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loud boastings which a few weeks since they so freely uttered, have been silenced by your unanimous reëenlistments for the war, and the stern Dissensions and resolute daring of the South.

exist among them. Eager to possess the spoils of their corrupt and profligate government, they see each other nearly as much as they do us. The war is no longer popular. The rich are allowed to buy an exemption, and thus cast all the burden and risk upon the poor. The laboring classes have already revolted against the draft. To escape its odium, enormous bounties have been offered to volunteers; but all these expeditions have failed, and again a heavy draft has been ordered. The armies of the enemy are every day diminishing, and it is evident they cannot recruit them to the numbers with which they began the struggle. A large and growing party are for peace. A still larger party have discovered that the war has so far only served to entail upon themselves a despotism which tramples down every public and private right. They feel and acknowledge that they are the slaves of one whose character has made him odious to the world. Torn by party and personal strife, and conscious of the impotence of their scheme of conquest, the ranks of your enemies are already beginning to One more resolute effort and the day is



the graves of the brave men whose blood has been shed as a libation to liberty.

A. D. DICKINSON, Chairman,


ANDREW HUNTER, Senate Committee,

B. H. SHACKLEFORD, Chairman,

[blocks in formation]


IN the Virginia State Senate on March tenth, Mr. Grice offered the following:

Whereas, The General Assembly of Virginia have learned that the Reverend George M. Bain, Cashier of the Portsmouth Savings Bank Society, and William H. H. Hodges, Cashier of the Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank, citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, the first-named being over sixty years of age, and the other a cripple, have God will strengthen your arms in the hour of been arrested and sentenced to hard labor at Inde- Hatteras, North-Carolina, by order of Major-Genbattle, and give blessings to a just cause. pendence and peace will be needed by your ene-eral Butler, or some other officer of the Federal mies, and you, the defenders of the commonwealth, may return to your homes to receive the welcome due the brave, and to enjoy those honors which will grow brighter as our years shall be prolonged.

And when your ears shall be no longer startled by the "clash of resounding arms," and a happy, prosperous, and permanent peace shall succeed, returning from the fields of your fame, you will be greeted with tears of joy by the loved ones at home-the heroes of every circle-to receive the smiles of the fair, and become the theme of gratitude and praise around every hearthstone protected by your valor.

Then every heart shall rejoice in that quiet which your courage has secured. Not the quiet of deserted homes and desolated farms-of sacked cities and rifled churches-of villages in ashes and towns in ruins-but the quiet of smiling farms, when the blue smoke shall curl again above the ancestral trees, to welcome back the long-exiled refugee to his home. The quiet of thriving villages, when the old man on his crutch and the brave and war-worn veteran with his armless sleeve, shall tell of bloody battles and scenes of privation to smiling children around him. The quiet of prosperous cities, whose wharves shall whiten with an opulent commerce, whose shops shall hum with a busy industry, and whose spires point to that haven of rest which is far away. Then from a thousand happy hearts and happy homes shall arise thanksgiving and praise to the God of battles as of grace, while tears of gratitude will embalm the memories and bedew

Government, for alleged fraudulent disposal of the funds of their banks; and that the Reverend John H. Ringfield, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, had been put to hard labor in the public streets of that city, with a ball and chain to his leg, because he refused to renounce his allegiance to his native State; therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Governor of the Commonwealth be, and he is hereby requested to invite the attention of the confederate government to the arrest and sentence of these three worthy citizens of this State, and to respectfully ask that the facts may be investigated; and, if found as stated and believed, that three citizens of the Federal States (if there be such in the hands of the confederate authorities) be held at hard labor, one with ball and chain, on the public streets, as hostages for Messrs. Bain, Hodges, and Wingfield.

The rules having been suspended, the preamble and resolution were unanimously passed and ordered to be communicated to the House.

Doc. 109.


CAIRO, March 16, 1864. FROM an officer just arrived from Vicksburgh, who was in the recent fight at Yazoo City, we The fight was learn particulars concerning it. one of the best contested and most desperate of the war.

