Imágenes de páginas


and ran into the gorge, which he could have captured with a small force of cavalry. The gorge is to the east of Ringgold, and we were approaching it from the west. A little firing occurred between our skirmishers as they entered the town and small parties of the enemy's cavalry and infantry, the latter retiring in the direction of the gap. There is a break in Taylor's Ridge of sufficient width for the river to flow, and on its north bank room for an ordinary road and a railroad, when the ridge rises abruptly on both sides four or five hundred feet, and from thence, running nearly north and south, continues unbroken for many miles. Covering the entrance to it, is a small patch of trees and undergrowth. It was represented by citizens friendly to our cause, and confirmed by contrabands, that the enemy had passed through Ringgold sorely pressed, his animals exhausted, and In a small his army hopelessly demoralized. portion of it only had the officers been able to preserve regimental and company formations, many of the men having thrown away their arms. A still greater number were open and violent in their denunciations of the Confederacy. In order to gain time, it was the intention of the rear-guard to make use of the natural advantages the gorge presented to check the pursuit. The troops relied on for this were posted behind the mountain and the trees, and the latter were also used to mask a couple of pieces of artillery. Only a feeble line of skirmishers appeared in sight. The only way to ascertain the enemy's strength was to feel of him; and as our success, if prompt, would be crowned with a rich harvest of materiel, without waiting for my artillery, (not yet up, though after nine o'clock,) the skirWood deployed his brigade mishers advanced. in rear of them, under cover of the embankment of the railroad, and a brisk musketry fire commenced between the skirmishers.

At the same time the enemy kept his artillery busily at work. Their skirmishers were driven in, and, as we had learned the position of their battery, the Thirteenth Illinois regiment, from the right of Wood's line, was thrown forward to seize some houses from which their gunners These were could be picked off by our men. heroically taken and held by that brave regiment. Apprehensive that he might lose his artillery, the enemy advanced with a superior force on our skirmishers, and they fell back behind Wood's line, when that excellent officer opened on the rebels and drove them into the gorge, they leaving, as they fled, their dead and wounded on the ground. Our skirmishers at once reoccupied their line, the Thirteenth Illinois all the time maintaining its position with resolution and obstinacy. While this was going on in front of the gorge, Osterhaus detached four regiments, under Colonel Williamson, half a mile to the left, to ascend the ridge and turn the enemy's right. Two of these, the Seventy-sixth Ohio, supported by the Fourth Iowa, were thrown forward, and, as the enemy appeared in great force, when they had nearly gained the crest,

Geary ordered four of his regiments still further
to the left, under Colonel Creighton, for the same
object, where they also found an overwhelming
force confronting them. Vigorous attacks were
made by both of these columns, in which the
troops exhibited extraordinary daring and devo-
tion, but were compelled to yield to numerical
superiority. The first took shelter in a depres-
sion in the side of the ridge, about fifty paces in
rear of their most advanced position, and there
All the par-
remained. The other column was ordered to
resume its position on the railroad.
ties sent forward to ascertain the enemy's posi-
tion and strength were small; but the attack
had been made with so much vigor, and had
succeeded so well in its object, that I deemed it
unwise to call up the commands of Palmer and
Cruft, and the remaining brigades of Geary, to
deliver a general attack, without my artillery. I
therefore gave instructions for no advance to be
made, and for the firing to be discontinued, ex-
cept in self-defence. These orders were conveyed
Word was received from General
and delivered to every officer in command on our
advance line.
Wood that appearances in his front were indic-
ative of a forward movement on the part of the
enemy, when Ireland's brigade, of Geary's divi-
sion, was sent to strengthen them. Calhoun's
brigade, of the same division, took a well-shel-
tered position behind the knoll, midway between
the dépôt and the opening to the gap. These
I may here
officers were also ordered not to attack or fire
unless it should become necessary.
state that the greatest difficulty I experienced
with my new commands, and the one which
caused me the most solicitude, was to check and
curb their disposition to engage, regardless of
circumstances, and, it appeared, almost of conse-
quences. This had also been the case on Look-
out Mountain and on Missionary Ridge.
my emphatic and repeated instructions to the
contrary, a desultory fire was kept up on the
right of the line until the artillery arrived; and
you will see by the report of commanders, that,
under cover of elevated ground between my posi-
tion and our right, several small parties advanced
to capture the enemy's battery and harass his
flank at the gap. It is not with displeasure I
refer to these circumstances in evidence of the
animation of the troops, neither is it with a feel-
ing of resentment; for of that I was disarmed
by an abiding sense of their glorious achieve-

