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The splendid Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, which took forty years to build and cost $4,000,000. The low, egg-shaped building beside it is the great Tabernacle, an auditorium seating seven thousand persons and housing one of the largest organs in the world.



of Christians was abolished, and piracy

plains, some of them of great fertility. famous, are now dispersed. Morality is The rivers are unimportant, being mostly represented as being in a deplorable state. dry for part of the year, and generally The sovereign or sultan, styled by Eurodiminishing in volume as they approach peans emperor, is absolute in the strictthe sea. The coast offers few good har- est sense. The imperial revenues are debors; the most frequented are Tangier, rived from arbitrary imposts on property, El-Araish (Laraiche), Rabat and Moga- duties on imports and exports, monopodor. The climate in many parts is pleas lies, and fines or confiscations. The ant and temperate, in many others the chief towns are Morocco and Fez, the one summer heat is insufferable. The min- in the southwest, the other towards the erals include gold, silver, copper, iron northeast.-Morocco in ancient times and lead in larger or smaller quantities. formed part of Mauritania, and about 43 The flora includes the esculent oak and A.D. was incorporated in the Roman Emcork oak; in the higher regions of the pire. In the latter part of the seventh Atlas the cedar and Aleppo pine; the century the Arabs spread over North Af date palm and the dwarf palm east and rica, and took possession of Mauritania. south of the Atlas. Agriculture is in Among ruling dynasties since then have the lowest possible condition, and the an- been the Almoravides, Almohades, and nual production is calculated barely to others. The present dynasty, the ninth, supply the wants of the country. The was founded in 1648. In 1814 the slavery cereal crops include wheat, barley and was prohibited in 1817. The conquest of maize; but dhurra or millet constitutes Algeria brought about complications with the chief support of the population. The France, which led eventually to a disvine is cultivated only near towns for the sake of the fresh grapes and for the pute between France and Germany, and raisins. All the fruits of the south of Spain, in 1906. France was given police an international conference at Algeciras, Europe are cultivated to some extent. control of certain ports, the commercial Among the wild animals are the lion, pan rights of other nations to be observed, ther, jackal, hyena, wild boar, gazelle, and France established a partial mili and several species of large antelope. tary occupation, with the tacit consent The locust is a cause of much devastation. of the powers. In 1908-09 war existed The ostrich is found on the southern between the Spanish forces at Melilla and frontiers. Cattle and sheep are reared, the neighboring Riff tribes. After some and the spirited small horses for which reverses the Spanish were victorious and the country was once famous are still their position at Melilla was assured. A numerous. There are large numbers of rebellion against Sultan Abdul led to his goats, which furnish a principal article of defeat in 1908. his brother Muley Hafid export-the well-known Morocco leather. succeeding to the throne. In 1911 a conIn general, among the rural population, troversy arose between France and Gereach family supplies all its own wants. In many concerning their respective rights the towns, however, some manufacturers in Morocco, which ended in France transhave sprung up, besides the well-known ferring to Germany a considerable disleather. Fez makes and exports the trict in French Congo, in return for cloth caps which bear its name. Carpets, which France was left open to establish embroidered stuffs, pottery, arms, are also a protectorate in Morocco, American made. The trade is carried on by cara- recognition of the French protectorate van with the interior, or by sea with was announced by Secretary Lansing in European states, especially with Great a note dated January 17, 1917. Britain, next to which comes France. The Morocco, of Morocco, lies in the southformerly one of the capitals

Berbers are the oldest inhabitants of the country, and they devote themselves to west of the country, on an extensive and agriculture rather than to pastoral pur- fertile plain, 1500 feet above sea level suits. The Arabs form the bulk of the It is nearly 6 miles in circuit, and is rural population in the plains; some of walled, though its walls and towers are them are cultivators, and others are in a ruinous condition. The streets are Bedouins. In the towns along the coast unpaved, dirty, narrow, and irregular. are found the Moors, and a considerable There are several open areas used as number of Jews inhabit all the commer market places, a covered bazaar, and cial towns. To these must be added the many mosques. Near the palace, which negroes and their posterity of every is on the south of the city, is the Jews' shade. The civilization of Morocco has quarter (El Millah), a walled inclosure sunk to a low condition. The education of about 11⁄2 miles in circuit, one-half at the schools and at the University of of it nearly in ruins, very crowded, and Fez does not go beyond the theology of excessively filthy. There are several tanthe Koran. The public libraries. one

