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AN OUTLINE OF MUSICAL FORM. Designed for Musical Students, both Amateur and Special.

By S. B. MATHEWS. The material for this book has been drawn from such German works as were accessible to the writer, and from a very thorough and patiengh ae duo

study of Musical Dama

ifested in the

connoteat Mestou It is the only treatise in English on this department of Musical Science

Price 60 cen


cheapest yet printed. Pope's Essay on Man.-Beautifully illustrated. Gilt $1; paper 5 c. The Gospel among Animals.-By the Rev. Dr. Osgood, 25c. Temperance in Congress. ÆSOP'S FABLES, Elegantly illustrated.-New pictorial edition; full of beautiful engravings, on tinted paper; cloth gilt, only $1. Handsomest and "Ten Minute Speeches," 25c. Annual of Phrenology and Physiognomy, 1868, only 25c; combined, for 1865-6-7 and '68, only 60c. S. R. WELLS, No. 389 Broadway, N. Y.

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A PRICE LIST has been prepared expressly with a view of supplying customers at a distance, with MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of every description at the lowest N. Y. prices. Especial care is given to this department, and customers can rely upon receiving as good an article as were they present to make the selection personally. Attention is invited to the assortment of Strings for Violins, Guitar, Banjo, etc., which can be sent by mail post-paid on receipt of the marked price. Also any pieces of SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, &c., of which catalogues are furnished on application. Send stamp for price list. For list of NEW MUSIC, see advertisement in another column. June ly

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Politics, Finance, Literature, Society, and Art.

The doubt that seems to have existed in the minds of many as to whether the United States could produce and sustain a journal correspondingly able, influential, and successful with the great London weeklies, such as the Spectator and Saturday Review, has now been set at rest.

The ROUND TABLE has achieved a success beyond precedent, and has now a larger circulation than that ever attained by any journal of similar class in this country. During the past year the receipts of the paper have doubled. "The ROUND TABLE," says the New York Leader, has achieved cosmopolitan success."

The American Press, of all shades of politics, and the ab'est Foreign Journals have passed upon the ROUND TABLE the highest enc miums. The following extracts will give some idea of the universal estimation in which the Round TABLE is held:

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The New York ROUND TABLE is the best literary paper published in the United States."-Trubner's Literary Record (London).

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Waters' First Premium Pianos, ing matter, printed in the finest style on splendid paper, and at a price withis

With Iron Frame, Overstrung Bass, and Agraffe Bridge;


The Best Manufactured, warranted for Six Years. Second-hand Pianos, Melodeons, and Organs at Great Bargains. Prices from $50 to $250. Any of the above Instruments for rent, and rent money applied, if purchased. Monthly Instalments received from twelve to eighteen months. CHICKERING'S, THE ARION, AND OTHER PIANOS FOR SALE AND TO RENT. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES MAILED.



The Horace Waters Pianos are known as among the very best.-N. Y. Erangelist. We can speak of the merits of the Horace Waters Pianos, from personal knowledge, as being of the very best quality.-Christian Intelligencer. MUSICAL DOINGS.-Since Mr. Horace Waters gave up publishing sheet music, he has devoted his whole capital and attention to the manufacture and sale of Pianos and Melodeons. He has issued a Catalogue of his New Instruments, giving a new Scale of Prices which show a marked reduction from former rates, and his Pianos have recently been awarded the First Premium at several Fairs. Many people of the present day, who are attracted, if not confused, with the flaming advertisements of rival piano houses, probably overlook a modest manufacturer like Mr. Waters, but we happen to know that his instruments earned him a good reputation long before Expositions, and the "honors" connected therewith, were ever thought of; indeed, we have one of Mr. Waters' Pianos now in our residence (where it has stood for years), of which any manufacturer in the world might well be proud. We have always been delighted with it as a sweet toned and powerful instrument, and there is no doubt of its durability; more than this, some of the best amateur players in the city, as well as several celebrated pianists, have performed on the said piano, and all pronounce it a superior and first-class ins.rument. Stronger endorsement we could not give.-Home Jour. Warerooms, No. 481 Broadway, New York. HORACE WATERS & CO.

