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again! Papa, do let me have one ride with you! Please do. I am sure we can manage it somehow."

And "somehow" it was managed. "Somehow all Molly's wishes came to pass; there was only one little drawback to this week of holiday and happy intercourse with her father. Everybody would ask them out to tea. They were quite like bride and bridegroom; for the fact was, that the late dinners which Mrs. Gibson had introduced into her own house, were a great inconvenience in the calculations of the small teadrinkings at Hollingford. How ask people to tea at six, who dined at that hour? How, when they refused cake and sandwiches at half past eight, how induce other people who were really hungry to commit a vulgarity before those calm and scornful eyes? So there had been a great lull of invitations for the Gibsons to Hollingford teaparties. Mrs. Gibson, whose object was to squeeze herself into "county society," had taken this being left out of the smaller festivities with great equanimity; but Molly missed the kind homeliness of the parties to which she had gone from time to time as long as she could remember; and though, as each three-cornered note was brought in, she grumbled a little over the loss of another charming tête-à-tête with her father, she really was glad to go again in the old way among old friends. Miss Browning and Miss Phoebe were especially compassionate towards her in her loneliness. If they had had their will she would have dined there every day; and she had to call upon them very frequently in order to prevent their being hurt at her declining the dinners. Mrs. Gibson wrote twice during her week's absence to her husband. That piece of news was quite satisfactory to the Miss Brownings, who had of late months held themselves a great deal aloof from a house where they chose to suppose that their presence was not wanted. In their winter evenings they had often talked over Mr. Gibson's household, and having little besides conjectures to go upon, they found the subject interminable, as they could vary the possibilities every day. One of their wonders was how Mr. and Mrs. Gibson really got on together; another was whether Mrs. Gibson was extravagant or not. Now two letters during the week of her absence showed what was in those days considered a very proper amount of conjugal affection. Yet not too much at elevenpence halfpenny postage. A third letter would have been extravagant. Sister looked to sister with an approving nod as Molly named the

second letter, which arrived in Hollingford the very day before Mrs. Gibson was to return. They had settled between themselves that two letters would show the right amount of good feeling and proper understanding in the Gibson family: more would have been extravagant; only one would have been a mere matter of duty. There had been rather a question between Miss Browning and Miss Phoebe as to which person the second letter (supposing it came) was to be addressed. It would be very conjugal to write twice to Mr. Gibson; and yet it would be very pretty if Molly came in for her share.

"You've had another letter, you say, my dear," asked Miss Browning. "I dare say Mrs. Gibson has written to you this time?

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"It is a large sheet, and Cynthia has written on one half to me, and all the rest is to papa."

"A very nice arrangement, I am sure. And what does Cynthia say? Is she enjoying herself?"

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Oh, yes, I think so. They have had a dinner-party, and one night when mamma was at Lady Cumnor's, Cynthia went to the play with her cousins."


Upon my word! and all in one week? I do call that dissipation. Why, Thursday would be taken up with the journey, and Friday with resting, and Sunday is Sunday all the world over; and they must have written on Tuesday. Well! I hope Cynthia won't find Hollingford dull, that's all, when she comes back."

"I don't think it's likely," said Miss Phobe, with a little simper and a knowing look, which sate oddly on her kindly innocent face. "You see a great deal of Mr. Preston, don't you, Molly!"

"Mr. Preston!" said Molly, flushing up with surprise. "No! not much. He's been at Ashcombe all winter, you know! He has but just come back to settle here. What should make you think so!"

"Oh! a little bird told us," said Miss Browning. Molly knew that little bird from her childhood, and had always hated it, and longed to wring its neck. Why should not people speak out and say that they did not mean to give up the name of their informant? But it was a very favourite form of fiction with the Miss Brownings, and to Miss Phœbe it was the very acme of wit.

"The little bird was flying about one day in Heath Lane, and it saw Mr. Preston and a young lady we won't say who walking together in a very friendly manner, that is to say, he was on horseback; but the path


is raised above the road, just where there is
the little wooden bridge over the brook”.
"Perhaps Molly is in the secret, and we
ought not to ask her about it," said Miss
Phoebe, seeing Molly's extreme discomfiture
and annoyance.

"It can be no great secret," said Miss Browning, dropping the little-bird formula, and assuming an air of dignified reproval at Miss Phoebe's interruption, "for Miss Hornblower says Mr. Preston owns to being engaged

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up, for by the striking of the church clock she had just found out that it was later than she had thought, and she knew that her father would be at home by this time. She bent down and kissed Miss Browning's grave and passive face.

