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JK2352 1880

Compiled by GEORGE FRANCIS DAWSON, (Treasurer of the Republican Congressional Committee, and Ex-Librarian of United States Senate,) Washington, D. U.,

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The Impending Crisis.

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PART I-Page 1-The Paramount Issue of the Hour-Democratic Leaders preparing for Violence-If Fraud fails, then Force-Democratic belief that Tilden was "legally elected-Tilden cheered as "President" in 1880-Democratic leaders declare in advance there shall be "no Arbitration" this timeWallace shrieks "Aggression "-Representative Hill declares that they will inaugurate Hancock whether they elect him or notSpeaker Randall and Inauguration by Force-Governor Stevenson declares Hancock is "Elected" President-Declarations of John Kelly, of New York, Barnes of Ga., Montgomery Blair, General Preston of Ky., Col. Williams, Col. McDaniel, and others, showing the Programme of Force.

PART II-Page 3-The Power behind the Throne-Direct as well as Internal Evidence that Hancock was Nominated by the "Solid South"-Testimony of Senator Wallace, General Joseph E. Johnston, and Wade Hampton-Hampton's condition pledgeThe evidence conclusive.



Spirit of the Solid South.

PART I-Page 4-Wade Hampton's Speech at Staunton, Va., backed by Proofs of Genuineness-The Indissoluble Bonds of the Confederacy-The "Glorious Heritage" of hate and lust of Power-He adjures Virginia by her Confederate "Traditions" to stand by the Solid South"-A "Glorious Past"— Our one great object," Hancock's electionLook only to that; Fight for it!"—Elect Hancock and the North also shall be Bulldozed-The Republican vote North shall disappear-"Peace and Union" when the South can Dictate-"Consider what Lee and Jackson would do were they alive. These are the same principles for which they fought. Do not abandon them now!"


PART II-Page 5--The Confederate Brigadiers in the Senate-They eulogize Jeff Davis, and would Pension him and the Confederate Soldiers-How they Voted-Zach Chandler's scathing denunciation. PART III-Page 7-Jefferson Davis' last set Speech-The right of Secession now vindi

cated-A "Necessity" for the Safety and Freedom of the Southern States"-The duty to fight for it-The South will abide by the Constitution as they construe it-Assurance of full Triumph to the South-The coming Southern Domination-"Principles and Practices" of the Slave-holders to be Restored-The Mississippi Shot-gun means Southern Restoration-The spirit which animated his hearers-Spirit of the Mississippi Press.

PART IV-Page 8-Further Testimony as to the Spirit of the South, from Southern Democratic, Greenback, and other sourcesSenator Morgan says the recent Alabama Election shows "conclusively the Spirit of the South!"--A Greenback Orator Astounded in Alabama-"The Confederacy still exists!"-"Jeff Davis is yet our President!"— A "Solid South will give us control, and we can redress all our wrongs"Voice of Virginia's Democracy-The hour at last has come to take the Presidency, "and resume the Record of Glory where in 1861 it unhappily closed!"-Governor Wiltz of Louisiana says the South is solid for Hancock-"There is no occasion now for Bulldozing." The Negro must side with the Democrats," or go to the Wall ""The Imperishable Heritage of Glory" transmitted by Rebels-White Republicans to be branded as Enemies-White Republican candidates to be "Saturated with Stench "-1,000 Democratic votes 'equal to 5,000 vile Radical" votes-"We have the Count"The Democrats control South Carolina, and "intend to Retain it at every Hazard!"— Heroic deeds of Rebel Sires--We offer no Excuse for being a Solid South-The Central National Greenback Organ on the Spirit of the South-The party of Hate, Malice, and Subversion-Advises Greenbackers to 'Work against it, Vote against it, Refuse its Alliance!

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Revolutionary Proceedings and Purposes

of the Democratic Leaders: PART I-Page 10-Introduction to the Evidences of Tilden's Revolutionary Intentions-Democratic Revolutionary Proceedings thus far-Their remarkable growthHow a Minority can Overthrow a Government-Forcible Illustrations of the peril that Potter strove to Precipitate-Plausible pretexts for Revolution always ready.


PART II-Page 13-The first Potter Letter declaring the Election should be thrown into the House-That the House is the sole judge of Presidential Elections, can act alone on its own information, and is Supreme-Tilden as Commander-in-Chief.

PART III-Page 15-The Electoral Commission Act-Votes proving it a Democratic Measure-The Electoral Count-the vote as announced-Subsequent Revolutionary proceedings of the House before th Adjournment of the Forty-fourth Congress-Field's Quo Warranto bill and vote on it.