The Union force consisted of the Eleventh Illinois, Colonel Schofield, Colonel Coates's Eighth Louisiana, (colored,) and two hundred of the First Mississippi cavalry, Colonel Ed. Osband, (colored.) The enemy had eight regiments, under command of Ross and Richardson. The fight commenced at eight A.M., and lasted nearly till dark, when the enemy retired. Three hundred of the Eleventh Illinois were surrounded in a small fort of the bluff outside the town. A storm of shot and shell was poured upon them all day, when a summons was sent to them to surrender. They replied that they didn't know what surrender meant. The remainder of the Union force was in town, where they were met by the enemy, who had gained cover of some of the buildings. The contest raged for three hours, when the enemy retired.

which had just disembarked, was ordered up to the front on the double-quick, and we arrived there none too soon. The enemy fell back as soon as they saw reenforcements coming up. We skirmished with them till dark, when they fell back to their camp. We remained in the fort all night. The Eighth Louisiana occupied a fort, or rather redoubt, (there are seven of them around the city,) to the right of us about three quarters of a mile. The next day company A was ordered to report at headquarters for provost-guard. This was the twenty-ninth of February. From that time up to the fifth of March, we skirmished with the enemy every day, and our cavalry pickets were drawn in nearly every night.

A flag of truce was received by Colonel Coates from General Ross, on the fourth of March, asking if the fortunes of war should place some of his men in our possession as prisoners, what should be their treatment, etc. To which a re

upon the treatment our men (either white or black) received at his hands.

Two gunboats were in the river, but could render but little assistance. The colored soldiers fought bravely, and sometimes with des-ply was given, that such treatment depended peration. The Eleventh Illinois lost twenty-five -nine of whom were killed. Among them was a lieutenant whose name we could not learn. About seven o'clock on the morning of the The Eighth Louisiana lost nearly one hundred fifth of March, the enemy drove in our cavalry in killed, wounded, and missing. The First Mis- pieket, and attacked the infantry picket, which sissippi cavalry lost two Lieutenants and several had been strengthened during the night, in conOur whole loss is set down at one hun-siderable force, but were unable to force them to dred and thirty-that of the enemy at three hun-retire, and were compelled to bring up their ardred.



MISSISSIPPI, March 15, 1864.

tillery to dislodge them. Our forces then retired into the fort, ready to welcome whoever or whatever might be sent. They had not long to wait. The enemy formed their lines, which consisted DEAR C. I am not much in the mood for letter- of General Ross's Texas brigade, and General writing to-day, but I will try and write a short Richardson's Tennessee brigade, (the latter had one to you. My last was written, I believe, before arrived during the night,) on the ridge northwe reached Yazoo City, on our way down from east of the redoubt held by the Eleventh Illinois, Greenwood. Colonel Coates received orders commanded by Major McKee, and a detachment while at Sulon to proceed to Yazoo City, take of the First Mississippi cavalry, under command possession of the place, and send to Vicksburgh of Major Cook, who occupied the trenches outfor camp equipage. When within about six side of the redoubt. All this time the enemy miles of the city, (by land, about fourteen by the were peppering away at the fort with a battery river,) Colonel Osband's First Mississippi cav- of six rifled pieces, and doing some damage, alry, A. D., was disembarked, with instructions planting the shell inside the fort with great acto proceed by land to the rear of the town and curacy. After the enemy had formed, they take possession of all the roads leading there- charged down the hill and across the ravine with from, in order to gobble up any persons that a yell, our boys sending a shower of bullets might attempt to escape, and also to reconnoitre among them, till they got under shelter of the and ascertain what was going on in the vicinity.bluffs around the fort. They took their position Major Cook, with a detachment of the First Mis- on three sides of the fort, under shelter of the sissippi cavalry, went out on the Benton road, bluff, and within one hundred to one hundred leading west from Yazoo City. When out about and fifty yards. six miles, he came upon what he supposed to be About twelve o'clock General Ross sent a flag a small scouting party, but which proved to be of truce with the demand for a surrender. Mathe advance pickets of General Ross's Texas bri-jor McKee, not liking the style of the thing, regade. He dashed upon them, driving them back into their camp, when they opened upon him with artillery. The Major, having only about sixty men, was forced to get out of that rather lively. A detachment of Ross's brigade followed" him up, and they had a running fight till they reached the hills surrounding the city, where the Major made a stand, occupying a small redoubt on the Benton road just outside the city. A des- At the same time that General Ross took popatch having been received by the Colonel, giv-sition around the fort, two regiments of General ing a statement of affairs, the Eleventh Illinois, Richardson's command, the Fifteenth and Seven

turned it without an answer. When Major MeKee started to meet the first flag of truce, Major Cook, supposing the flag to have been raised first on our side, called to Major McKee and said: Major, for God's sake, what are you going to do? You are not going to surrender?" The Major's reply was: "Ask my men if I ever surrender."

boat for a new squad of men to work it, doing good execution. We had no idea of driving the enemy out of the town when we made the demonstration. We were expecting reënforcements from Liverpool, which had been sent for, and we wanted to keep them busy until they arrived.

