Imágenes de páginas

Burglary-Accomplice, 127; Burden of Proof,
363; Circumstantial Evidence, 345; Consent
of Owner, 345; Entry, 255; Force, 381; Oc-
cupancy, 145; Stolen Property, 219.

Cancellation of Instruments-Equity, 399. Fraud,
417; Inadequacy, 291.

Carriers of Goods-Act of God, 399; Bill of
Lading, 15, 291, 381, 435; Common Carriers,
89; Consignor, 381; Damages, 381; Draft on
Consignee, 69; Delivery, 345; Discrimina-
tion, 363; Draft and Bill of Lading, 89,
399; Exemption from Liability, 255; Fur-
nishing Cars, 163; Initial Carrier, 90, 399;
Liability to Shipper, 245; Lien for Freight,
10, 16; Negligence, 453. Owner's Risk, 107;
Penalties, 108; Perishable Freight, 399;
Public Utility, 181; Refusal to Accept, 417;
Special Contract, 399; Special Damages, 255;
Switching Services, 435; Value of Goods,
273; Warehouseman, 256.

[blocks in formation]

Carriers of Passengers-Alighting, 400; Assault,
51; Baggage, 237, 363, 381; Collision, 309;
Contract for Carriage, 237; Contributory
Negligence, 127; Derailment, 291; Due Care,
237; Emergency, 181; Employe, 327; Grat-
uitous Passenger, 435; Guest, 181; Intoxica-
tion, 237; Lurching of Car, 453; Mental
Suffering, 345; Negligence, 90, 400; Ordi-
nary Care, 273; Pass, 381; Passenger, 219;
Premature Start, 453. Relation of Passenger,
69, 181; Res Ipsa Loquitur, 51, 273; Safety
Device, 69; Stoppage at Station, 16.
Cemeteries-Regulation, 16; Dedication, 400.
Certiorari-Judicial Discretion, 345.

Champerty and Maintenance-Assignment, 381;
Attorney and Client, 33; Estoppel, 417;
Strangers to Contract, 327.

Charities-Assignment, 454; Forfeiture, 309;
Gifts Defined, 108; Hospital, 219, 345; Mass-
es, 33; Naked Trustee, 256; Perpetuity, 256;
Poor Relations, 69; Precatory Trust, 237.
Uncertainty, 237.

Chattel Mortgages-After-Acquired Property,
34; Assignment of Note, 219; Between Par-
ties. 345 Constructive Notice. 273: Counter-
claim, 108; Description of Property, 108,
346; Equity, 273; Fictitious Name, 181; In-
consistent Election, 273; Lien, 34, 90, 382;
Notice of Bill of Sale, 52; Permissive Pos-
session, 128; Record Notice, 181; Retention
of Possession, 108, 256; Retention of Title,
52; Security, 34. Shifting Stock, 145; Sub-
ject of, 400; Unliquidated Debt, 201; Waiver
of Lien, 145.

Collision-Maritime Law, 238.

Commerce-Burden on, 128; Employe, 163, 327,

346, 382, 436, 454; Exclusive Powers, 16;
Federal Trade Commission, 34; Foreign Cor-
poration, 327, 454; Income Tax, 382; Indirect
Influence, 382; Installation of Sprinkler
System, 454; Intercourse, 454; Intrastate
Control, 34; Local Transaction, 128; Navig-
able Stream, 436. Occasional Transaction,
108; State Inspection, 454; Telegraphs and
Telephones, 90, 238, 292, 363; Workmen,
256; Workmen's Compensation Act, 163.
Compromise and Settlement-Accord and Sat-
isfaction, 363; Amicable Adjustment,
Disputed Claim, 219; Mistake, 273.


Confusion of Goods-Intent, 182.
Conspiracy-Agreement by Conspirators, 346;

Civil Conspiracy, 417; Co-conspirator, 69;

Damages, 219; Declaration by Co-conspira-
tor, 327; Independent Offense, 182; Indict-
ment, 34; Overt Acts, 436; Unlawful Acts,

Constitutional Law-Due Process of Law, 108,
382; Espionage, 16. Franchise, 16; Free
Speech, 382; Vested Right, 108.

