ing through the press." The peculiarity of the suppressed passages in the notes, three of them at least, is, that they favor Unitarianism, and the other objects to one of the alleged proofs (not drawn from editorial labors) of the "corruption of human nature." Now these mutilations as the work was going through the press could not, of course, have been the effect of accident, nor, we should suppose, of any innate repugnance of the metallic types to be arranged in sentences containing supposed heretical sentiments. The editor, indeed, as we have seen, takes the whole blame in the case to himself. Yet the two parts of his apology, consisting of two short sentences, seem to us not very coherent. He first says, that "his absence from the city" occasioned the omissions, as if they were made without his knowledge and against his will, - and then, in the next sentence, that the "mistake is wholly his own." A mistake it most certainly is, if nothing worse, for an editor to send out a professed reprint in a mutilated or garbled form. Such a "mistake," detected, destroys public confidence at once. That our readers may be able to judge for themselves of the character of the omitted notes, or parts of notes, we will give two of them. The first belongs to page fifty-three, vol. i. of the American Edition. "Mr. Neal, in his review of the transactions of this year, has also omitted to inform his readers that the doctrines established by the Reformers by no means met with an implicit reception from all. The doctrine of the Trinity was denied by many, and Unitarian sentiments were so plainly avowed, and spread so fast, that the leading churchmen were alarmed at it, and feared their generally prevailing. Mr. Strype's words are 'Arianism now showed itself so openly, and was in such danger of spreading further, that it was thought necessary to suppress it, by using more rugged methods than seemed agreeable to the merciful principles of the profession of the Gospel!' Lindsey's Historical View of the state of the Unitarian Doctrine and Worship, p. 84. - ED." The following was cut off from one of Toulmin's notes on page 138 of the American reprint. Did Mr. Choules fear to circulate it among his Baptist brethren? "It should be added that one ground of the odium which fell on those who were called Anabaptists, was their deviation from the established creed, in their ideas concerning the person of Christ and the doctrine of the Trinity, which shows at how early a period of the Reformation Unitarian sentiments arose among the more thoughtful and inquisitive, but the hand of power was lifted up to suppress their growth and spread. ED." Very slight mutilations of notes appear afterwards, under circumstances which would lead one to suppose, that the omission was made to prevent the necessity of carrying a line or two over upon the next page. No doubt a trifling expense of paper may be saved in this way. The edition is not free from typographical errors. For the rest, it is in a convenient form for reference, and Mr. Choules's notes, which consist mostly of extracts, add to the value of the work, if the extracts are correctly given. L. Consolatory Views of Death: addressed to a Friend under Bereavement: to which are added, some Prayers in Affliction. By HENRY COLMAN. Boston: A. D. Phelps. 1844. 12mo. pp. 53. Without offering any views absolutely novel, though, as the author says in his preface, "different from those which are generally received," this little manual for the afflicted, suggests trains of thought which may be profitably pursued and which will afford support under the loss of friends. The writer does not regard death as a "curse," but as a "law of our being, and consequently as a divine appointment," and this view disarms it of its terrors and should reconcile our minds to it, whether it fall on ourselves or on those we love. The prayers at the close are founded on Christian ideas of suffering, and will be found suited to minds which turn to religion for consolation and peace. L. Library of American Biography. Conducted by JARED SPARKS. Second Series. Vol. iii. Boston: Little & Brown. 1844. 12mo. pp. 432. This volume relates mostly to the Colonial history of our country. It opens with the Life of General John Sullivan, by Mr. O. W. B. Peabody. Next follows what is called a Chapter on American History," by Mr. C. F. Hoffman, being an account of the "Administration of Jacob Leisler," who was executed as a "rebel" in 1691, and was the "first and only political martyr," says Mr. Hoffman, "who ever stained the soil of New York with his blood." A little earlier than this occurred what is called "Bacon's Rebellion," in Virginia, and a "Memoir of Nathaniel Bacon," the leader in it, by Rev. William Ware, forms the third article of biography in the volume. The fourth is by Rev. G. E. Ellis, and consists of a "Life of John Mason of Connecticut," well known from his connection with the Pequot war. It is unnecessary to say anything in commendation of a volume on such subjects by such writers. L. Landscape Gardening and Rural Architecture; adapted to North America. By A. J. DOWNING. Second edition. New York and London: Wiley & Putnam. 8vo. pp. 479. The publication of a second edition of this elegant treatise is a fact affording peculiar gratification, inasmuch as it testifies that the work has found a sale, and, what is of more consequence, readers. The circulation of such books cannot fail to have a refining and elevating influence on the public taste and morals, while the patronage actually bestowed upon them is a sign that the process of amelioration has already begun and is in progress. The author is an enthusiast only in a good sense, and adorns his pages with the fruits of an accomplished literary character. Every lover of rural beauty is probably acquainted with their contents. They who have not yet been so fortunate as to read them may be induced to do so by seeing the titles of the chapters, which are as follows: Historical Sketches; Beauties of Landscape Gardening; Wood and Plantations; Deciduous Ornamental Trees; Evergreen Ornamental Trees; Vines and Climbing Plants; Treatment of Ground and Formation of Walks; Treatment of Water; Landscape or Rural Architecture; Embellishments, Architectural, Rustic and Floral. Interspersed with these are numerous finished engravings. It is surprising to see to what perfection gardening and the transplanting of trees may be carried as a distinct art. The whole subject has so close and obvious relations with the love of home, patriotism, attachment to the soil, and the contentment and civilization of the people, that it may, without violence, be included within the range of moral studies, - H. European Agriculture and Rural Economy. From personal observation. By HENRY COLMAN. Vol. I. Parts 1 and 2. Boston: A. D. Phelps. 