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ning and leather dyeing establishments. Morris, CLARA, actress, born at Cleve

Pop. estimated at 40,000 to 50,000.

land, Ohio, in 1849. She be

Morocco, a fine kind of leather made came in 1861 a member of the ballet in from the skins of goats, im- the Academy of Music, Cleveland, and ported from the Levant, Barbary, Spain, later was trained for the dramatic stage. Belgium, etc., tanned with suшach, dyed, Her greatest success was in the repre and grained, the last process being that sentation of strong emotional roles. which gives it its well-known wrinkled ap- Morris, SIR EDWARD, Canadian statespearance. It is extensively used in the

man, born in St. John's, Newbinding of books, upholstering furniture, foundland, of Irish parents, 1859. He making ladies' shoes, etc. Imitation mo- entered Parliament for St. John's roccos are made from sheep-skins, so per- (1885), and joined the Whiteway Cabfect in appearance that it is difficult to inet (1889). He was acting attorneydistinguish them, but they are entirely general for Newfoundland (1890-95), lacking in the durability of the real ar- and in 1897 went to London as delegate ticle. The art of preparing morocco is to the Colonial Office He was the leader said to have been derived from the Moors. of the Independent Liberal Party (1898Moron (mo'ron), a person whose men- 1900); became a member of the Bond tal development has been ar- Cabinet (1901); and in 1908 was elected rested at the point reached by the normal leader of the People's Party. From child of about 12 years. See Mental De- 1902 to 1907 he was attorney-general fec.ives. and minister of justice of Newfoundland, DE LA and since 1909 has been Premier of NewMoron (mo-rōn'), or MORON FRONTERA, a town of Spain, 32 foundland. He was a member of the miles S. E. of Seville, on the Guadaira. Arbitration Board, 1910, and was sworn It has olive oil and other industries. Pop- by King George V. as a member of his ulation, 18,000. Privy Council. 1911.

GOUVERNEUR, statesman, was

Morris, born in Westchester County.

Morpeth (mor'peth), a borough in England in Northumberland, on the Wandsbeck, 14 miles north by west New York, in 1752, and adopted the legal of Newcastle. It has a fine old parish profession. In 1777 he was elected to church in the decorated English style. Its the Continental Congress, and was also manufactures are considerable, but there a member of the New York Constituare large collieries in the vicinity. Pop. tional Convention, in which, against 7436. John Jay, he championed and won the

Morpheus (mōr'füs), in Greek myth- cause of religious liberty. He removed ology, the son of sleep and to Philadelphia in 1780, and in 1787 was a member of the Philadelphia Con

god of dreams.

Morphia (mor'fi-a), MORPHINE (mor- vention that framed the Constitution of

fen), the narcotic principle the United States, the final draft being of opium, a vegetable alkaloid of a bitter his work. In 1792 he was sent as Mintaste, first separated from opium in 1816, ister to France and in 1800 was elected It forms when crystallized from alcohol United States Senator from New York. brilliant colorless prisms of adamantine He spent his later years in retirement, luster. As it is very slightly soluble in and died in 1816. water it is never used alone medicinally,

but it readily combines with acids, form Morris, HARRISON SMITH, born at Philadelphia, Pa., 1856. He ing salts extensively used in medicine. was director of the Pennsylvania AcadIn small doses it is powerfully anodyne; emy of Fine Arts, 1892-1905, editor of in large it causes death, with narcotic Lippincott's Magazine, 1899-1905, and symptoms.

