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literary work and prescribed readings of the league. The secretary can assist in promoting interest in this work by helping to plan for it and by corresponding with other leagues, with the view of using the very best methods that are employed by others.

"Each league should have what are known as 'application cards,' and one of the special duties of the secretary should be to see that one of these cards is placed in the hands of every young person who belongs to the church and congregation, and to follow them up persistently until every one will consent to become a member of the league.

"Correspondence with absent members ought to be one of the most delightful occupations of the members of this department. Some young person may be saved from falling into temptation when in some distant new home. by the timely letter from the league which he or she has just left, and may be held to the league and church by these little attentions.


'A history of the league from its beginning should be carefully prepared and preserved, and all historical matters occurring during his term of office should be recorded. Every

league has a history of some kind or another; but if the items are not gathered and arranged they will never be of any benefit, and they may, when gathered, be of great interest to future leagues.

"This department should constantly be gathering items of interest concerning league and church work from correspondence, the Advocates, and other sources, and thus establish a bureau of general information that will be made use of frequently for the general good of the society.

"When members remove to other places the secretary should see that they receive cards of dismissal and letters of introduction to the league to which they are going, whether they ask for them or not.

"Some member of the department of correspondence should be appointed to write all notices that are to be announced from the pulpit or in the Sabbath-school. This is an important matter. If the pastor does not have a written notice of the matter in hand do not blame him if he makes bungling work of the


"It is the duty of the head of this depart

ment, and the committee in particular, to attend the religious meetings of the league, and to make a record of the attendance and interest manifested, and report the same to the league at its business meetings.

"From time to time—say, at least four times a year-there should be read in the general meeting a carefully prepared report of all matters that have come under the secretary's notice or the supervision of his department, so that every member of the league may become familiar with the workings of each department. Persons will undoubtedly be assigned to departments, who, after giving the work a fair trial, will discover that they are not adapted to it, so that by giving out this general information the secretary will help such a one to ascertain just what he can do best. The ideal of a quarterly report is purely Methodistic, and, in addition to presenting it to the league, it should be forwarded to the next quarterly conference, with the request that it be read to that body and spread upon its records.

"The secretary of an Epworth League must be as careful and painstaking in his work as if

he were Secretary of State at Washington. He should invite inspection of his work and books. He should be a man of promptness; not slothful in business, but diligent in all things, performing to the best of his ability the important work committed to his hands."

The department of finance, directed by the best business talent of the league, must tax their ingenuity to devise ways and

Best business talent for department of finance.

means best adapted to existing conditions for providing funds necessary to meet expenditures. Besides supplementing the income from dues by various entertainments and devices, such as profits derived from publishing a paper with numerous advertisements, they may secure annual contributions from older members of the church, who thus become honorary members of the league. Sometimes, too, an official board may be led to make an appropriation for the leagues, thus at once aiding the young people in their work and emphasizing the official and vital relation between this organization and the church.

If the invaluable service proposed for these

three departments of entertainment, correspondence, and finance may seem less conspicuous than that of other departments, it yet remains true

Work of the three departments vitally important.

that nothing is scarcely more vital to the truest. and best success of a young people's society than the threefold work which they represent.

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