BY NATHANIEL MORTON, SECRETARY TO THE COURT FOR THE JURISDICTION OF NEW-PLIMOUTH. SIXTH EDITION. ALSO GOVERNOR BRADFORD'S HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH COLONY; BRADFORD'S DIALOGUE; GOV. WINSLOW'S WITH NUMEROUS MARGINAL NOTES AND AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING NUMEROUS ARTICLES RELATING TO THE LABORS, PRINCIPLES, AND CHARACTER OF THE PURITANS AND PILGRIMS. Itur in antiquam sylvam. BOSTON: CONGREGATIONAL BOARD OF PUBLICATION. 16 TREMONT TEMPLE. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1854, by SEWALL HARDING, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. CAMBRIDGE: ALLEN AND FARNHAM, PRINTERS. 9830 4 AS ALSO A NOMINATION OF DIVERS OF THE MOST EMINENT AND AFTER PROGRESS OF SUNDRY OF THE RE- Published for the use and benefit of present and future generations, SECBETABY TO THE COURT, FOR THE JURISDICTION Dent. TTTil. 10. — Ho found him in a desert land, In the waste howling wilderness Jer. ii. 2, 3.-I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espou- Deat. viii. 2, 16. — And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BT S. O. AND M. J. FOR JOnN USHER OF BOSTON. TO THE READER. It is much to be desired there might be extant A Compleat History of the United Colonies of New-England, that God may have the praise of his goodness to his People here, imd that the present and future Generations may have the benefit thereof. This being not attainable for the present, nor suddenly to be expected, it is very expedient, that (while sundry of the Eldest Planters are yet living) Records and Memorials of Remarkable Providences be preserved and published, that the true Originals of these Plantations may not be lost, that New-England, in all times to come, may remember the day of her smallest things, and that there may be a furniture of Materials for a true and full History in after-times. For these and such-like Reasons we are willing to Recommend unto the Reader this present Narrative as a Useful Piece. The Author is an approved godly man, and one of the first Planters at Plimouth. The Work itself is Compiled with Modesty of Spirit, Simplicity of Style, and truth of Matter, containing the Annals of New-England for the space of 47 years, with special reference to Plimouth Colony, which was the first, and where the Author hath had his constant abode: And (yet so far as his Intelligence did reach) relating many remarkable Passages in the several Colonies: and also making an honourable mention of divers of the most Eminent Servants of God that have been amongst us in several parts of the Country, after they had finished their course. We hope that the Labour of this good man will find a general Acceptance amongst the People of God, and also be a means to provoke some or other in the rest of the Colonies (who have had knowledge of things from the beginning) to contribute their Observations and Memorials also; by which means what is wanting in this Narrative may be supplied by some others: and so in the issue, from divers Memorials there may be matter for a just History of New-England in the Lord's good time. In the mean time, this may stand for a Monument, and be deservedly acknowledged as an Ebenezer, that Hitherto the Lord hath helped us. March 26, 1669. John Higginson,* • Minister of Salem, died Dec. 9, 1708, in the 93d year of his age. t First minister of the Old South Church, in Boston, died October 15, 1678. |