Imágenes de páginas


after the word "horsemen," in the first line of the paragraph which he dissects, (the relative and verb-who were-being elided, there is authority for so doing,) considered as parenthetical and illustrative all that follows between that comma and the one which comes after "spatterdashes," supplied the personal In compliance with the suggestion of many of our friends, and relative and the proper verb, which are plainly understood be. at the request of a majority of our contributors, we again pub-fore the participle reining," we presume that this sentence, lish a supplement consisting of Notices of the "Messenger," ill-constructed as it undoubtedly is, would have escaped the We have duly weighed the propriety and impropriety of this knife, from a conviction that there are many as bad in the Messenger itself. The only critical notice which we have had leisure course, and have concluded that when we choose to adopt it, to read since the reception of the number, is the one which we there can be no good reason why we should not. Heretofore we have named. We may resume the subject in connexion with the June number. have made selections from the notices received-only taking care to publish what we conceived to be a fair specimen of the general character of all-and, with those who know us, no suspicion of unfairness in this selection would be entertained. Lest, however, among those who do not know us, any such suspicion should arise, we now publish every late criticism received. This supplement is, of course, not considered as a portion of the Messenger itself, being an extra expense to the publisher. We commence with the Newbern (North Carolina) Spectator-suggest to him that his words, "while its pretensions were less a general dissenter from all favorable opinions of our Magazine. elevated we hailed the Messenger as a successful attempt, &c. and had its conductors been satisfied with the useful and creditaSouthern Literary Messenger.-The May number of this pe- ble eminence, &c. we would have had no objection to it," &c. are riodical has been on our table for some days, but our avocations have prevented us from looking into it before to-day. It is as a very fair and candid acknowledgment that he can find no fault usual, a beautiful specimen of typography, and sustains Mr. with the Messenger but its success, and that to be as stupid as White's acknowledged mechanical taste. Its contents are vari- itself is the only sure road to the patronage of the Newbern ous, as may be seen by referring to another column of to-day's Spectator. The paper is in error-we refer it to any decent paper, and not more various than unequal. Some of the articles are creditable to their authors, while others-indeed a majority schoolboy in Newbern--in relation to the only sentence in our of them-would better suit an ephemeral sheet like our own, Magazine upon which it has thought proper to comment specifiwhich makes no great literary pretensions, than the pages of a cally, viz. the sentence above (by Lieutenant Slidell) beginning magazine that assumes the high stand of a critical censor and a "And now too we began to see horsemen jantily dressed in standard of correct taste in literature. While its pretensions were less elevated, we hailed the Messenger as an attempt, and a suc. slouched hat, embroidered jacket, &c." The Spectator says, cessful one, to call forth southern talent and to diffuse a taste "We would ask if it never entered into the critic's mind that for chaste and instructive reading; and had its conducters been 'slouched hat' and ' embroidered jacket' are here used as generic satisfied with the useful and creditable eminence which the work terms? Lieutenant Slidell evidently intended that they should attained almost immediately, the Messenger would not only have had a more extensive circulation, but its labors would have be so received; but that he entertained the same intention resbeen more beneficial to the community-the great end at which pecting 'horsemen,' the whole context disproves." We reply, every periodical should aim. With the talent available in any (and the Spectator should imagine us smiling as we reply) that particular spot in the southern country, it is out of the question, it is precisely because "slouched hat" and "embroidered jacket" truly ridiculous, to assume the tone of a Walsh, a Blackwood or a Jeffries; and to attempt it, without the means to support the are used as generic terms, while the word "horsemen" is not, pretension, tends to accelerate the downfall of so indiscreet an that we have been induced to wish the sentence amended. The attempt. We do not wish to be misunderstood in this remark. Spectator also says, "With the talent available in any particular We believe, indeed we know, that the south possesses talent, spot in the Southern country, it is out of the question, truly and cultivated talent too, in as great abundance perhaps as any population of the same extent so situated; but the meaning ridiculous, to assume the tone of a Walsh, a Blackwood, or a which we intend to convey is, that this talent is neither suffi- Jeffries." We believe that either Walsh, or ( Blackwood?) or alas! ciently concentrated, nor sufficiently devoted to literary pursuits, Jeffries, would disagree with the Newbern Spectator in its opinion to be brought forth in support of any single publication in strength of the talent of the Southern country-that is, if either Walsh or adequate to establish an indisputable claim to superiority. Without these advantages, however, the Messenger has boldly put Blackwood or Jeffries could have imagined the existence of such itself forth as an arbiter whose dicta are supreme; and with a a thing as a Newbern Spectator. Of the opinion of Blackwood severity and an indiscreetness of criticism,-especially on Ame and Jeffries, however, we cannot be positive just now. Of that of rican works, which few, if any, of the able and well established Walsh we can, having heard from him very lately with a promise Reviews have ventured to exercise, has been not only unmerciful, but savage. We admit that the number before, as well as of a communication for the Messenger, and compliments respectthe one preceding, is more moderate; and this change encouring our Editorial course, which we should really be ashamed of ages the hope that justness of judgment and a dignified expres- repeating. From Slidell, for whom the Spectator is for taking up son of opinion will hereafter characterise the work. The May the cudgels, we have yesterday heard in a similar strain and with number, however, is over captious, unnecessarily devoted to faukfinding, in a few cases. In criticising "Spain Revisited," a similar promise. From Prof. Anthon, ditto. Mrs. Sigourney, this spirit shows itself. About ninety lines are occupied in con- also lately reviewed, has just forwarded us her compliments and demnation of the Author's dedication, a very unpretending one a communication. Halleck, since our abuse of his book, writes us too, and one which will elevate Lieutenant Slidell in the estimation of all who prefer undoubted evidences of personal friend- thus: "There is no place where I shall be more desirous of seeing ship to the disposition which dictates literary hyper-criticism. my humble writings than in the publication you so ably support The errors of composition that are to be found in the work, and conduct. It is full of sound, good literature, and its frank, grammatical and other, are also severely handled, we will not open, independent manliness of spirit, is characteristic of the land say ably. The following is a specimen. "And now, too, we began" says Spain Revisited-"to see it hails from." Paulding, likewise, has sent us something for horsemen jantily dressed in slouched hat, embroidered jacket, our pages, and is so kind as to say of us in a letter just received, and worked spatterdashes, reining fiery Andalusian coursers, "I should not hesitate in placing the "Messenger" decidedly at each having the Moorish carbine hung at hand beside him." the head of our periodicals, nor do I hesitate in expressing that "Were horsemen"-says the Messenger, "a generic term," that is, did the word allude to horsemen generally, the use of the opinion freely on all occasions. It is gradually growing in the "slouched hat" and "embroidered jacket" in the singular, would public estimation, and under your conduct, and with your conbe justifiable-but it is not so in speaking of individual horse-tributions, must soon, if it is not already, be known all over the men, where the plural is required. The participle "reining" land." Lastly, in regard to the disputed matter of Drake and probably refers to "spatterdashes," although of course intended to agree with "horsemen." The word "each" also meant to refer to the "horsemen," belongs, strictly speaking, to the "coursers." The whole, if construed by the rigid rules of grammar, would imply that the horsemen were dressed in spatterdashes-which spatterdashes reined the coursers-and which coursers had each a carbine."

