Imágenes de páginas



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Miss Norton and others The U. S. Grant
Guards - Grand Army of the Republic Gen. Sheridan
Guards - Gen. Sheridan and Staff- Hon. N. B. Judd -
Gen. T. O. Osborne Gens. Salomon, McArthur, Sheff-
ner, Stockton, Beveridge, Smith and Thompson - Rev. R.
Collier's Address-A Soldier of the Revolution, Oak
Wood-Gen. F. T. Sherman Judge Jameson Coats-


worth's Grave

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Presidential Inauguration of General U. S. Grant, as seen by an Eyewitness-First Ceremonies of the Day-Telegraphic Congratulations from Berlin-Vice President Colfax-Assembling-The Start-Grant calm as ever-Generals Grant and Rawlins enter a Phaeton-The Band strikes up "Hail to the Chief" The President Elect passes with Uncovered Head-Immense Shouts of Applause-Throng excels any thing ever seen-At the Capitol-Senate Procession-On the Platform: Mrs. General Grant, Mrs. General Dent, Miss Nellie, and Masters Fred. and U. S. Grant-The Oath taken-Booming Cannons -Inaugural Address-How it is received-A Happy Incident: Little Nellie passed over the crowd to her Father-Love of the American People for U. S. Grant-Lessons to Young Men-What Motley says Mrs. Stowe says-New Men God's Men-Grant's Nativity Collegiate Course-First Service-Rural Life-War came -The Soldier's blood was stirred-He enters the Service-The Stern Fact, he Won-Grant's Genius-Courage-Knowledge of MenSherman - Sheridan - Chicago Convention-Campaign-" Peace and a Peacemaker"-Grant's Record above Eulogy-A Country's Gratitude-His worth in our Republic-Grant in his own StateTennyson on the Iron Duke.

WASHINGTON, March 4.-The day dawned, and the route along which the procession was to pass was soon thronged with people. The first appearance of troops at headquarters was Company K, of the 55th United States cavalry. General Grant arrived shortly afterward. The following cable dispatch was placed in his hands:

"March 4, 1869.-To President Grant, Washington: In honor of the man and the day, three cheers for the President. "By order of the members of the Berlin Exchange.


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