It has never been my fortune to serve
with more zealous and devoted troops.
Between twelve and one o'clock, the artillery
came up, not having been able to cross the west
fork of the Chickamauga until eight o'clock on
the morning of the twenty-seventh. Under my
acting Chief of Artillery, Major Reynolds, in con-
junction with Generals Geary and Osterhaus,
one section of twelve-pounder howitzers was
placed in position to bear on the enemy in front
of our right and to enfilade the gap; another
section of ten-pounder Parrotts was assigned to
silence the enemy's battery; and one section,
further to the left, to bear on some troops held

ninth and thirtieth, unless it should be found practicable to advance toward Dalton without fighting a battle, the object of my remaining, as stated, being to protect Sherman's flank, with authority to attack or move on Dalton should the enemy move up the Dalton and Cleveland road. In retreating, the enemy had halted a portion of his force at Tunnel Hill, midway between Ringgold and Dalton, and, as he evinced no disposition to molest Sherman, my command rested at Ringgold. I was kept fully advised of the rebel movements, through the activity and daring of the Second Kentucky cavalry, which had joined me on the twenty-eighth. In obedience to verbal directions given me by the commander of the division, the railroad was thor

in mass in front of Geary's regiments. At the sion to remain at Ringgold during the twentysame time a regiment from Cruft's had been sent around by the bridge to cross the Chickamauga, and, if possible, to gain the heights of the ridge on the south side of the river, the possession of which would give us a plunging fire upon the enemy in the gorge. Two companies had nearly gained the summit when they were recalled. The artillery had opened with marked effect, the enemy's guns were hauled to the rear, his troops seen moving, and before one o'clock he was in full retreat. Williamson's brigade followed him over the mountain, while skirmishers from the Sixtieth and One Hundred and Second New-York regiments pursued him through the gap. Efforts were made to burn the railroad bridges; but the rebels were driven from them, and the fires ex-oughly destroyed for two miles, including the tinguished.

bridges on each side of Ringgold, by Palmer's During the artillery firing the Major-General and Cruft's commands; also the dépôt, tannery, commanding the division of the Mississippi ar- all the mills, and all materiel that could be used rived, and gave directions for the pursuit to be in the support of an army. We found on our discontinued. Later in the day, soon after three arrival large quantities of forage and flour. What o'clock, I received instructions from him to have was not required by the wants of the service was a reconnoissance made in the direction of Tunnel either sent to the rear or burned. Our wounded Hill-the enemy's line of retreat-for purposes were as promptly and as well cared for as cirof observation, and to convey to the enemy the cumstances would permit. Surgeon Moore, Medimpression that we were still after him. Gross's ical Director of the army of the Tennessee, volbrigade was despatched on this service. About untarily left his chief to devote himself to their two miles out he ran upon a small force of rebel relief, and under his active, skilful, and humane cavalry and infantry, and pursued them about auspices, and those of the medical directors with a mile and a half, when he fell upon what he the divisions, they were comfortably removed to supposed to be a division of troops posted on Chattanooga on the twenty-eighth. My sincere the hills commanding the road. The brigade re- thanks are tendered to all the officers of the medturned at eight o'clock, and went into bivouac.ical staff for their zealous and careful attentions Colonel Gross's report in this connection closes by saying that "we found broken caissons, wagons, dead and dying men of the enemy strewn along the way to a horrible extent."