We are at a loss to know who is the editor of the Spectator, but have a shrewd suspicion that he is the identical gentleman who once sent us from Newbern an unfortunate copy of verses. It seems to us that he wishes to be taken notice of, and we will, for the once, oblige him with a few words--with the positive understanding, however, that it will be inconvenient to trouble ourselves hereafter with his opinions. We would respectfully

With all deference to the Messenger, we would ask, if it never entered into the critick's mind that "slouched hat," "and embroidered jacket" are here used as generick terms? Lieutenant Slidell evidently intended that they should be so received: but that he entertained the same intention respecting "horsemen," the whole context disproves. Had the reviewer placed a comina

Halleck, we have just received the following testimony from an individual second to no American author in the wide-spread popularity of his writings, and in their universal appreciation by men of letters, both in the United States and England. "You have given sufficient evidence on various occasions, not only of critical knowledge but of high independence; your praise is therefore of value, and your censure not to be slighted. Allow me to say that I think your article on Drake and Halleck one of the finest pieces of criticism ever published in this country." These decisions, on the part of such men, it must be acknowlVOL. 11-66

senger, silence amounts to positive dispraise. The public in other States naturally look to the Richmond presses for opinions in relation to the magazine, and are at a loss to account for not finding any, except by supposing some demerit. We are quite sure that Mr. White has neither any expectation nor desire that we should puff his Journal-that is, praise it beyond its deserts. Yet we may certainly notice each number as it appears, expressing freely, although briefly, our opinion of its deserts. This is nothing more, it appears to us, than our absolute duty--a duty we owe to the cause of Virginia literature, to Mr. White, Mr. Poe, and to ourselves.

edged, would be highly gratifying to our vanity, were not the decision vetoed by the poet of the Newbern Spectator. We wish only to add that the poet's assertion in regard to the Messenger "putting itself forth as an arbiter whose dicta are supreme," is a slight deviation from the truth. The Messenger merely expresses its particular opinions in its own particular manner. These opinions no person is bound to adopt. They are open to the comments and censures of even the most diminutive things in creation-of the very Newbern Spectators of the land. If the Editor of this little paper does not behave himself we will posi-March number, and still less to that for February-which latter tively publish his verses.-Ed. Messenger.

From the Augusta Chronicle.

The present number, we do not think equal as a whole to the

may be safely placed in comparison with any single number of any Journal in existence for the great vigor, profundity, and originality of its articles. Yet we do not mean to say that the

Southern Literary Messenger.-The following flattering tri-number now before us is not an admirable one, and fully equal bute to the merits of this Southern periodical, is from the New York Courier and Enquirer; and, for its liberality and indepen-it dence, it is scarcely less creditable to the Messenger, than to the paper from which it is extracted. The Courier and Enquirer is ever ready to do justice to the South, in all its relations, and to defend it when assailed, and therefore richly merits the warm gratitude and liberal patronage of its people.


From the Courier and Enquirer.