"How you are growing, Molly!" said Miss Phoebe, anxious to cover over her sister's displeasure. "As tall and as straight as a poplar-tree!" as the old song says.

"Grow in grace, Molly, as well as in good looks!" said Miss Browning, watching "At any rate it is not to Cynthia, that I her out of the room. As soon as she was know positively," said Molly with some ve- fairly gone, Miss Browning got up and shut hemence. "And pray put a stop to any the door quite securely, and then sitting down such reports; you don't know what mis- near her sister, she said, in a low voice, chief they may do. I do so hate that kind“ Phœbe, it was Molly herself that was of chatter!" It was not very respectful of with Mr. Preston in Heath Lane that day Molly to speak in this way, to be sure, but when Mrs. Goodenough saw them togethshe thought only of Roger; and the distress er!" any such reports might cause, should he ever hear of them (in the centre of Africa!) made her colour up scarlet with vexation.


Heighty-teighty! Miss Molly! don't you remember that I am old enough to be your mother, and that it is not pretty behaviour to speak so to usto me! 'Chatter' to be sure. Really, Molly


"I beg your pardon," said Molly, only half-penitent.


"I daresay you did not mean to speak so to sister," said Miss Phoebe, trying to make peace.

Molly did not answer all at once. She counted to explain how much mischief might be done by such reports.

"But don't you see," she went on, still flushed by vexation, " how bad it is to talk of such things in such a way? Supposing one of them cared for some one else, and that might happen, you know; Mr. Preston, for instance, may be engaged to some one else?"

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"Gracious goodness me!" exclaimed Miss Phoebe, receiving it at once as gospel. “How do you know?”


By putting two and two together. Did you not notice how red Molly went, and then pale, and how she said she knew for a fact that Mr. Preston and Cynthia Kirkpatrick were not engaged?"

"Perhaps not engaged; but Mrs. Goodenough saw them loitering together, all by their own two selves'

"Mrs. Goodenough only crossed Heath Lane at the Shire Oak, as she was riding in her phaton," said Miss Browning, sententiously. "We all know what a coward she is in a carriage, so that most likely she had only half her wits about her, and her eyes are none of the best when she is standing steady on the ground. Molly and Cynthia have got their new plaid shawls just alike, and they trim their bonnets alike, and Molly is grown as tall as Cynthia since Christmas.

was always afraid she'd be short and stumpy, but she's now as tall and slender as any one need be. I'll answer for it, Mrs. Goodenough saw Molly, and took her for Cynthia."

When Miss Browning "answered for it" Miss Phoebe gave up doubting. She sate sometime in silence revolving her thoughts. Then she said:

"It would not be such a very bad match after all, sister." She spoke very meekly, awaiting her sister's sanction to her opinion.

"Phoebe, it would be a bad match for Mary Preston's daughter. If I had known what I know now we'd never have had him to tea last September."

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Why, what do you know now?" asked Miss Phoebe.

"Miss Hornblower told me many things; some that I don't think you ought to hear, Phoebe. He was engaged to a very pretty Miss Gregson, at Henwick, where he comes from; and her father made inquiries, and heard so much that was bad about him, that he made his daughter break off the match, and she's dead since!" "How shocking!" said Miss Phoebe, duly impressed.

"Besides, he plays at billiards and he bets at races, and some people do say he keeps race-horses."

"But is not it strange that the earl keeps him on as his agent?

"No! Perhaps not. He's very clever about land, and very sharp in all law af fairs; and my Lord is not bound to take notice if indeed he knows- of the manner in which Mr. Preston talks when he has taken too much wine."

man may take too much wine occasionally, without being a drunkard. Don't let me hear you using such coarse words, Phœbe!" Miss Phoebe was silent for a time after this rebuke.

Presently she said, "I do hope it was not Molly Gibson."

"You may hope as much as you like, but I'm pretty sure it was. However, we'd better say nothing about it to Mrs. Goodenough; she has got Cynthia into her head, and there let her rest. Time enough to set reports afloat about Molly when we know there's some truth in them. Mr. Preston might do for Cynthia, who's been brought up in France, though she has such pretty manners; but it may have made her not particular. He must not, and he shall not, have Molly, if I go into church and forbid the banns myself; but I'm afraid - I'm afraid there's something between her and him. We must keep on the look-out, Phoebe. I'll be her guardian angel, in spite of

"Taken too much wine. Oh, sister, is he a drunkard? and we have had him to tea!" "I did not say he was a drunkard, Phoe- herself.” be," said Miss Browning, pettishly. "A

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From the Spectator.

