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'SIGNS THAT FOLLOW." The most interesting publication that goes from this office is the paper called SIGNS THAT FOLLOW. It tells all about the healing work of the Society of Silent Unity, giving testimonials and extracts from letters, both to and from patients. In the last number are "Answers to Questions'' in which some fine points in spiritual guidance are brought out. Under the head of "Surgical Operations" through the power of the Spirit, are several that would be called miraculous had they occurred in any other age but this. Over one hundred cases of healing of physical and mental ills are attested in this number of the paper. These include "Children Yield Easily," "Peace of Mind and Understanding," "Colds Yield Quickly," "Prosperity and Success," "Healed of Drinking," and "Desperate Cases Healed."

The SIGNS THAT FOLLOW is especially adapted to beginners. It has no regular subscription price, but is supported by free-will offerings. We are always glad to send sample copies to those who are in need of health, prosperity, and spiritual understanding. Please send us a list of names.

It is not a re

If you receive a copy of UNITY marked "sample" it is meant for you to pass along where it will do good work. minder of the expiration of your subscription.

Three yearly subscriptions to UNITY will be entered upon our books for $2.00. This will afford our readers a most excellent opportunity for making Christmas presents to three of their friends at a small cost, and the magazine will come as a monthly reminder of the sender's good wishes, bringing with it an atmosphere of helpfulness and blessings.

Until the first of January a copy of "Directions for Beginners" will be sent with each yearly subscription to UNITY if request is made for same at the time the subscription is sent in.

A catalogue of Unity Publications will be sent to any address upon application.

We have on hand quite a supply of copies of UNITY and the SIGNS THAT FOLLOW waiting to be sent out where they will do good. Please send in the names of your friends who need them.

We make special rates on UNITY and WEE WISDOM to Sun. day Schools. If you are thinking of starting a school please write us for prices.


(The Word of

Truth.) By HANNAH MORE KOHAUS. Price 50 cents.

This priceless little book contains short treatments for nearly all diseases to which the human family is heir. These treatments are founded upon the positive, unalterable Truth that God, the absolute Good, is the one and only Power which, soon or late, will triumph over every seeming opposite; that eternal Life is the ever-present Reality, which may now, and must eventually become the self-conscious possession of everv living Being. Thousands of cases of diseases have been cured through the treatments contained in this marvelous book. It ought to be in every House and family. Send for a copy to R. Kohaus, 2903 Hermitage Ave., Ravenswood, Chicago.


Send your friends the beautiful booklet by Pauline E. Sayre of Brooklyn, N. Y. It is "Practical Application of Divine Principle in Our Every Day Life," being a series of three talks on the subject. Attractively bound in white and gold and contains 75 pages. "Truth Center"-313 a Quincy St.

We are in receipt of a picture from Walter DeVoe, called "The Soul Victorious," by Ella F. Pell. This dramatic picture portrays the victory of the awakened and perfected spiritual nature over the physical condition called death.

The spirit and soul which abide in the physical body, during physical life are shown separate from the body, exercising a conscious power and radiating the exalted illumination of the perfect state of soul attainment.

Size 73% x 12 inches. Price, 50 cents. Send orders direct to Walter DeVoe, 5226 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.

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THE UNITY EMBLEM PIN is just the thing for a Christmas present for either lady or gentlemen and solves the problem of "What shall I give?" Then too, all of the proceeds from the sale of the pins go toward liquidating the debt upon Unity Building, and we know that all of our readers are interested in that. How many pins shall we send you? Rolled gold plate; background of world in pink-tinted enamel, poles in red enamel. Pin, postpaid, $1.00.

A FREE HEALING CLINIC is held by Walter DeVoe every Saturday at 3 p. m. in room 9, 423 East 47 St., corner Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, Ill. Group meetings led by students are also held on Thursday at 2:30 and 7 p. m. at the same place.

J. H. C.



In this excellent delineation of the true way of attaining success the author "writes hot from the soul" what he knows to be true of the most effective steps to be taken in achieving prosperity and success. He tells us that a determined mind is a necessary feature in the accomplishment of any desired end, and “this quality may be developed by thinking of yourself as persistent in the one aim and purpose, and not by allowing others to determine what you shall do. Keep the thought constantly in mind: “I am determined, I shall succeed, until the quality is developed in the subconscious mind." Published by Elizabeth Towne, Holyoke, Mass. Cloth, price, $1.00.


To the many people who are convinced that the flesh-foods are a menace to health and life, and to those who refrain from all eating of flesh from humanitarian principles, this book will prove a boon. It tells how to prepare attractive and appetizing dishes from fruits, grains and nuts which have food values equal to and far in excess to that of the discarded meat. Menus are also given. Bound neatly in cloth and published by the New York Magazine of Mysteries, New York City. Cloth, price, $1.00. LADDER LESSONS. For Beginners in New Thought. BY Olive Verne RICH. Paper, price, 50 cents.