From the National Intelligencer.

to any of our Northern magazines in its communications, while far surpasses the best of them in its Editorial department. The first article is "MSS. of Benj. Franklin," printed from MSS. in the hand-writing of Franklin himself, and never published in any edition of his works. It is unnecessary to say more than this to call public attention to so valuable a paper. "Li onel Granby," chap. X. is the next prose article. We like this chapter as well if not better, than any of the former ones. The writer of these papers is evidently a man of genius-we might "We have received the May number of the Southern Literary perhaps express our meaning more fully by saying that he has Messenger, and its contents are equal to its reputation. We feel that degree of genius which enables him to appreciate, and keenno hesitation in declaring our opinion that this publication is in ly feel the labors of men of genius. Some of his detached pasevery essential attribute, at the very head of the periodical lite.sages may be considered as very fine. He has, however, no carature of its class, in the United States. We do not agree by pacity to sustain a connected narrative of any length, and these any means with some of its literary conclusions. For instance, chapters of Lione! Granby" are consequently replete with the most ludicrous incongruities. They evince great ignorance of it is very wide of our opinion on the merits of Halleck, in this what is called the world. They are full of a shallow pedantry. very number; but there is a vigor and manliness in most of the Their style is excessively turgid, ungrammatical, and incense papers that appear in the Messenger, which we are almost ready to admit, are found no where else in American periodicals. At quential. "The Prairie" is a delightful little sketch of real scenall events, it holds a proud post among its compeers, and its ery. "Random Thoughts" is an excellent article, evincing much criticisms in particular, though sometimes a little too tomahawk.rue learning and acumen. Such contributors as the author of ish, have, generally speaking, a great deal of justice on their this paper are invaluable to the Messenger. "Odds and Ends" is from the pen of Oliver Oldschool-a former correspondent of the Messenger. We believe Oliver Oldschool to be Mr. Garnett, the author of many excellent things on Female Education. His present essay is exceedingly amusing-but somewhat old fashioned. "The Hall of Incholese" by J. N. McJilton should not have been admitted into the columns of the Messenger. It is an imitation of the Editor's tale of Bon-Bon, and like most other imitations, utterly unworthy of being mentioned in comparison with its original. Nothing but the most extraordinary talent can render a tale of this nature acceptable to the present state of the public appetite. If not exceedingly good, it is always exces sively bad. It must be a palpable hit or it is nothing. The "Lec. ture on German Literature" is in every respect worthy of the talents and learning of its author, George H. Calvert, Editor of the Baltimore American, and the writer of several popular works. It is a spirited and accurate sketch of German Literature from its origin to the present day. The Messenger should secure Mr. Calvert if possible. "Readings with my pencil, No. IV," is a "American Social Elevation" is the best comvery good paper. municated article in the present number, and perhaps one of the best, if not indeed the best (of a similar nature) which has ever appeared in any Journal in the country. Its philosophy is beld and comprehensive without being minute--its style fervid and exceedingly pure. From the initials and place of date, we are led to attribute this essay to Mr. Groesbeck of Cincinnati. Ver bal Criticismns" is a good paper, but we cannot agree with the critic in his strictures on the phrase "being built.”

On the subject of the right of instruction, we find in the June number of the Richmond Literary Messenger, a very able paper, which, as soon as we can free our columns from the mass of Congressional matter on our hands, we will spread entire before our readers. The article comes to us in the shape of a letter to a gentleman in Virginia, and is understood to be from the pen of that distinguished jurist, Judge Hopkinson, of Philadelphia. It was elicited by a recent article in the Richmond Enquirer in defence of the right of mandatory instruction, and furnishes a luminous and complete refutation of that, amongst the most mischievous of the fallacies which obtain occasional popularity in particular States. Hearing of this letter, the publisher of the Messenger had the good sense and good fortune to obtain a copy of it, and the manliness to publish it in his valuable journal. In so doing he has rendered a service to the public, and enriched his pages with an article which is, itself, worth five years' subscription to the Messenger.

From the Richmond Compiler.

The Southern Literary Messenger.-Every body must remember, that a very short time ago the attempt to establish a magazine in Virginia, was looked upon as chimerical in the last degree; and when, at length, the publication was com menced, in spite of a host of difficulties, its speedy downfall was universally predicted. Such predictions, no doubt, tended in a great degree to verify themselves, and are the usual resources of the enemies of any scheme of the kind. But it is saying a great deal for the enterprize and talent which have been employed in the service of the Messenger, that it has not only overcome difficulties such as no other magazine in the country ever successfully contended with, but that it has succeeded in attaining to the very first rank among American monthly periodicals. Since the commencement of the second volume, there has hardly been a dissenting voice, in this respect, in the many notices of the journal which have come under our observation. The first literary names in the Union (without reference to mere Editorial opinions) have not scrupled directly to avow their belief, that the Messenger is decidedly the first of American Journals, and that its Editorial articles and management in especial, are far superior to those of any magazine in America, but have suffered these opinions to be published. Here, then, there can be no suspicion of puffery. Yet in spite of all these things,-in spite of the energy which has been displayed in get ting up the Journal--in spite of the acknowledged ability with which it is conducted, and the admitted talents of its principal contributors (Judge Hopkinson, Professor Dew, Rbt. Greenhow, Heath, Timothy Flint, Edgar Poe, Judge Tucker, Groesbeck, Minor, Carter, Maxwell and a host of others)--in spite, too, of the general acknowledgement that such a publication is an honor to the State, we find our citizens regarding the work with apathy, if not treating it with positive neglect. Our public presses, too, we think to blame, in not entering more warmly into the cause of the Messenger. We happen to be aware that these presses are, one and all, favorably disposed to the Journal and proud of its success. But they are, in a measure, bound to some active exertions in its behalf. In such a case as that of the Mes

The Editorial Department is (as it invariably is,) full, bold, vigorous and original. The first paper is "Lynch's Law," and gives the history and origin, together with a copy of the law. Then follow Critical Notices. New works are reviewed-of Slidell's, of Professor Authon's, of Mrs. Trollope's, of Paulding's, of Walsh's, of Cooper's, and of Mellen's. Praise and blame are distributed with the soundest discrimination, and with an impartiality, (even in the case of known friends,) which it is inpossible not to admire; or to impeach.

