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METHOD OF PHILOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. By Francis A. March, Professor of the English Language, and Lecturer on Comparative Philology in Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. 12mo. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1865.

At the meetings of the American Institute of Instruction and of our own State Institute, the great importance of the philological study of English has been repeatedly urged upon the attention of our teachers. At the series of the former held at Manchester, N. H., the remark was incidentally made, in a lecture on this subject, that a work was in preparation which would greatly facilitate instruction in this department. This promise has been fulfilled by the publication of the little book of which we give the title above.

Here within the compass of one hundred and twenty pages, we have selections from five representative English authors, Bunyan, Milton, Shakspeare, Spenser and Chaucer, with questions, admirably selected and expressed, bearing upon the lives and times of these writers, analyzing the structure of their sentences, prompting the rhetorical criticism of their style, and leading to the etymological and historical study of their language. The student is thus led to a personal and thorough examination of these passages. The work is not done for him by the author, but is indicated by these judicious queries, and is left for his prosecution. We can conceive of no more stimulating and profitable exercise than such an one as this, and we know of no other help to it that is comparable with this "Method." After using this book, the teacher would find it easy to analyze in the same manner other authors. In many of our Colleges and High Schools, the need of such a study as this is felt, but the complaint has been, that there is no suitable text-book, and that there is no time for the study. The first ground of this complaint no longer exists, and we feel sure that the advantages of this study are such as to justify its crowding a little upon the time allotted to some others. We understand that in our own University, where Milton and Bacon have been read critically in recent years, this "Method" will be adopted as a text-book in this exercise.

As New Englanders, we congratulate Lafayette College on having secured from our soil so able a teacher and lecturer. A Massachusetts Grammar School and a Massachusetts College have yielded in one of their leading pupils and distinguished graduates, a most efficient aid to the culture of the Middle States.

METHODS OF INSTRUCTION. That part of Philosophy of Education which treats of the Nature of the several branches of Knowledge, and the Methods of Teaching them according to that Nature. By James Pyle Wickersham, A. M., Principal of the Pennsylvania Normal School, Millersville, Pa., and author of "School Economy." Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1865. 496 pages.

The above work is an important one for educators. The Introduction" treats of the reasons for special preparation on the part of teachers, and show plainly that unless we begin with teachers who are better prepared for their work, little must be expected in the building up of an education. The main part of the book is divided into seven chapters, treating of instruction in the elements of knowledge; in language, in the formal sciences, in the rational sciences, in the empirical sciences, in the historical sciences, and in arts. In all these divisions we find the mind and labor of the master of the subjects he has undertaken to make plain. He presents his subjects in a logical and clear manner. Every teacher should have a copy for his own good.

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HENRY CLARK is the Editor of THE SCHOOLMASTER for next month.

EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS.-Commissioner of Public Schools, Joshua B. Chapin, of Barrington; Commissioner of Narragansett Indians, Nicholas Ball, of New Shoreham; Commissioner of Indian Schools, Hazard A. Burdick, 2d.

MR. LANSING, a graduate of the R. I. State Normal School, has been appointed Principal of the Grammar School at Central Falls. We think the Committee have made a wise selection of a teacher, and we trust that there will be such mutual satisfaction and coöperation that the interests of that important school will be largely promoted.

DR. J. B. CHAPIN has again received the appointment of School Commissioner, an office which he has held for three years. The energetic and faithful discharge of his duties has won for him the appreciative regard of the friends of education in the State, who will be glad to know that his services are retained for the advancement of this good cause.

We are pained in recording the death of Mrs. MARY CLARKE, formerly Miss Mary Shelby, of Newport. She was, for nine years, the very efficient Principal of the Ring Street Primary School, of Providence, in which position she distinguished herself by elevating the standard of her school and by the winning influencé which she exerted over her pupils.

"None knew her but to love her,
Few named her but to praise."

HOPKINTON.-Friend Peleg Kenyon, of Hopkinton, has furnished us a copy of the School Report of that town for 1864-5. Whole number of scholars in Summer schools, 299; average attendance, 192. Winter, 524; average, 381. Cost to educate each pupil for the year $5.00. The school-houses of this town are in a good condition. The scholars are intelligent in books and actions, some of the schools are in good working order this season, and one of the Committee at least knows what good schools are, and is earnest in educational matters. We found out these things while on a stroll through that good old town two or three weeks ago..

WESTERLY.-We are informed that the town of Westerly has no suitable schoolroom or building for a Grammar School. The intelligence and wealth of this old town should be immediately used in erecting a school edifice which the citizens can point to with pride and the pupils can with pride and pleasure use.