As some misapprehension appears to exist with regard to our losses in this battle, it is proper to observe that the reports of my division commanders exhibit a loss of sixty-five killed and three hundred and seventy-seven wounded, about one half of the latter so severely that it was necessary to have them conveyed to the hospital for proper treatment. They also show of the enemy killed and left on the field one hundred and thirty. Of his wounded we had no means of ascertaining, as only those severely hurt remained behind, and they filled every house by the wayside as far as our troops penetrated. A few of our wounded men fell into the enemy's hands, but were soon retaken. We captured two hundred and thirty prisoners and two flags, to make no mention of the vast amount of property and materiel that fell into our hands. Adding to the number of prisoners and killed as above stated the lowest estimated proportion of wounded to killed usual in battle, would make the losses of the enemy at least three to our one. From this time the operations of the right wing, as it was now called, became subordinate to those of the column marching to the relief of the garrison at Knoxville. Instructions reached me from the headquarters of the military divi

to the wounded on this as well as on former fields. Especially are they due to Surgeon Ball, Medical Director of Geary's division, and to Surgeon Menzies, Medical Director of Cruft's division.

On the twenty-ninth, Major-General Palmer returned to Chattanooga with his command, having in charge such prisoners as remained in Ringgold. On the thirtieth, the enemy, being reassured by the cessation of our pursuit, sent a flag of truce to our advanced lines at Catoosa, by Major Calhoun Benham, requesting permission to bury his dead and care for his wounded abandoned on the field of his last disaster at Ringgold. Copies of this correspondence have heretofore been forwarded. Also on the thirtieth, under instructions from department headquarters, Gross's brigade, Cruft's division, marched for the old battle-field at Chickamauga to bury our dead; and on the first of December, the infantry and cavalry remaining left Ringgold-Geary and Cruft to return to their old camps, and Osterhaus to encamp in Chattanooga valley.

The reports of the commanders exhibit a loss in the campaign, including all the engagements herein reported, in killed, wounded, and missing, of nine hundred and sixty. Inconsiderable in comparison with my apprehension, or the ends accomplished, nevertheless, there is cause for the deepest regret and sorrow. Among the fallen are some of the brightest names of the army. Creighton and


Lieutenant H. C. Wharton, a promising young officer of engineers, reported to me from the staff of the Major-General commanding the department, and was unwearied in his assistance, both as an engineer and as an officer of my personal staff.

Crane, of the Seventh Ohio; Acton, of the Fortieth Ohio; Bushnell, of the Thirteenth Illinois; Elliott, of the One Hundred and Second NewYork, and others whose names my limits will not allow me to enumerate, will be remembered and lamented as long as courage and patriotism Major-General Howard has furnished me for are esteemed as virtues among men. The reports of commanders also show the cap-transmittal his able report of the operations and ture of six thousand five hundred and forty-services of the Eleventh corps from the time it passseven prisoners, (not including those taken by ed my command, November twenty-second, to that Palmer at Greysville, of which no return has been of its return, December seventeenth. As it relates received;) also seven pieces of artillery, nine bat- to events of which I had no personal knowledge, tle-flags, not less than ten thousand stand of it only remains to comply with his wishes, with small arms, one wagon train, and a large amount the request that the Major-General commanding of ammunition for artillery and infantry, forage, the department will give it his especial attention. rations, camp and garrison equipage, caissons I may add that the zeal and devotedness disand limbers, ambulances, and other impediments. played by this corps and its commander, in perThe reports relating to the capture of the flags forming all the duties assigned them, and in cheerfully encountering its perils and privations, are herewith transmitted. afford me great satisfaction.

In the foregoing it has been impossible to furnish more than a general outline of our operations, relying upon the reports of subordinate commanders to give particular and discriminating information concerning the services of divisions, brigades, regiments, and batteries. These reports are herewith respectfully transmitted. The attention of the Major-General commanding is especially invited to those of the division commanders. As to the distinguished services of those commanders I cannot speak in terms too high. They served me, day and night, present or absent, with all the well-directed earnestness and devotion they would have served themselves had they been charged with the responsibilities of the commander. The confidence inspired by their active and generous cooperation early inspired me to feel that complete success was inevitable.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Major-General Commanding.

March 25, 1864.

Respectfully forwarded to Major-General H. W.
Halleck, Washington, D. C.:

I know of no objection to the substituting of this for Major-General Hooker's original report of his operations in the battle of Chattanooga.

