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cannot be controlled in any other way. Can we clear a room of darkness except by bringing in the light? Can we banish the cold except by introducing warmth? Make the adjustment within and let externals take care of themselves. Remember you are dealing with no one but yourself, and in thus dealing with yourself, you are dealing with and for the whole world. We are so welded together that the victory of a single soul is the victory of every soul. Thus it was that Jesus accomplished the world's redemption. "And this," he says, "is the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith." Faith is but a form of love, and



I thank thee, Father, for today's supplies;
I thank thee that, beyond, the future lies
With smiling skies.

Yea, smiling, though they be awhile o'ercast
By clouds of gloom that may not, cannot last,
For over them broods Love's sky blue and vast.

Through love to light! Oh, wonderful the way
That leads from darkness to the perfect day!
From darkness and from sorrow of the night

To morning that comes singing o'er the sea!

Through love to light! Through light, O God to Thee, Who art the love of love, the eternal light of light!


The man who allows his life to justify itself, and who when reviled reviles not again, must be a very great and lofty soul.-Fra Elbertus.

I am very, very happy to write you that all is well with me. The "pearl of great price," the mystery of godliness, is mine, and my life is one of love, peace, harmony and health in God, my Father-Mother. While reading H. Emilie Cady's "Lessons in Truth" I was led to plainly see and desire to know, and be, and manifest God's love, his character and life. I seemed to lose sight of all else but this, and knew that health, prosperity, and every good thing would then follow, as they are a part of the essence or life of God. The thought that I would hold in the silence more than any other, and shall always, is this: "Open Thou mine. eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy Law," and be filled with a knowledge of Thy will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that I might walk worthy of Thee unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge. of God."

Oh, such a sweet, precious assurance is mine such a wondrous revelation of his love and power came to me and is mine! Now I know I am one with my Father and his Son Jesus Christ.


Words fail to express my gratitude to you for your loving interest and helps sent from time to time. had to know these things for myself. Our FatherMother God is just waiting to bestow the riches of his wisdom and life if we will but lose sight of all else but him as seeing him who is invisible. "The invisible things of Him from the foundation of the world are clearly seen and heard, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead." Health is mine—I can have nothing else in him.

The cough has almost disappeared entirely; it is no worry at all any more. The appendicitis is no more. The lump and soreness in the side are entirely

The action of stomach and bowels is very, very gone. good. My nerves are at rest. My supposed ill-health has been such an unnecessary expense for some time past. All plans had been made for the removal of the appendix, which would have cost my husband five hundred dollars. Indeed, we are very, very grateful to know the operation need never be. This love-offerwe are sending is very small, considering all that has been done for us. More will follow, as the ready

money comes to us. We have no worry or concern over that, as God is our supply - and what more do we need? The appearances of my husband's business are deceiving; we look beyond and over this all to the rich promise and supply in Our Father - Our Shepherd. It is all so simple and practical, yet such heights and depths of His love and wisdom for us to attain to and know of ourselves!

I have many opportunities to demonstrate the Truth daily. One severe test I want to relate you. It has brought God to us as nothing else could, and made unto us our Father-Mother. Our baby boy and only child is such a rich little treasure such a sweet, good baby, and has every loving care bestowed upon him. One day last week I had given him his toys to play with, and as usual went about my other duties the girl about hers. He had two small bottles to play with bright yellow and blue in color; these he has played with since he was old enough to hold anything. He is thirteen months old now. I soon heard him crying, but waited. It continued, so that I stepped to his door and there found him choking and strangling, trying to vomit. By the way, all that morning and the evening before he was in my mind, and I seemed to hold this thought for him firmly: "My baby is Spirit a part of God. nothing can hurt him or make him sick or afraid, for Spirit is God," etc.

As the struggles continued I started to run to our telephone to call my husband, as it was almost time

for him to return from the store at noon. I then looked on the floor and saw pieces of yellow glass. He had broken the bottle, and a piece was in his throat. For an instant the old nervous, faint, frightened feelings fought to return, but I said, "No here is the strong test; you have been saying and believing nothing can hurt him or make him sick, as he is Spirit, and nothing can." I kept to that persistently. The choking soon ceased; when his papa came he seemed as well and happy as ever, and he thought I was mistaken about the glass; but I was so certain of it as I saw him struggling and choking. The piece did not pass away for two days and nights, and then the size of it was a great surprise to us, and a sure proof that God alone took care of him. It was an inch long, about an inch wide, each end slivered down to sharp points and one side to a sharp razor edge. Had it passed through cross ways it would have cut stomach and bowels. Not a particle of injury was done. Every one that has seen it thinks it marvelous - a miracle. It has given me many opportunities to let light shine. It has led my husband to think and search deeper along these lines of Truth, and revealed God's Father-Mother love to me as nothing else has. Oh, how good-how glorious! heaven indeed it is to know these things — seeing the Invisible One always.

My husband still wishes you to treat the cough. He says nothing about it in the worried way any more. I have not a fear, as I know it is not, never has been or will be; it has almost entirely disappeared; also that his business affairs will be speedily cleared up. They are now. I know and believe it.

We want to thank you again for your loving help and interest. May you be. you are -" enriched by


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The ordinances of the orthodox Christian church are the "outward observance of an inward grace. Baptism is symbolical of that cleansing of the mind. which should precede the descent into it of Truth. “Repent,” is in the original Greek, "change your mind." When we are ready to change our thoughts for something better we are ready for the next step, baptism denial of sin or error thoughts. This includes more than a resolution to be good and believe in Jesus as our Savior. Sin covers a multitude of wrong and ignorant ways of thinking and acting. All sickness is the result of sin. It is a sin to think sickness possible to man.

The Holy Ghost is the same as the Spirit of Truth. When we have received a concept of our relation as spiritual beings to God, the old state of thought is easily dissolved and washed away by baptism or denial. Then there come into the mind ideas direct from the Fountain Head, and we see everything in a new light. If the narrative of the early church be taken literally, there was an entire change of property relations, the result of spiritual understanding. They sold their goods and put the proceeds into a common fund to which all had access according to their needs.

This community of interests is undoubtedly an essential part of Christianity, and will finally be recognized and adopted by those who follow the teachings of Jesus. Before it can be made successful there must be change of mind from things temporal to things spiritual. So long as we have in our minds the great importance of money, houses, lands, jewels, food and clothing, just that long will it be unsafe to put us in a community where all things are held in common. And these things will seem of great importance to us until we get hold of that inner Substance out of which all things are formed. The "breaking of bread, and

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