PROVIDENCE.-The Public Schools of this city close on the 28th of July, followed by a vacation of six weeks. The Fall Term will commence on Monday, Sept. 11th. BOSTON.-The proposition before the School Board to close the Summer Term on the Friday preceding the Fourth of July, has been negatived by the Board.

DETROIT.-A free library has just been opened in this city. It contains 6000 vols.


THE Seventh Session of the NATIONAL TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION will be held at Harrisburg, Pa., in the Hall of the House of Representatives, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 16th, 17th and 18th days of August, 1865.


At 8 o'clock A. M.; Meeting of Board of Directors at the Rooms of the School Department, in the Capitol.

At 10 o'clock; Music by the Harmonic Society, of Harrisburg.

Address of welcome, by His Excellency A. G. Curtin, Governor of the State of Pennsylvania.

At 11 o'clock; Annual Address of the President of the Association.

Appointment of Committees.

At 2 o'clock P. M.; A paper on "The Mechanism of School Teaching," by W. N. Barringer, Troy, N. Y.

Discussion of the same subject.

At 3 o'clock; A paper, "Normal Schools, with their Distinctive Characteristics, should be established and maintained in each State at Public Expense," by Prof. R. Edwards, President of Normal University, Illinois.

Discussion of the same subject.

At 4 o'clock; "Phonetic Methods of Teaching Reading," by Hon. John D. Philbrick, Superintendent of Public Schools, Boston.

At 8 o'clock; Lecture by Prof. James D. Butler, State University, Madison, Wis.


At 9 A. M.; A paper on "The Best Methods of Teaching the Classics," by Prof. A, Harkness, Providence, R. I.

Discussion of the same subject.

At 10 A. M.; Report of Committee on "Object Teaching, as pursued at Oswego." Committee-Barnas Sears, D. D., Providence; S. S. Greene, Providence; John D. Philbrick, Boston; J. L. Pickard, Chicago; D. N. Camp, Connecticut; R. Edwards, Illinois; C. S. Pennell, Missouri.

Immediately after this report, the members of the Association are invited to join in an excursion to Gettysburg, where it is expected Generals Howard and Doubleday will be present to address the members, and otherwise contribute to the interest of the occasion.


9 A. M.; Election of Officers, and other business.

At 10 o'clock; Address by Hon. Henry Barnard, on "The Principle of Association for the Improvement of Schools."

At 11 o'clock; Address by the Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, Member of Congress from Pennsylvania.

At 2 P, M.; A paper on "The Supervision of Graded Schools," by Hon. E. E. White, State Superintendent of Schools, Ohio.

Discussion of the same subject.

At 3 o'clock; A lecture on "Education, as an Element in the Reconstruction of the Union," by Prof. J. P. Wickersham, Principal of State Normal School, Millersville, Pa. At 4 o'clock; An address is expected from Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard, Superintendent of Freedmen's Bureau, Washington.

At 7 P. M.; Transaction of business.

At 8; Brief reports from the several States, resolutions, &c., &c.


The following topics have been proposed for discussion :

"What service can this Association render towards the establishment of Free Schools in the States lately in Rebellion."

"The Relations of the National Government to Education."

"How to Cure the Evil of Irregular Attendance at our Public Schools."


Free tickets will be given to members in attendance to return only over the routes passed over in going to the meetings, on all the Railroads leading from Harrisburg to the following places: New York, Elmira, Boston, Hagerstown, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Chicago. Many other railroads leading to these points have granted similar reductions. Teachers and other members living at remoter points, will need to arrange for the proper connections with these places.

A reduction of fares at the Hotels in Harrisburg for members on presentation of certificates of membership, will also be granted.

A meeting of the NORMAL SCHOOL ASSOCIATION will be held in Harrisburg, in the Rooms of the School Department, at the Capitol, on Tuesday, August 15th, 1865. A local Committee, consisting of Messrs. S. P. Bates, S. D. Ingram and Miss A. Y. Woodward will have in charge all matters pertaining to the reception and entertainment of the members, and the arrangements for the meetings.

The meeting of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION will be held at New Haven on the 8th, 9th and 10th days of August. Arrangements will be made to accommodate those who wish to include both meetings in one trip.

PROVIDENCE, June 30th, 1865.

S. S. GREENE, President.
W. E. SHELDON, Secretary.


THE Thirty-sixth Annual Meeting of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION will be held in NEW HAVEN, Conn., at the MUSIC HALL, on the 8th, 9th and 10th days of August, 1865.

The Board of Directors will meet at the NEW HAVEN HOUSE on the 8th, at 11 o'clock, A. M.