As soon as the enemy retreated out of the town, those attacking the fort gradually fell back, till out of cover of the bluffs, when they broke and ran, our boys having opened a heavy fire upon them. Thus ended our fight at Yazoo City.

and places were named for such exchange, and as neither Brigadier-General Richardson, confedcrate States army, nor Colonel Coates, United States volunteers, were named as such parties, nor Yazoo City the point for such exchange, would respectfully decline your proposition.

teenth Tennessee, deployed to the right into a large corn-field, and on the low ground to the north of the city. Colonel Coates ordered company A out to meet them and check them as much as possible, while he sent to the Eighth Louisiana for reënforcements. We went out on the run. The men deployed in the outskirts of the town, getting behind the fences and buildings for protection. But we found two regiments most too heavy for our company, and fell back from one street to the other, the boys giving them the best they had. Prisoners taken say that they suffered severely coming through the A second flag of truce was sent on the sixth town. We were driven back till on a line with instant, from Brigadier-General Richardson to headquarters, when we made a stand, having the Colonel Coates, stating that he had sent an amadvantage of a strong position, and having been bulance surgeon and ambulance corps to bury reenforced by a detachment from the Eighth his dead, and take care of the wounded, and proLouisiana, A. D., about one hundred and fifty posing to Colonel Coates that each of them send strong, determined to hold it to the last. Com- a commissioner between the picket-lines to effect pany A being stationed to the best advantage, I an exchange of prisoners, etc. The first point went to headquarters to see what was going on was answered that his dead had been decently there. Colonel Coates was in the street giving buried, his wounded properly and tenderly cared orders as cool as though nothing unusual was for, consequently no necessity for his surgeon, going on. The bullets were flying around him etc., and declined receiving them. To the seas thick as hail. The enemy had taken posses-cond proposition, would answer, that a cartel sion of the houses on both sides of the street had been agreed upon, in which certain parties above headquarters, and were firing from the windows and doors. The pillars in front of the building used for headquarters (formerly a bank) were speckled with the marks of bullets. It seems almost a miracle that the Colonel was not struck a dozen times. He escaped with only a couple of holes through his coat, and a slight scratch on the face. He was standing on the steps in front of headquarters, or in the street, all the time during the fight. About three o'clock the Colonel told Adjutant Dean and myself to take what men we could get together, go around to the left of the town and attack them on the flank, to make a diversion if possible from that part of the city. We took a few of company A that were the nearest, (the whole company being out skirmishing where they had been all day,) and a small squad from the Eighth Louisiana, with an officer from the same regiment. We went around to the left, attacking them on the flank and rear, yelling at the same time like so many Indians. Captain Kenyon (of the Colonel's staff, and Captain of company K, Eleventh Illinois,) took about twenty men that had been cut off from the fort while out skirmishing in the morning, and driven back into town, and attacked them on the right about the same time. The enemy thinking no doubt that we had been reënforced, started for the hills, every man for himself. We followed them as close as we thought advisable, considering our small force. Lieutenant Brewster moved up Main street with a twelve-pound rifled gun, which had been sent to us from one of the gunboats, with men to work it, (the captain of the gun had deserted it at the commencement of the fight, leaving it in the hands of the enemy; our men charged up the street and retook it.) From that time to the close of the fight, Adjutant Dean and Lieutenant Brewster handled the gun, sending to the gun

The gist of the joke in this last was, that at that time we had none of his men as prisoners! I don't hanker after any more street-fights. Our entire loss is about one hundred and twenty-five. The Eleventh lost ten killed, including one commissioned officer, and thirty-five wounded and missing. Company A lost five wounded and one missing. He was probably wounded and taken prisoner. Three of them were from Stephenson County. Sergeant C. H. Lutz in the wrist, Samuel Stoner in the leg, and L. Iman in the shoulder. They have been sent to St. Louis, together with "Joe" Pratt. They were all doing well when they left here. [Iman since reported dead.-Ed. Jour.]

The morning after the fight orders came from Vicksburgh to embark immediately for that place. We left Yazoo City on the morning of the seventh, arriving there on the ninth.

