Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

5[Swedes [1627| 31 Dutch [1613

8 Engl. 16501

Amer. 1860 Mar. 2, 1861 Oct. 31, 1864 Amer. 1850 May 30, 1854 Mar. 4, 1867 19 Va&N.Eng 1788 July 13, 1787 Apr. 30, 1802]2d Tues. Oct. 1796] Aug. 14, 1848 Feb. 12, 1859|18t Mon, June.


Pennsylvania*. 24 Engl.

1682] 2 Engl. 1631

[ocr errors]

Tues. aft. Ist Mon. Nov. 601 Tues, aft. Ist Mon. Nov.123 1st Thurs. Aug.

[blocks in formation]


2 50

2 3d Mon. Nov. bienn.

1st Tu. af. 1st Mon. Nov. 26

1 [13]


[blocks in formation]

2d Tues. Oct.


S. Carolina*

6 Engl.


1st Wed. April. 2d Mon. Oct.

[blocks in formation]


10NC&Va 1765 May 26. 1790]June 1, 1796 1st Thurs. Aug.




2 Span'd 1690


3 Engl.


Dec. 29, 1845 1st Mon. Aug. Mar. 4, 1791|1st Tues. Sept.



13 Engl.


4th Thurs. May.

[ocr errors]

West Virginia. 3Amer.

Dec. 31, 18624th Thurs. Oct.


Colorado Ter.t.

6 Amer. Amer.

1831| Apr. 30, 1836| Aug. 6, 1846]Tues. aft. Ist Mon. Nov. 97 1860 Mar. 2, 1861

Dakota Ter.t...


1860 Mar. 2, 1861

Span'd 1598 Sept. 9, 1850)


1817 Sept. 9, 1850

Amer. 1848 Mar. 2, 1853

New MexicoT.
Utah Ter.....
Washington T
Columbia, D. of

Md & Val

|July 10, 1790]

*One of the original thirteen States of the Union.


† Delegates from Territories who may speak on Territorial questions, but have no vote.
[U. B. Senators serve 6 years, and each State is entitled to two.]

Position of Southern States represented as they stood before seceding.

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2 Raleigh.
4 Carson.

2 Columbus.
4 Salem.
1 Providence.
2 [Columbia.
2 Nashville.
2 Austin.
1 Montpelier.

2 Madison.

4 Denver.

4 Yankton.
4 Santa Fe.
Gt. Salt L.City
4 Olympia.

PLATFORMS OF 1860-1864.


Resolved, That the platform adopted by the Democratic party at Cincinnati be affirmed, with the following explanatory resolutions :

1. That the government of a territory organized by an act of Congress is provisional and temporary, and during its existence all citizens of the United States have an equal right to settle with their property in the territory, without their rights, either in person or property, being destroyed by congressional or territorial legislation.

2. That it is the duty of the Federal Government, in all its departments, to protect the rights of persons and property in the territories, and wherever else its constitutional authority


3. That when the settlers in a territory, having an adequate population, form a State Constitution, the right of sovereignty commences, and being consummated by their admission into the Union, they stand on an equality with the people of other States, and a State thus organized ought to be admitted into the Federal Union, whether its constitution prohibits or recognizes the institution of slavery.

4. That the Democratic party are in favor of the acquisition of Cuba, on such terms as shall be honorable to ourselves and just to Spain, at the earliest practicable moment.

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That the enactments of State Legislatures to defeat the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Law are hostile in character, subversive of the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect.

6. That the Democracy of the United States recognize it as an imperative duty of the government to protect the naturalized citizen in all his rights, whether at home or in foreign lands, to the same extent as its native born citizens.

WHEREAS, One of the greatest necessities of the age, in a political, commercial, postal, and military point of view, is a speedy communication between the Pacific and Atlantic coasts; therefore, be it resolved,

7. That the National Democratic party do hereby pledge themselves to use every means in their power to secure the passage of some bill, to the extent of the Constitutional authority by Congress, for the construction of a railroad to the Pacific Ocean, at the earliest practicable moment.


Resolved, That we, the Democracy of the Union in Convention assembled, hereby declare our affirmation of the resolutions unanimiously adopted and declared as a platform of principles. by the Democratic Convention at Cincinnati, in the year 1856, believing that Democratic principles are unchangable in their nature when applied to the same subject matter, and we recommend as our only further resolutions the following:

That inasmuch as differences of opinion exist in the Democratic party as to the nature and extent of the powers of a Territorial Legislature, and as to the powers and duties of Congress, under the Constitution of the United States, over the institution of slavery in the territories;

Resolved, That the Democratic party will abide by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States over the institution of slavery in the territories.

Resolved, That it is the duty of the United States to afford ample and complete protection to all its citizens, at home or abroad, and whether native or foreign born.

Resolved, That one of the necessities of the age, in a military, commercial, and postal point of view, is a speedy communication between the Atlantic and Pacific States, and the Democratic party pledge such constitutional enactment as will insure the construction of a railroad to the Pacific coast at the earliest practical period.

Resolved, That the Democratic party are in favor of the aoquisition of the Island of Cuba, on such terms as shall be honorable to ourselves and just to Spain.

Resolved, That the enactments of State Legislatures to defeat the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Law are hostile in character, subversive to the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect.

Resolved, That it is in accordance with the Cincinnati Platform, that during the existence of Territorial Governments, the measure of restriction, whatever it may be, imposed by the Federal Constitution on the power of the Territorial Legislature over the subject of the domestic relations, as the same has been or shall hereafter be decided by the Supreme Court of the United States, should be respected by all good citizens, and enforced

with promptness and fidelity by every branch of the General Government.


Resolved, That we, the delegated representatives of the Republican electors of the United States, in Convention assembled, in the discharge of the duty we owe to our constituents and our country, unite in the following resolutions:

1. That the history of the nation during the last four years has fully established the propriety and necessity of the organization and perpetuation of the Republican party, and that the causes which called it into existence are permanent in their nature, and now, more than ever, demand its peaceful and constitutional triumph.

2. That the maintenance of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Independence, and embodied in the Federal Constitution, that "all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are those of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that Governments are instituted among men to secure the enjoyment of these rights, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed". -are essential to the preservation of our republican institutions, and that the Federal Constitution, the rights of the States, and the union of the States, must and shall be preserved.

3. That to the union of the States this nation owes its unprecedented increase in population, its surprising developments of material resources; its rapid augmentation of wealth; its happiness at home and its honor abroad; and we hold in abhorrence all schemes for disunion, come from whatever source they may; and we congratulate the country that no Republican member of Congress has uttered or countenanced the threats of disunion as often made by the Democratic members of Congress, without rebuke and with applause from their political associates; and we denounce those threats of disunion in case of a popular overthrow of their ascendency, as denying the vital principles of a free Government, and as an avowal of contemplated treason which it is the imperative duty of an indignant people sternly to rebuke and forever silence.

4. That the maintenance inviolate, of the rights of the States, and especially of each State, to order and control its own do mestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depends; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or

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