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day last, that their advance-guard were just outside our town; then, at one o'clock P.M., that they were entering it. They started a flag of truce in, but our men fired on it, and it was stopped. They were said to be about three thousand strong, with a reserve force of some four thousand or five thousand behind. Part of them formed a line of battle beyond and behind the Fort; and the balance came rushing into town, and immediately commenced robbing and pillaging the livery stables, stores, and housesshowing that the plundering of goods and stock was their main object, and that they probably anticipated bombardment of the place.

In the mean time, as Colonel S. G. Hicks, the commander of the post, had issued an order for non-combatants, women, and children, in case of an attack, to retire to the wharf, long lines of them came pouring down, (among them your correspondent,) and as it had been arranged for the wharf-boat and steam ferry-boat to take them across the river, these were soon densely crowded. While waiting to get all on board, and for the ferry-boat to get up steam, the battle at the Fort began.

Colonel Hicks and Major W. L. Gibson, our Provost-Marshal, and other officers had retired to the Fort, where we had about one thousand men, some two hundred or three hundred of whom were colored soldiers, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Cunningham. Opposed to this handful of men, the rebels had, taking their whole force, seven to one, and their attacking force, three to one. Fearful odds! Three times did the rebels charge the Fort, and were as often repulsed, with fearful slaughter, our guns mowing them down in heaps, besides the execution done by the musketry—as many as thirty being counted in one heap, and nineteen in another!-the colored soldiers fighting bravely, clubbing their muskets and beating the rebels back as they would mount the walls of the Fort. After an hour or more of hard fighting, the rebels were finally repulsed and routed, when a loud shout went up from the Fort, which was echoed back from the wharf-boat and those on shore.

them, and certainly deserves a brigadiership. Major Gibson distinguished himself by his coolness and undaunted courage, and Colonel Cunningham by his bold daring and bravery.

Our casualties were twelve white killed, and seven colored soldiers; how many wounded I have not learned. As these were killed by rebel sharp-shooters from the upper parts of the houses in the vicinity, Colonel Hicks ordered the burning of these houses. As the rebels carried off many of their dead and wounded, their exact loss cannot be ascertained, but it must have been two hundred or three hundred killed. The rebel General (formerly Colonel) Albert G. Thompson, ("Bert Thompson,") while leading on a charge, was killed by the explosion of a shell, within forty feet of the fort, and his body so badly mangled that it could not be carried off by the rebels, one arm not being found at all. Before the breaking out of the rebellion, he was a prominent lawyer of Paducah, and district-attorney, but joined the rebels here; and it is a singular coincidence that, after serving in the rebel army, being wounded at the battle of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and promoted to a Brigadier-General, he was killed in the very town where he began his military career.

There has been great destruction of property by the rebels and the bombardment, upward of a hundred houses having been burned, embrac ing all the lower part of Front street, below Broadway, including the headquarters building, the new and large quartermaster's building on Broadway, hospital No. 1, the railroad dépôt and cars, half the square between Market-House square and Front street, etc. Almost everywhere are to be seen the marks of the shells; the gunboats and guns of the Fort, which, after the rebels were repulsed, were turned on the town, doing fearful execution!

On Saturday evening, the rebels forming line of battle at a “respectful distance" from the Fort, again sent in a flag of truce demanding a surrender, and giving until four o'clock to answer, threatening to destroy the town in case of refusal. Colonel Hicks returned his old answer: Two of our gunboats were fortunately present, "If you want the fort, take it." But they took and participated in the fight, shelling the rebels care to "keep their distance," and retired withwhile they were assailing the Fort. After a while, out destroying the town. It was no doubt a the wharf-boat, lashed to the ferry-boat, was ruse to cover their retreat, and enable them to towed out into the stream and across the river get off with their plunder and stock as far as to a place of security. One of the gunboats possible before being pursued by our forces. then went up and took position opposite Broad-Yesterday (Monday) evening a flag of truce came way street, and the other above her, and began shelling the town with fearful effect, now full of rebels engaged in robbing and sacking the houses.

from Mayfield, where Forrest is said to have his headquarters, accompanied by thirty men, demanding a surrender of the town and Fort, and stating that he had twelve thousand men, and in A flag of truce was sent in the Fort, demand-case of refusal, they would come and take them. ing a surrender, when the reply of Colonel Hicks Colonel Hicks told them that if Forrest had one was: "If you want the Fort, take it." Major hundred thousand men it made no difference Gibson, Colonel Cunningham, and all our officers, as well as men, fought with distinguished courage and gallantry. Colonel Hicks is entitled to the greatest praise for the heroic manner in which he and his gallant little band defended the Fort against such overwhelming numbers opposed to

with him-he intended to hold them. There is
no surrender in him! The word does not be-
long to his vocabulary. Whether Forrest will
come or not, remains to be seen.
We are now
largely reenforced, and can bid him defiance.
Our flag has waved all the time over the Fort,

and still waves proudly in triumph over its could not work the guns on our upper deck, and walls.


it was dangerous loading even the guns behind the casemates, as we were so close to the buildings that the sharp-shooters could hit a port almost every time. We directed our shots at the buildings to drive them out; but actually the buildings would have to begin to crumble and

fire was so accurate that I am minus a new pair of boots by it, and came near being minus a leg.