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THE WEEK is entirely non-partisan in character. It gives what is brightest and best from every quarter. It is an epitome of the history of the world from week to week, and contains:

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Office of the Round Table and The Week,


NEWMAN HALL in America. Rev. Dr. HALL'S Lectures on Temperance and Missions to the Masses; an Oration on Christian Liberty, together with his reception by the N. Y. Union League Club. Reported by William Anderson. $1.00. S. R. WELLS, 389 5




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Prof. Amos Dean............. 150 Our Congressmen............ 151 My Nose... ....... 181

The Movement-Cure.......... 152 Origin of Mind in Compound

The Pipe and its Story........ 135 Dietetic Facts......


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Animals The Old, and the New, Broom 154 How to Pay our National ......... 155 155



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....... 155 156

Literary Notices........
To Our Correspondents....... 157
Publisher's Department...... 158
General Items...... ........ 159
The National Game.......... 164
A Female Accountant...

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The Journal.

Man, know thyself. All wisdom centers there;

To none man seems ignoble, but to man.-Young.



WE have here a large brain on a comparatively small body. The whole is fine, compact, and strong. There is something like whalebone in her composition, and her powers of endurance are great. The temperament, in the old nomenclature, is the nervous-bilious, with less of the lymphatic and sanguine. In the new nomenclature, the mental and motive predominating, with enough of the vital to give ease and elasticity of motion and expression. There is a good degree of the recuperative functions. The head is long, high, and tolerably broad, especially through Ideality, Sublimity, Construct. iveness, and Tune. Imitation is also

wil heendotin

large. The reflective faculties are espe-
cially prominent, hence the perceptives ap-
pear less conspicuous than they really are.

The whole intellect, as may be seen by the distance from the ear to the upper forehead, is decidedly large. Benevo

lence is one of the more prominent organs of the moral group, while Veneration, Spirituality, Conscientiousness, and Hope are large. So also are Approbativeness and Cautiousness. Self-Esteem is less prominent, though not small.

The affections are fully indicated. Indeed, nearly all the phrenological organs of the brain anteriorly may be said to be considerably above the average in development, and this view is confirmed by the biographical sketch annexed.

The complexion of Patti is dark; so is that of her family and race. The eyes and the hair are nearly jet black, while the skin is soft and white, making a striking contrast. The hair is abundant, and the heavy eyebrows really meet or come together, giving her a somewhat singular appearance. The chin is full, the mouth and lips marked, and the nose prominent; and notwithstanding her petite figure, there is not a little of the masculine in both feature and character.

We shall, no doubt, hear more of this natural born singer, for she inherits to a large extent her remarkable gift.


Miss Adelina Patti was born at Madrid, Spain, April 9, 1843. Her mother, Madame Barilli Patti, was the prima donna of the Grand Theater at Madrid; and on the evening preceding the birth of Adelina, the youngest of a large family, Madame had sung Norma, in which rôle she had a high reputation. Curiously enough, after the birth of Adelina, Madame Patti lost her voice almost entirely, and has always believed that it was given to the child.

Madame Patti left Madrid as soon as possible after Adelina's birth, and returned to Milan, the permanent residence of her family. Here the impressario Strakosch made the acquaintance of the prima donna, then only four months old.

The Patti family emigrated to this country in 1844, when Mr. Patti joined Sanquirico, the buffo, in the management of the Italian Opera, Chambers Street. There were four daughters of Madame Patti, all artists. The eldest, Clotilda Barilli, married the son of Colonel Thorne. Amalia, the next, is the wife of Mr. Strakosch. Carlotta resides in this city, and is an accomplished teacher of music; and the latest edition of this fair musical libretto is Adelina, the subject of this sketch.

Adelina was what is called a precocious child. She could sing almost before she could speak. She caught up, at the age of four, all the gems of the operas, and sang them correctly. Her first public appearance was made at the age of nine years, when Mr. Strakosch, Ole

Bull, and the infantile prima donna made a tour in the provinces, where Adelina sang all the great pieces made familiar by Jenny Lind, Sontag, Bosio, and others. The little lady created great enthusiasm, and her share of the profits amounted to twenty thousand dollars, which her father invested in a country seat, and the summer residence of the family.