Contempt-Contumacy, 128.

Contracts-Adequate Consideration, 309; Ante-
nuptial Contract, 400; Binding Representa-
tion, 201; Breach, 309; Compounding Fel-
ony, 16; Consideration, 16, 417; Construc-
tion, 34, 363; Contingent Fee, 238; Delivery,
238; Duress, 164; Ejusdem Generis, 182, 310;
Embargo, 310; Entirety, 400; Equity, 34;
Express Contract, 108, 346. Extra Work,
128; Extrinsic Evidence, 327; Forbearance,
182; Forfeiture, 201; Illegality, 34; Implica-
tion. 292; Implied, 382; Impossibility of
Performance, 145, 310, 327, 417; Indefinite-
ness, 436; Installments, 454; Law of Domi-
cile, 219; Lex Loci Contractus, 108; Liabil-
ity, 327; Merger, 108, 201, 417; Meeting of
Minds, 34; Modification of Parol, 145; Moral
Obligation, 256; Motive, 436; Mutuality, 16,
256, 274, 327, 346, 460; Nudum Pactum, 201;
Oral Waiver, 219; Offer and Acceptance,
201. 274, 346, 417; Option, 219, 238, 292;
Past Services, 327; Performance, 346; Place
of, 310, 454; Practical Construction, 201;
Privity, 164; Public Performance, 274; Pub-
lic Policy, 274, 382; Quantum Meruit, 292;
Ratification, 145; Repugnancy, 16; Rescis-
sion, 90, 145, 182, 219, 238, 328, 382, 418;
Restraint of Trade, 145, 220; Seal, 238; Sep-
arability, 108; Severability, 128; Statutory
Duty, 16; Stifling Competition, 52; Substan-
tial Performance, 363; Surrounding Circum-
stances, 164; Termination, 182; Third Per-
son, 164, 436; Validity, 220; Waiver, 69, 201.
Contribution-Joint Tort-Feasors, 90.

Conversion-Equitable, 346; Equity, 274, 454;
Real Estate' and Personalty, 163, 182.
Copyrights-Illustrative Cuts, 202.

Corporations-Acceptance, 454; Accepting Bene-
fits, 364; Action, 454; Agency, 328; Appar-
ent Authority, 292; Assignment of Stock,
16, 220; Authority of Agent, 454; Bonus
Stock, 52; Change of Name, 292; Charter
Power, 400, 418, 436; Collateral Attack, 69;
Consideration, 182; Contracts, 328; Contract
With Officer, 400; Corporate Powers, 34;
Cumulative Voting, 310; Delivery of Cer-
tificate, 220; Directors, 400; Dissolution,
128; Diversion of Assets, 69; Estoppel, 52,
274, 328, 382; Foreign Corporation, 108, 220,
274, 310, 364; Forfeiture, 418; Fraud in Or-
ganization, 52. Guaranty, 418; Holding Out
Agent, 436; Indictment, 128; Individual, 108;
Insolvency, 400; Inspection of Books, 238,
364; Involuntary Trustee, 418; Joint and
Several Liability, 145; Laches, 128; Liabil-
ity of Agent, 52; Majority Stockholders, 310;
Misrepresentation, 108; Misuse of Franchise,
292; Notice to Agent, 328; Notice of Assess-
ment, 34; Non-Assessable Stock, 346; Offi-
cers and Directors, 69; Payment With No-
tice, 220. Personal Act of Officer, 274, 292;
Preference, 310, 382; Preferred Stockholder,
238; Promise of Office, 256; Promoter, 70,
128, 310, 436; Ratification, 292; Receiver-
ship, 201, 274; Repurchase of Stock, 145,
310; Res Judicata, 310; Sale of Assets, 346;
Sale of Stock, 164, 454; Slander, 364; Spe-
cific Interest, 128; Stock, 52; Stockholder,
16, 201; Subscription to Stock, 128, 328. 346,
436, 454; Subsequent Creditors, 256; Tort,
454. Ultra Vires, 202, 292; Voting Trust,
238; Wrongful Diversion, 52.

