped for war purposes with any fraction of her armament on board, although she might not be so powerful or so efficient as she would be if she had the whole of it. A ram would be also equipped for war purposes, although the absence of her ordnance and ammunition might render her less effective than she would be with them. This, it is presumed by her Majesty's Government, will be conceded by Mr. Davis, without further argument or illustration in support of it.

This much being established to the perfect

The President desires me to say to your lordship, that while he is not unwilling to waive, in existing circumstances, the transmission of such a document through other than the usual and proper channel, it would be inconsistent with the dignity of the position he fills as Chief Magistrate of a nation comprising a population of more than twelve millions, occupying a territory many times larger than the United Kingdom, and possessing resources unsurpassed by those of any other country on the face of the globe, to allow the attempt of Earl Russell to ignore the actual existence of the confederate States, and to contumeliously style them "so-called," to pass without a protest and a remonstrance. The President, therefore, does protest and remonstrate against this studied insult; and he instructs me

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