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Assignment of

Christian Endeavor and King's Daughters Society exist, the former may take the department of Christian work and the King's Daughters the department of social work, with its introduction of members, systematic visitation, social purity, temperance, and care of the junior league, or organizations for boys and girls. By such an departments. arrangement all the young people in any Church will be brought into harmonious and delightful fellowship in the work of that particular Church, while the undenominational societies will yet continue their existence and remain as golden links binding together the young people of the several denominations; thus hastening the day when all shall be one in Christ, even as he and the Father are one.

If this work of unification is to be consummated it must be by effort and sacrifice. Members of the Oxford League keenly regret the loss of their name. The same is true of the Alliance, the Christian worth the sacri- League, and other organizations. But these sacrifices should be made and ought to be regarded as only trivial

Object gained


in comparison with the magnificent results contemplated and which now promise to be fully realized. Better than the perpetuation of any favorite name of any society will be the gathering into one-great organization such as the Epworth League the million and a half of young people in Methodism.



Number of


THE number of meetings to be held by any local chapter and their general character is our next problem. In some instances a monthly meeting only will be practicable, but under ordinary conditions, besides a devotional service on Sunday evening, a weekly meeting meetings desir- can be held for social and literary culture. One of these meetings may be every month devoted largely to reports of departments and other business; but it is better to devote a little time each evening to business, always keeping in mind that too much business will seriously interfere with the higher work of the league.

Special care should be exercised to avoid wasting time over parliamentary forms and Parliamentary usages. If experience in this line be thought desirable a "parliamentary meeting" may be held, in which the entire evening shall be devoted to a study and


a conflict in purely parliamentary tactics; and such a meeting can be made very instructive. With the aid of orderly procedure each department can make a brief weekly report of its work, and this will have a Department retonic effect upon the departments themselves, besides being of interest and profit to the league.


Alternation of

The weekly meetings may be literary and biblical alternately, or as follows: literary, scientific, biblical. These terms perhaps sufficiently indicate the character of the meetings, save that the biblical meeting is to be devoted not only to Bible study, but also to the study of church history, doctrines, denominational peculiarities, week-night Methodism, its history, polity, and usages. Another order would be: literary, biblical, scientific, social-the last named being devoted chiefly to business, reports, etc., and social enjoyment. Still another plan I would be to have only the two meetings, literary and biblical, and hold these alternately.


The department of Christian work should be the committee on the devotional meeting, and may also be in charge of the programme

The depart

ments as committees on pro

of the biblical meeting, and the department of literary work, the committee on programme of literary and sciengrammes. tific meetings.* The department of social work, or of mercy and help, may be allowed fifteen minutes of two meetings each month. These committees must be held reponsible for the programme, and should be both so fertile in resources and so prepared for emergencies that in event of failure on the part of any persons appointed to duty they may promptly supply the defisponsible for ciency and make the meeting a success. They should, however, carefully plan the programme, and assign its different parts to the members asked to participate, two weeks, if possible, in advance of the meeting. Failure to give ample time for preparation will often explain the failure of the programme.

Committees re


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Something unforeseen may occur, however, to prevent the presence of those whose participation is necessary to the evening's successful

*The department of entertainment will furnish the special music for all meetings, vocal and instrumental, always consulting the other committees as to their need.

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