This book comprises a course of five lessons which are for all those who have not found and who wish to find within themselves that center of spirituality which is implanted within us by the Source of Being. These lessons are plain and practical, forceful and spiritual, and are indeed rungs in the ladder of spiritual progress upon which humanity may climb from all that which is less than good into the harmony of perfect life. The author has the merit of saying much with few words, but these words go right to the heart of the subject, and point the way to perfect dominion and peace. Published by the author, Seattle, Wash.


In this new book by Dr. Marden, we are shown that "kindness is catching," and that amiability is a powerful force. It treats of matters relative to business life, and preaches the higher success, the kind that uplifts one and gives him the right perspective in relation to his fellow-workers. The book is illustrated with excellent portraits of noted philosophers, statesmen and writers. Published by T. Y. Crowell & Co., New York. Cloth, price $1.25 net, postage 15c.

POWER; HOW TO DEVELOP IT. BY CHARLes Edgar Prather This excellent article appeared in the first number of the magazine Power, and we are glad to see it in the form of a booklet for more general distribution. It answers a world-wide

cry for instruction in the method of developing power, that much needed faculty to meet the demands of life. In addition to the original article is an explanation-the part which the power center in the body plays in the manfestation of power in the individual, which is timely, and substantially the position taken by those who recognize the purpose of these centers. Published by the Power Pub. Co., Denver, Colo. Price, 10 cents.


It is well known that B. Fay Mills was a noted Evangelist in the orthodox church. and many have asked why he changed his views. This little booklet answers this question most conclusively, convincingly, and will point to many another the way out from the present dissatisfaction which Churchism engenders. Reading this little booklet may reveal yourself to yourself. Price, 10 cents. THE MISSION OF A CHILDLESS WOMAN. BY ELIZABETH FRY PAGE.

A little booklet of only eight pages, but each page exeeeds in value many a whole book. It opens a field where powerful, creative thought is much needed, and provides opportunity for a blessed work for the race which may be counted as a privilege by many a loving heart. The book should be read by every woman, married or single and it has our heartiest commendation. Published by the Author, Nashville, Tenn. Price, 10 cents. THIS MYSTICAL LIFE OF OURS. BY RALPH WALDO TRINE. In answer to a general demand, Mr. Trine has collated from all of his writings certain articles on specific subjects and has arranged them in form for each week of the year. To have the best thought of these former books arranged by the author himself is sure to be most helpful. And then comes "a Sort of Creed," from which we quote a couple of statements:

"To do our own thinking, listening quietly to the opinions of others, and to be sufficently men and women to act always upon our own convictions. To get up immediately when we stumble, face again to the light, and travel on without wasting a moment in regret."

It is a book sure to be in great demand and one which will prove most helpful to all on the upward way. Published by T. Y. Crowell and Co., New York. Price, $1.00 net.

The WEE WISDOM Subscription list is fast doubling. Be one of those to get the benefit of this wonderful little magazine, which teaches the truth in such a simple, and interesting way.

Unity Tract Society carries a large stock of New Thought books. If there are any special ones you desire, write for prices. Information with regard to books and courses of reading for personal development cheerfully furnished. Address UNITY TRACT SOCIETY, Unity Building, 913-915 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo.

Begin the new year by subscribing to WEe Wisdom. Your children will learn through reading it the wonderful truth which has opened up to you. Only 50 cents a year.


Dear Friend:

E have thought for some time that we would write you about the Unity Building, as no doubt you are interested in it.

The location which we have is a beautiful one; the three-story building contains on the first floor our printing department, stock room, and Secretary's and Librarian's offices. On the second floor our parlor and auditorium. On the third floor the work of the "Society of Silent Unity" is carried on. It would surprise you to see the amount of mail that is sent out daily from Headquarters. It would surprise you still more to know the vast amount of good that is being done by our workers. Perhaps you have been benefited; if not, we know you can be. You can gather some idea of the amount of good that is being done by reading the testimonials that are published in "Unity" as well as in the "Signs That Follow."

In the construction of this building, the work was carried on entirely by faith, and the love offerings that have come from every section of the globe have been a wonderful demonstration of the Word.

Since the building was dedicated, we have put in a nice steam heating plant, and have had the auditorium, parlor, hall and stairway, Secretary's and Librarian's offices nicely decorated, and have many tokens of love in the form of furniture, rugs, pictures, chairs and tables, that make the place very homelike.

Quantities of reading matter from all over the world are at hand continually in the parlor for the use of those who desire to avail themselves of the opportunity to glean words of truth contained therein.

Since the building has been constructed, in addition to paying for heating plant, decoration and other necessary improvements, we have set aside $1000.00 for a sinking fund, and it has been suggested that we

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