We have not seen any account of the fight at Paducah from an eye-witness, and the following letter from George Vance of our city, who is an officer on the gunboat which did such good serv-fall before they would slacken their fire. Their ice there, and saw all that occurred, will be read with interest. It is not only an intelligent and graphic description, written with all a boy's vivacity and earnestness of feeling, but it is perfectly trustworthy in all it states of the writer's own knowledge. It is dated U. S. S. Piosta, off Paducah, Monday afternoon last. It says:

The rebs made another attack on the Fort early in the evening, and another at nine o'clock that night, in both of which they were repulsed with heavy loss. The fight at night was grand; the burning houses lit the whole arrangement up so Well, our big fight is over, at least for the we could see just where to put our shots. The present. The rebels have not made their ap-rebel sharp-shooters, who occupied the houses pearance, except with "flags of truce," since I around the Fort, did more damage than all the dropped you the note of Saturday night, and I rest put together. They could look right into believe they will keep away from here for the the Fort, and so pick our men off. During this future. The lesson they received has been a attack we upset one of the rebel pieces of artillepretty severe one for them, and I think they will ry, and kept them from getting any of their guns not be in a hurry to try our mettle soon again. in position. We also claim to have killed rebel The rebs under General Forrest were six thou- General Thompson, who was struck by a shell sand strong, with eight pieces of artillery. We and torn all to pieces. He fell about forty yards arrived off Paducah at noon on Friday, and found from the Fort, where he lay with the rest of the the town full of rumors, of course, but having killed all day Saturday. I saw several trophies had so many scares of the kind we paid little at- that were taken from his body, among them his tention to it. However, we remained at our an- pistols, the stars off his collar, etc. During Frichorage, instead of going on to Cairo, as we in- day night we lay "off and on," throwing shells tended. Captain Shirk went down to Cairo on into the town to keep the rebs from ransacking a steamboat, thinking that thing was one of the the place. About twelve o'clock that night we usual false alarms. But at about three o'clock heard that all the rebel officers were taking supin the afternoon the town bells began tolling, per at the St. Francis Hotel, a large building and the women and children came pouring down about one hundred and fifty yards from the the levee. Shortly after our pickets were driven river. So for a while we landed the shell into it in. Then we began to think we were in for it, quite lively, and, as we have since found out, a sure enough. The fort, which stands about five shrapnel went square into the dining-room and hundred yards down the river from the centre exploded, spattering every thing with its load of of the town, and about a hundred from the river-bullets. A thirty-two pounder shell took a range bank, is a good earth-work defence, with a ditch around it, mounts six guns, and during the fight was defended by four hundred men, half of them negro soldiers, and a part of them citizens of Paducah. The "fun" commenced with an attack on the Fort by three thousand men and four pieces of artillery. At the same time a large force was in the town plundering the houses and stores. The first time the rebs charged up to the very ditch, but fell back, having suffered severely. Our boat lay off abreast of the Fort, and we poured in a steady steam of shells. We worked seven guns, and I tell you we worked with a will. While the fighting was going on the women and children were being ferried across the river. I was really sorry to see the women driven around like so many sheep, but we could not stop to help them any. While the banks were crowded, and in our firing over the crowd, a piece of lead riven off of one of our rifle-shots struck a little girl and killed her.

After driving the rebs back at the Fort, we ran up and commenced on the thieves in town; and they gave it back to us from every window, hole, and corner on the levee, and it was just like a hail-storm for about half an hour. We of course

of rooms from one end of the building to the other, and bursted in the last one. But our firing into this house was unnecessary, for there were no rebs in it at the time, and even when they did go in they received cold hospitality from the landlord and lady, who were strong Union people and spunky as rats. They, with several others stopping in the house, witnessed the whole fight. Summing the whole thing up, the few soldiers who defended the Fort and the gunboat Piosta have covered themselves with glory. This is no bragging, for the soldiers did fight with desperation, the negroes as well as the whites; and as for the Piosta, I leave it to the soldiers and to the citizens of Paducah whether we have not gained a reputation (even among the rebs and Forrest himself) worth having.


