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VILLE, TEXAS, was occupied by the National troops, under the command of Major-General Banks, the rebels having evacuated the place, after destroying the barracks and other buildings.-(Doc. 6.)

November 6.-Jefferson Davis arrived at Wil

Carolina, and was received by General Whiting, and welcomed by William A. Wright. Mr. Davis stated that he was proud to be welcomed by so large a concourse of North-Carolinians to the ancient and honored town of Wilmington, upon whose soil he hoped the foot of an invading foe might never fall. He had given Wilmington for her defence one of the best soldiers in the Confederacy-one whom he had seen tried in battle, and who had risen higher as danger accumulated.

the foretop masthead made out a suspicious by the confederate steamer Alabama.—BROWNSsteamer painted entirely white, and burning soft coal, three points on the port-bow; immediately gave chase, which resulted in her altering her course several times; following her, after a short time it was discovered that she was throwing cargo overboard, which confirmed our first suspicions that she was a blockade-runner. Theremington, North-Carolina, from Charleston, Southwas also in sight a fore-and-aft-rigged gunboat, five points on our port-bow. She remained in sight for a short time, when we lost sight of her astern. At ten A.M., made a side-wheel gunboat on the port-beam, (afterward ascertained to be the Keystone State.) About this time we fired three shots at the chase from a twenty-pound Parrott gun, falling short of the mark. At eleven A.M., made a side-wheel gunboat, (afterward ascertained to be the Nansemond,) three points on the portbow, also in pursuit. From this time until four He felt the full importance of the harbor-the P.M., continued in pursuit, gradually widening only one still open for trade-and would do all the space between us and the gunboats, and that could be done for its defence. He exhorted nearing the chase, when, after having fired fifteen all to do their duty, either in the field or in supshots, some of which passed entirely over the porting the army and relieving the families of object, and others striking quite near, and after soldiers, and spoke of the honor of the soldier, leaving our competitors far astern, the prize and the disgrace of the speculator. He referred hove to. At this time the Keystone State was to Chickamauga and Charleston, and spoke of about ten miles astern, and the Nansemond the noble spirit of the army and people at both about five miles. When the prize hove to, a places. He paid a high tribute to the soldiers prize crew, in charge of our first officer and the from the State, and exhorted all to strive nobly purser, was immediately sent on board, and a for the right, predicting a future of independence, hawser from our stern attached to the prize-liberty, and prosperity.-A FIGHT occurred at now ascertained to be the steamer Margaret and Rogersville, Tennessee, in which the Nationals Jessie, of Charleston, from Nassau, N. P., for a were defeated and compelled to retreat with confederate port. The gunboat Nansemond ar- some loss.-(Doc. 8.) rived alongside the prize about half an hour, and the Keystone State about one hour after our hawser was made fast to the prize. This steamer is a valuable vessel, of about eight hundred tons burden, and has on board an unusually valuable cargo.-Official Report.

-THE bombardment of Fort Sumter was kept up by slow firing from the monitors and landbatteries.

-GENERAL SANDERS, in command of a Union cavalry force, overtook a rebel regiment at Metley's Ford, on the Little Tennessee River, charged and drove them across the river, capturing forty, including four commissioned officers. Between forty and fifty were killed or drowned, and the entire regiment lost their arms. Colonel Adams, who led the charge, lost no man or material. THE ship Amanda was captured and burned, when about two hundred miles from Java Head,

THE ship Winged Racer, from Manilla for New-York, was captured and burned by the pirate Alabama, off Java Head.-A PARTY of rebel guerrillas entered Blandville, Kentucky, twelve miles from Cairo, Illinois, and captured a courier together with a small mail.

-THE battle of Droop Mountain, Virginia, between the National forces under Brigadier General Averill, and the combined forces of the rebel Generals Echols and Jenkins, occurred this day, resulting in the rout of the latter with a severe loss in men and material.—(Doc. 9.)

November 7.-Major-General George H. Thomas issued an order complimenting the troops composing Generals Turchin's and Hazen's brigades for their skill and cool gallantry at Brown's Ferry, Georgia, and the column under MajorGeneral Hooker, which took possession of the line from Bridgeport to the foot of Lookout

Mountain, for their brilliant success in driving the enemy from every position which they attacked. "The bayonet-charge made by the troops of General Howard, up a steep and difficult hill, over two hundred feet high, completely routing the enemy, and driving him from his barricades on its top, and the repulse by General Geary's command of greatly superior numbers, who attempted to surprise him, will rank among the most distinguished feats of arms of this war."-A SHARP fight occurred at Stevensburgh, Virginia, between General Kilpatrick's cavalry and a party of rebels, who were defeated. -THE battles of Rappahannock Station and Kelly's Ford, Virginia, were fought this day, resulting in the retreat of the rebels across the Rappahannock River.-(Doc. 10.)

-A CAVALRY fight took place at a point two miles south of Hazel River, on the road leading from Culpeper to Jefferson, Virginia, between the Nationals under the command of General Buford, and Wilson's division of Hill's rebel corps.-(Doc. 10.)

-A RECONNOISSANCE of the Chowan River, North-Carolina, to the vicinity of the mouth of the Blackwater, under the direction of MajorGeneral Peck, was finished.