The Poetical Department is quite limited. Two pieces by Mr. Poe are very beautiful, the one entitled "Irene," in especial, is full of his rich and well-disciplined imagination. The lines on "Camilla" by Lambert A. Wilmer, are a perfect gem; full of antique strength and classic sorrow.

From the Baltimore Gazette.

The Southern Literary Messenger for April, has been received rather late in the day. Though the appearance of the Messenger is occasionally delayed (from us) longer than we might wish, yet we ever give it the cordial welcome which a most interesting and worthy friend never fails to receive at our hands. The present number, we perceive, contains less than the usual amount of matter, owing to the increase of the pages of the March L ber occasioned by the insertion of Professor Dew's valuable ad dress upon the influence of the federative republican system of government upon literature and the development of character. The long and able article on Maelzel's Chess Player, contained in this number, does credit to the close observation and acute reasoning of its author, who, as the article is published under the editorial head, we infer is the talented editor himself. The question whether or not the chess-player is a pure machine, is. we think, completely put to rest. The nature of the game of

chess is such, that no machine, however ingeniously arranged may be its mechanism, could of itself perform its constantly varying operations. We have never, at any time, given assent to the prevailing opinion, that human agency is not employed by Mr. Maelzel. That such agency is employed cannot be questioned, unless it may be satisfactorily demonstrated that man is capable to impart intellect to matter: for mind is no less requisite in the operations of the game of chess, than it is in the prose cution of a chain of abstract reasoning. We recommend those, whose credulity has in this instance been taken captive by plau. sible appearances: and all, whether credulous or not, who admire an ingenious train of inductive reasoning, to read this article attentively each and all must rise from its perusal convinced that a mere machine cannot bring into requisition the intellect which this intricate game demands, but on the contrary that every operation is the result of human agency, though so inge-admirable: if we mistake not, this article is from the pen of Proniously concealed as to baffle detection, unless by long continued and close observation.

This question, so often, and in this instance so ably, examined, was settled in Baltimore several years ago, by the actual discovery of a man emerging from the top of the chest or box, on which Mr. Maelzel's figure moved the chess men, the lid, which moved on a pivot like some card table covers, being turned on one side. This was seen by two youths of respectable character, through a window, accidentally open, in the rear of the room in which Mr. Maelzel's Chess Player was exhibited. Of the truth of this discovery we are entirely satisfied.

as at all creditable to the Messenger. The "Prairie" is a very
good sketch. "Random Thoughts" are somewhat pedantic,
but make a very excellent article. "Odds and Ends" we fancy
is from the pen of Mr. Garnett; it is full of humor, and will be
generally liked, although we agree with the Richmond Compiler
in thinking it rather too old fashioned. The "Hall of Incholese"
is decidedly bad, and moreover a direct imitation of Mr.Poe's tale
of "Bon-Bon." The Editor should have refused to admit it in
the Messenger, if for no other reason, on account of its barefaced
flattery of himself. Mr. Calvert's (of the Baltimore American)
"Lecture on German Literature" will be generally read and
admired. It is a well-written and comprehensive essay, evinc-
ing intimate acquaintance with the literature of which he treats.
"Readings with my Pencil, No. IV" by J. F. O. is like all the
other numbers, good. "American Social Elevation" is most
fessor Dew. "Verbal Criticisms" are just, but rather common
The Editorial" of this number is very forcible and racy as
usual. Among other things we notice an account of the origin
of Lynch's Law." The "Critical Notices" embrace all new
publications of any moment, that is, American publications; and
we approve of the Editor's discrimination in not troubling him-
self, except in rare cases, with those of foreign countries. The
books reviewed are Slidell's "Spain Revisited," "Paulding's
Washington," Mrs. Trollope's "Paris and the Parisians,"
Walsh's "Didactics," Anthon's "Sallust," Cooper's "Swit-
zerland" and "Mellen's Poems." A press of other matters pre-
vented us from doing what we intended in relation to the last
Messenger. We wished especially to have called public atten-
tion to the Editorial critique on the poems of Drake and Halleck,
and the article (also editorial) on the " Automaton of Maeizel."
Both these pieces are unanswerable-and perhaps the two best
articles of any kind which have ever appeared in an American
Periodical. The essay on the Automaton cannot be answered,
and we have heard the Editor challenges a reply from Maelzel
himself, or from any source whatever. The piece has excited
great attention. The poetry of the Messenger improves: there
are some excellent lines in the present number.

From the National Gazette.