I have endeavored to give you a short sketch of the fight. You know my fondness for letterwriting, so it is entirely unnecessary for any apologies. Had it not been for the coolness and bravery of Major McKee, who had command in the fort, also Major Cook, First Mississippi cavalry A. D., who had command of a detachment from this regiment, and the determination of Colonel Coates to hold the place as long as he had a man to fight with, this letter would probably have been written in Libby prison and to a different metre. We learned by a gunboat officer who arrived here yesterday morning from Yazoo City, that the enemy reported having lost over four hundred killed, wounded, and missing.

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They must have suffered severely in getting a position around the fort.

day of April next, be set apart and observed as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer, that Almighty God would so preside over our public counsels and authorities, that he would so inspire our armies and their leaders with wisdom, courage, and perseverance, and so manifest himself in the greatness of his goodness and majesty of his power, that we may be safely and successfully led through the chastenings to which we are being subjected, to the attainment of an hon

While the rebs had possession of part of the town, (and it was the largest part too,) they plundered promiscuously. Lieutenant Brewster lost all his papers, and all his clothes but what he had on. He was lucky more than once that day in saving those and in being able to carry them off himself. It seemed as though he and Adjutant Dean were bullet-proof. Captain Kenyon and Lieutenant Perriont, both on the Colo-orable peace; so that while we enjoy the blessnel's staff, exposed themselves almost recklessly, and escaped without a scratch. You have got to see a street-fight to comprehend it. I can't describe it. Company A did itself credit, as it always tries to do." ORTON INGERSOLL.


DEMOPOLIS, ALA., March 11, 1864.

ings of a free and happy government, we may ascribe to him the honor and the glory of our independence and prosperity."

A recommendation so congenial to the feelings of the people will receive their hearty concurrence; and it is a grateful duty to the Executive to unite with their representatives in inviting them to meet in the courts of the Most High. Recent events awaken fresh gratitude to the SuGeneral Lee telegraphs that Ross and Richard-preme Ruler of nations. Our enemies have sufson attacked Yazoo City on the fifth instant, fered repeated defeats, and a nefarious scheme to capturing many stores and destroying much cot-burn and plunder our capital, and to destroy our ton about being shipped.

To Adjutant-General Cooper:

The enemy retired to the city and held it until reenforced. They were driven out of the city, which was recaptured, while stores were being destroyed. We have quite a number of prisoners. Our loss was about fifty killed and wounded. The enemy still occupy Yazoo City and Liverpool, intrenching at the latter place.

Sherman issued a general order at Canton, in which he speaks of many regiments in his army entitled to furlough. L. POLK, Lieutenant-General.

Doc. 110.



civil government by putting to death the chosen servants of the people, has been baffled and set at naught. Our armies have been strengthened, our finances promise rapid progress to a satisfactory condition, and our whole country is animated with a hopeful spirit and a fixed determination to achieve independence.

In these circumstances it becomes us, with thankful hearts, to bow ourselves before the throne of the Most High, and, while gratefully acknowledging so many mercies, confess that our sins as a people have justly exposed us to his chastisement. Let us recognize the sufferings which we have been called upon to endure, as administered by a fatherly hand for our improvement, and with resolute courage and patient endurance let us wait on him for our deliverance.

In furtherance of these objects, now therefore, I, Jefferson Davis, President of the confederate States of America, do issue this, my proclamation, calling upon the people of the said States,

THE Senate and House of Representatives of the confederate States of America have signified their desire that a day may be recommended to the people, to be set apart and observed as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer, in the lan-in conformity with the desire expressed by their guage following, to wit:

Reverently recognizing the Providence of God in the affairs of man, and gratefully remembering the guidance, support, and deliverance granted to our patriot fathers in the memorable war which resulted in the independence of the American colonies, and now reposing in Him our supreme confidence and hope in the present struggle for civil and religious freedom, and for the right to live under a government of our own choice, and deeply impressed with the conviction that without him nothing is strong, nothing wise, and nothing enduring; in order that the people of this Confederacy may have the opportunity at the same time of offering their adoration to the great Sovereign of the universe, of penitently confessing their sins, and strengthening their vows and purposes of amendment in humble reliance upon his gracious and almighty power :

"The Congress of the confederate States of America do resolve, that it be recommended to the people of these States that Friday, the eighth

representatives, to set apart Friday, the eighth day of April, as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer; and I do hereby invite them on that day to repair to their several places of public worship, and beseech Almighty God "to preside over our public counsels, and so inspire our armies and leaders with wisdom, courage, and perseverance, and so to manifest himself in the greatness of his goodness and in the majesty of his power, that we may secure the blessings of an honorable peace and of free government, and that we, as a people, may ascribe all to the honor and glory of his name.'