Courts-Ancillary Jurisdiction, 400; Course of
Action, 454; Law of the Case, 454; Language

of Opinion, 346; Limiting Jurisdiction, 454;
Representative Action, 454; Rules of, 238;
Treaty, 418.

Covenants-Adjoining Proprietor, 238; Breach,
382; Building Restrictions, 90, 292, 382; Gen-
eral Warranty, 238; Implied, 418, 436; Im-
possibility of Performance, 34; Measure of
Damages, 346; Outstanding Incumbrance,
90; Quantity on Deed, 128. Personal, 364;
Restriction Scheme, 274, 292.

Criminal Law-Accessory After the Fact, 220;
Accomplice, 34, 108, 128, 146, 164, 182, 202,
310, 328, 364, 382, 418, 436; Admissions, 34,
220, 346; Aiding and Abetting, 220; Argu-
ment of Counsel, 382; Arraignment, 164,
328; Bribery, 292; Character of Accused,
202, 382; Circumstantial Evidence, 16, 128;
Comparison of Writings, 436; Confession,
202, 310, 328, 364, 382, 400, 436; Conspirator,
436; Continuance, 16; Corpus Delicti, 70, 90;
Corroboration, 52, 328; Counts in Indict-
ment, 34; Cross-Examination, 454; Drunk-
enness, 238, 256; Duress, 328; False Pre-
tenses. 436; Evidence, 108, 382; Forgery,
418; Former Jeopardy, 52, 436; Fugitive
from Justice, 454; General Reputation, 182;
Good Reputation, 220; Grand Jury, 34; Im-
peachment of Verdict, 164; Indeterminate
Sentence, 418; Inference, 418; Insanity, 164,
238; Instructions, 274, 400; Intent, 220, 292,
418; Irresistible Impulse, 146; Interest of
Witness, 90, 128; Intrapping, 292; Jeopardy,
328; Joint Indictees, 16; Misdemeanor, 34;
Misfortune, 454; Opinion Evidence, 182; Or-
der of Employer, 182; Pardon, 346; Part of
Conversation, 146. Plea in Abatement, 164;
Plea of Guilty, 256; Practice, 164; Prelimi-
nary Examination, 90, 108; Presumption of
Honesty, 400; Presumption of Sanity, 182;
Principal, 274; Principals in Misdemeanor,
238; Prosecuting Witness, 310; Resentence,
346; Recent Possession, 400; Res Gestae, 52,
128, 310; Search and Seizure, 34; Sentence,
382; Singling Out Testimony, 90; Similar
Acts, 16, 238, 328; Similar Transaction, 202;
Statements by Counsel, 220. Suspension of
Judgment, 202; Threats, 454; Trial, 328;
Venue, 52; View of Premises, 202; Volun-
tary Intoxication, 146; Withdrawal of Plea,
220, 292, 328; Wrongful Intent, 400.

Crops Reservation in Deed, 238.

Customs and Usages-Implied Reference to, 146.

Damages-Increased Cost of Living, 418; Ju-
dicial Discretion, 455; Malice, 455; Meas-
ure of, 328, 382; Mental Anguish, 34, 292;
Minimizing, 292; Mitigating, 70; Mortality
Tables, 364; Natural Consequence, 108; Net
Profits, 34. Penalty, 454; Physical Examina-
tion. 256, 328; Poverty of Plaintiff, 52;
Profits, 454; Punitive, 382; Quantum of
Proof, 400; Remoteness, 382; Special, 90,
220, 383; Specific Performance, 17; Specula-
tive, 436; Wife's Earning Capacity, 17.

Death-Absence, 108; Burden of Proof, 202;
Condition Precedent, 90; Conflict of Laws,
108; Damages, 182, 383; Earning Capacity,
256; Eye Witnesses, 146, 256, 364; Interest
in Tort, 274; Look and Listen, 455; Meas-
ure of Damages, 310; Presumption of Care,
455; Presumption of, 108; Rebuttable Pre-
sumption, 220; Remarriage of Plaintiff, 274;
Remarriage of Widow, 328; Survivorship,


Dedication-Acceptance of Benefits, 164; Plats,
146; Purpose of, 292; Reservation, 182.