The Lecture On the Providence of God in the Government of the World" from the original manuscript of Benjamin Frank. lin, and which has not hitherto been published in any edition of his works, is properly entitled to the first place in the columns of the Messenger. The argument of the Providence of God contained in this lecture, is admirable for its brevity and conclusiveness. Franklin reasoned well, and wrote as well as he reasoned. Forming his style after the model of the most chaste and classic writer of the English language, and drawing from the resources of a capacious and well stored mind, he never failed both to please and to instruct his readers. His aim was to benefit his countrymen; and he wrote for them in a way in which they could understand, appreciate, and profit by every thing that came from his pen. The epistles published more than a century ago in his Pennsylvania Weekly Gazette, contain many valuaThe May number of the Southern Literary Messenger contains ble hints respecting domestic economy, some of which might be several excellent articles. Mr. Calvert's Lecture on the Literatreasured up with advantage at the present day; for, generally ture of Germany may be commended to the attention of all who speaking, economy is not an American virtue. Two of those are either about studying the German language, or would wish epistles, one from Anthony Afterwit, and the other from Celia to know something of the authors of that country. His descripSingle, have made their appearance in this number of the tions, though necessarily brief, are satisfactory, and his estimates Messenger. Neither of them, it seems, has been inserted in any of the comparative merits of the authors he mentions, are, in general, judicious. The MSS. of Benjamin Franklin (not in his The article on "Genius" is perhaps more in accordance with works) are from the same source which furnished some for the our views than with those of the editor, who seems to think the April number. They will be read with interest by all. The Writer's inferences lag behind the spirit of the age, and hence chapter of Lionel Granby does not advance the thread of the deduces the important conclusion, that his correspondent is not story. It describes a visit of the hero to Lamb (Elia Lamb,) and a phrenologist. We leave both the editor and his correspondent pictures his guests, Coleridge, Godwin, &c. "Odds and Ends" to the enjoyment of their own respective opinions, while we pass is the title of an attempt to divide mankind into genera and speon to entertain ourselves for a little while in the " March Court" cies, such as have not yet been named in any work on natural of our sister State. Nugator describes to the life the scenes of history. It will furnish amusement and perhaps instruction to every day occurrence both in and around a Virginia Court House, the reader. The author (Oliver Oldschool) is an old correspon and concludes the picture he has so happily drawn, by introduc-dent of the Messenger. The essay entitled "American Social ing the trial of a negro woman for murder, during the late war, Elevation," deserves great commendation. How fatal to the and at the time the British were ascending the Potomac. advancement of society too great attention to money-making and The article on "Woman," by Paulina, is sensible and well politics is proving in this country, is well exhibited, and remewritten-far more just and philosophical than a vast deal that dies for this are judiciously suggested. A new account of the has been said on this fair subject. Commend us to the ladies in origin of Lynch's law is given, which is probably the true one. general, and to Paulina in particular, for just views of the gentler sex. It is to be hoped the fair writer may perceive that the subject is not exhausted in single essay.

of the editions of the Doctor's works.

"Leaves from my Scrap Book," includes much that is excellent within a limited space. The writer has improved his naturally correct taste by close communion with the ancient and modern classics.

A Tale of Jerusalem, is one of those felicitous "hits," which are the forte of Edgar A. Poe. The point, like that of an epi

gram, lies in the conclusion.

The "critical notices" of the present number, evince the usual ability of the editor in this depaitment; though, what is more to our taste, not quite so caustic, as hitherto. We accord with the review of the "Culprit Fay." The merits of this poem, despite the praise lavished upon it, when critically sifted, will be found to be like the little Ouphe himself, rather a small affair.

Our article has been lengthened so far beyond the usual limits as to preclude attention to the poetical department.

From the Norfolk Herald.

From the Baltimore American.

In the Southern Literary Messenger for April, which reached us a few days since, the Editor opens the department of "critical notices" with some spirited and just remarks on the puffing system, as practised in this country towards native writers, and a vindication of his own course. He is on the strong side, whatever number or influences may be arrayed against him, and will do much good even though he run occasionally into the extreme of severity. Many people really believe, by dint of reading the repeated praise bestowed on them, that the marrowless prose fictions and "baseless" verse of the day constitute a Literature. Let the editor of the Messenger and others, go on purging their judgment of such crude notions, and assuming a high standard of literary merit, require substantial qualifications in candidates for fame, and condemn unsparingly all who do not unite genius with cultivation, a union indispensable for the production of works of permanent value.

From the Baltimore Athenæum. The Southern Literary Messenger.-The present number of the Messenger, although not altogether equal to some previous Southern Literary Messenger.--The April number of this exones, is full of highly interesting and valuable matter, and cellent periodical is before us, and fully maintains the dignity sustains the well earned reputation of the Journal. The first and reputation won by its predecessors. We have read it carearticle is " MSS. of Benjamin Franklin." These MSS. are fully, and therefore hold ourselves qualified to pronounce judg copied from the hand writing of Franklin himself and have ment on its general merit. The articles in prose, are all good. never appeared in any edition of his works. Among other good We wish we could say the same of the poetry; which, with the things, they include the following question and its solution. exception of the dramatic sketch entitled "The Death of Robe"A man bargains for the keeping of his horse six months, whilst spierre," (admirable by the bye, although we think the writer he is making a voyage to Barbadoes. The horse strays or is has caught somewhat of the reflection of Coleridge,) we say, stolen soon after the keeper has him in possession. When the with the above exception, the poetry, judged by the Editor's own owner demands the value of his horse in money, may not the standard, that of Ideality, does not rank above mediocrity. The other as justly demand so much deducted as the keeping of the critical notices, together with the brief introductory essay “On horse six months amounts to?" The second prose article is the present state of American criticism," are in the Editor's best « Lionel Graniby," a series of papers which we cannot consider | vein. We like the independent spirit, and critical acumen, which