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so successful in it that he several times broke

When the

Sir Francis, 12th September, 1810, succeeded him in the baronetcy, then withdrew from the house. Henry, the third son, was A NEW family at last! In the long roll of houses whose rise we have described passionately devoted to gambling, and was there are many who owe their original great- the "Entreprise Générale des Jeux" at ness to trade, but among the political fami- Paris. But some scandal being created by lies of the land, the men who fill Cabinets one of the heads of such an establishment and are thought of for high office, there is but this one belonging strictly to the order as the Barings passing night after night in the great gambling-houses, an understandof merchant princes. The earliest ancestor ing was come to for his withdrawal from the to whom they can be traced is Peter Baring, firm. Alexander Baring, the second son, who lived between the years 1660 and 1670 who thus remained at the head of the merat Gröningen, in the Dutch province of cantile establishment, was born 27th OctoOveryssel, the same province which pro- ber, 1774. He received a portion of his duced the ducal house of the Bentincks. education in Hanover, and completed it in One of his descendants, Francis Baring, England. He commenced his mercantile was pastor of the Lutheran Church at career in the house of Messrs. Hope, where Bremen, and in his clerical capacity came a friendship sprang up between him and over to London. His son John Baring Mr. Peter Cæsar Labouchere (who became being well acquainted with cloth-making, a partner in that house), which led to the settled at Larkbeer, in Devonshire, and marriage of the latter in 1796 to Alexander there set up an establishment for that manu- Baring's sister Dorothy. Their eldest son is facture. He married Elizabeth, daughter the present Lord Taunton. of John Vowler, Esq., of Bellair, and had Messrs. Hope returned to England in consefour sons and a daughter. The eldest son, John, and the third son, Francis, established quence of the occupation of Holland by the French under Pichegru, Alexander Baring themselves under the firm of John and left the house, and determined to visit the Francis Baring at London, originally with United States of America. At his depara view of facilitating their father's trade in ture his father confined his advice to two disposing of his goods, and to be in a posi- recommendations, -one of which was to tion to import the raw material required, purchase no uncultivated land, and the other such as wool, dye-stuffs, &c., themselves not to marry a wife there. The reasons he directly from abroad. The elder brother gave for this advice were that uncultivated afterwards withdrew, and retired to Exeter, lands can be more readily bought than sold and the house passed under the firm name again, and a wife is best suited to the home of Francis Baring, and afterwards under in which she was brought up, and cannot be that of Baring Brothers and Co., and rose formed or trained a second time. However, gradually to the highest commercial rank. Alexander Baring had not passed one year Francis Baring was born April 18, 1740, in the United States before he forgot both and became the intimate friend of Lord points of his father's advice. He purchased Shelburne, and his adviser in financial mat-large tracts of land in the western part of ters during his Ministry. The Minister the State of Pennsylvania, and laid out a styled him the "Prince of Merchants," and not inconsiderable capital (100,000 dols. at such was his recognized ability and influence in that capacity that William Pitt was glad to conciliate him by a baronetcy (May 29, 1793). He married in 1766 Harriet, daughter of William Herring, Esq., of Croydon, cousin and co-heiress of Thomas Herring, Archbishop of Canterbury, and by her had five sons and five daughters. His three eldest sons, Thomas, Alexander, and Henry entered, into the London establishment. his wife brought Mr. Baring a fortune of The eldest, Thomas, who on the death of

[*We are indebted for the principal part of our information respecting the early history of this family to Mr. Vincent Notte's "Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres; or, Reminiscences of a Merchant's Life" (1854), the facts detailed in which are understood to have been submitted to the revision of the late Lord Ashburton.]

the least) in the then Territory and now State of Maine, under the annexed condition of bringing a number of settlers thither within a certain term of years. He also married, in 1798, Anna, eldest daughter of Mr. William Bingham, of Philadelphia, who was at that time considered the richest man in the United States, and was a member of the Senate. On the death of her father