Deeds-Ambiguity, 256; Condition Subsequent,

35, 90, 238, 383; Confidential relations, 455;
Conflicting Provisions, 364; Construction,
418; Covenant, 182; Delivery, 17, 35, 90, 310,
346, 383, 436; Description of Property, 182,
400. Fraudulent Intent, 328; Heirs of the

Body, 310; Illegal Consideration, 17; Insan-
ity, 164; Intent to Defraud, 17; Intoxication,
17; Limitation of Estate, 128; Manual De-
livery, 164; Merger, 383; Misrepresentation,
328; Natural Love and Affection, 256; Nega-
tive Easements, 436; Parol Evidence, 202;
Passive Trust, 164; Public Policy, 364; Quit-
claim, 436; Reservation, 238; Renunciation,
202. Repugnancy, 146; Rule in Shelley's
Case, 90; Seal, 256; Specific Intent, 128;
Statute of Frauds, 418; Trust Fund, 364;
Undue Influence, 70; Voluntary, 328; Want
of Consideration, 52; Weakness of Intel-
lect, 328; Words of Limitation, 35.





[blocks in formation]

Divorce Abandonment, 202; Acquiescence, 292;
Adultery, 202. Alimony, 274, 292, 310, 328,
418; Collateral Attack, 238; Condonation,
274; Constructive Service, 310; Contempt,
274, 311; Continuing Ground, 202; Cross-
Complaint, 328; Cruelty, 52, 108, 182, 220,
364, 400, 455; Community Property, 164;
Custody of Child, 109, 220, 311; Death Dis-
solving Marriage, 17; Desertion, 109, 292;
Domicile, 311; Equal Fault, 164; Foreign
Decree, 128; Insanity, 128; Interference with
Wife, 17; Jurisdiction, 52, 202; Lex Domi-
cilii, 17; Marriage of Convenience, 346; Of-
fer in Good Faith, 455; Paramount Right,
292; Perjury, 364; Public Interest, 292; Sep-
aration, 437; Statute of Limitations, 256;
Statutory Jurisdiction, 35; Weifare of Child,

[blocks in formation]

Equity-Bill of Review, 274; Cancellation, 109;
Clean Hands, 129, 328, 346; Common Inter-
est, 129; Complete Relief, 109; Cross-Bill,
418; Definition, 400; Final Decree, 220; Jur-
isdiction, 52, 257, 329, 437; Laches, 52, 164,
182, 364, 418; Multifariousness, 220, 364;
Parties and Privies, 274; Political Rights,
418; Relief, 364; Rule at Law, 329; Special
Master, 91; Technicality, 70.

Escrows-Attorney as Holder, 164; Delivery.


Estoppel-Accepting Benefits, 419; Change of
Position, 17; Duty to Speak, 257; Equity,
419; Equitable Estoppel, 274; Holding Out
Agent, 274; Mortgagor, 346; Remaindermen,
53; Supervision of Insurance, 91.


Evidence-Books of Account, 437; Burden of
Proof, 274; Contradictory Stipulation, 274;
Expert Testimony, 383; Inference on Infer-
ence, 274; Judicial Notice, 35, 239, 400; La-
tent Ambiguity, 419; Receipt, 383; Res Ges-
tae, 25, 329, 419.

Exchanges-Rules and Customs, 35.

Exchange of Property-Election, 53; Sale, 419;
Waiver, 419.

Execution-Estopel, 70; Redemption, 274; Re-
demption from Sale, 53; Vacation of Judg-
ment, 239.