PART IV-Page 17-Report of House Committee affirming the right of the House to go behind returns, and its Authority over the Count-Vote on Burchard's Amendment to it.

PART V-Page 17-Morrison's letter on Tilden's “pluck”-Tilden thought he had "packed" the Electoral Commission-Hendricks urges the House to declare Tilden duly elected-Votes by which the House makes that Revolutionary DeclarationSubsequent Democratic Protests declaring Hayes "a usurper"-Tilden officially notified of his Election-Did he take the Oath ?— Revolutionary Talk-Hewitt's enforced Resignation and singular Apology-Judge Black's threat.

PART VI-Page 20-The Manhattan Club Reception-Orders which the Democratic House did its best to Enforce-Treasonable Utterances of Tilden, Dorsheimer, Dudley Field and others-One Thousand Distinguished Democrats from twelve different States applaud the Treason!

PART VII-Page 23--Maryland selected to make the First Movement in the Plot-The Montgomery Blair Quo Warranto Resolution.

PART VIII-Page 23-The Potter Iniquity founded upon the Maryland InitiativeRandall's ruling on Question of PrivilegeThe Revolutionary intent admitted-The votes in full.

Investigation and Declaring that the House has no Revolutionary Purpose-Withdrawn Under Democratic Pressure after a Vote Which Showed no Quorum-Ben Wilson's Resolution to Extend the Investigation if the Democratic Committee Believes in itWilson's Admission as to "Intent" of the. Potter Inquiry-National Democratic Committee Approves the Potter Movement and Refuses to Disavow the Treasonable Intent -An Influential Democrat admits the Intent if they can only Make a Case.

PART XII-Page 29-Potter's open Letter to the Reverend "Blank "--His Fatal Admissions Touching the Motives at the Bottom of the Inquiry-The Revolutionary Intent Laid Bare by his own Words-No Jesuitism can cover it.

PART XIII-Page 31-Alex. H. Stephens' Second Letter to Potter-Successfully Defends the Hale Amendment, and Shows up the Potter Movement in its True Colors-"Most Unwise, Most Unfortunate, and Most Mischievous "-"A Contemptible Farce or a Horrible Tragedy "-Potter's Jesuitical Whisperings as "Delusive and Guileful" as those of "The Great Arch-fiend."

PART XIV-Page 31-The Burchard Resolution-The Democrats "Forced against their Will" to declare an Opinion on Hayes' Title They are taken by Surprise, are Panic-Stricken and Routed-A Graphic Description of the Scene-The Vote by which a Revolutionary House, Driven by Sudden Fear, Condemns its Own Treasonable Purposes.

PART XV-Page 33-The next Democratic Move-Throwing Sawdust in People's Eyes -Vote on House Judiciary Committee Report and Resolution a mere piece of ClapTrap.

PART XVI-Page 33-The work of the Potter Committee-Impeachment of Hayes and Wheeler Talked of-How it was to be Done -Hayes Out and Tilden in, or Hayes Out and Thurman in-Democratic Authorities for it.

PART IX-Page 25-The Casey Young Reso- PART XVII-Page 34-Why Impeachment

lution-The Democratic Caucus Refuse to Declare that "it is not Intended to Disturb Hayes "-Republican Caucus Warning the People that the Potter Movement is ŘevoIrtionary-Republican National Congressional Committee's Address to the People Declaring that the Potter Plot is to Suborn Witnesses, Declare Hayes an Usurper, and put Him out.

PART X-Page 26-Alexander H. Stevens' Letter of Warning to Potter-The TildenPotter Ruffians Hoot him Down in the House-Interview with Stephens-"Snug, the Joiner"-"The People want Peace and Quiet."

PART XI-Page 27-Carter Harrison's " "Question of Privilege"-Resolution Extending

was Abandoned-Rebuke from the NorthNew Tactics-Forcing the Extra SessionPolitical Riders-The New Revolution

Starving Out," instead of "Shooting Down," the Government-Extra Session-Threats of Senators Beck and Thurman and Representatives Hurd, Muldrow, Singleton, Tucker, Kitchin, O'Connor, Chalmers, McMahon, Sparks, Tucker, and Blackburn"He who Dallies is a Dastard, He who Doubts is Damned !"

PART XVIII-Page 37-Beaten at all Points, (see chapters containing Vetoes) the Democratic Leaders fall back on the Fraud Issue -The Game Played out"-The Bitter End to which they seek to Drive the NorthRule or Ruin-Supremacy of the South or Civil War-The Answer from the North.




