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The mean temperature was 32°, 4° above the Station average for January. The highest temperature, 57°, occurred on the 29th; the lowest, 13°, on the 7th.

The mean relative humidity was 84 per cent. Cloudy weather prevailed. Rain fell on nine days and snow on eight, on five of the latter, however, only a trace fell. The total snowfall for the month was 5.50 inches; the total rain and melted snow, 3.13 inches, which is .56 inch below the Station average for January. The greatest daily rainfall was .70 inch, on the 31st.

Fogs occurred on the 1st and 10th.
The prevailing wind was south-west.


The mean temperature was 36o, 5o above the Station average for February. The highest temperature, 69°, occurred on the 20th; the lowest, 6o, on the 4th.

The mean relative humidity was 79 per cent. Cloudy weather prevailed. Rain fell on twelve days and snow on five. The total snowfall for the month was 2.20 inches; the total rain and melted snow, 5.26 inches, which is 1.31 inches above the Station average for February. The greatest reinfall in 24 hours was 2.60 inches on the l5th and 16th.

Thunder was heard in connection with rain on the 9th and 25th.
A lunar halo occurred on the 21st.

The prevailing wind was south.


The mean temperature was 35° which is the Station average for March. The highest temperature, 63°, cccurred on the 18th; the lowest, -2°, on the 5th.

The mean relative humidity was 80 per cent. Cloudy weather prevailed. Rain fell on fourteen days and snow on four. The total snowfall was 8.50 inches; the total rain and melted snow 4.38 inches, which is 1.23 inches above the Station average for March. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was .91 inch on the 30th and 31st.

A killing frost occurred as late as the 29th.

A solar halo occurred on the 18th; lunar halos on the 18th and 24th.

A fog occurred on the 8th.

The prevailing wind was north east.


The mean temperature was 52o, 2o above the Station average for April. The

highest temperature, 83°, occurred on the 17th; the lowest, 24°, on the 7th.

The mean relative humidity was 75 per cent.

Clear weather prevailed. Rain fell on ten days and snow on one. The total snowfall for the month was 50 inch; the total rainfall, 2 02 inches, which is .99 inch below the Station average for April. The greatest daily rainfall was .40 inch on the 21st. Only a trace of rain fell after the 23d.

Thunder storms occurred on the 9th, 21st and 22d.

Killing frosts occurred on the 7th and 8th; light frosts on the 9th, 25th, 26th, and


Lunar halos occurred on the 17th and 18th.

The prevailing wind was north-west.


The mean temperature was 57°, 4° below the Station average for May. The highest temperature, 83°, occurred on the 10th; the lowest, 28°, on the 7th.

The mean relative humidity was 72 per cent.

Clear weather prevailed. Rain fell on ten days. The total rainfall for the month was 2.87 inches, 2.13 inches below the Station average for May. Nearly all of this fell during the latter half of the month. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was 1.24 inches on the 22d and 23d.

Thunder storms occurred on the 21st and 22d.

Killing frosts occurred on the 5th, 7th, and 17th; light frosts on the 4th, 12th, and 18th.

The prevailing wind was north.


The mean temperature was 71°, 1o above the Station average for June. The highest temperature, 91°, occurred on the 26th; the lowest, 52°, on the 5th, 6th and 13th.

The mean relative humidity was 78 per cent.

Fair weather prevailed. Rain fell on thrirteen days. The total rainfall for the month was 3.83 inches, .26 inch above the Station average for June. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was 1.27 inches on the 6th and 7th.

Thunder storms occurred on the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 10th, and 29th.
A lunar halo occurred on the 15th.

The prevailing wind was south.


The mean temperature was 69°, 4° below the Station average for July. The highest temperature, 89°, occurred on the 22d; the lowest, 49°, on the 7th, 9th, and 10th.

The mean relative humidity was 73 per cent.

Clear weather prevailed. Rain fell on ten days. The total rainfall for the month was 4.41 inches, 1.53 inches above the Station average for July. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was 1.97 inches on the 7th and 8th.

Thunder storins occurred on the 3d, 7th and 14th.
The prevailing wind was south.


The mean temperature was 70°, which is the Station average for August. The highest temperature, 94°, occurred on the 9th and 10th; the lowest, 43°, on the 29th. The mean relative humidity was 82 percent.

Fair weather prevailed. Rain fell on eleven days. The total rainfall for the month was 1.84 inches, which is .98 inch below the Station average for August. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was .92 inch on the 23d and 24th.

A thunder storm occurred on the 11th.

A fog occurred on the 25th.

The prevailing wind was north-east.


The mean temperature was 66o, 2o above the Station average for September. The highest temperature, 93°, occurred on the 20th and 21st; the lowest, 38°, on the 9th. The mean relative humidity was 76 per cent.

Clear weather prevailed. Rain fell on six days. The total rainfall for the month was 1.16 inches, 2.24 below the Station average for September. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was .50 inch on the 4th and 5th.

Thunder storms occurred on the 15th and 19th.

A fog occurred on the 18th.

The prevailing wind was south.


The mean temperature was 50°, which is the Station average for October. The highest temperature, 86°, occurred on the 2d and 3d; the lowest, 21°, on the 28th.

The mean relative humidity was 75 per cent.

Clear weather prevailed. Rain fell on eight days. The total rainfall for the month was 2.80 inches, .25 inch above the Station average for October. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was 1.84 inches on the 18th and 19th.

Killing frosts occurred on the 12th, 13th, 16th, 23d, 28th and 29th; light frosts on the 10th, 11th, 15th, 21st, 24th and 25th.

The prevailing wind was south.


The mean temperature was 40°, which is the Station average for November. The highest temperature, 70°, occurred on the 9th; the lowest, 12°, on the 30th.

The mean relative humidity was 78 per cent.

Cloudy weather prevailed. Rain fell on twelve days, and snow on four. On three oi the latter, however, only traces of snow fell. The total snow fall was 2.00 inches; the total rainfall, 5.74 inches, which is 2.58 inches above the Station average for November. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was 1.96 inches on the 22d and 23d.

Thunder was heard in connection with rain on the 8th and 23d.
Numerous killing frosts occurred.

A fog occurred on the 6th.

The prevailing wind was south.


The mean temperature was 39°, 7o above the Station average for December. The highest temperature, 61°, occurred on the 15th; the lowest, 15° on the 19th.

The mean relative humidity was 75 per cent.

Clear weather prevailed, the sky being not more than three-tenths obscured on fifteen days. Rain fell on ten days. Enough snow to measure fell on one day only, traces on three other days. The total snowfall was only .20 inch; the total rain and melted snow 2.42 inches, which is .29 inch. below the Station average for December. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was .61 inch on the 23d and 24th.

A fog occurred on the 12th.
Numerous white frosts occurred.

The prevailing wind was south.





Board of Live Stock Commissioners





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