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Given under my hand and the seal of the confederate States of America, at the city [L. S.] of Richmond, on this twelfth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. JEFFERSON DAVIS.

By the President:

Secretary of State,

Doc. 111.




To this application the Secretary promptly and courteously replied, giving the authority asked for, and expressing the pleasure he felt at the interest manifested in the conscripts by the General Assembly in the resolutions of inquiry which they had adopted and under which your Com

THE following is an order by the President of mittee were acting. The letter of Mr. Seddon,

the United States:


In order to supply the force required to be drafted for the navy, and to provide an adequate reserve force for all contingencies, in addition to the five hundred thousand men called for February first, 1864, the call is hereby made and a draft ordered for two hundred thousand men for the military service, army, navy, and marine

corps of the United States.

The proportional quotas for the different wards, towns, townships, precincts, or election districts, or counties, will be made known through the Provost-Marshal General's Bureau, and account will be taken of the credits and deficiencies of former


The fifteenth day of April, 1864, is designated as the time up to which the numbers required from each ward of a city, town, etc., may be raised by voluntary enlistment; and drafts will be made in each ward of a city, town, etc., which shall not have filled the quota assigned to it within the time designated for the number required to fill said quotas.

The drafts will be commenced as soon after the fifteenth of April as practicable.

The Government bounties, as now paid, continue until April first, 1864, at which time the additional bounties cease. On and after that date one hundred dollars bounty only will be paid, as provided by the Act approved July twenty-second, 1861.


Official: E. D. TOWNSEND,

Assistant Adjutant-General.

Doc. 112.


THE following is a copy of the report of the

Joint Committee of the two Houses of the Gen

ral Assembly of Virginia, appointed to investigate the charges of abuse and inhumanity to conscripts at Camp Lee, near Richmond, Va. :

RICHMOND, March, 1864. The Joint Committee, appointed "to inquire and report whether any, and if any, what abuses or inhumanity may have been practised or tolerated at Camp Lee in the treatment of conscripts," have performed the duty assigned them, and beg leave respectfully to submit the following report: Before entering upon the investigation required by the resolution of the General Assembly, your Committee deemed it becoming to apprise the Secretary of War of their purpose, and to request of him authority to visit Camp Lee, in order to obtain information and to enable them more thoroughly to prosecute their inquiries.

together with his written authority to visit Camp Lee accompanying it, your Committee regard of sufficient importance and as due alike to the subject and the Secretary of War, to refer to and make a part of their report, and they accordingly append them, marked A and B. They think it proper to remark also in this connection, that subjects committed to them had been in part anthey found the proposed investigation of the ticipated by the action of the Secretary of War, General Assembly, who, upon learning that rubefore the passage of the joint resolution by the mors had obtained currency of suffering among the men at Camp Lee for want of wood, ordered an officer to go out and investigate the matter and make immediate report. Your Committee have been furnished with a copy of that order, and the reports thereon of Colonel Shields, the commandant of the post, and of the several officers in charge of the troops at Camp Lee, which are of interest and value as illustrating and explaining the subject and as constituting a part of the evidence upon which your Committee relied in arriving at their own conclusions. documents are appended, marked 1 and in consecutive order.


It will be perceived that the complaints which reached the Secretary of War assumed the general form of "suffering for want of wood," the inquiries directed by him were confined to that specific charge; and so far as the investigation under the order of the Secretary upon this head are concerned, the reports of the commandant at Camp Lee, and of his subordinate officers, seems to your Committee satisfactory, and fully acquit these officers of any neglect of duty in attending, as far as practicable, to the wants and comforts of the men in supplying them with fuel. Their statements, made in the reports to the Secretary of War, were confirmed to us in the examination


we made at the interview we had with these offiwith all the wood allowed by the army regulaIt appears that the men were furnished tions. The supply was stated to be ample in ordinary weather, but during an extremely rigorous spell of cold, such as occurred about the middle of February, it was admitted that the quantity of wood was not adequate. That some discomfort was experienced by some of the conscripts for want of sufficient fire is quite probable, but we could ascertain no individual case of the kind, and find nothing in the circumstances and evidence to fix culpability upon the officers in charge of the troops at Camp Lee, much less to sustain the allegation made through the press of inhumanity and cruelty to the conscripts, or of any extraordinary degree of suffering resulting in loss of limb or death, or even of illness from cold. It may be proper here to state, how

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