PADUCAH, KY., March 29, 1864 Few who have had occasion to pass up or down the Ohio River have failed to notice and admire this place, which is noted for the beauty of its situation, its fine wharf, commodious business houses, tasteful residences, and above all, the evident enterprise of its people. Before the war,

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it had a population of about ten thousand, and was considered the most flourishing little city below Louisville, it being the principal dépôt for that portion of Kentucky known as Jackson's Purchase." Upon the breaking out of the rebellion, the secession mania took deep root in the minds of its citizens, and when, in September, 1861, General Grant occupied it for the first time, the streets and houses were found decorated with rebel flags in anticipation of the arrival of Polk's army. Of its original population, not more than one third is now remaining, those who make up the four or five thousand inhabitants which it possessed up to the time of Forrest's attack being recent arrivals from other States.

one to the mouth of the Tennessee, the other a little below. These boats have a light armament, and are known on the river as "tin-clads," their plating being only sufficiently thick to resist the missiles of small arms, and perhaps grape-shot.

Nearly all of the woods back of the city have been cleared away, either by the hand of improvement or from military necessity, and there is an almost unobstructed view for half a mile, and in some places much further. The ground intervening between the city and the timber is somewhat undulating, but not sufficiently so to afford any considerable advantage to an advancing line of battle. A little before one o'clock, the enemy's advance came in sight, and in a moment afterward the main body appeared in the act of forming line-his right extending toward the Tennessee and being nearest to town, while the left was partially concealed by timber at long cannon range. The men on either flank were

Positive information was received by Colonel Hicks on the twenty-fourth, of the arrival of Forrest at Mayfield, twenty-two miles south from Paducah, and an attack was not unlooked for. Your correspondent was on that day at Columbus, having come up to that point from Memphis in anti-mounted, while the bodies of dismounted men, cipation of an attack upon the former place, and who at that distance seemed to be a little in adit was there considered certain that Forrest would vance of the others, appeared in occasional interattempt to capture either Columbus or Paducah, vals in the line which was little less than two but most probably Paducah. In fact, his occu- miles long. pation of Mayfield indicated this place as his objective point. The forces under Colonel Hicks's command were five companies of the Sixteenth Kentucky, three hundred and eleven strong; three companies of the One Hundred and Twenty-second Illinois, numbering one hundred and twenty-four men, and a detachment of the First Kentucky artillery, (colored,) two hundred and fifty men-in all six hundred and eighty-five. Any information of the strength and position of the fortifications, and number of guns, beyond what the enemy has already learned to his sorrow, cannot be given with propriety. It will be sufficient to say that the works occupied by Colonel Hicks are toward the lower end of the city, and cover the roads from the interior.

The enemy seems to have entered on his campaign with an accurate knowledge of what was to be done, and was evidently posted as to the strength of our garrison here as well as at Union City. There was no delay in the advance. He pushed his line forward rapidly and steadily, while at the same time a detachment from the right flank several hundred strong, dashed into the now deserted city, and down Market street, and the other streets back of it, until, coming within rifle-range of the Fort, they opened a galling fire from the houses upon the garrison. But before this detachment had succeeded in getting in town, several shots had been exchanged between the enemy's artillery and ours. The gunboats had also begun to play upon them, when, upon finding the city being rapidly occupied by a continually increasing force, the fire of the gunboats, as previously concerted, was turned upon the houses occupied by the rebels, the vessels dropping down the river until proper range could be had.

Next morning, (twenty-fifth,) scouts reported that Forrest was only eight or ten miles distant, and was moving in this direction with a heavy column, which rumor broadly stated to be from five thousand to fifteen thousand strong. Immediately upon learning that we were to be attacked, Colonel Hicks notified the inhabitants of It seems that Colonel Hicks, prudently, did that fact by special order, and commenced mov- not strain his men at the commencement of the ing them to the other side of the river. The anx-action, and although his fire was accurate, it was iety of the citizens for the two preceding days, delivered slowly-the range being different at consequent upon the rumored approach of the almost every discharge. The necessity he was enemy, now found expression in the wildest ex-under of turning some of his guns upon the town citement, and men, women, and children rushed so slackened our fire that the enemy was enabled through the streets and down to the wharf in to make a charge upon the Fort. But the movedread of the approaching conflict. Fortunately, ment was perceived and prepared for, and the means were at hand to transfer them to the op- first signs of an advance were greeted with a posite shore with despatch, and when the first heavy and well-directed fire, which created some attack was made, but few were remaining in the confusion. The rebels continued to advance, city. Knowing the great numerical superiority however, and a part of them, by veering to the of the enemy, Colonel Hicks ordered his whole right, threw themselves partially under cover of command to the Fort, and awaited his appear- the uneven ground and the suburban buildings. On they came, with loud cheers that sounded distinctly through the now increasing roar of battle, and which were defiantly answered by our men, who now, reeking with perspiration,


