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Have they changed my heart, and made me a partaker of the

divine nature ? Am I using diligence to add to my faith in the promises, all

Christian graces? Have I virtue, or holy fortitude, in professing Christ and obey.

ing his will? Is knowledge associated with my courage, so that my conduct is

judicious and discreet ? Have I added temperance, restraining my sensual appetite, and

being moderate in all worldly things? Am I patient, quietly yielding to God, meek towards the injuri

ous, and persevering amid difficulties? Have I godliness sanctifying my daily labours, by realizing the

presence of the Lord, and walking with God? Do practise brotherly kindness, unfeignedly and fervently

loving my fellow Christians ? To this do I add charity, or extended love to all mankind?


James iii, 15--17. Am I manifesting envying or strife? Am I looking mainly for earthly distinctions, or seeking worldly

advantages rather than God's favour? Do I yield to sensuul, or carnal desires and passions ? Have I any tendencies to that which is devilish, proud, ambi

tious, and self-conceited ? Do I look to God alone to deliver me from earthly, and to bestow

upon me heavenly wisdom? Have I true wisdom, pure in its object, motives, and tendency? Is my conduct peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated ? Is my life full of mercy and good fruits > Am I free from partiality to those whom I naturally prefer? Am I without hypocrisy, and not desirous of appearing better

than I am ?


Mark xxv, 15.

Have I ever seriously thought that I am accountable to God for

all I have ? Have I considered what gifts he has bestowed, and how I may

use them for his glory? Am I using the powers of my body and mind in his service? Are my time, health, influence, authority, and property, devoted

to him? Do I trade with my talents, carefully estimating how they can

be laid out most for the divine glory? Do I thus act from love, and not from fear, or any idea of meriting either heaven or grace by works?

No. IX.-CHARITY. 1 Cor. xiii.
Do I count charity, or love, the best gift, and the necessary

companion or fruit of true faith and hope?
Are the following characters of true charity seen in my daily

dispositions and my course of life?
It suffereth long and is kind. Thinketh no evil.
Envieth not.

Rejoiceth not in iniquity.
Vaunteth not itself.

Rejoiceth in the truih.
Is not puffed up.

Beareth all things.
Doth not behave itself un- Believeth all things.

Hopeth all things.
Seeketh not its own.

Endureth all things,
Is not easily provoked.
Is it my grief that I have so little of this spirit?
Is it my constant aim to possess more of this great gift that

never faileth?
Am I seeking, cultivating, and praying for it?

Do I think on the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely,

and of good report?
Do I see my obligations to regard them?
Do I endeavour more conscientiously and constantly to practise

them ? And yet do I view myself as an unprofitable servant, and

depend on Christ alone?



Matt. xxiii, 23.
Do I specially regard judgment, or justice, so as to wrong no

one in any matter?
Do I cheerfully shew mercy in dealing with all my fellow crea-

tures, and particalarly with the poor, the afflicted, and those

dependent on me? Are all my actions marked by faith, or fidelity and sincerity,

both towards God and mau? Have I so attended to these things as to feel my sinfulness and

short comings, and to fly to Christ for pardon and strength?

No. XII.---THE LORD'S PRAYER. Matt. vi, 9; or Lnke

xi, 2, &c. Our Father.. Do I know that God is a reconciled Father, through the deathe

of his Son ?

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Do I look up to God with filial confidence for instruction, pro

vision, and protection ? Do I love him better than the dearest relations on earth? Have I a brotherly affection to his people, as being children of

one parent? Do I regard all mankind as brethren ?

Which art in heaven.

Do I stand in awe of his power and majesty, so as to reverence

and obey him ? Have I a constant, or frequent recollection, that his eye is ever

upon me? Am I longing to be where he more immediately manifests


Hallowed be thy name. Is the promotion of his honour and glory the great object of Do I seek to know God more myself, and to diffuse his know

ledge through the world ?

my life?

Thy kingdom come. Is the kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy

Ghost, established in my own heart? Are the interests of this kingdom, and its progress among all

people, zealously promoted by me? Am I looking forward to the heavenly kingdom with hope and


Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Do I rejoice in the unlimited government of God? Do I strive to know and follow his revealed will, copying Jesus

and his holy angels? Have I cheerfuliy acquiesced in afflictions as coming from God? Am I labouring that all may know and do his will, gladly assist

ing, according to my power, such Institutions as have this object in view ?

Give us this day our daily bread. Do I receive all temporal and spiritual blessings as from God? Am I delivered from anxiously looking after future provision,

and do I gladly leave that to God? Am I living by faith in a daily and simple dependence on God?

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them

that trespass against us. Am I deeply sensible of my daily and manifold trespasses, and

earnestly seeking forgiveness? Do I rest on the only ground of hope of forgiveness,---redemp

tion through the blood of Christ? Do I manifest the invariable temper of those forgiven---forgive

ness of others ? Am I manifesting good to the evil, liberality to the needy, and

charity to all?

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from

evil. Do I carefully avoid known occasions and places where I have

fallen ? Am I so sensible of my own weakness as ever to watch and Do I remember that my whole life is a scene of trial and pro

bation ? Do I desire deliverance from sin as the great evil, and from Am I going forth in my own strength, or simply looking to God

alone to help and deliver ?


every sin?

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the

glory, for ever and ever. Do all my hopes of answers to prayer rest on the perfections of

God! Have I such a knowledge of Christ as to see that those perfec

tions are engaged in my behalf? Am I getting more knowledge of, and more confidence in

his sovereignty, his omnipotence, his excellency, and his eternity?

No. XIII.---RELATIVE DUTIES. Col. iii, 18.-25 ; iv, 1;

1 Pet. ii, 13--25 ; iii, 1--9; Eph. v, 21--33 ; vi, 1--9; Titus ii, 1.-15; iii, 1, 2; Deut. i, 17.

Wives. Do I submit to my husband as is fit in the Lord ? Is my adorning the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit? Do I seek the spiritual welfare of my liusband---to win him by

my conversation to Christ?

Husbands. Do I love my wife even as Christ loved the Church, and as my

own body? Am I ever bitter against her; or do I love, nourish, and cherish

her as myself?

Do I obey my parents in all things for the Lord's sake ?
Do I not only obey, but also honour my father and mother?

Parents. Do I bring my children up in the nuture and admonition of the

Lord? Do I never give way to angry passions, provoking my children

to wrath?

Servants. Am I obedient unto my master with fear and trembling, in

singleness of heart as unto Christ? Do I labour with eye-service as a man pleaser, or as a servant

of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart ? Do I seek to please my master well in all things---not answering

again? Do I shew all good fidelity, not purloining, and this to adorn

the doctrine of Christ?

Masters. Do I give unto my servants that which is just and equal,

remembering my heavenly Master ? Do I seek their spiritual, as well as their temporal welfare? Do I forbear threatening ?

Subjects. Do I honour the king? and obey magistrates? Am I subject to principalities and powers, and ready to every

good work? Do I speak evil of no man, being no brawler, but gentle, and shewing all meekness to all men ?

Rulers, or Magistrates. Do I act without respect of persons, whether small or great? Am I just, ruling in the fear of God? Am I using the influence of my station for the advancement of


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