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is thence called by that name among the whites. Nature furnishes few situations so eligible for defence, and barbarians have never rendered one more secure by art. Across the neck of land which leads into it from the north, they had erected a breastwork of the greatest compactness and strength, from five to eight feet high, and prepared with double rows of port-holes very artfully arranged. The figure of this wall manifested no less skill in the projectors of it, than its construction. An army could not approach it without being exposed to a double and cross-fire from the enemy, who lay in perfect security behind it. The area of this peninsula, thus bounded by the breast work, includes, I conjecture, eighty or a hundred acres.

In this bend the warriors from Oakfurkee, Oakchaya, Newyenka, Hillabees, the Fish-Pond, and Enfaula towns, apprised of our approach, had collected their strength. Their exact number cannot be ascertained, but it is said, by the prisoners we have taken, to have been a thousand. It is certain they were very numerous; and that relying with the utmost confidence upon their strength, their situation, and the assurances of their prophets, they calculated on repulsing us with great ease.

Early on the morning of the 27th, having encamped the preceding night at the distance of six miles from them, I detached General Coffee with the mounted men and nearly the whole of the Indian force, to pass the river at a ford about three miles below the encampment, and to surround the bend in such a manner that none of them should escape by attempting to cross the river. With the remainder of the forces I proceeded along the point of land which leads to the front of their breastwork; and at half past ten o'clk. A.M. I had planted my artillery on a small eminence, distant from its nearest point about eighty yards and from its farthest about two hundred and fifty; from whence I immediately opened a brisk fire upon its centre. With the musketry and rifles I kept up a galling fire whenever the enemy showed themselves behind their works, or ventured to approach them. This was continued, with occasional intermissions, for about two hours, when Captain Russel's company of spies and a part of the Cherokee force, headed by their gallant chieftain Col. Richard Brown, and conducted by the brave Colonel Morgan, crossed over to the extremity of the peninsula in canoes, and set fire to a few of their buildings which were there situated. They then advanced with great gallantry towards the breast work, and commenced firing upon the enemy who lay behind it.

Finding that this force, notwithstanding the determined bravery they displayed, was wholly insufficient to dislodge the enemy and that General

Coffee had secured the opposite banks of the river, I now determined upon taking possession of their works by storm. Never were men better disposed for such an undertaking than those by whom it was to be effected. They had entreated to be led to the charge with the most pressing importunity, and received the order which was now given with the strongest demonstrations of joy. The effect was such as this temper of mind foretold. The regular troops led on by their intrepid and skillful commander, Colonel Williams, and by the gallant Major Montgomery, were presently in possession of the nearer side of the breastwork; and the militia accompanied them in the charge with a vivacity and firmness which could not have been exceeded and has seldom been equalled by troops of any description. A few companies of General Doherty's Brigade on the right were led on with great gallantry by Colonel Bunch; the advance guard by the adjutant-general, and the left extremity of the line by Captain Gordon of the Spies, and Captain McMurray, of General Johnston's Brigade of West Tennessee Militia. Having maintained for a few minutes a very obstinate contest muzzle to muzzle, through the port holes in which many of the enemy's balls were welded to the bayonets of our muskets, our troops succeeded in gaining possession of the opposite side of the works. The event could no longer be doubtful. The enemy, although many of them fought to the last with that kind of bravery which desperation inspires, were at length entirely routed and cut to pieces. The whole margin of the river which surrounded the peninsula was strewed with the slain. Five hundred and fifty-seven were found by officers of great respectability whom I had ordered to count them; besides a very great number who were thrown into the river by their surviving friends, and killed in attempting to pass it by General Coffee's men, stationed on the opposite banks. Captain Hammond, who with his company of spies occupied a favorable position opposite the upper extremity of the breastworks, did great execution, and so did Lieutenant Bean, who had been ordered by General Coffee to take possession of a small island fronting the lower extremity. Both officers and men who had the best opportunity of judging, believe the loss of the enemy in killed not to fall short of eight hundred, and if their number was as great as represented to have been by the prisoners, and as it is believed to have been by Colonel Carroll and others who had a fair view of them as they advanced to the breast works, their loss must even have been more considerable—as it is quite certain that not more than twenty can have escaped. Among the dead was found their famous prophet Monaholl-shot in the mouth by grape-shot, as if Heaven designed to chastise his imposture by an appro

priate punishment. Two other prophets were also killed-leaving no others, as I learn, on the Tallapoosa. I lament that two or three women and children were killed by accident. I do not know the exact number of prisoners taken, but it must exceed three hundred-all women and children except three or four. The battle may be said to have continued. with severity for about five hours; but the firing and the slaughter continued until it was suspended by the darkness of the night. The next morning it was resumed, and sixteen of the enemy slain, who had concealed themselves under the banks. Our loss was twenty-six white men killed, and one hundred and seven wounded; Cherokees, eighteen killed and thirty-six wounded; friendly Creeks, five killed and eleven wounded.

