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Description of records

Period to be retained






Corporate and general-Continued

Securities owned:

Book, card, or other detailed records of securities owned, in treasury,
or held by custodians.

Law department, litigation, and regulation:

a. Legal opinions and advice furnished to officers or employees..
b. Copy of pleadings, briefs, transcripts, orders, judgments and other
court papers relating to judicial proceedings.

c. Copy of information furnished from company's records pursuant
to subpoena or other legal requirement.

d. Copy of applications, complaints, protests, briefs, transcripts of
testimony and hearings, reports, rulings, settlements and other
legal papers in proceedings before regulatory, taxing, and other
governmental authorities, except as separately provided for in this
List of Records. (See items 1-b, 4-a, 4-b, 4-h, 10-b, 11-a, 11-c and

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c. Copy of copyright applications, with specimen copies.

d. Letters patent and copyright certificates....

e. Licensing and royalty agreements, assignments, or grants..
Insurance records:
a. Insurance policies (including fidelity, surety, and similar bonds)
together with supporting schedules, endorsements, riders, and
other amendments or modifications, and renewal and cancellation
notices, also policy contracts with underwriters for group insurance.
b. Schedules, lists, or other detailed statements of property or risks
covered by insurance, when not included in or attached to insur-
ance policies.

c. Schedules of risks covered by self-carried insurance reserves, giving
description of property or character of risks covered.

d. Detailed spread sheets or other summary or distribution records of
insurance costs or accruals.

e. Reports of losses covered by insurance (both commercial and self-
carried), copies of claims against insurance companies and record
of recoveries therefrom; records, reports, and summaries of em-
ployee coverage, case records, and death claims with respect to
group insurance.

f. Reports of minor losses due to insurable risks (e.g., from fires,
thefts, and defalcations) not covered by insurance (either commer-
cial or self-carried) and other reports of losses and damages sus-
tained, not used as the basis for claims against others (see item
48-k-(1)) or for retirement of plant. (See item 45-a-(4).)
g. Inspectors' reports, recommendations, correspondence and memo-
randa regarding hazardous condition of property.

h. Card or other memorandum records of insurance showing dates
of expiration of policies, abstracts of coverage, premiums paid, re-
coveries, etc., and studies of insurance requirements.

Accidents, damages, and related claims against the company:
a. Reports of accidents, investigations, statements of employees or
witnesses, claims, releases and similar papers relating to accident
and damage claims or possible claims against the company on
account of employees or other persons killed or injured, property
of others damaged, errors in telephone directory listings and
directory advertising, traffic service errors, and other damage
claims (exclusive of claims for overcharges provided for in item

(1) When such papers are necessary to the determination of the
company's liability, if any, in such cases, or to substantiate pay-
ments to others, whether attached to vouchers or filed separately.
(See item 21-k.)

(2) When such papers are not so necessary.

b. Book or card records, indexes or other memoranda of accident and
damage claims or cases.

NOTE: For records of detective service and investigation of damage to
or loss of the company's property, see item 48-k.

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e. Book, card, or other memorandum records of tax assessments, pay-
ments or accruals and related data, by classes of taxes, accounting
periods, location of property, etc.

f. Records pertaining to collection or withholding of taxes from cus
tomers, employees, and others.
Cash books:

General, division, and subsidiary cash books used as general records
of receipts, disbursements, and balances includible in ledger cash
accounts. (See item 77-k.)

16 Records of deposits in banks and other depositaries of cash and work.
ing funds:

a. Bank deposit books, duplicate deposit slips, notices of deposits
and of items charged back, and other advices or notices from deposi-
taries of individual credits and charges.

b. Advices of individual deposits or remittances of funds from col-
lection or other offices when information on such advices is shown
on other records.

c. Check and draft registers, check stubs, copies of checks, and simi.
lar records of checks or drafts drawn on depositaries.

d. Statements from depositaries listing receipts, disbursements, and
balances on deposit.

e. Bank reconciliation registers and reconciliation summaries or

f. Lists and other records of outstanding checks and drafts, issued
and not presented.

g. Corresponden ce with depositaries relating to the opening of a bank
account, gene ral responsibilities of the depositary and the company.
h. Records and correspondence covering authorized signatures...

i. Records and correspondence relating to stop payment orders:
(1) If order is withdrawn.

(2) If order is not withdrawn.

j. Correspondence relating to the actual issuance of duplicate checks
or drafts.

k. Administrative records, reports or summaries of bank deposits,
charges or balances, not used as a basis for entries to accounts or for
reconciling accounts with depositaries.

1. Bank registers showing deposits, withdrawals, and balances with

Period to be retained

Such period as may be prescribed by related governmental requirements; otherwise, 6 years after settlement of tax liability.

10 years after completion of proceedings

10 years after settlement of tax liability.

Affecting maintenance and operations only, 10 years; affecting plant, 40 years.