The gunboats, Paw-Paw and Peosta, which were anchored out in the river, weighed and moored toward the upper end of the wharf-the

tachments, several hundred strong, into the city, some to burn and pillage, and others to reenforce those who were yet firing upon the garrison. Now was the hardest trial our brave fellows had to bear. In spite of the shells that were sent crashing through the buildings, the sharp-shoot

plied their rammers with accelerated rapidity and hurled destruction through the advancing lines. As soon as they came within good rifle-range, a terribly destructive fire was opened upon them, and men toppled, reeled, and fell to the ground by scores. Although the overwhelming force continued to close upon the Fort, it was now evi-ers, who by this time must have numbered nearly dent that there was much disorder among them, and presently a portion of the line gave way, when the whole force broke in confusion and retreated precipitately, leaving the ground strewn with not less than two hundred killed and wound-tinued from ten o'clock to after five, and yet the ed. The discomfited rebels were then re-formed upon their original line.

one thousand, held their positions, or else falling back for a few minutes, again came forward and delivered their fire.

It was now nearly night. The battle had con

fate of the day remained undecided. The heroic garrison, headed by their resolute commander, As the smoke began to clear up, it was discov- still stood unfalteringly to their posts, while the ered that the city was on fire in several places. enemy, conscious of the strength of his overThe railroad dépôt was already completely wrap-whelming numbers, seemed loth, although sigped in flames, having been fired by the rebels. nally repulsed, to yield to the fact of his undeThe shelling of the gunboats had dislodged the niable defeat. sharp-shooters from the buildings nearest the Fort, and their fire was just being directed toward other portions of the town, when a flag of truce was observed coming from the enemy's lines.

The flag of truce was borne by Lieutenant McKnight, aid to Forrest, and was met by the Post Adjutant. McKnight presented a note from Forrest to Colonel Hicks, demanding the immediate and unconditional surrender of the Fort and garrison, and saying that in the event of a refusal to accede to the demand, he would take the Fort by storm and grant no quarter. Colonel Hicks promptly replied that he was sent there with orders to defend the post, and intended to obey, as any honorable officer should. An hour was consumed during this parley, immediately after which the enemy advanced.

Four hours had passed, during three of which there was an almost unbroken roar of artillery and small arms. In the mean time, the rebels had occupied every part of the town. The headquarters and quartermaster's buildings, which were in the most compactly built part of the city, had been sacked and fired. The marine ways had also been fired, and the steamer Dacotah, which was on the stocks for repairs, was boarded, the crew robbed of every thing, and the boat burned. Almost every store in the place was broken open and its contents damaged, destroyed, or carried off. Clothing, and especially boots and shoes, seemed to have been chiefly sought for, although an exceedingly large quantity of all styles and qualities of dry goods, groceries, and provisions was carried off. Every horse that could be found was taken, and in fact nothing that could suit taste or convenience was overlooked.

As the sun began to sink, the slackened fire from the buildings told that our shelling had not been without effect, and the rebels could be seen from the Fort as they left the houses by hundreds and moved back toward the upper end of the town, bearing their dead and wounded. Many, however, remained behind, and although the firing was now light, it was continuous.

The houses near the Fort were again occupied by sharp-shooters, and the rebels moved rapidly up with increased numbers and apparently a full determination to succeed. They dashed forward from behind buildings and such other objects as served to cover their advance, while the main column rushed upon the Fort despite the murderous fire that opposed them. But their efforts were futile. The indomitable "six hundred" had no idea of being overpowered, and amid the answering thunders from Fort and gunboats, and By this time the ammunition in the Fort was the unbroken rattle of small-arms, the enemy well-nigh exhausted, and it was barely possible was again repulsed, and fled from the field dis- that if the enemy had again attempted to storm ordered and whipped. Not less than five hun- the works, the small garrison might have been dred men, dead or wounded, covered the field overpowered by sheer stress of overwhelming within rifle-range of the Fort. A more gallant numbers. But his disastrous experience of that defence was never made. But the fighting did day deterred him, and his offensive operations not cease with this repulse. The rebels swarmed were confined to sharp-shooting from the buildthicker and thicker in the buildings, and an un-ings. This was kept up until nearly midnight, intermitting storm of lead was poured from roofs and windows, notwithstanding the houses were being perforated by shot and shell from all our guns.