The loss of Colonel Williams' regiment of regulars is seventeen killed and fifty-five wounded, three of whom have since died. Among the former were Major Montgomery, Lieutenant Somerville, and Lieutenant Moulton, who fell in the charge made on the works. No men ever acted more gallantly, or fell more gloriously.

Of the artillery company, commanded by Captain Parish, eleven were wounded, one of whom, Samuel Gainer, has since died. Lieuts. Allen and Ridley were both wounded. The whole company acted with its usual gallantry. Captain Bradford of the 17th U. S. Infantry, who acted as Chief Engineer and superintended the firing of the cannon, has entitled himself by his good conduct to my warmest thanks. To say all in a word, the whole army who achieved this fortunate victory have merited by their good conduct the gratitude of their country. So far as I saw or could learn, there was not an officer or a soldier who did not perform his duty with the utmost fidelity. The conduct of the militia on this occasion has gone far towards redeeming the character of that description of troops. They have been as orderly in their encampments and on the line of march as they have been signally brave in the day of battle. In a few days I shall take up the line of march for the Hickory grounds, and have everything to hope from such troops.

Enclosed I send you General Coffee's Brigade report.

I have the honor to be with great respect,

Your obedient servant,

VOL. XIX.-No. 1.-4

Andrew Jackson,

Major General.


In the year 1502, Christopher Columbus made his fourth voyage to the West, the mysterious attractive region that his brave but avaricious followers were beginning to regard as a possible El Dorado that might yield them unlimited riches, piles of gold, and precious stones.

The small vessels in which the intrepid travelers had to traverse the vast ocean separating the "New World" from their own beloved country were by no means commodious. The elements were none the less pitiless for that. Fair weather at first smiled upon them, but after the ships left Cuba, sea and sky seemed to lash themselves in fury; enormous waves constantly threatened to engulf the frail barks. Torrents of rain fell from the leaden clouds that ever and anon were rent by vivid streaks of lightning, first in one direction, then in another, now just overhead; while peal upon peal of thunder kept the atmosphere and all else quivering. That terrible tempest lasted several days; for many nights not a star was visible. The chronicles say that the voyagers only advanced two hundred and ten miles in sixty days, owing to the terrific gales and adverse currents.

Every one on board was more or less ill from exposure and overwork; it seemed certain that death must soon claim them all. When even the ever-brave commander had almost lost heart, land was sighted. Land! that most welcome cry, sweetest of all sounds to the ear of famished, stormdriven seamen.

It was a group of small islands.* Columbus afterward named the largest of them "Isle of Pines" (near Ruatan, in the Bay of Honduras) because of the great number of pine trees there. The Spaniards cast anchor at a short distance from the shore, quite uncertain, for the time being, of their whereabouts.

Once more the sun, unseen by them for some days past, gladdened the heart of the sailors, again casting bright rays athwart the now calm, rippling water. Never were tranquillity and repose more welcome to weary wanderers.

Columbus ordered his brother Bartholomew to go ashore and see what kind of people the inhabitants were, for the island was thickly populated. He then observed a good-sized vessel coming from the west. Before long it had reached and boarded the admiral's ship. This canoe was about

* According to Herrera, the "Guanacos."

eight feet wide; occupied by twenty-five men, besides several women and children, and freighted with much merchandise.

The Spanish commander was greatly surprised that the Americans manifested absolutely no fear or foolish wonder. They were self-possessed, evidently accustomed to travel, and all were decently clothed in garments of white cotton.

Being asked by Columbus if they would like to get on board his ship, men, women, and children unhesitatingly accepted the invitation, examining everything with manifest interest and intelligence. They then displayed the goods they had brought to sell on the islands; products of their land, utensils, tools, weapons, ready-made garments-some embroidered with many colors and large square mantles.

In return for a few of these things they received from Columbus articles. new and strange to them, therefore very acceptable, though of little real value.

Those people were the Mayas of Yucatan, then unknown to the Europeans, who persuaded one old man to remain with them a short time to be questioned about his country, while the others went to transact their business.

This was the first meeting of the Spaniards and Mayas; in fact the latter discovered the invaders and approached to make their acquaintance. We are not informed how Columbus made himself understood by the old man, who for a time remained on board as his visitor. Some natives had been taken on board at Cuba. Possibly they had learned a little Spanish, and also knew the Maya tongue, since the people of Yucatan had commercial intercourse with the islanders. We must remember that Columbus and his followers had discovered the West Indies ten years previously, and taken possession. What more natural than that some of the aborigines should have learned to speak Spanish?

It would seem that native traders had carried to the Mayas news of what was going on in Cuba, and that they, in consequence, were anxious to keep from their shores men who brought only sorrow and oppression to the vanquished; for the aged Indian took particular pains to make Columbus believe that Yucatan was not worth journeying to, but that by going east he could find countries where there was enormous wealth, gold being scattered over the ground as abundantly as stones elsewhere. He gained his point, and then rejoined his people, while Columbus returned eastward. The Mayas were yet to be undisturbed for fifteen years. We can imagine how, on their return home, the traders told of their meeting with the white men, and what consternation the news must have created

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