6 years if data not included in other records; otherwise, optional.

As provided for item 79.

10 years.

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Other records of receipts, disbursements and balances of cash and work-
ing funds:

a. Daily or other periodic lists, summaries, or reports o. receipts,
transfers, or disbursements of cash.

3 years.

NOTE: Commercial and accounting records of collections of customers'
and other accounts receivable are covered by Item 77.

b. Transmittal forms or lists of items for payment:

(1) Showing auditing approvals or other authorities for payment. Optional after preparation of record

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Description of records

Period to be retained




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a. Trust agreements, with all amendments and correspondence with
trustee interpreting or clarifying provisions thereof.

b. Trustee's annual or other periodic general report covering receipts,
disbursements, investments and income of trust fund.

c. Reports of verification or audit of trustee's report----
d. Trustee's notices of individual trust fund receipts, disbursements
and other transactions and summaries thereof, when the results of
such transactions are reflected in trustee's periodic general reports.
e. Book, card, or other memorandum records of trust fund trans-
actions maintained for informational and verification purposes, not
used as basis for entries to accounts.

f. Annual analysis of investments and operations of trust fund. pre-
pared by or for the company.

g. Copy of report to trustee covering changes in pension rolls..
h. Report to trustee of pension disbursements made by company..
i. Miscellaneous correspondence with trustee and memoranda and
studies of pension trust fund activities for administrative purposes.
j. Actuarial computations or studies determining pension accruals
and reports of results thereof.


a. Registers of audited vouchers, voucher distribution registers and
summaries of entries to accounts from vouchers:

(1) Distribution summaries of miscellaneous minor departmental

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6 years.

6 years if data not included in other records; otherwise, optional.

10 years.

3 years.


25 years.

(2) Voucher registers and general voucher distribution summaries.. 40 years.
b. All vouchers including (a) bills, statements of account, reports of
expenditures, requests for voucher, memoranda, or other papers
serving as the basis for vouchers; (b) voucher lists and analysis
sheets showing detailed accounting distribution of charges on indi-
vidual vouchers; (c) copies of authorizations for payment or credit
issued by audit office, including copies of vouchers and voucher
checks; and (d) other supporting papers not separately provided for
in this List of Records; related to:

(1) Retirement of stock and long-term debt issued or assumed
by the company.

(2) Acquisition of stock or evidences of debt and other invest-
ments (including advances) in other communication companies.
(3) Purchase or other acquisition of plant of other communication

(4) Purchase of real estate.

(5) Other charges and credits affecting the plant accounts:
(a) If required for determination of cost of plant retired.
(b) If not so required and if all basic data shown on the vouchers
and supporting papers affecting the plant accounts and prop-
erty records have been transcribed to or summarized on the
related summarization and distribution records (items 20-a,
45-b, and 57), actual cost and price records (items 36, 56-b, and
58-d), or other records (see items 37, 38, and 39) retained in
accordance with this List of Records.

(c) If not so transcribed or summarized.

(6) Other transactions..

c. Adjustment vouchers used to correct or adjust accounting classi-
fications or other details of vouchers previously issued.

NOTE: Adjustment and uncollectible vouchers used to adjust ac-
counts receivable are covered by items 76-g and 76-h.

d. Index records of vouchers approved and payments made..
e. Indexes or other memoranda of vouchers to be made and trans-
mittal lists of vouchers.

1. Lists of unaudited bills and memoranda or correspondence regard-
ing changes in unaudited bills, not used as a basis for journal entries.
g. Authorities for payment of specific vouchers or lists of vouchers...

h. Journal vouchers used in lieu of journal entries for entries to
ledgers of accounts referred to in item 7-a.

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a. Payroll sheets, registers, lists, ledgers, and other basic records of salaries and wages earned by and payments to individual employees for each payroll period.

b. Payroll change reports or other approved applications or authorities for establishing and changing salary and wage rates of individual employees and for making other changes in employees' service records and in pension or other payrolls.

c. Applications for payroll changes not authorized.

d. Service records of individual employees consisting of names, sex, salary and wage rates, occupational classifications, and similar data, together with changes therein (See item 22-b):

(1) Telephone carriers..

(2) Telegraph carriers....

e. Basic detailed reports or records of time or work paid for and of accounting classifications thereof, such as employees' time and work reports, time books, time cards, force assignment lists, daily force memoranda, and attendance reports:

(1) Used to determine time paid for or salaries and wages earned. (2) If the basic information has been transcribed to other records and such other records are retained in accordance with periods specified in this section for basic summaries and distributions. (3) If the basic information has not been transcribed to other records:

(a) Affecting plant..

(b) Affecting operations, maintenance, and other accounts.. f. Payroll deduction authorizations, deduction cards, and other records of withholdings or deductions from pay:

(1) For income, social security, or other taxes..

