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it do not condemn it, but put it on its merits and let it work out its own salvation.

This is especially applicable to the present status of the Revised Christianity of these times. There are those who are doing things in the name of Spirit that the conservative thoughts in the majority of us cannot endorse. We cannot see this Truth used as a source of money-getting, and call it good, yet we should not condemn those who are so using it. Let them stand or fall by the law. If their work be of God, it will stand; if it be of men, or personality, it will fall.


General Stonewall" Jackson was once asked what was his understanding of the Bible command to be "instant in prayer," and "prayer without ceasing." His reply was: "I can give you my idea of it by illustration, if you will allow it, and will not think I am setting myself up as a model for others. I have so fixed the habit of my own mind that I never raise a glass of water to my lips without lifting my .heart to God in thanks and prayer for the water of life. Then when we take our meals, there is the grace. Whenever I drop a letter in the post office, I send a petition along with it for God's blessing upon its mission and the person to whom it is sent. When I break the seal of a letter just received, I stop to ask God to prepare me for its contents, and make it a messenger of good. When I go to my class room and await the arrangement of the cadets in their places, that is my time to intercede with God for them. And so in every act of the day I have made the practice habitual. "

Never tell bad news. If you have nothing goodsay nothing.-Jacques Albert.


258. Will you kindly explain what the Savior meant by "Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”—I. N. C

Jesus' statement implies that there is nothing of so much importance to man as his soul, and that nothing can be found worthy of exchange for his soul. Without attempting to define the soul, we will say that in this instance the word refers to the conscious mind upon the spiritual plane of activity. If a man gives his entire thought to material things, he stifles the activity of the higher or spiritual faculties, and he becomes subject to the influence of the more gross external things. Life seems to be given over to "The cares of the world, the flesh and the devil." He may "gain the whole world" of material possession, but he thereby loses his own soul," or his consciousness of his real, spiritual self. He even forgets that he ever possessed the power to think along spiritual lines, and he becomes unable to recognize the value of these higher faculties, taking in exchange the mess of pottage of mere worldly gain. Well may we ask, as Jesus did, "What doth it profit a man?"

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259. I wish you would explain in detail what you understand the intellect to be, for that is a point on which nearly all the New Thought people fail to show understanding. — H. W. D.

The intellect is that power of the conscious mind which takes cognizance of things; classifies and arranges knowledge gained; compares facts; reasons, and arrives at conclusions. Intellect is the man at the wheel of our life-boat, but Intelligence is the captain, both being necessary for the salvation of man. They cannot be separated if you would have the perfect man made manifest. Intelligence, like electricity, is everywhere present, and is the power of Omniscience. Intellect is the motor through which Intelli

gence is manifest. Intellectual knowledge alone is cold, theoretical, lacking the vivifying life of Intelli gence. Intellect is of the head, Intelligence is of the heart: Intellect is man, Intelligence is God.

260. Please give your views of the Bible teaching of guardian angels or spirits. Do you think that they have part in God's answer to prayer?-C. F. W.

Guardian angels or ministering spirits are the thoughts of good which we entertain, and which act as cause in bringing into manifestation conditions which accord with the character of the thought. It is in this way that they have their part in the answer to prayer. The desire, which is the prayer, is held constantly in mind, and thus creates wave after wave of thought current which finally overthrows all opposition and obstacles in the way of attainment, and the desired end is attained. Not through the intervention of entities. outside of ourselves are our prayers answered, but through the power or the ministry of our active faith. that, "All that the Father hath is mine." Our guardian angels are within our own souls.


What am I to do? I live on a farm and raise chickens. I do not wish to kill, but about half the chickens are males.-E. L.

There is no way out of the difficulty but to stop raising chickens. If you sold the males, you would become a party to the killing, and so be responsible for it. Better buy your eggs.


Please explain Exodus 34:13 "For thou shall worship no other God, for the Lord whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God."-R. L.

Note the two names God, and Lord. The Lord is the ruling state of consciousness. The state of consciousness which is full of zeal in the worship or service of God is jealous or zealous, in the sense that it watches the thoughts, that none swerve from the true

way of life. The word jealous here does not mean envious and resentful, but zealous for good - God.

I have seen it stated in UNITY that Christ meant Truth, and that the name Jesus meant man-viz: Jesus Christ meaningthe man having the knowledge of truth. Is this correct? and if so, please tell me in what language these words have their meaning.-C. W. B.

Jesus himself said, "I am the Truth."— John 14:6. Christ means the anointed. This anointing is the illuminating of the mind described by Isaiah 11:1, as The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord." In Luke 4:18 Jesus proclaimed himself the Truth-anointed one, given authority to preach the gospel. Jesus was the human name of the Lord given to him by his parents, hence the name of the personality or man. He was distinguished from the many others named Jesus in his day as " Jesus the Christ," or "Jesus the Wise One." - C. F.

Please give your interpretation of "I am the Word.''-E. S. Mc.

The original Greek gives the Word as the Logos, meaning the creative power of the I Am. God created the universe through the Word. Jesus was the Word made manifest through the flesh. The super-consciousness, or Christ-mind in us, is the same Word. So you see that when we proclaim "I am the Word,” we call into action supreme creative power. When we have this realization, of course, it naturally follows that we can speak and it will be done unto us. — C. F.

Be quiet; look up; smile back to God his lovesmile. We are all of us the offspring of God, more nearly related to God than to one another, for in him we live and move and have our being.-New York Observer.

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It is found that when many people hold the same thought there is unity, though they may be separated by thousands of miles, and that all who are connected with that unity are in touch with higher spiritual states, even Jesus Christ.

So there has gradually grown up this Society of Silent Unity, in which thousands in all parts of the world join every night at 9:00 o'clock, in thinking for a few moments one thought, which is given each month in the magazine UNITY. This we call the "Class Thought," and every member is expected to hold it at least five minutes at the beginning of the silence, in order to make the unity connection; after which, "Ask what ye will in my name, and it shall be done unto you."

Certificates of membership are issued without charge to those who make personal written application for them. To meet expenses, we ask members to send us free-will offerings, as no charge is made for any service we render.

This society has been in existence about fifteen years, and has over 15,000 registered members. Through its ministry thousands have been healed mentally and physically, and its power grows stronger day by day. The silent hour is 9:00 P. M., your local time. Geographical difference in time is not a factor in spiritual unity.

Beginners usually have a great many questions to ask, and they require a course ⚫f lessons and reading. To such we recommend the "Lessons in Truth," by H. Emilie Cady; paper, 500.

UNITY is published monthly, and contains a large amount of instruction. The price of it is $1.00 per year. Where members take UNITY and the "Cady Lessons" together, we make a rate of $1.35 for both.

The simple written request to be enrolled a member of the Silent Unity Society is all that is required to join with us.


Unity Bldg., 913 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.

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