art editor of the Ladies' Home Journal,

Morris (morris), CHARLES, author, 1905-08. In 1911 he was United States born at Chester, Pennsylvania, commissioner-general to the Roman Art in 1833. After a period spent in teaching Exposition, New York. and clerkship he became an active author JOHN GOTTLIEB, American Morris, and compiler, producing numerous works. "clergyman, born in York, Pa.. Among these are A Manual of Classical 1803; died in 1895. He was graduated Literature; The Aryan Race: Civiliza- at Dickinson College, and in theology at tion, an Historical Review of its Ele- Princeton (1826). He was pastor of ments: Man and His Ancestor: Historical Tales, etc. He compiled Half Hours with the Best American Authors and other works did editorial work on several

cyclopedias, inc edited Winston's Cumu iative Encyclopedia

Lutheran churches in Baltimore and Lutherville, Md., and did much for the advancement of the church in America. Morris, ROBERT, signer of the Declara tion of Independence. was born in England in 1734. In 1775 be



was delegate to the Continental Congress, York. During the Revolutionary war it He became notable as the chief financial was twice the headquarters of the Amerisupport of the army during the later years can army. The house occupied by Genof the Revolution, aiding it to the full eral Washington has been purchased by extent of his credit. He organized the the State Historical Society, and contains Bank of North America, at Philadelphia, a collection of interesting relics. Pop. in 1781, the first bank of the United States, (1920) 12,548. submitted a plan for a mint, which Con- Morse (mors) SAMUEL FINLEY BREESE, gress approved, and was for several years inventor of the electro-magnetic superintendent of finance; in 1787 he was telegraph in its first practicable form, a member of the Convention that framed was born at Charlestown, Massachusetts, the United States Constitution; after- in 1791; died at New York in 1872. He wards member of the first United States was educated at Yale College, where he Senate. He was offered the post of Sec- devoted special attention to chemistry and retary of the Treasury, which he declined. natural philosophy; but in 1811 went to He became bankrupt through unfortunate England to study painting under West. investments in his old age, and was im- In 1813 he was awarded the gold medal prisoned for debt. He died in 1806. of the Royal Academy for his model of

Morris, WILLIAM, an English poet, art the Dying Hercules. Returning to the

writer and socialist, was born United States in 1815, he continued paintin 1834; died in 1896. He engaged in the ing, and in 1826 succeeded in establishing designing and manufacture of high-class furniture and decorations for house interiors and had a material effect in improving the style of design employed for decorative textiles, wall-papers, etc. Morris published an epic poem, The Life and Death of Jason, in 1867, The Earthly Paradise, in 1868-71, Love is Enough, in 1883, Sigurd the Volsung, in 1876, etc. He translated various Icelandic sagas, Virgil's Eneid and Homer's Odyssey.


Morris Banks, banks organized ac cording to the plan of Arthur J. Morris, of Norfolk, Virginia, after careful study of similar banks in Europe. Loans are made on the security of promissory notes signed by the borrower and indorsed by two friends who know his character and earning capacity. Morris-dance (that is, Moorish dance), a rustic dance supposed to have been derived from the Moors in Spain, formerly danced at vil- in New York the National Academy of lage festivals, May-games, etc., in Eng- Design,' of which he was first president. land. Bells were fastened to the feet of In 1829 he went to Europe for three vears, the performers, which jingled in time with and during the return voyage worked out the music, while the dancers clashed their roughly a plan for employing electrostaves or swords. In the reigns of Henry magnetism in telegraphy. It was not unVII and VIII it was a principal feature til 1835, however, that he was able to in the popular festivals. exhibit an instrument that was found to Morrison (mor'is-un), ROBERT, an work well. By July, 1837, this instrument English missionary and was perfected, and ultimately in 1843 Orientalist (1782-1834). Author of a Congress granted him means to construct Chinese grammar and dictionary, and a an experimental line between Washington translation of the Bible in Chinese. and Baltimore. This proved successful Morristown (mor'is-toun), a town, and as a result the Morse system of county seat of Hamblin telegraphy has come into general use in Co., Tenn., 40 miles N. E. of Knoxville, on America and Europe. In 1857 the repreSouthern Railway. Has flour, lumber, sentatives of ten countries met at Paris, knitting mills, etc. Pop. (1920) 5871. and voted him 400.000 francs.

Morristown, a town, county seat of Morris Co., New Jersey, 25 miles N. w. of New York. It is a popular residential place for citizens of New

Morse's Telegraph. See Telegraph
Morshansk (mar-shansk),, a town of
Central Russia, govern-

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