(2) For other allotments or deductions....

g. Records of assignments, attachments, and garnishments of employees' salaries and wages, including notices of suits and releases and related correspondence. (See item 10-b.)

h. Addressograph plates, tabulating cards, or similar media used in preparing and summarizing payroll records, when the data thereon are also shown on payroll sheets, payroll change reports, employees' service records, payroll summaries, or other records listed in this section.

1. Paid checks and drafts, receipts for wages paid in cash, and other evidences of payments for salaries and wages.

j. Cards, lists, or other records of earnings for individual employees: (1) Used in computing pensions or annuities....

(2) Used for current payroll record purposes.

k. Authorizations, case records, special payrolls, or other records of sickness and accident disability and other benefits to employees and their beneficiaries. (See items 13-a and 22-1.)

1. Pension or annuity payrolls..

m. Control and recapitulation forms, summaries, and distribution records:

(1) Used to determine payroll amounts and deductions..

(2) Used to summarize or distribute time or payroll amounts to accounts, estimates, jobs, accounting areas, etc.

(3) Summaries and statements of payroll costs and related work sheets used in developing costs by labor groups or classes and rates for distributing cost of labor.

n. Records of authorized occupational titles or positions and related authorized pay schedules or rates and wage and salary guides. o. Memoranda, studies, statements, summaries and reports of payroll data used for administrative purposes only.

NOTE to item 21: Particularly in connection with items 21-d and 21-j, it should be noted that while minimum retention periods are given, those parts of the payroll records of telephone carriers (or extracts therefrom) necessary to establish complete service and salary records shall be retained for whatever periods are necessary to insure that no reasonable call for the establishment of such records will fail of fulfillment by the carrier.

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Description of records

Period to be retained


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Corporate and general-Continued

Personnel records:

a. Applications for employment, reports of medical examinations, photographs, reports of employment office activities, and other miscellaneous records pertaining to hiring and transfer of employees. b. Personnel records of individual employees, not used as the basis for payroll or other payments, such as departmental copies of service records (see item 21-d), records of previous employment, education, and training; proficiency, aptitude and merit rating records and reports; records and reports of attendance or absence, medical and health history, authorized leaves of absence and other treatment under health, hospital, welfare, benefit and pension plans. (See items 21-k and 21-1.)

c. Studies, reports, and correspondence relating to administration of plans or practices for employees' pensions, disability benefits, death benefits, and other employees' welfare activities. (See items 19-1, 21-k, and 21-1.)

d. Studies, correspondence, and administrative reports covering wage practices. (Seeitem 21-n.) e. Studies, analyses, reports, summaries, memoranda, and correspondence relating to force requirements, employment, training, and other administration of employees and working conditions, including accident prevention, attendance, health, educational and recreational activities, and thrift plans.

f. Contracts with labor unions or other organzations of employees relative to wage rates, hours, working conditions and similar matters.

g. Organization charts, records, and notices of changes.

h. Employees' identification cards and photographs, building passes, and records thereof.

1. Reports of accidents, investigations, claims, releases, and similar papers relating to claims or possible claims against the carrier on account of injuries to or death of employees.

j. Annual employee census summaries, and supplemental summaries in connection therewith, not used in the computation of annual pension accrual rates. (See item 19-j.)

Circulars, handbooks, training material, films, and other instructions (including amendments and supplements thereto) to employees and agents pertaining to:

a. Accounting classifications:

(1) Basic or general instructions, rulings, and interpretations....

(2) Detailed instructions to employees...

(3) Establishment or discontinuance of subaccounts and clearing or temporary accounts established at the option of the company. b. Other general instructions, including those pertaining to accounting, statistical, engineering, construction, maintenance, operating, management, and other methods and practices.

c. Transmittal and check lists of current instructions..

d. Drafts and memoranda relating to preparation and issuance of instructions, except as provided in item 25-b-(1).

e. Training programs, schedules, and material..

f. Instructions covering performance of specific work operations. Accountants' and auditors' reports and verifications of records: a. Certificates and reports of annual examinations and audits by public accountants.

b. Other reports of audits, examinations, and verifications.. c. Adding machine lists, proofs of balance, check sheets, verification notices, interdepartmental memoranda, and other papers used solely to verify the accuracy or consistency of accounts, reports, or other records.

Correspondence and memoranda:

a. General letters and other correspondence and memoranda related to services furnished under license agreements, general service contracts, or other arrangements for general accounting, engineering, financial, legal, patent, and other general services. This includes copies of circulars, practices, handbooks, reports, etc., furnished in connection with such services.

b. Other correspondence and memoranda and indexes thereto: (1) When necessary for a proper or complete understanding of another record.

(2) When not so necessary and when not otherwise specifically provided for in this section.

c. Drafts, stenographers' notebooks, and dictaphone or other records used in preparing or producing correspondence and memoranda.

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