Executors and Administrators-Ancillary Ad-
ministration, 257; Consideration, 293; Col-
lecting Assets, 419; Continuing Business,
329; Discretion, 383; Domicile, 35, 164; Dor-
mant Judgment, 383; Employment of Coun-
sel, 35; Equality in Distribution, 70; Estop-
pel, 293; Expenses, 257; Family Relation-
ship, 91; Funeral Expenses, 364; Homestead,
129; Malfeasance, 109; Personal Liability,
129; Power to Sell, 53; Primary Liability,
129; Reimbursement, 182; Secured Debt, 70;
Statute of Limitations, 202; Tax Certificate,

[blocks in formation]

Fraud-Actionable Representation, 129; Bur-,
den of Proof, 182, 437; Circumstantial Evi-
dence, 329; Damages, 400; Election of Rem-
edy, 455; Estoppel, 202; Expression of Opin-
ion, 109; False Representations, 182; Fraud-
ulent Representation, 109; Half Truth, 183;
Misrepresentation, 146, 164. Modification,
364; Parol Evidence, 129; Partnership, 364;
Proximate Cause, 70; Punitive Damages,
401; Reckless Statement, 239; Reliance, 35,
53, 293; Statute of Subcontractor, 346; Sus-
picion, 346.

Frauds, Statute of Capital Stock, 419; Debt,
Default or Miscarriage, 70; Debt of Anoth-
er, 129; Deceit, Action for, 70; Executory
Contract, 311; Fraud, 364; Incident to Debt,
311; Oral Agreement, 91, 129, 383, 437;
Oral Option, 257; Original Undertaking, 53,
329; Part Performance, 91, 419; Party Wall,
293; Performance Within Year, 53, 70;
Promise to Pay Debt, 109.

Fraudulent Conveyances-Accepting Benefits,
202; Badge of Fraud, 257, 365, 437; Between
Parties, 202; Bulk Sales Law, 35, 70, 164,
202, 311, 365, 401; Corrupt Agreement, 419;
Deed of Gift, 239; Fraud in Law, 146; Good
Faith, 383; Husband and Wife, 383; Intent,
17; Knowledge of Grantee, 347; Levy, 129;
Participant in Fraud, 70; Preference, 70;
Preferred Creditor, 239; Preferring Creditor,
419; Presumption, 275; Recovery by Gran-
tor, 221; Sale in Bulk, 455; Solvency, 455;
Voluntary, 146.

Game-Treaty, 455.

Gaming-Gambling, 275; Gambling Operation,
257; Gambling Table, 53.

[blocks in formation]

Highways-Abutting Owner, 401; Equal Rights
in, 146; Licenses, 257; Ordinary Care, 165;
Prescription, 183; Special Use, 329; Speed
Regulation, 329.

Homestead-Abandonment, 203, 365; Conveyance
of, 146; Definition, 17; Estoppel, 311, 365;
Head of Family, 239; Lien, 455.

Homicide-Aiding and Abetting, 455; Declara-
tions, 155; Aggressor, 146; Apparent Danger,
109; Arrest Without Warrant, 164; Co-Con-
spirator, 203; Deadly Weapon, 129, 257, 347,
383; Defense of Family, 203; Drunkenness,
203; Dying Declarations, 164, 311, 437, 455;
Flight, 455; Good Reputation, 275; Immedi-
ate Punishment, 383; Insanity, 329; Insults,
383; Intent, 53, 203; Intent to Kill,
Malice, 146; Manslaughter, 239; Motive, 17;
Resistance to Arrest, 419; Responsibility for
Crime, 401; Seduction, 239; Specific Intent,
53; Sufficient Provocation, 91; Self Defense,
109, 165, 183, 203, 257, 365; Threats, 203.
Hospitals-Private Gain, 257.



Husband and Wife-Adverse Possession,
347; Agency, 147; Adverse Possession, 70,
91, 291, 236, 455; Bill of Exchange, 91;
Business Profits, 329; Coercion by Husband,
293; Community Property, 17, 147, 221, 329,
437; Confidential Relation, 109; Coverture,
383; Separate Property, 383; Domicile, 239;
Entireties, 419; Entirety, 183; Estoppel, 70,
293; Gift Inter Vivos, 109; Invitee, 401;
Living Apart, 35; Marital Rights, 203; Mort-
gage, 419; Negotiable Instruments, 165;
Privileged Communication, 183; Separate Li-
ability, 91; Separate Maintenance, 147; Sep-
arate Property, 311; Separation, 455; Stat-
ute of Limitations, 275.

Improvements-Personal Judgment, 53.
Indemnity-Damages, 129; Liability, 365, 383;
Primary Duty, 239.

[blocks in formation]

Innkeepers-Guest. 437.

