Before you partake in any Diversions. .. A General Thanksgiving for all Mercies After you return from your daily Labour Paze ib. That the inspired Writers have a Majesty above any Heathen Orators or Poets Prayers to be used by Parents or Guardians Page $ 8688 2 FRA How to make Children a Comfort to their Friends 69 Let Children be informed that there is a God, and What Virtues are to be instilled; how to govern Ou Whitsunday, or coming of the Holy Ghost .. 2d Excuse, an unsuitable Life 3d Excuse, Ignorance of this Mystery.... 4th Excuse, that the Heart is not tender and con- 7th Excuse, the Want of Charity Collects to be added to the Morning and Evening Want of Time a frivolous Pretence A LITANY, containing Deprecations, against the ... 183 Page Receive Sickness with all Humility, make your |