Imágenes de páginas

Hebron (he'bron)
Hedjaz (hěj'ǎz) or Hejaz
Hillah (hil'lah)
Hussein (hus seïn'), or
Hussan (hus sān')

Ishmael (ish'mā ĕl)
Islam (iz'lam)

Jabbok (jab'bok)

Jaffa (jǎf'fa), Joppa (jŏp'pa), or Jappa (jǎp'pa) Jebel (jeb'el)

Jebel Sufsafeh (jeb'el suf sä'feh)

Jerablus (jer a blus')

Jeziret el Arab (jē zir'et el' ä rab)

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Kaaba (kä'a ba or kä'ba).
Kadesh (kā'desh)
Kaffejeh (kaf fē'jeh) or
Kefeyeh (ke fè'yeh)
Kantara (kăn ta ra)
Kelek (kěl'ěk)
Kelekgie (kěl'ěk gie or je)
Khadijah (kä dï'jah
Kharput (kär'put) or
Harpoot (här'poot)
Kidron (kid'ron) or Ked-

ron (ked'ron)

Kishon (kish'on)

Koran kō rän'

Koweit' (kō we ït')

Lokman (lök'man) or Lukinan (lū kinʼan)

A sacred city of the Jews.

Kingdom in western Arabia. Site of ancient Babylon.

Ruler of Hejaz.

Son of Abraham. Mohammedanism.

Brook in Palestine.

Port in Palestine.

Mountain in Arabic.

Reputed Mount of the Law in Sinai Peninsula.

Town in Euphrates River.

Arabic, "Island of the Arabs."

The shrine of Mecca.
Holy city of the Hittites.

Square of cloth used in Arabian headdress.

Town on Suez Canal.

A raft used on the Tigris River.
One who propels a kelek.

One of the wives of Mohammed.

City of Armenia.

Brook in Palestine.

Brook in Palestine.

Sacred book of the Mohammedans.
An Arabian seaport on the Persian Gulf.

The Arabian Æsop.

Machpelah (mǎk pē'lah)

Mandaniyeh (män'dän ï yeh)

Marah (mä'räh)
Mastaby (mǎs'ta by)

Meander (mẽ ăn’der) Mecca or Mekka (měk’ka)

Medina (mē di'nä)
Mireh (mir'eh)
Mordecai (mor'de ca i)
Moslem (moz'lěm or mos'-

Nahor (nā'hor)

Nargileh (när'gil ĕh) or
Narghile (när'gē lā)
Nedj (něj) or Nedjed
Nisibes (nis'i bes) or
Nisibin (nis'i bin)
Nomads (no'măds or

Oman (ō män')
Orontes (ō ron'tes)
Panaias (pǎn'a i'as) or
Banaias (băn′a fas)
Persepolis (per sep'ō lis)
Piærus (pi re'us)
Polycarp (pōl'y kärp)
Rameses (răm'e sēs) or
Ramses (răm'sēz)
Rephidim (ref'i dīm)

Cave where the Jewish patriarchs are buried.

Artisans in Holy Land.

Bitter water, springs in Sinai Peninsula. Raised platform in home of Palestine peasants.

A winding river in Asia Minor.

Holy City of Mohammedans.
Burial place of Mohammed.
Village state land in Palestine.
The uncle of Queen Esther.

Of or pertaining to Mohammedans.
Brother of Abraham.

An Oriental pipe for smoking tobacco.

A province in Arabia.

A town in Mesopotamia.

A tribe that roves seeking pasture.

A division in southeast Arabia.
A river in northern Syria.

Place claimed by Jews as the source of the Jordan.

Capital of ancient Persia.

The port of Athens.

A Christian martyr buried in Smyrna.

King of Egypt.

Place where Joshua defeated the Amalekites.

Safed (så fěd')
Salibi (sä li'bi) or Salebe
(sä lē'be)

Saloniki (sä lo nï'ki)
Samiel (săm′yel)
Sebaste (se bǎs'te)

Semen (se'měn)

Semites (sem'ites)

Shampo (sham'po)

Sacred city of the Jews.

Crusader in Arabic.

Ancient Thessalonica, a city of Greece.
The simoon.

Site of ancient Samaria.

Clarified butter made by Bedouins.
Descendants of Shem.

A Jewish ruler of Armenia who founded
a dynasty.

Shat-el Arab (shåt-ěl ä River formed by conjunction of the


Shechem (shek'hěm), or
Nablus (năb lus)

Sheik (sheik, shēik, or

Sinai (si'ni or sīnā i)
Susa (sū ́sä)
Sychar (si'kär)

Terah (tē'räh)

Tiberias (tī bē'ri ǎs)

Togarmah (tō gärʼmå)
Tyrannus (ti rănʼnŭs)
Ur (ur)
yänsk or verk'o yänsk)
Villayet (vi lä yět')
Xenophon (zěn'o fun)


Xerxes (zērk'zēs)

Yemen (yem'en)

Yezidis (yez'i dĭs)

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

Home of Jacob in Palestine.

Head of a family, especially in Arabia

or other Mohammedan countries.

A peninsula in Arabia.

Capital of ancient Persia.
Jacob's Well.

Father of Abraham.

City on the Sea of Galilee.

A ruler of Armenia.

A Christian schoolmaster in Corinth.
Ancient capital of Chaldea.

A town near the cold pole of the earth.
A political division of Turkey.

A Greek leader.

A king of Persia (Ahasuerus).

A province in Arabia.

A sect inSyria called "devil worshipers."

Zend Avesta (zend a věs' Book containing the sacred writings of



Zoroaster (zō rō ǎs'ter)

Persian prophet.

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