he evinces in the performance of his duty; and, however we may at times be induced to differ with him in opinion, yet we cannot but say, that in general his dissections of "poor devil authors," though apparently severe, are well merited. In making this admission, we do not withdraw any opinion heretofore expressed when we have differed from the Editor of the Messenger, for, whenever we dislike an article we shall, (as we have ever done,) speak our mind fully though in all friendliness. But we assert our conviction, that judicious criticism, exercised without regard to persons, has been long wanting. There was a time when American Reviewers imported their decisions on the works of native authors, and frowned down any attempt to resist the foreign decree. They have now rushed into the opposite extreme, the barrier once broken down, the torrent of adulation has lifted up every man who could fill a book with words; and changed the current of popular feeling to such an extent, that it is only by strenuous exertions it can be brought back into its mediate and true channel. They have given Phaton the reins, and if his steeds are not checked by a more powerful hand, the most disastrous effects must inevitably ensue. We, therefore, bid our friends cherish a work that upholds independent criticism, and pursues the "even tenor of its way," the friend of all who deserve its friendship, but the slave of none. Cherish it we say, that by a more extended circulation it may fulfil the christian precept, and "go about doing good."

From the Baltimore Athenæum.

The Southern Literary Messenger for May.--This number contains, among other excellent papers, an address on "German Literature," by our townsman, George H. Calvert, Esq., delivered before the Athenæum Society of Baltimore, on the 11th of February, 1936. The pleasure derived from a perusal of this admirable lecture was greatly enhanced by the fact of our having been present at its delivery, and our still vivid recollection of its varied beauties and excellences,heightened and rendered impressive by the peculiar manner, emphasis, and enunciation of the speaker. Of the literature of Germany, deeply metaphysical, and rich with an abounding store of learning as it is, we are by far too ignorant, and we owe much to the author of this address for his labors in opening for us many sources of rich intellectual enjoyment, in his translations, of which Schiller's Don Carlos may be named as his most elaborate effort yet published.

We cannot enter into an analysis of the entire number of the Messenger before us; it is however highly interesting, as is usual with all the issues of this Magazine. The paper called "Odds and Ends," we recommend to the especial perusal of all who have any desire to reform their manners and morals. It is a pleasant and well conceived satire.

Some of the northern critics have intimated that Simms was the editor of the Messenger. This is an error. It is now edited, as we understand, by Edgar A. Poe, formerly of this city, a young gentleman of excellent talents, and untiring industry. He is earning for himself a fine reputation.

From the Baltimore Patriot.

The Southern Literary Messenger.-The May number of this handsome and ably conducted periodical has just come to hand. It comes late, but in the case of this Messenger we may truly say

"better late than never;" for the tales it tells, and its qualities as a temporary visiter and companion, must always secure it a cordial reception, however it may procrastinate its stated journeys, or linger by the way side. The Southern Literary Messenger is now under the editorial conduct of Edgar A. Poe, Esq. formerly of this city, and has been so, as we understand, since the commencement of the second volume. This gentleman has been, the while, a liberal contributor to its columns, and this thorough identification with a periodical, marked with unusual ability and attended with extraordinary success, must be satisfactory to the editor, and afford ample testimony at the same time that the conduct of the Messenger is in fit and competent hands. The May number of the Messenger contains the usual variety, and is marked with the freshness, spirit, and independence, which are characteristic of the work.

From the Baltimore Patriot.

The Southern Literary Messenger.--The April number of this fresh and spirited periodical has come to hand. Its contents exhibit the usual variety. The character of this work is now so well established, that we need not speak to the question of its general merits, and shall only say that the visits of this "Messenger," though sometimes tardy as in the present case, are, to us, always and altogether acceptable. The number now before us contains a long and ingenious editorial article, on the modus operandi of Maelzel's Chess Player.

From the New Yorker.

Southern Literary Messenger.-The April number of this spirited Monthly reaches us somewhat later than its date would indicate, yet so excellent in matter and manner that the reader will easily be induced to pardon the delinquency. The remarkable typographical neatness of the Messenger we have frequently alluded to, in glancing rapidly, as now, at the more intrinsic character of its contents. Some of those of the present number deserve a more extended consideration than we have time or space to give them.

"MSS. of Benjamin Franklin" form the opening paper of the Magazine-three hitherto unpublished though characteristic essays from the pen of the first eminent philosopher and sage whom

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America can claim as her own. 'A Lecture on Providence' is replete with the profound yet perspicuous common sense which was ever so prominent a feature in the character of the inventor of the lightning-rod; while the letters of Anthony Afterwit and 'Celia Single' are in his lighter vein of humorous utilitarianism which would have done no discredit to the pen of Addison. (By the way, why have we no compilation or edition of the Life and Writings of Dr. Franklin at all commensurate with the dignity of the subject? Such a work would form a valuable and now desirable addition to American literature.)

"Genius" is discussed in the succeeding prose paper, and to better purpose than in the majority of essays on the subject. The writer maintains that "Genius, as it appears to me, is merely a decided preference for any study or pursuit, which enables its possessor to give it the close and unwearied attention necessary to ensure success." This proposition is stoutly and ably maintained, and, though we cannot concur in it fully, we believe it much nearer the truth than is generally supposed. If true at all, it is a profitable truth, and should pass into an axiom with all convenient celerity.

"Some Ancient Greek Authors Chronologically Considered," is an article evincing profitably directed research, which we shall copy. "March Court" is a sketch so exclusively Virginian, that we can hardly judge of its merit.

"The Death of Robespierre" is a dramatic sketch--a species of writing which we do not properly appreciate. We, who do not worship even Shakspeare, cannot bow to the sway of his humbler satellites.

