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and shades, and studying the harmonies and composition of colors. Strings of different colored beads, and pigments for mixing, may be used with profit in cultivating observation and taste. So with other perceptions. Before this system was carried into effect but five senses were recognized, but now a sixth-the musular sense or sense of weight is recognized. The cultivation of nice perceptions of sound may be carried to a high degree of perfection. Music thus becomes of great importance in its relation to school culture. Indeed it is the medium through which we receive the most sublime instruction in the most effectual manner. Its cultivation should commence early. Exercises and movements particularly adapted to cultivate the sense of sound should also be introduced in the school-room.

Sense of distance may be taught in many methods. As, for instance, by requiring the children to determine how long it will take them to walk or run a mile. The eye should be disciplined to tell distances accurately on the map at a glance. Young pupils in Geography should be supplied each with a box of sand by means of which to illustrate the physical conformations of different countries. Blocks of different sizes may be used with great advantage in illustrating the varying relations of numbers and simple fractions.

Interesting illustrations of the working of this system in the teaching of Natural History, Physiology, Reading and Spelling, were given by the lecturer. The faculties of conception will be called into exercise in recalling and combining the ideas with which the perceptions have made the young mind familiar. The faculties later developed can be educated in the same way, and the remaining studies of the order indicated above can be pursued with the same advantage with reference to those faculties. The practical utility of the science of object teaching has been demonstrated by a quarter of a century of trial, and by the success attending its adoption for the past five years in the schools under the charge of the lecturer.

The Committee on THE R. I. SCHOOLMASTER reported, recommending a board of editors for the ensuing year, who were elected as follows:

Board of Corresponding Editors-William A. Mowry, Samuel Thurber, David W. Hoyt, Isaac F. Cady, Joseph M. Ross, J. T. Edwards, Henry Clark, Charles B. Goff, Benjamin F. Clarke, Thomas W. Bicknell, Dr. J. B. Chapin, A. A. Gamwell, D. R. Adams, H. C. Coon, A. J. Manchester.

Resident Editors and Financial Committee-N. W. DeMunn, F. B. Snow.

Messrs. Manchester, Coon, Snow, Tefft, and Potter were appointed a committee to solicit subscriptions.

At 11 o'clock, an interesting familiar lecture on the subject of ventilation was delivered by D. B. Hagar, Esq., of Jamaica Plain, Mass. The lecturer's experiments could not fail to be of much practical value in calling the attention of teachers to the importance of this subject.

Adjourned at

was marked.

o'clock. The morning session was well attended and the interest


As announced by the Committee of Arrangements, the afternoon exercises were opened with a lecture by the Rev. Barnas Sears, D. D., President of Brown University, on the subject of History.

[This lecture will appear in a future number.]

The following resolution of thanks was unanimously adopted by the meeting:

Resolved, That the earnest thanks of the Institute are due and are hereby tendered to the Committee of Arrangements for their untiring efforts in making arrangements for the teachers and friends of education from abroad: To the Society of the Richmond Street Church, for the free use of their beautiful and commodious building: To the citizens of Providence, for their generous hospitality: To Prof. Joseph Eastman, Rev. S. A. Crane, D. D., Prof. R. P. Dunn, Rev. E. B. Webb, E. A. Sheldon, Esq., D. B. Hagar, Rev. B. Sears, D. D., for their pleasant and instructive lectures: To the Orpheus Club, for their excellent music: And to the Providence and Stonington and Hartford and Fishkill Railroads, for the educational interest manifested by them in furnishing free return tickets to the teachers and friends of education in attendance.

Mr. T. W. Bicknell introduced the following preamble and resolutions, which passed by a unanimous vote, after appropriate remarks had been made by Messrs. Bicknell, Snow, Austin, Eastman, DeMunn and Cady :

WHEREAS, The members of the Institute have heard of the resignation by Joshua Kendall, Esq., of the Principalship of the State Normal School and of his removal from this State :

Resolved, That we tender to Mr. Kendall our warmest thanks for the able efforts he has put forth for the advancement of sound learning in this State, and also for the interesting and instructive lectures he has delivered before this Institute, as well as for the noble and gentlemanly character he has sustained among us. We hereby express our regrets at his departure, and our kindest wishes for his future usefulness and success.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, with the action of the Institute thereon, be sent to Mr. Kendall and entered upon the records of the Institute. The meeting was then closed by the singing of the Doxology.-Bulletin.

THE NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY.-This seemingly dry and certainly ponderous book has its peculiar charms. Here is collected and tersely set down, a vast quantity of various and useful knowledge, such as is indispensable to educated men and women. Here are an hundred and fourteen thousand words, defined with a clearness, fullness, precision and wealth of illustration, that denote the soundest scholarship, and the most entire fidelity to laborious details.

Altogether the work is a marvelous specimen of learning, taste and thorough labor. We praise it heartily, because we believe it deserves the heartiest praiseNew York Albion.

DANIEL WEBSTER was born January 18, 1782, and died October 24, 1852, aged 70 years, 9 months and 6 days; Edward Everett was born April 11, 1794, and died January 15, 1865, aged 70 years, 9 months and 4 days. The difference between their ages at the time of death was therefore only two days.

WE would call attention to the Catalogue of S. R. Urbino, in our advertising columns. Mr. Urbino is constantly receiving unsolicited testimonials of the high estimation in which his publications are held by teachers and scholars.