The public Exercises will be as follows:


At 2 o'clock, P. M., the meeting will be organized, and the customary addresses will be made; after which there will be a discussion upon the following subject: "Methods of Teaching Latin, especially to Beginners."

At 8 o'clock, P. M., a lecture by Ex-Gov. EMORY WASHBURN, on "Civil Polity as a Branch of School Education."


At 9 o'clock, A. M., a discussion. Subject: "The Free High School System." To be opened by the Hon. JOSEPH WHITE, Secretary of the Mass. Board of Education. At 11 o'clock, a lecture by WILLIAM P. ATKINSON, of Cambridge, Mass., on "Dynamic and Mechanic Teaching."

At 3 o'clock, P. M., a Discussion. Subject: "What Duties does the return of Peace bring to Teachers, particularly in reference to the Freedmen of our country?" To be opened by JUDGE RUSSELL, of Boston.


At 9 o'clock, A. M., a Discussion. Subject: " Methods of Presenting Moral Topics." At 11 o'clock, A. M., a Lecture, by E. O. HAVEN, D. D. President of Michigan University, on "The Indirect Benefits of School Education.”

At 2 o'clock, P. M, a Teaching Exercise in Physiology, illustrating the method of Simultaneous, Verbal and Linear Delineation, by Miss MELVINA MITCHELL, of the State Normal School of Westfield, Mass.; to be followed by a Discussion.

At 8 o'clock, P. M., a Discussion; to be followed by brief addresses from representatives from different States.

At the last meeting of the Institute before the war, a majority of the States were represented, and that meeting (especially its closing session) was one of peculiar interest, Should not the return of peace, opening new and broader fields for the teacher, make the first meeting after the war still more memorable?

Brief Readings, by Prof. MARK BAILEY, of Yale College, may be expected each day or evening.

The citizens of New Haven generously proffer gratuitous entertainment to lady

teachers in attendance.

Particulars as to the usual railroad facilities and hotel rates will soon be announced. The meeting of the NATIONAL TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION will be held at Harrisburg, Pa., on the 16th, 17th and 18th of August, making it convenient to include the two meetings in one trip. BIRDSEY GRANT NORTHROP, President.

JOHN P. AVERILL, Secretary. Boston, June 12, 1865.


We are pleased to see the following notice of the next meeting of the National Teachers' Association in the June number of the Pennsylvania School Journal :

"We are glad to learn that the next meeting of the National Teachers' Association is appointed to be held at Harrisburg, in this State. The meeting will take place about the middle of August.

"The gentlemen who have charge of the local arrangements, have obtained a promise from the principal hotels in Harrisburg to reduce their rates of fare for members of the Association. They also expect to obtain the use of the House of Representatives for the sessions of the Association. Efforts, too, are now being made, which will no doubt be successful, to secure half-fare between Harrisburg and the following points: New York, via Philadelphia and via Reading, Elmira, Erie, Cleveland, Chicago, Cincinnati, Hagerstown and Baltimore. Full particulars will be announced in the next number.

"We said we were glad that this Association is coming to Pennsylvania. Its members represent all classes of schools and school interests. Prof. Greene, the President, is connected with Brown University, and many others as distinguished are members. To have such men visit our State will tend to promote the cause of education here; and we hope that Pennsylvania teachers, from our colleges and academies as well as from our common schools, will be at Harrisburg in a body to welcome them. Besides, this meeting may furnish opportunity of making known the excellencies of our own school system, and the progress we have made in educational matters in the last few years.

"We are glad, too, that the officers of this meeting appointed it at Harrisburg, because that point is very accessible from the border States. We do hope that Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri may be represented at this meeting. If any teachers come from further South they will be welcome. The cannon and the bayonet have done their work; the school-book must follow. Never before had the friends of education such a task before them. Let all come to this meeting, resolved to make it the most important assemblage of the kind ever held in America. Indeed its voice ought to reach Congress, and be influential in securing wise national legislation respecting the interests of education."

THE WILBERFORCE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, located at Carolina Mills was incorporated at the late session of the General Assembly. Its object will be to give a normal education to intelligent colored men and women of New England, New York, and other portions of the United States, who may wish to take part in helping to educate the freedmen the South. God bless the enterprise.

EVE ILSE, OR THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE CALYPSO.-This is the title of a new romance, just commenced in the Saturday Evening Post, of Philadelphia. It is very exciting, and full of interest. Eve Isle herself is a singular creature, overflowing with spirit and romance, and with a touch of the myterious about her. We think any one who begins "Eve Isle" will find it difficult to refrain from perusing to the end the varied fortunes of this singular girl, and of the varied characters with whom

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