"Woman" is the topic of the succeeding paper--judicious and sensible, but not very original or forcible, considering that the essayist is a lady.

"Leaves from a Scrap Book" will be found among our literary selections. We regret that its Greek characters and phrases compelled us to exclude the author's forcible illustration of the disadvantages under which the earlier poets labor in a compari son with the moderns. Nothing could be more conclusive. The Editorials of the number are ably written, though some pages are devoted to a solution of the mystery of the Automaton Chess-Player, doubtless the correct one, viz. that, after all the scrutiny which it has undergone, there is actually a man concealed in the pretended machinery. We are not sure that this demonstration, conceding it to be such, is worth the space it necessarily occupies.

In the matter of Criticism, the Messenger has involved itself in a difficulty with some of our Northern periodicals, either party, as is not unusual in such cases, being just about half right. The Southern Editor has quite too savage a way of pouncing upon unlucky wights who happen to have severally perpetrated any thing below par in the literary line, like the Indian, who cannot realize that an enemy is conquered till he is scalped, and some of the mangled have no more policy than to betray their soreness by attempts at retaliation, under very flimsy disguises, invariably making the matter worse. We think the Messenger often quite too severe, as in the case of Norman Leslie,' but still able and ingenuous. The Poems of Drake and Halleck are reviewed this month-neither of them after the fashion of an ar dent and awed admirer--but faithfully, fairly, and with dis


In conclusion, we take pleasure in remarking the fact that the be at present. We believe the whole number of periodicals cause of literature at the South is so flourishing as it appears to which may be distinguished as literary on the other side of the that their circulation has increased in at least equal proportion. Potomac, has more than doubled during the last two years, and We rejoice at this state of things, though it may be justly thought to militate against our own personal interest. The South bas though a profound and respectful deference elsewhere; and it is interests and feelings which find little real sympathy with us, maintain those interests and challenge respect for those feelings. right that she should have literary as well as political journals to We shall not grudge them a generous patronage.

From the Charlottesville Advocate.

The Southern Literary Messenger.-The May number of this work has appeared, with its usual variety of valuable mauer. Foremost in merit as in place, are more of those MSS. of Dr. Franklin, which are contained in the April No., and which have never yet been published in any edition of his works. They the Gazetteer; though we are not informed whether they actu seem, all, to have been communications to a newspaper called ally came forth in its columns or not. One piece purports to be self" Alice Addertongue; and who makes an ingenious, (and of from a gossipping "young girl about thirty-five," who styles hercourse satirical) defence of Scandal. Another consists of some "Queries to be asked the Junto," (his club, perhaps ;) one of which is, "Whence comes the dew that stands on the outside of the tankard that has cold water in it, in the summer time?" The simplicity of this question would warrant the belief, that the doctor was then but little advanced in his career of physical knowledge; unless we suppose that he propounded it only to stimulate some of his friends or readers to thought. The following question and answer have much of the true Franklin shrewedness and pungency: "I am about courting a girl I have but little acquaintance with; how shall I come to a knowledge of her faults, and whether she has the virtues I imagine she has? Answer. Commend her among her female acquaintance,"

The Messenger has Chapter X. of "Lionel Granby;" a sort of novel, in which there has been much to admire; but we are

altogether dissatisfied with the present Chapter, crippling, as it does, several of the good things said in the Essays of Elia, by making the hero of the story hear them (and very clumsily retail them) from the lips of Charles Lamb himself, the real "Elia." We would advise the writer to bring his hero tete à tete with no more literary lions, if he can shew them off to no better advantage than he shews Lamb. What will our readers think of his talking of "the 'willie-draughts' which are pledged to the memory of boyhood," meaning an allusion to the "guidwillie waughts" of Burns, in "Auld Lang Syne?"

Fellows, &c. &c.

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Southern Literary Messenger.-We believe our resbefore it reached him, for we find the June number on pected cotemporary has profited by our advice this month our table in much better season than its predecessors. We mark the improvement with pleasure, even though few words on the papers which compose it. we cannot take credit to ourselves for effecting it. A

We like such collections of scraps, as are bundled together in the piece headed "Random Thoughts." "Odds and Ends," by our old friend Oliver Oldschool, is a whole gallery of satirical portraits; representing various forms of human weakness or depravity--sketches of character almost worthy of Theophrastus, or La Bruyere. Of female characters, the Tongue-tied, or Monosyllabic, the Bustlers, the Tom-boys, the Peace-sappers, the Tongue-warriors, and several other "The Right of Instruction" is ably and temperately classes, are held up to just ridicule; and of males, the Busy, discussed in the leading article, which we may safely bodies, the Touch-me-nots, the Gastronomes, the Devillish Good attribute to the pen of Judge Hopkinson, of Pennsyl "A Lecture on German Literature," by George H. Calvert, vania. The essay denies the right of a Legislature to of Baltimore, is a pregnant outline of a great deal that is inesti-instruct authoritatively the U. S. Senators of the Statemable in the literary store houses of probably the most enlight- or rather, the obligation of the Senators to obey unhesiened nation (if we set aside politics) on earth. of this subject in another place at an early day; but, tatingly such requisition. We shall take cognizance for the present, we must be content with the remark that the argument drawn from the spirit of the Constitution and the intent of its framers is formidable, if not conclusive.