Special Session of 1879-The Vetoes and A History of Democratic Election Frauds


PART I-Page 38-The President's Call for an Extra Session-Why it was Necessary to Issue it.

PART II-Page 38-Veto of the Army Appropriation Bill-Military Interference at Elections-Supervisors and Marshals Prohibited from Preserving the Purity of Congressional Elections-Votes in House and Senate on the Bill.

PART III-Page 42-Veto of the Bill to Prohibit Military Interference at Elections— Votes in House and Senate-Brief History of the Act which this Bill Proposed to Repeal-It was a Democratic Measure Designed to Support the Rebel Brigadiers in the Field-It reacts, and hence the fight against it.

PART IV-Page 45-Veto of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriation Bill -Repeal or Modification of the Law touching Supervisors and Marshals at Congressional Elections, and Jurors in U. S. Courts -Votes in House and Senate.

PART V-Page 48-Veto of the Judicial Expenses Appropriation Bill-U. S. Marshal and Deputies at Congressional ElectionsVotes in House and Senate.

PART VI―Page 49-Veto of the U. S. Marshals' Appropriation Bill-Votes in House and Senate.

PART VII-Page 51-Message of the President to Congress, urging the Necessity of Immediate Appropriations for U. S. Marshals and their Deputies-The Democratic Congress Contemptuously Declines to do itSenator Windom's Bill Making Appropriations to pay Marshals and Deputies defiantly amended, and then Postponed Indefinitely.


Regular Session (2d) 1879-80-U. S. Marshals and their deputies-Vetoes and Votes.

PART I-Page 51-The First Deficiency Bill -General and Special Deputy MarshalsPolitical riders-Veto and Votes in both Houses.

PART II-Page 53-Special Bill regulating pay, etc., of Deputy Marshals-Veto and Votes.

PART III-Page 55-Payment of Marshals and Deputies for 1880-Latest action in both Houses-Propositions and votes.

from 1844 to 1880.

PART I-Page 56-"Counting in" Peculiarly a Democratic Invention and Peculiarly a Democratic Practice-Counting in of Polk in 1844-Of Buchanan in 1857-The Attempt to Count Tilden in in 1876-The Earlier Frauds compared with the Later.

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PART II-Page 59-Popular Votes vs. Electoral Votes Popular and Electoral Votes of Harrison and Van Buren, Polk and Clay, Harrison and Cass-Tilden's Pretended "Popular Majority-Votes in the Free, Border and Slave States-Real Voting Strength of Gulf States shows a Republican Majority of 183,335 in 1870, and large Increase since-South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana essentially Republican now. PART III-Page 61-The Florida CaseBloody Violence failing, fraud and Judicial Usurpation--A brief History of certain Fraudulent Proceedings by which Tilden strove to Capture that one needed Electoral Vote-Facts, Figures and Incidents.

PART IV--Page 64-The Louisiana casePopulation and Votes-Ku-Klux Crimes of 1868-Tilden Rifle Clubs of 1876--The Terrible Outrages and Murders in the Seventeen Parishes--Sheridan's Statement--The State Returning Board--Its duties-How and why it acted-Infamy of the Tilden Democracy.

PART V-Page 67-The Hale Amendment to the one-sided Resolution-The Florida Frauds-The Oregon Corruption and Bribery-The Louisiana Bull-dozing and Frauds-The South Carolina Bribery and Corruption - The Mississippi Shot-gun Frauds, Registration and other Statistics. PART VI-Page 69-The Page Resolution condemning Tilden's attempt to steal the Oregon vote, and denouncing the Infamy of Cronin, defeated by the Democrats-Only two decent men in all Israel.


PART VII-Page 70-The shameful story of the Cipher Dispatches and the Tilden 'Bar'l "-Bribery and attempted Bribery to secure Presidential Electors in Florida, South Carolina and Oregon.

PART VIII-Page 71--The Maine Larceny--Brief History of the Garcelon IniquityHow the attempted Outrage came to grief. PART IX-Page 73-The Wallace Investigation--Infamous New York Election FraudsJohn I. Davenport's startling Revelations on the Witness Stand--For twelve years Tammany Hall has voted Thousands of Men who never lived!-Repeaters' Frauds-The Supreme Court turned into a bogus Naturalization Mill--Testimony of a Democratic Tammany Judge on cross-examination-A Pitiable Spectacle--Bushel baskets full of Fraudulent Naturalization Papers - The

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