Insane Persons-After Arraignment, 91; Attor-
ney and Client, 35; Inadequate Considera-
tion, 165.

Inspection-Police Power, 221.

Insurance Accident, 35, 165, 183, 365, 437, 455;
Accidental Injury, 70, 129; Accident Policy,
419; Act of God, 203; Agency, 91, 455; Am-
biguity, 311, 419, 437; Antedated Note, 257;
Application for, 275, 383; Assignment, 293;
Assignment of Policy, 165; Attorney's Fee,
239; Benefit Society, 419; Burden of Proof,
53; By-Laws, 35; Cancellation, 239, 365;
Cancellation by Mail, 71; Cancellation of
Policy, 347; Change of Beneficiary, 419, 455;
Change of Possession, 91; Check in Pay-
ment, 129; Co-Insurance, 109; Conditions in
Application, 257; Constitution and By-Laws,
147, 165; Death from Accident, 221; Estop-
pel, 109, 203, 311, 437; External Violence,
91; Failure of Proof, 311; Forfeiture, 91,
365, 401; Fraternal Association, 401; Indem-
nity, 239; Insurable Interest, 221, 239, 257,
329, 365; Interest, 347; Inventory of Stock,
91, 129; Joint Policy, 347; Knowledge of
Agent, 401; Lightning, 239; Medical Exam-
ination, 329; Minimizing Damages, 275; Mis-
statement of Applicant, 91; Mortgagee, 293;
Murder by Beneficiary, 53; Notice of Can-
cellation, 257; Oral Contract, 365, 383; Part-
nership, 17; Payment by Note, 129; Place
of Contract, 165; Preliminary Contract, 91;
Reformation of Policy, 53; Reinstatement,
275; Relinquishment of Right, 53; Repug-
nancy, 203; Settlement by Indemnity, 347;
Splitting Causes, 347; Strict Construction,
183; Subrogation, 109, 165, 383; Suicide, 221,
311; Surrender of Policy, 329; Total Dis-
ability, 71; Vacancy, 109; Valid Contract,
109; Waiver, 35, 129, 221, 347, 365, 419; Waiv-
er of Forfeiture, 71.

[blocks in formation]

Joint Tenancy-Execution Sale, 183.
Judgment-After-Acquired Rights, 147; Arrest
of, 275; Collateral Attack, 129, 221, 275, 365;
Conclusiveness, 293; Concurrent Remedy, 92;
Default, 129, 147, 329, 365; Estoppel, 35; Gen-
eral Jurisdiction, 71; Intervention, 365; Mis-
description, 275; Publication Service, 35; Re-
opening, 147; Repeal of Statute, 437; Res
Judicata, 221, 275, 347, 365; Set-off, 257; Ver-
ity Implied, 71.

Judicial Sales-Collateral Attack, 129; Con-
firmation, 455; Jurisdiction, 17; Stifling Com-
petition, 92; Validity, 130.

Kidnapping-Physical Force, 71.

Landlord and Tenant-Abandonment, 293; An-
nexation to Freehold, 130; Assignment, 109,
293; Attornment, 130; Breach of Contract,
92; Change in Law, 71; Common Stairway,
239; Constructive Evidence, 203; Contingent
Litigation, 53; Covenant Running with
Land, 203; Crops, 53, 71, 92, 419; Defects
in Premises, 203, 455; Dispossession, 365;
Eviction, 293, 383; Exclusive Control, 221;
Guests, 365; Hostile Possession, 53; Implied
Warranty, 347; Lease, 53, 109; Month-to-
Month, 183; Negligent Construction, 183;
Oral Lease, 401; Practical Construction,
71; Privity, 239; Quiet Enjoyment, 71, 221;
Re-entry, 257, 311; Renewal of Lease, 165;
Repairs, 53, 183, 257; Retrospective Opera-
tion, 257; Subletting, 347; Surrender, 275,

365, 419; Tenancy at Will, 71; Termination
of Lease, 92, 347; Termination of Tenancy,
293, 311; Title of Landlord, 203; Undisclosed
Principal, 293.