We welcome No. IV. of "Readings with my Pencil," from a The article headed "Verbal Criticism," is of a sort which all the repositories and guardians of Literature ought oftener to contain: brief reprehensions of too prevalent errors in language; interspersed with curious philological remarks.

practised pen, and full, cultivated mind.

The somewhat long essay on "Social Elevation" has much that is praiseworthy, neatness (sometimes force) of style, and in the main, great justness of thought. Its aim is, to expose and rebuke those two ruling passions of our countrymen, the love of money, and the love of political preferment. It justly and forcibly shews how these obstruct our progress in knowledge, virtue, liberty, and happiness, by merging all enlarged patriotism in the most narrowly selfish considerations. Bent on wealth, half our people forget their country's weal, in contemplating the increase of their private hoards. Bent on rising in the State (as it is called,) or on ministering to those who do wish to rise, the other half sacrifice their country to their party, or to its leaders. God speed the Essayist in the wide, the universal dissemination of the views on this subject!


"Perdicaris," a sketch of the Greek scholar now lecturing on the literature and polity of his native land, is only remarkable for a translation of a beautiful little poem 'from the Romaic of Christopoulos.' "MSS. of Benjamin Franklin” are continued in this number.

"Losing and Winning" is one of the most quietly affecting and excellent tales that we have perused for months. Let who will declaim against the evils wrought by fiction, we are sure that this same story contains more true practical wisdom-more forcible persuasives to the paths of virtue and duty, than many a well-intended volume of fact or direct exhortation.

"The Swan of Loch Oich" is fair verse, and fair only. "Ulea Holstein-A Tale of the Northern Seas," is

After all, the "Critical Notices" of the Editor have afforded us by no means the least pleasure. They are acute, just, and pungent. There is one thing we particularly like in the criticisms of the Messenger. While it displays a becoming pride in whatever excellences our country and its literature possesses, it does not hold itself bound, like many of our journalists, to applaud every thing that is American, and to admit the justice of no ani-touching in its catastrophe, but not well imagined. The madversions upon us and ours, from foreign tongues or pens; Thus, in an article on Mr. Cooper's "Sketches of Switzerland," it joins him in a just fillip to our national vanity, which has made us believe for many years past, that "the name of an American a passport all over Europe," a boast which Mr. C. says is refuted by many mortifying tokens wherever an American travels in Germany, France, Switzerland, or Italy. In a review of Mrs. Trollope's Paris and the Parisians, the Messenger again justly rebukes the same American weakness, by averring (what we have always upheld) that her book upon the "Domestic Man: ners" of America had many more truths than our self love would let us acknowledge. We have no patience," says the Messen"with that atrabilious set of hyper-patriots, who find fault with Mrs. T.'s flumflummery about the good people of the Union. The work appeared to us an unusually well written performance In which, upon a basis of downright and positive truth, was erected, after the fashion of a porcelain pagoda, a very brilliant, although a very brittle fabric of mingled banter, philosophy and spleen." "We do not hesitate to say, that she ridiculed our innumerable moral, physical, and social absurdities with equal impartiality, true humor and discrimina tion; and that the old joke about her Domestic manners of the Americans being nothing more than the Manners of the American Domestics, is, like most other very good jokes, excessively untrue." Of all people on earth, it might be supposed that we, rational American freemen, would be most ready to bear with unpalatable truths told us of ourselves, and to profit by the admonitions those truths involve: that we would most willingly pray "O would some Power the giftie gie us, To see oursels as others see us! It would frae mony a blunder free us, And foolish notion."

writer is evidently no veteran.

We have sometimes fancied we had reason to dislike the poetical contributions to the Messenger, while we were better suited with the prose. In the number before us there are three articles in verse-"The Laughing Girl," "A Birth-Day Tribute," and "Thy Home and Mine," which would do credit to any periodical. The Editor is evidently weeding out' as well as strengthening his crops of contributors, much to the advantage of his work.




But instead of doing so, we wince, swear, and call names, at the slightest hint from a foreigner that our country and all belonging to it, are not the very beau ideal of perfection. It must be thus, if we would make those advances towards perfection which the true patriot covets for his country. Pope's precept ap. plies no less to nations than to individuals

"Court Day" and "My First Attempt at Poetry," are both well done.

A Lecture on Education concludes the contributed articles, and is devoted to a portrayal of the parental faults and misdemeanors which operate as serious obstacles to the inculcation of right principles and correct ideas in the minds of children. We heartily wish it could be read and appreciated by all the parents in our country.

The Editorial Criticisms are spirited but just. "Recollections of Coleridge," Colton's "Religious State of the Country," &c. &c. are praised without stint; while Col. Stone's unfortunate "Ups and Downs in the Life of a Distressed Gentleman," is most unsparingly shown up. We like the independence, the directness, of the Editor, though he sometimes contrives to tread emphatically on the corns of an author for whom we have a tenderness. In the present instance, however, he has managed to be just right throughout, and our appreciation of his labors is graduated accordingly.

From the National Gazette.

"Trust not yourself; but your defects to know, Make use of every friend, and every foe." The number of the Southern Literary Messenger, "Paulding's Washington," "Anthon's Sallust," "Walsh's for June, contains, among other excellent articles, "A Didactics," "Mellen's Poems," and Lieutenant Slidell's "Spain reply to a late article in the Richmond Enquirer in favor Revisited," (all native American works) are reviewed in a man-of the mandatory right of a State Legislature to instruct ner at once kind, just, and interesting. The Number contains a good deal of original Poetry; the a Senator of the United States, and supported by the

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