1844. pp. 80 and 185. Mr. Colman has been absent on his European tour, we believe, nearly two years, and the larger part of this period has been passed in Great Britain. Bringing, as he did, the mature experience of years devoted to the practical study of agriculture into his present investigations, the result cannot but be of great service to the interests of good husbandry. Evidences of Mr. Colman's careful regard for particulars appear in the two numbers of his Report already published. In addition to those extended accounts of horticultural and farming operations that of course occupy the body of the work, there are several very interesting sections devoted to collateral topics; such as English Capital, Systems of Labor, Condition of the various Classes of English population, Rents and Taxes, Game and the Game Laws, Botanical Gardens, Climate of England, etc. The accounts given of the sufferings and ignorance of great masses of English laborers, with the discussions of the author that accompany them, present some very serious considerations to all thinking and feeling men, as well as to statesmen and political economists. The humane and philanthropic spirit that animates his remarks, imparts to them a peculiar value. The style is adapted to the subject, and to those who are likely to be the most numerous class of readers, - being simple, direct, vigorous and manly. We have noticed a sedulous purpose to avoid giving the least offence to British ears by any misrepresentation, or unqualified animadversion. It is certainly a refreshing thing to look over the list of subscribers to this work, and observe how many of our leading citizens and of the political counsellors of the country have a taste pure enough to appreciate these rational, calm, and elevated studies. The treatise, when completed, must form a valuable contribution to Agricultural science. From the tone and ability with which the writer treats of the position, wrongs and prospects of the working classes, we are led to welcome his intimation that he may hereafter devote a separate work to that subject. H. Notes on Cuba, containing an Account of its Discovery; a Description of the Face of the Country, its Population, Resources and Wealth; its Institutions, and the Manners and Customs of its Inhabitants. With Directions to Travellers visiting the Island. By a PHYSICIAN. Boston: J. Munroe & Co. 1844. 12mo. pp. 359. This volume, fulfilling the promise given in the title, contains much statistical and historical information, along with a description of climate, manners, and vegetable productions, and all, as we have reason to believe, in an authentic form. The narrative is lively and agreeable, and the whole may be read with pleasure and profit. L. Historical Address and Poem, delivered at the Bi-centennial Celebration of the Incorporation of the Old Town of Reading, May 29, A. D. 1844, with an Appendix. Boston: S. N. Dickinson. 1844. 12mo. pp. 131. We have met with no notice of this celebration in any of our public prints, and it is only recently, and then by loan, that we have been able to procure the reading of a copy of the neat little volume to which it has given birth. The difficulty of obtaining copies is explained by the fact, that two hundred were lost by fire at the bindery. The volume contains "Historical Notices of Reading and South Reading," in an Address by Rev. Dr. Flint of Salem, a native of Reading, and a Poem delivered on the occasion by Lilley Eaton, Esq., of South Reading, with the usual accompaniment of Notes, and an account of the celebration. Discourses of this kind, the materials of which are furnished by "old registers" and floating traditions, we always welcome. They possess something more than a local and temporary interest. They are the fountains of history, and furnish pictures full of interest of the manners and opinions of the times to which they relate. The original settlers of Reading, it seems, went from Lynn, "prolific mother" of "ten towns," containing in 1829" more than twenty thousand inhabitants." Dr. Flint begins with the beginning and traces the history of Reading down to the present time, in a manner which does credit to his diligence and fidelity. He finds few stirring incidents to relate, but we come now and then upon touches of domestic life and curious anecdotes which relieve the necessary dryness of mere historical detail. - The Poem is wholly domestic. The author places before his imagination a sort of map of the place as it was, and out of it selects figures which he presents, mostly in a humorous way, and with no little sprightliness and point. - An interesting extract is given in the Appendix from a letter of John Prentiss, Esq., of Keene, N. H., son of a former minister of Reading, containing reminiscences, and some amusing passages taken from memoranda of his father preserved in the interleaved "family almanac." We were about to make two or three short extracts, but our space forbids. The following of only two lines, however, we cannot forbear quoting. It is under date of April 15, 1778. "This evening I agreed with Betty (the 'help') to tarry with us another year. I am to give her £13 6s. 8d. and the Small Pox." L. Nature and Art: A Poem delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Infatuation: a Poem spoken before the Mercantile Library By PARK BENJAMIN. pp. 31. We could, had we space, quote from Mr. Story's Poem some beautiful passages, and we should be glad to give an extract from the Note in which the characteristics of Goethe and Schiller are stated according to the author's conception of them. Those who had the privilege of hearing the poem will recollect the lines in which the two poets are introduced. The author, who differs from Mr. Putnam in his estimate of Goethe, has added to them two lines the better to express his meaning, in consequence, as he says, of some misapprehension of it "“ on the part of the |