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"All nations'; meaning of, 96; all the world's people, 96,

American Canal Commission, negotiated with France, 44.
American Peace Society, flag on Ancon, 46.
America; did she build canal for self? 126, 221.

Arbitration; asked by England, 18.

Ambiguity; explained by parol, 98.

Ancon; first ship at formal opening, 46, 47.
Atrato river, 30.

Arthur, President, 210.

Balboa finds the Pacific, 10.

Bastidas Rodrigo, 9.

Bard amendment, defeated, 91.

Blaine, James G.; would declare by proclamation equality

to all nations "on the globe," 90.

Belgium; war against, 5.

Bernhardi Von; neutrality a "paper bulwark," 5, 204.

British statemert, by Sir Grey, 121.

Boundaries of canal sufficient, 85.

Bunau-Varilla, 20, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 43, 95.

Bluntschli; theory of the state, 110.

Canal history, 205.

Cass, Lewis, 88.

Citizens; may express private view, 3; have part of gov-

ernmental power, 123.

Chagres river, 9, 10; proposed dam, 30.

Clay, Henry, 87.

Canal charter, Panama grant, 39.

Canal Commission recommends canal purchase, 210.

Clayton, John M., 15, 19, 103.

Chicago Legal News, article printed in, 196.

Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 15; dispute over, 17; America

would not give it up, 18; mentioned, 26.

Cleveland, Grover, 89, 210.

Conclusion, the, 221.

Constitution, no control beyond the nation, 105.
Constitutional equality; chapter on, 181; Mayflower com-
pact, 182; class laws now the rule, 182; public prop-
erty equal to all, 181; constitutional extracts, 183;
taxes laid by all for benefit of all, 185; seek class
laws as religious duty, 187; government maxims, 188;
state's property belongs to all, 188; one rule for rich
and poor, 189; men under state should be equal, 189;
social equality given by higher power, 189; “Satel-
lites less than Jove," 189.

Colombia; U. S. attempts to buy from, 34; failure, 35; ten
years after, 37; new treaty signed by, 37.

Columbus; his discoveries, 8; never saw the Pacific, 9;
his arrest, 8.

Cortez, proposed to build canal, 10.

Choate, Joseph; helped to secure English treaty, 26.
Cocoli river, 129.

Colon, 130.


Congress; passes repeal bill, 56; arguments before, 57,
patriotism claimed by both sides, 57; sovereignty
plea, 59; influenced by citizens, 3.

Congressional documents, 205.

Congressional oratory; chapter on, 135; Knowland's sym-
posium, 135; arguments by senators, 135; Root and
O'Gorman the leaders in debate, 136; O'Gorman's
speech, 136; Root's speech, 147.

Cromwell, Wm. Nelson, 206.

Culebra Cut, 130; slides, 36, 46, 128, 133.

Dams, 129, 130, 207.

Darien, 9.

Davis, Senator; report as chairman of committee, 91.
Department of State, 6.

DeLesseps; at Suez and Panama, 30; Congress of En-
gineers, 30; Suez Canal, 171; Panama Canal, 207 208;
before Congress, 210.

Diplomacy, conducted by officials, 122.

Dobson, C. E., says canal not like river, but connects two
oceans, 62.

Domestic arguments made at home by citizens, 122.

Eads, J. B., 224.

England; early colonies, 12; called for arbitration, Nica-
ragua dispute, 18; questions toll exemption, 54.

Earthquakes, 212.

Equality under government, 181.

Eminent domain, 40; international, 195.

Evarts, William M., said treaty no protection in war, 88,

Every Evening, Wilmington, 6, 105.

Exemption Act, 48; repeal, 54; Sims bill passed, 56; vote
on repeal, 66; Americans made arguments for and
against, 122; private citizens took part in discussion,


Equilibrium; government cannot create personal, 189.
France; early colonies, 12; sold canal to U. S., 29, 44; on
the isthmus, 30; people divided on canal, 33; received
pay for canal, 45.

Fairbanks, Senator, remarks by, 219.

Ferdinand, King, 8, 9.

Fish, Hamilton; tried to have changed, Clayton treaty, 22.
Fortification; chapter on, 99; right of granted by Pan-
ama, 43.

Garfield, President, 210.

Gatun dam, 129; dam site fixed, 207.

Grant, U. S.; and the canal, 21, 208; crossed the isthmus,
21; created a commission, 21; "American canal on
American soil," 22.

Gleanings, 205.

Goethals, George W.; chief engineer, 46.

Grey, Sir Edward; important statement, 121.

Government cannot create a personal equilibrium, 189.

Harrison, President, 210.

Hayes, President; spoke of canal, 88, 208, 210.

Hay, John; secures English treaty, 26; signs Panama
treaty, 35; favored canal equality, 95, 221; construed
Panama treaty, 214.

Hay-Varilla treaty; made, 35; full discussion of, 39; text
of, see Appendix.

Hay-Pauncefote treaty; full discussion of, 23; only Eng-

land and U. S. bound by, 27; six Suez rules, 27;

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