November 9.-A snow-storm prevailed in Virginia this day.-A FIGHT between a party of guerrillas and National cavalry occurred on the Little River, in which the rebels were repulsed with a loss of fifty killed and forty captured.

-THE rebel steamer Ella and Anna, while attempting to run the blockade into Wilmington, -GENERAL DUFFIE, in command of the Na- North-Carolina, was captured by the National tional forces, occupied Lewisburgh, Virginia, this gunboat Niphon.-ROBERT TOOMBS delivered a morning; the rebels had passed through in their speech in the Hall of the House of Representaretreat from General Averill, just previous to his tives of Georgia, in which he denounced the arrival. General Duffie captured the rebel camp, officials of the rebel government, though he tents, provisions, and one cannon, many prison-adhered firmly to the cause of the South. He ers and one hundred head of cattle.-General especially deprecated the depreciation of the rebel Kelley's Despatch. government's currency system and impressment policy, the latter of which he affirmed "had sown the seeds of discontent broadcast over the land, and was generating hostility to the government itself."

November 8.-The blockade-running steamers Cornubia and Robert E. Lee, with very valuable cargoes, were captured off the New Inlet, North-Carolina. MAJOR-GENERAL MEADE, from his headquarters near Rappahannock Station, Virginia, made the following report to the Generalin-Chief:

"This morning, on advancing from Kelly's Ford, it was found that the enemy had retired during the night. The morning was so smoky that it was impossible to ascertain at Rappahannock Station the position of the enemy, and it was not till the arrival of the column from Kelly's Ford that it was definitely known the position at Rappahannock Station was evacuated. The army was put in motion, and the pursuit continued by the infantry to Brandy Station, and by the cavalry beyond. Major-General Sedgwick reports officially the capture of six guns, eight battle-flags, and over one thousand five hundred prisoners.

"Major-General French took over four hundred prisoners. General Sedgwick's loss was about three hundred killed and wounded. French's about seventy. The conduct of both officers and men in each affair was most admirable."(Doc. 10.)

November 10.-A successful advance was made by General Kilpatrick, of the army of the Potomac. He passed through Culpeper without seeing any rebels, and continued his march through Stevensburgh, followed by the rebel army.-THE rebel steamer Ella, while attempting to run the blockade of Wilmington, North-Carolina, was captured by the National gunboat Howqua.

-COLONEL UPTON, who commanded the brigade which last Saturday successfully charged and captured the rebels' works at Rappahannock Station, accompanied by deputations from each of the regiments participating in the assault, presented General Meade with the eight battle-flags taken at that time. Colonel Upton presented the flags in behalf of his command, naming the regiments-the Fifth and Sixth Maine, the Fifth Wisconsin, and the One Hundred and Twentyfirst New-York-the latter, Colonel Upton's own. General Meade responded as follows:

"Colonel Upton, officers and men of the Sixth corps: I receive with great satisfaction the bat

tle-flags, evidences of the good conduct and gal-ernment will employ all means in its power to lantry you displayed on the seventh instant. suppress any hostile attack from Canada; but The assault of the enemy's position at Rappa- as other towns and cities on the shores of the hannock Station, intrenched by redoubts and lakes are exposed to the same danger, it is deemrifle-pits, defended by artillery and infantry, ed proper to communicate this information to carried as it was at the point of the bayonet, you, in order that any precautions which the was work which could only be executed by the circumstances of the case will permit may be best of soldiers, and in the result you may be taken. The Governor-General suggests that justly proud. It gives me great confidence that steamboats or other vessels, giving cause for susin future operations I can implicitly rely on the picion by the number or character of persons on men under my command doing, when called on, board, shall be arrested. all that men can do; and, although it is my desire to place you in such positions as to avoid, if possible, recurring to such severe tests, yet there are occasions, such as the recent one, when it is the only and best course to pursue; and to feel as I do now, that I command men able and willing to meet and overcome such obstacles is a source of great satisfaction.

“I shall transmit these flags to the War Department. I have already reported your good conduct, and received and transmitted to your commanders the approval of the President.

"I shall prepare, as soon as I receive the requisite information, a general order, in which it is my desire to do justice to all the troops who have distinguished themselves; and it is my purpose, by every means in my power, to have those soldiers rewarded who have merited such distinction.

"Soldiers: In the name of the army and of the country, I thank you for the services you have rendered, particularly for the example you have set, which, I doubt not, on future occasions will be followed and emulated."

"You will please acknowledge the receipt of this despatch, and communicate to this Department any information you may now or hereafter have on this subject."

-MAJOR-GENERAL BUTLER assumed command of the departments of Eastern Virginia and NorthCarolina. His order contained the following:

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'Representations having been made to the Commanding General that certain disloyally disposed persons within this department do occasionally, by force, interfere with, and by opprobrious and threatening language insult and annoy loyal persons employed in the quiet discharge of their lawful occupations, it is hereby announced that all such conduct and language is hereafter strictly forbidden, and will be punished with military severity. All officers of this department are directed to order the arrest, and to bring such persons as are found offending against this order before the tribunal established for the purpose of punishing offences within this depart


November 12.-A very spirited skirmish with the rebels occurred at a point about ten miles November 11.- Major-General Foster having from the Cumberland Gap, in Virginia. A forage been relieved from the command of the Depart-train of twenty-one wagons had been sent out ment of Virginia and North-Carolina, issued an order bidding farewell to the officers and men serving in the department.

with a guard of twenty-eight men.