Mr. Joshua KeNDALL, A. M., late Principal of the Rhode Island Normal School, has removed to Cambridgeport, Mass., and opened a Family School for Boys, where they may be fitted for college or the counting-room. Mr. Kendall is a man of rare scholarship. As a linguist, both in the ancient and modern languages, he stands in the front rank. In the sciences he is master. In Natural History, an enthusiast, balanced by sound judgment. Above all, Mr. Kendall is a man of the most spotless character, simple as a child yet stable as truth; true to nature, true to himself, and true to every other man.

We desire and predict great success for Mr. Kendall in his new enterprise, and congratulate those who may be so fortunate as to be under his instruction and influence. His loss to the teachers and to the cause of education in Rhode Island we fear will be irreparable.

We are happy to know that the friends of education in this State have shown their appreciation of Mr. Kendall's labors in the good cause by presenting him an elegant Bronze Clock, accompanied with the following note:




Dear Sir:- A few friends of education, learning, with much regret, that you are about to resign your position as Principal of the State Normal School, have commissioned me to ask you to accept the accompanying mantle clock and bronze, as a testimonial of their appreciation of your accomplishments as a scholar, of your success as a teacher, and of your worth as a man.

Yours truly,


BRISTOL, January 13, 1865.

On Thursday evening last I was very agreeably surprised at receiving from you a present of a mantle clock and bronze.

This present, valuable in itself, more valuable through the friends from whom it came, receives yet additional value in my estimation for coming from friends of learning, and being made to me as a teacher. I shall take it as an earnest that the

cause of education is by no means yet dead in Rhode Island.

May the elegant simplicity and solid worth of your present be suggestive to me of qualities desirable in human character.

Please to accept, each and all, my hearty thanks for your kind remembrance of me. Amid the happy incidents of a life crowded full with blessings, the reception of this testimonial shall not stand forgotten.

Yours truly,

To DR. J. B. CHAPIN, and unknown friends.


THE GEOGRAPHIES AT WAR..-" Who shall decide when doctors disagree?" Having occasion not long since to look for the pronunciation of a name in two different< geographies, we found their decisions at variance, Curious to ascertain whether

this was an exceptional case, with four popular text-books by our side, we entered upon a comparison of their respective vocabularies. For the edification of the brotherhood, a few of the commonest names are herewith submitted.

The Altai mountains are accented on the first syllable by Camp and Warren; on the last by Mitchell and Monteith. Warren, indeed, does give Al-tá-i as a second form.

That pigmy state in South America is called Oo-roo-gwi by Warren, Mitchell and Monteith; Oo-roo-gwa by Camp.

Those stupendous hills of northern Hindoostan are styled Him-a-lí-a by three authors; by Mitchell, Him-aul'-i-ah.

Warren says zeel for the second syllable of the empire on the Amazon; the other three, zil.

Bo-nus-a-riz declare Monteith and Warren; Camp, Bo-no-a-riz; Mitchell, Buaynos-i-res.

The stronghold that defied England and France so long is, according to Mitchell, Se-bas-tó-pol. The empire of which it is the southern key, Camp calls Roo-she-a; Mitchell, Rush-e-a.

Of the boundary range between France and Spain, three of our authors place the accent on the first syllable, but Warren on the last.

Brazil's famous coffee city is given by Camp and Warren as Ri-o-ja-ne-ro; by Mitchell as Ree-o-jan-ay-ro.

Our Geogra

These examples are sufficient to show the diversity that prevails. phers, doubtless, get their information from various travellers, and the different pronunciations may be more or less used. Still, a uniformity is desirable. be the standard ?-Illinois Teacher.

What shall

THE Brooklyn Board of Education have increased the salaries of the Principals of the Public Schools from $1,500 to $1,800.

Low salaries have driven many of the best teachers of the country to other pursuits. Until teachers are better paid it is useless to expect better schools.--Galena (Ill.) Gazette.


ESSAYS; Moral, Political and Esthetic. By Herbert Spencer. New York: D. Appleton & Co.


This volume embraces ten essays on the following subjects: "The Philosopy of Style"; Over-Legislation"; "The Morals of Trade"; "Personal Beauty"; "Representative Government"; "Prison Ethics"; "Railway Morals and Railway Policy"; "Gracefulness"; "State Tamperings with Money and Banks"; "Parliamentary Reforms, the Dangers and the Safeguards."

[blocks in formation]

Well, what can be said— "dry," "dull," "uninter

Of course I mean English Grammar. I mean what more can be said—on this esting" subject, this "worn-out" theme, to interest or profit the general reader? Perhaps nothing. And yet the reader may reasonably suppose that a writer on such a subject feels conscious of some ability to interest or profit-that's the worst of it—or at least is animated with a desire or purpose to do so; otherwise he would not make the attempt, and thus avoid the numerous and scathing criticisms, both of the "docti et semi-docti," that are almost sure to be elicited by his feeble efforts. Not that I consider that any apology is necessary for presuming to intrude my own ideas on a subject that is generally considered to have been set at rest—at least so far as any improvement is concerned―long years ago by all the host of Murrays and Smiths and Browns, when others with greater, and possibly less, erudition have from time to time ventured to suggest some improvement, or to point out some of the difficulties that surround the subject, or the obstacles in the way of an easy attainment of a knowledge of it. Observe in the first place that the words "dry," "dull," "uninteresting" and "worn-out" are not my words. Far from it. But do not expect me to weary your patience by proving why the subject is undeserving of such opprobious epithets. It is rather my purpose in the present article to point out some of the causes why it may seem

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