Although so far advanced in Art, Adelina had not forgotten to be a child. She always took her doll to the theater or concert-room, and once refused to sing unless "Maurice" (Strakosch) would allow her to carry it on the stage. Once she had sung a very difficult cavatina in such a way as to bring down the house" with tremendous applause. When the calm came after the storm, Adelina, having recognized on one of the front benches a child of her own age, said, in a clear, smooth voice, "Nelly, come to my room right away; I've got such a beautiful doll to show you, and we'll have such fun!" The effect of this naïveté upon the audience may be imagined.

At this time our prima donna received the highest compliments from Sontag, who told her that she would be one of the greatest singers in the world; and from Alboni, who said if she went to Paris she would make such a furor as is seldom seen there.

After the concert tour with Strakosch, Miss Patti went to the West Indies with Gottschalk, the pianist. In Havana she sang in costume the duet in the "Barber of Seville," with her brother Barilli. The enthusiastic Havanese made such a row in recalling her that she ran away frightened, and could not be persuaded to go upon the stage again. Throughout the Indies she divided the honors with Gottschalk, and at Porto Rico had an offer of marriage (she was then fourteen) from the richest proprietor in the place. But that diamond wedding did not come off. Adelina is still unmarried, and is devoted only to Art. Afterward she visited Europe, and for some years has been the leading prima donna at all the principal cities and royal courts of Europe, amassing honors and wealth by her musical genius.

In some of the continental cities, her personal share of the receipts is said to have attained the astonishing amount of 5,000 francs-about $1,000 gold-for a night's performance. From this we can easily infer that her income must be large, and her fortune already acquired princely. How strikingly does her success illustrate the well-known saying, that "the most beautiful music is that produced by the human voice!" Miss Patti has almost literally coined her bewitching notes into money.

She is not at all selfish; does not aim at the emolument of herself and family, but bestows liberally from her earnings for charitable purposes.

We may regard Miss Patti as American by adoption. The country seat which has been purchased by her father is located in one of the pleasantest environs of New York city, and is said to fully meet the wishes of the family in its comfort and attractiveness as a home.



[CONTINUED FROM MARCH NUMBER. WHENEVER the quota of any of the faculties engaged at the time of any given event, or in the acquisition of any specific knowledge, shall become visible from consciousness, then all the other faculties at that time engaged must inmediately, spontaneously, and harmoniously furnish quotas; for instance, suppose a particular event is witnessed at a given locality; afterward any one of the faculties engaged in tak ing cognizance of what was going on, will be able to bring all them back by virtue of this linking law; the sight of one of the actors, or even his coat or his hat, may recall the event; at another time, the sight of the locality, or a single sentence uttered, or even a single word, may | be sufficient to bring the whole into conscious memory.

Exactly why the thought was suggested again, the individual will oftentimes not be able to perceive, there being no link of associa tion between the thought first dominant in consciousness, and the metaphysical theories have never given us any clue to the modus operandi of the "spontaneous suggestion." The same law comes into play not merely in reminiscence, but also in the development of new thoughts: the spirit of man, while working over the stores of its acquired knowledge into new forms of thought, may pitch upon some one particular, say, for example, from the organ of Form, then other quotas from the organs of Size, Color, etc., will spontaneously arrange themselves and appear simultaneously, so as to present a complete picture; but as the management of these particulars is allotted to the automatic depart ment, and not to consciousness, it will not be in the power of the individual to trace the exact origin of the "spontaneous suggestion." This reworking of all the stores of acquired knowledge goes on unceasingly, the spirit of man never wearying like the flesh; and these "spontane ous suggestions" may arise whether the individual be designedly endeavoring to develop some new thought, or may accidentally be not specially engaged on any subject.

Association of Ideas in Reminiscence.—This automatic law will also unfold to us the intri caces of the" association of ideas” in reminis cence, a problem which the metaphysicians have essayed in vain, for many centuries, to solve. In fact, their speculations have served only to complicate and render mysterious the whole phenomena of memory.

It will perhaps be advisable, first, to examine the exposition of the association of ideas given by Sir William Hamilton, one of the ablest metaphysicians of the nineteenth century. In the first part of his Metaphysics he enunciated certain propositions concerning consciousness which he regarded as true; but as metaphysi cal expositions can not be made to harmonize with phenomena actually occurring, he was forced, when considering certain other phenomena, to contradict himself, and abandon his former position; nothing uncommon, how. ever, for metaphysicians to do.

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