them unless their legs are hit also. In the autumn and in the spring there come a great many geese, which are very good, [to eat,] and easy to shoot, inasmuch as they congregate together in such large flocks. There are two kinds of partridges; the one sort are quite as small as quails, and the other like the ordinary kind here. There are also hares, but few in number, and not larger than a middle-sized rabbit; and they principally frequent where the land is rocky. "This, sir, is what I have been able to communicate to you from memory, respecting New Netherland, and its neighborhood, in discharge of my bounden duty; I beg that the same may be so favorably received by you, and I beg to recommend myself for such further service as you may be pleased to command me in, wherever you may find me. "In every thing your faithful servant, "ISAACK DE RASIERES." . INDEX. A. Admission to the church, mode of, 433; altered, 435, 436. Advice to the rising generation, 222. Agreement between the Adventurers and Planters, 279, 280, 316. Alden, Mr. John, 115, 118, 121, 139. Ainsworth, Mr. Henry, living on ninepence a week, 345, 351, 352. Allerton, Mr. Isaac, sent to England, 85, 315; returns, 316; sent again, 318. Anabaptism, 211. Anagrams, 174, 183, 184. Ann, a ship of this name came bringing Timothy Hatherly and George Andross, Sir Edmund, arrived with large commission, 227. Antinomianism, made great trouble at Boston, 133. Arminian controversy, 256. Articles of Faith and Covenants, 459-464; of the First Church in Salem, Atwood, Mr. John, 139; died, 150; character of, 150. Baylie, Mr. Robert, 335, 405, 413. B. Baptism, 101, 424, 434; questions to be answered at the baptism of children, 462. Barrow, Mr. Henry, the martyr, 324, 337-341, 404. Bernard, Richard, 469. Blackwell, Mr., 273-276. Blasting and mildew and other adverse providences, 200, 201, 205, 208. Bourne, Mr. Richard, character and labors of, 382-384, 390. Bradford, William, Jr., born, 312; notice of, and his descendants, 180, 181. Bridges, Master of ship James, 66. Bright, Mr., came with Higginson, 97. Bromhead, Hugh, 471. Brown, Mr. Samuel, and brother made trouble, 100; sent back to England, 101. Brown, Mr. John, assistant Gov., 139; death of, 193. Brownists, 329. Brownism, 427-431; false charge of, 443, 444. Bulkley, Mr. Edward, 143. C. Canada, unsuccessful attempt upon, 228. Cape Ann, 309, 312. Cape Cod, named by Capt. Gosnold, and reasons for the name, 21; reasons for remaining on, 29. Carr, Sir Robert, 204. Cartwright, Esq. Geo., went for England, 204. Carver, John, agent to Virginia, 14; chosen governor, 26; sickness and Caterpillars, numerous and destructive, 159. Charlestown, organization of the church there, 442. Chauncy, Mr. Charles, 143. Children, state of considered, 101; catechized Sabbath noon, 434. Church Discipline, 408-418. |