Every gun in the Fort was now turned upon the town, while the gunboats took an active part in sweeping the streets and shelling the houses. The enemy, finding that our force was not strong enough to risk leaving the works, did not re-form his whole line again, but sent his men by de

when the firing ceased entirely, and the rebels left the town. Colonel Hicks's announcement to the garrison that their ammunition had almost given out, but that they would defend themselves with the bayonet, was received with loud cheers, and showed a determination to fight to the last. That was an anxious night to the occupants of the Fort. The knowledge that their means of defence would not, if attacked, last much longer, that the enemy was still within gun-shot of them

with a force outnumbering them nearly ten to one, and that it was very probable that a night attack would be made, disinclined all to sleep, and the peremptory order of Colonel Hicks that every man should remain broad awake and stand to his post was scarcely necessary. So the night passed, every man awaiting expectantly the anticipated attack, and determined to win or die.

Next morning, twenty-sixth, the enemy was found to be still in our front, but some hundred yards in rear of his original line of the day before. Every thing pointed to another attack, and another day of trial for our gallant garrison. In view of this, Colonel Hicks sent out several detachments with orders to burn all the buildings which had been occupied by the enemy's sharpshooters on the previous day, or that could afford them a similar protection in the event of an attack on this day. This order was promptly executed, and in less than fifteen minutes that part of the town below Broadway and between Market street and the river, together with many other buildings outside of those limits, was in flames. Many of the finest business houses and dwellings were thus destroyed, and none who have formerly been acquainted with this once beautiful city can help regretting the sad but imperative necessity that called for its partial destruction. About nine o'clock a flag of truce emerged from their lines, and approached the Fort. It covered a proposal for an exchange of| prisoners, Forrest having about five hundred of our men who were surrendered at Union City, and fifty or sixty captured in hospital the day before. Colonel Hicks having no power to exchange prisoners, replied in accordance with that fact, and the confederate officer departed. Again we waited in anticipation of an attack momentarily, when a verbal communication was sent in by Forrest, asking for a private interview in case further fighting could be obviated by negotia


Colonel Hicks, with his characteristic pluck, replied verbally that he, accompanied by two officers of a designated rank, would meet General Forrest and two officers of corresponding rank, with or without arms, at any mutually convenient spot. This occurred after noon. No reply was received, and no attack was made, and so the day wore away-the enemy yet threatening, but apparently afraid to advance. In the mean time assistance had arrived from Cairo, seventy miles below, and our men felt encouraged but apprehensive. The night passed much in the same way as the one preceding, the greatest vigilance being exercised, and the men resting at or near their posts.

The next day, twenty-seventh, the rebels had entirely disappeared from view, but a scouting party, sent out for the purpose, found them still near, and demonstrating threateningly. On this day, many of the citizens and merchants who had any thing left, commenced packing their effects for the purpose of leaving the place, as it was confidently expected that the rebels would

return and complete the work of pillage and destruction.

Another anxious night wore wearily away, and the morning of the twenty-eighth dawned. Our scouts found the country filled with bodies of men varying from fifty to one hundred, but the main body had moved back toward Mayfield. This seemed encouraging, until another report, which was apparently trustworthy, became current in town, that Forrest's army had formed a junction at Mayfield with a large force of rebels, and was again coming in this direction. A scene of excitement now ensued similar to that of the morning of the twenty-fifth. Every thing that could, under the circumstances, be removed, (for but few draft animals were remaining) was carried down to the levee preparatory to shipping. Much of this property was carried by hand, some of the heaviest boxes of goods being thus brought from stores some several squares distant. The excitement lasted all night, and every boat that passed made large additions to her cargo and passenger-list. This morning the excitement and exodus still continued, and the attack was hourly expected up till noon, when it became generally known that the military authorities had learned that the enemy was at or near Mayfield, and was threatening Columbus, and that there were no demonstrations at all making toward Paducah.

So ends thus much of the history of one of the most adventurous raids made during the war. Whether the rebels will try their strength on any other Union post remains to be seen. It is known that they are showing a threatening front in the direction of Columbus.

A detail of the loss of property during the fight cannot be obtained, though even if it could it would be uninteresting in connection with the story of the battle. It will be sufficient to say that the value of the property carried away and destroyed by the rebels exceeds, at a moderate estimate, half a million of dollars. The value of the houses burned, by order of Colonel Hicks, must be as much if not more. The enemy's loss in men cannot be accurately ascertained, but in killed and wounded will not fall short of one thousand. It is rumored that several citizens, who imprudently did not leave the city with the bulk of the inhabitants, were killed or injured.


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