Attention is called to that part of the report giving, from the reports of the subordinate comarms captured, which is greater than the number manders, the number of prisoners and small really captured by the whole army. U. S. GRANT,

Lieutenant-General United States Army.

NASHVILLE, TENN., January 9, 1864.
Brigadier-General John A. Rawlins, Chief of
I Staff:

My thanks are due to General Carlin and his brigade for their services on Lookout Mountain on the night of the twenty-fourth. They were posted in an exposed position, and when attacked repelled it with great spirit and success. must also express my acknowledgments to MajorGeneral Palmer and his command for services Lieurendered while belonging to my column. tenant Ayers, of the Signal corps, with his assistants, rendered me valuable aid in his branch of the service during our operations.

Major Reynolds, the Chief of Artillery of Geary's division, proved himself to be a skilful artillerist, and requires especial mention for his services. His batteries were always posted with judgment, and served with marked ability. The precision of his fire at Lookout and Ringgold elicited universal admiration.

To my staff more than ever am I indebted for the assistance rendered upon this occasion. Major-General Butterfield, Chief of Staff, always useful in counsel, was untiring and devoted on the field. Captain H. W. Perkins, Assistant Adjutant-General, Colonel James D. Fessenden, Major William H. Lawrence, Captain R. H. Hall, Lieutenants P. A. Oliver, and Samuel W. Taylor, aids-de-camp, bravely and intelligently performed all their duties.

GENERAL: I have the honor to submit the following report of engineering operations done with reference to the battle of Chattanooga, November twenty-third, twenty-fourth, and twenty-fifth.

Frequent and careful reconnoissances had dedetermined that Missionary Ridge, from the tunnel to the Chickamauga, was not occupied by the enemy, and that a passage of the river could be forced at the mouth of the Chickamauga. General Grant having determined to attempt the seizure of that portion of the ridge, the preparatory steps were first to put the works at Chattanooga into defensible condition, in order to allow a comparatively small force to hold that place, and thus to bring every available man into the field.

To do this, heavy details were made and kept constantly at work before the battle, so that on Saturday, November twenty-first, the works were all in a condition to defy assault. Second. Bridge material had to be collected for the bridges and put in convenient position for use.

There was in the department of the Cumber-security under the idea that no attack could be land one regular bridge-train, which was scatter- made with our communication so cut. The fear ed from Bridgeport to Chattanooga; this, by the was, that it would be imposible to throw a bridge strenuous exertions of Lieutenant Geo. W. Dres- across the river for General Sherman's command, sen, Fourth artillery, was collected in the vicini- or that, if thrown, it could be maintained as long ty of Brown's Ferry, by Wednesday, November as it was needed. On Monday, November twenseventeenth. The two saw-mills in my charge ty-third, General Thomas moved to the front to were also run night and day, and a new bridge reconnoitre, and occupied Indian Hill, with his started, under the superintendence of Captain P. left on Citico Creek. Captain Merrill and LieuV. Fox, Michigan Engineers. The river at the tenant Wharton, of the Engineer corps, were inpoint designated to throw the bridge, was, at the structed to attend to the building of bridges time of measurement, one thousand two hundred across that stream. On Monday night, at twelve and ninety-six feet in width, and the current | M., the boats with the designated brigade left the gentle, so that no trouble was anticipated in the North-Chickamauga and quietly effected a landmechanical part of the operation. ing on the left bank of the Tennessee, both above In order to afford facilities for the occupation and below the mouth of the South-Chickamauga, of the north bank of the creek, and to allow a and the business of ferrying over troops then cavalry force to break the railroad between Knox- began. The rise in the river had increased its ville and Dalton, the Chickamauga also required width so that we had not been able to accumubridging at its mouth. This stream was about late boats sufficient for the bridges across the one hundred and eighty feet in width, with a Tennessee, therefore only one was commenced. sluggish current. The North-Chickamauga, Lieutenant Dressen, in charge of the regular which is a stream emptying into the Tennessee pontoon-train, began the construction of this River on the right bank about eight miles above bridge about five o'clock A.M. on the twentyChattanooga, offered such facilities for launching fourth, taking from the ferry the boats of his the boats, that it was determined to put them in train as fast as they were needed, and allowing the water there and float them down, loaded the others to be used in crossing troops. Colwith soldiers, to the point of crossing, as an op- onel George P. Buell, in command of the Pioneer eration quicker and more quiet than that of brigade, soon after the boats had landed their launching them at the place of passage. By first load, deployed his men on the right bank, Friday night, November twenty-sixth, one hun- and went to work vigorously to clean up the dred and sixteen boats were in the creek, fur-ground on the shore, and level it when necesnished with oars and crews, the creek cleared of snags to its mouth, and all the citizens in the vicinity put under strict guard to prevent the information getting to the enemy.