The wagons

were loaded, and started for the Gap, with no appearance of danger, when suddenly a party of -SECRETARY STANTON sent the following de- seventy guerrillas rushed from a convenient amspatch to the Mayor of Buffalo, N. Y., this night: bush, overpowering the guard, and compelling a "The British Minister, Lord Lyons, has to surrender. The officers' clothing was immedinight officially notified the Government that, ately transferred to rebel backs, and their wallets from telegraphic information received from the appropriated. Ten minutes after the capture, Governor-General of Canada, there is reason to Colonel Lemert, commanding the forces at the believe there is a plot on foot by persons who Gap, appeared in a bend of the road. Whilst have found asylum in Canada to invade the the rebels were approaching, Colonel Lemert imUnited States and destroy the city of Buffalo; mediately led the charge with ten men of the that they propose to take possession of some Fourth battalion Ohio volunteer cavalry. A steamboats on Lake Erie, to surprise Johnson's fierce hand-to-hand sabre-fight occurred for a few Island, free the prisoners of war confined there, minutes, when the rebels left the field. The train and proceed with them to Buffalo. This Gov-and prisoners were recaptured, eleven of the ene

my captured, two killed and four wounded, and some small arms and horses taken. An exciting chase of ten miles failed to overtake the fleeing rebels.

-MAJOR-GENERAL DABNEY H. MAURY, in command of the rebel forces at Mobile, Ala., sent

"7. To prohibit the buying and selling of gold and silver coin, or the notes on banks in the United States, or United States Treasury notes, during the war, under heavy penalties, or, in lieu thereof, to prohibit 'running the blockade' by individuals, under pain of forfeiture of the goods

the following to Adjutant-General Cooper, at the brought in, and imprisonment during the war. war department at Richmond, Va. :

"8. Declare these laws war measures, and make those who violate them amenable to the military courts."

-THE City Council of Richmond, Va., made an appropriation of sixty thousand dollars for the purchase of a family residence for General Robert

E. Lee.

November -13.- A skirmish took place near Natchez, Miss., between company H, of the Seventy-first Illinois regiment, and a few volunteers

"The following despatch from Tunica, Miss., was received yesterday, dated tenth instant, from Colonel Harry Maury, commanding Fifteenth cavalry regiment: 'We dashed in yesterday above Bayou Sara on a plundering party of Yankees, three hundred strong, and drove them to their iron-clads with great slaughter. We brought off their wagon-trains and twenty-five prisoners from under the broadsides of their gunboats. Only three wounded of ours.'"-TWO BRIDGES of the Sixth Mississippi regiment of loyal colored and trestlework on the Tennessee and Alabama Railroad at Caligula, near Lynnville, Tenn., were destroyed by a party of rebel cavalry under the command of the partisan Roddy.-A CANNONADING between the rebel batteries on Lookout Mountain and the Union forces at Moccasin Point, took place to-day.

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troops, and the rebel cavalry under Adams and Mosby. The circumstances are as follows: The wagons of the above command were sent out for forage, the company just designated was detailed as an escort, and left camp at seven A.M. After proceeding about one mile and a half a small force of rebels was seen, the company halted, and a messenger was despatched to inform the commanding officer, and report for instructions. mediately on receipt of the news, Colonel Smith took the camp-guard and proceeded out on the Washington road, came up to where the foraging party had halted, and ordered it forward. [It is necessary here to state that this road leads to a village, bearing the same name, some six miles distant from this place, and two miles out it intersects the Palestine road, both of which run

"1. To declare every white male person residing in the confederate States, and capable of bearing arms, to be in the military service of the country. "2. To repeal all laws authorizing substitutes quite close together for a mile or more.] Both or granting exemptions.

"3. To authorize the President to issue his proclamation requiring all male persons claiming and receiving foreign protection to make their election within sixty days, to take up arms or quit the country.

"4. To detail from those in the military service such only as are absolutely needed in civil pursuits, having reference in making such details to competency alone.

"5. To levy a direct tax of per cent on every kind of property, according to its value in confederate notes, including the notes themselves.

"6. To make confederate notes a legal tender in payment of debts, after the expiration of six


commands marched on to the "forks," when it was decided that Captain O. H. Hitchcock, with his company, should proceed with the train toward Palestine, as was originally intended. Colonel Smith, taking the guard, followed the other road, and after marching more than a mile ordered a halt, and threw out a picket still farther on, as the rebels had been there but a few moments before. Presently a volley was heard, then another, and still another. He immediately "doublequicked" his men back, but arrived too late to participate in the engagement. Lieutenants Richards and Green, who were some distance in advance of the train, on horseback, met a squad of eight or ten cavalry coming around a bend in the road at full speed. They therefore fell back, hotly pursued by the rebels, who, when they

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