900,000 dols. The house of Baring now entered on monetary operations on a gigantic scale and of European importance. In 1818 Alexander Baring was enabled to perform a great national service to France. His house had taken a loan for that Government of 27,238,938 francs 5 per cent. rente,

at 67 francs, and thereby had freed France from the intended cordon of Russian, Prussian, and Austrian armies of 50,000 each for five years. But the Paris Bourse received some severe blows by the fall of the State paper from 67 to 58. The cause of this was a fall of 30 per cent. in the price of goods which accompanied the sudden reduction of four millions of pounds sterling in the Eng, lish paper circulation on the part of the Bank of England, and numerous mad speculations in the London and Paris funds. The loan taken by Baring and Co. was concluded in two portions, one of 14,925,500 francs at 66 francs 50 centimes, and the other of 12, 313,438 francs at 67. The rente fell to 58 francs before the contracting parties had the last portion in their hands. The whole Paris Bourse was violently agitated, the contractors saw that under such circumstances the strength was lacking to sustain so heavy an emission of State paper, and that there would be any number of failures in case so large an additional sum were put in circulation. Pretty nearly everybody lost their presence of mind except Alexander Baring. He persuaded the Duc de Richelieu to annul the contract for the last half of the loan, and prevailed on the bankers associated with him to relinquish it on their part. Mr. Baring on this occasion brought, it is said, the money power which he possessed over the plenipotentiaries at the Congress of Aix, Metternich, Nesselrode, Hardenberg, &c., to bear on Richelieu to induce him to consent to this measure.

ford, and sat for several years, but did not succeed in making any political position, being a bad speaker, and inheriting a natural stutter from his father. He married in 1833 Clare Hortense, daughter of Maret, Duke of Bassano, Napoleon's first Secretary of State, and settling at Paris, bought one of the most magnificent residences on the Place Vendôme for 1,600,000 francs, and has just (1864) succeeded to the family peerage of Ashburton. It was the death of Mr. Holland, the manager of the Barings, that brought about in 1825 a considerable change in the composition of the mercantile firm. John, third son of Sir Thomas Baring (elder brother of Alexander Baring), had, two years before this time, formed a commission-house in partnership with Mr. Joshua Bates, of Boston, under the firm of Bates & Baring. John Baring had brought into this firm 20,000l., and Mr. Bates about as much. Mr. Bates's ability and experience now led (on the advice of Mr. Labouchere) to an arrangement by which the firm of Bates & Baring was dissolved, and those gentlemen entered the house of Baring & Co. At the same time Mr. Thomas Baring, second son of Sir Thomas Baring, who had entered the house of Hope, at Amsterdam, but had found there no occupation suited to his talent and business spirit, also entered the London house of which his uncle, Mr. Alexander Baring was the head. In 1828 Alexander Baring, who had now devoted himself to politics, resolved to retire from the house he had hitherto conducted, and his son-in-law, Mr. Humphrey St. John Mildmay, entered it. There were thus five associates in the house

By his American wife Alexander Baring had four sons, the second of whom, Francis, born in May, 1800, the favourite of his father and mother, was intended by the Francis Baring, H. St. John Mildmay, former to follow in his footsteps, and become Joshua Bates, and the two brothers, Thomas the leading spirit of the firm in the next and John Baring. No business was to be generation. With this purpose he was in- entered into without the assent of three troduced into the London house, and allowed partners, and as it was foreseen that the son to transact several important matters in and son-in-law of Alexander Baring would America and elsewhere on his own responsi- be likely to vote together, leaving to Mr. bility. But although described as being Bates the casting vote, an arrangement was of a fine, manly, independent character, and made by which Francis and John Baring generally liked, he had not the judgment were removed from all participation in any to conduct mercantile enterprises, and was new business, and were to be called upon so unlucky in all his speculations that at last, for their votes only when the active managwhile retaining the nominal headship of the ers-Thomas Baring, Mildmay, and Bates firm, it was reduced by a new arrangement could not agree. The real head of the and his own disposition to a merely nominal commercial house is now Mr. Thomas Barpartnership, He once bought all the landing, who has for several years represented round the lake in which the city of Mexico stands, and his bills were honoured by his father, who, however, prevailed on the Mexican Government to cancel the contract as dangerous to the military security of the capital. He entered Parliament for Thet

Huntingdon in Parliament, and attached himself strongly to the Tory party, though always declining to accept office on the plea of his commercial engagements.

During his lifetime Alexander Baring was one, at any rate, of the heads of the political

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