sary for the passage of troops to the boats, and also to prepare a steamboat landing.

we learned from deserters had been made for the destruction of the bridge at Chattanooga. The duty was well performed, as all duty is by Colonel Buell, and five rafts were anchored to the shore. The rebels had intended to prepare the rafts each with a small pilot raft having a torpedo attached, containing about fifty pounds of powder, to blow up by percussion, as they went under the bridge.

At daylight he sent a party furnished with ropes and ringbolts to catch and make fast to The boats were taken to the creek over by-shore the rafts in the Chickamauga Creek, which roads through the woods, and not exposed to view of the rebels in any point of the distance. In the matter of selecting the roads, cleaning the creek, furnishing crews for the boats, and keeping the citizens under guard, I must acknowledge my obligations to Colonel Daniel McCook, commanding a brigade posted near the mouth of North-Chickamauga. The rest of the bridgematerial, and boats, (about twenty-five,) packed behind the river ridge of hills, and within four hundred yards of the place of crossing, entirely concealed from the enemy. During this time the Tennessee River, swollen by rains in the upper country, brought down drift-wood in such quantities, and of such a character, that, on Friday night, or early Saturday morning, the pontoon-bridge at Chattanooga was carried away, and so much of the material lost that it was impossible to re-lay it. On Saturday night the flying ferry at Chattanooga was disabled, and the pontoon-bridge at Brown's Ferry was so injured that it was not re-laid till Tuesday, November twentieth. This left to us for communication only the steamer Dunbar, at Chattanooga, and a horse ferry-boat at Brown's Ferry. On Monday night, however, the flying ferry was repaired and again in operation. Fortunately, the troops had all been placed in position before the disasters, and the only effort was to lull the enemy into

The arrangements were not completed when they were interfered with by General Sherman's passage of the river. At daylight, eight thousand troops were across the river, and in line of battle. Soon after, work was continued on the bridge across the river from both ends, and Captain P. V. Fox, Michigan Engineers, began the bridge across the South-Chickamauga. According to previous arrangement, Brigadier-General I. H. Wilson brought up the steamer Dunbar to assist in the passage of the troops. About eight thousand infantry, and one battery of artillery, besides the horses of the generals and their staff, were crossed in that manner, under the energetic directions of General Wilson. twenty minutes past twelve P.M., the bridge across the river was complete, the one across the creek having been finished a little before, and by three o'clock P.M., the brigade of cavalry under Colonel Long had crossed and was


ing the enemy from before Chattanooga, is submitted:

on its march. The bridge across the river was thrown with less trouble than was anticipated, because it was found that most of the drift hug- On leaving Shell Mound, the One Hundred and ged the right bank, and to avoid the catching of Fifteenth Illinois, the Eighty-fourth Indiana, and the drift on the cables, anchors were dispensed the Fifth Indiana battery were detailed to defend with for several boats near the shore, and the the works erected at that place for the protection structure kept in place by guy-lines to the trees of our supply train. They were under the comon shore. Lieutenant Dressen deserves all praise mand of Colonel Moore of the One Hundred and for his intelligent energy in throwing a bridge of Fifteenth Illinois. This duty was well performed. nearly one thousand four hundred feet in length Six regiments, (the Eighth Kentucky, Colonel over such a flood in such a short time. That Sydney M. Barnes; the Ninety-sixth Illinois, same afternoon two pontoon-bridges were thrown Colonel Thomas E. Champion; the Thirty-fifth across Chattanooga Creek, to connect the centre Indiana, Colonel Mullen; the Fortieth Ohio, Coland right of General Thomas's command, the onel Taylor; Ninety-ninth Ohio, Lieutenant-Colright by that time occupying the base of Lookout onel Cummings; Fifty-first Ohio, LieutenantMountain. On the twenty-fifth, an additional Colonel Wood,) under my command, left Shell bridge was thrown across the Citico Creek at its Mound November twenty-third, at nine o'clock mouth, and the unused bridge also brought A.M. After a tiresome march over rough roads, I down and thrown across the river at Chattanoo-reported to General Cruft, division commander, ga. On the twenty-sixth, Lieutenant Wharton at the base of Raccoon Mountain, near the mouth and the Pioneer brigade, under Colonel George of Lookout Creek, having made twenty-three P. Buell, were ordered to accompany the pursu- miles during the day. ing column toward Ringgold, and Colonel Buell For reasons unknown to me, the command of reports the completion of a bridge across the our brave and efficient division, General Cruft's, West-Chickamauga Creek by daylight of Friday (two brigades,) was divided, and this brigade ormorning. Lieutenant Downing, of the Engineer dered by General Hooker to report at daylight corps, had been ordered to reconstruct the bridge on the morning of the twenty-fourth to Brigadiernear Shallow Ford, across the South-Chickamau-General Geary, of General Hooker's command. ga. On Friday, at Ringgold, orders were given to Lieutenant Wharton to attend to the destruction of the railroad at that place, and whatever mills were in that vicinity. On Sunday, Captain Morrell was ordered to accompany the column under General Gordon Granger toward Knoxville. I beg to call the particular attention of General Grant to the accompanying report of Brigadier-General Wilson, with reference to the bridge constructed under his direction, across the Little Tennessee, for the passage of General Sherman's column over that stream; also that of Captain Poe, Chief Engineer army of the Ohio. The officers of the Engineer corps were zealous and efficient. I forward with the report a map large enough to show the strategic move-of Lookout; the Thirty-fifth Indiana next; then ments made before the battle, and also a map giving the battle-field. These maps are mostly due to the exertions of Captain West, U. S. Coast Survey, of my staff, and to the labors of Captains Darr and Down, of the same department, who had been ordered to report to me by Professor Bache, Superintendent S. S., and who all deserve the thanks of the General for labors done by them. The distances were determined before the battle for the use of artillery, and the heights of artillery positions occupied by us and the enemy. Very respectfully, Brigadier-General, Chief Engineer Military Division of the Mississippi.



To Lieutenant Wright, A.A. G., First Division,
Fourth Corps:

The following report of the part taken by my brigade in storming Lookout Mountain, and driv

This was done with celerity and despatch. The troops were massed under cover of the hills near Wauhatchie. They were deployed crossing Lookout Creek on the dam of a little mill, near which, by order, the knapsacks and blankets of my command were left under guard. The line of battle was as follows: Second brigade, of General Geary's division, in front on the right; Third brigade in the centre; and the First brigade on the extreme left and near the base of the mountain. These brigades were small and the division did not muster many more men for the fight than did my brigade, which was formed, the Eighth Kentucky on the extreme right at the base of the rough projecting crags, forming the summit

the Ninety-ninth Ohio, and the Fortieth Ohio on my extreme left; next to General Geary's right the Ninety-sixth Illinois and Fifty-first Ohio were placed, one hundred yards in rear of my right, on the upper bench, to make firm my right flank. The lines of the entire storming party, though intended to be double, were, from the extent of the ground, to be assailed partially, if not entirely, in echelon; and my front had to be protected by skirmishers, which I had done. Owing to the formation of the mountain, my brigade occupying the position nearest the apex of the cone, had a shorter route in going around the mountain than those nearest its base, and ex necessitate in advancing would and did overtake and pass the front line. Thus formed, the brigade advanced rapidly and in good order over the steep, rocky, ravine-seamed, torrent-torn sides of the mountain for nearly three miles. It was laborious and extremely tiresome! The enemy was found sheltered by rocks, trees, and timber cut to form abattis or obstructions, while

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