Larceny Circumstantial Evidence, 239; Com-
pound Larceny, 35; Condonement, 203; De-
fined, 35; False Pretenses, 147; Hope of
Gain, 147; Innocent Taking, 240; Ownership,
147, 455; Presumption, 383; Recent Posses-
sion, 383.

Libel and Slander-Express Malice, 419; Innu-
endo, 365; Jest, 329; Justification, 419; Libel
per se, 53, 311; Malice, 456; Printed De-
famation, 147, 293; Privileged Communica-
tion, 92, 275, 365, 401; Protection Against,
54; Publication, 92, 165; Punitive Damages,
17; Qualified Privilege, 240, 401; Unchastity,
203; Variance, 347; Voluntary Testimony,
71; Special Damages, 183.

Licenses-Revocation, 347.

Life Estates-Adverse Possession, 165.
Limitation of Actions-Acceleration, 257; Ac-
crual of Action, 18; Acknowledgment, 347,
437; Amendment, 165; Curtesy, 437; Cutting
of Remedy, 110; Demand Note, 401; Dis-
covery of Fraud, 147, 365; Estoppel, 221;
New Promise, 401; Note and Mortgage, 401;
Open Account, 329; Partial Payments, 365;
Premature Suit, 203; Tolling Statute, 36,
130, 147, 293.

Livery Stable and Garage Keepers-Burden on
Bailee, 221; Reasonable Care. 18.

Malicious Prosecution-Advice of Counsel, 130,
203, 221, 401; Bad Character, 148; Burden
of Proof, 148; Former Acquittal, 437; Mal-
ice, 293; Motive, 456; Probable Cause, 71,
257, 293, 329; Termination of Prosecution,

Mandamus-Administrative Body, 293; Inspec-

tion of Records, 347; Inspection by Stock-
holder, 294; Judicial Discretion, 240; Plain
Duty, 18.

Marriage Annulment, 71, 183, 365; Cohabita-
tion, 456; Illicit Cohabitation, 147; License,
419; Slaves, 147.

Master and Servant-Arising Out of Employ-
ment, 110; Assumption of Risk, 92, 221, 294,
384, 401, 420, 437; Assurance by Master, 71,
311; Assurance of Safety, 420; Automobiles,
92; Burden of Proof, 18, 329; Casual Em-
ployment, 165; Consideration, 401; Contribu-
tory Negligence, 366; Course of Employ-
ment, 165, 183, 456; Defective Appliance,
71, 183; Dependency, 147; Earning Capacity,
147; Experienced Employe, 437, 456; Express
Contract, 401; Fellow-Servant, 110, 130, 275,
347; Foreman's Direction, 183; Guards to
Machinery, 54; Hours of Service Act, 257;
Imputability, 71; Independent Contractor,
36, 110, 203, 221, 438; Inexperience, 384; In-
spection, 240; Instructions to Servant, 203;
Insurer, 456; Joint Action, 257; Joint Liabil-
ity, 311; Malicious Act, 294; Master's Direc-
tion, 384; Master's Promise, 110; Minor
Employe, 36; Minimizing Damages, 36; No-
tification of Injury, 275; Principal's Direc-
tion, 147; Proximate Cause, 366; Ratifica-
tion, 311; Release, 420; Res Ipsa Loquitur,
240, 420; Respondeat Superior, 222, 275, 347;
Safe Place, 110, 130, 183, 329, 347, 366;
Safety Appliance, 18, 165, 240, 257; Safety
of Employe, 183; Scope of Employment, 147;
Special Finding, 130; Specific Negligence,
384; Tools and Appliances, 71; Total Dis-
ability, 329; Unsafe Tool, 257; Vice Prin-
cipal, 330, 420; Volunteer, 222; Warning,
311; Workmen's Compensation Acts, 71, 92,
165, 222, 240, 258; Wrongful Discharge, 92,
147, 148, 311, 384.

[ocr errors]

Mechanic's Lien-Constructive Notice, 92; De-
scription of Property, 54, 183; Ejusdem
Generis, 222; Materialmen, 36; Nonlienable
Items, 71; Priority, 130, 366, 401; Public
Policy, 165; Subcontractor, 148; Test of, 222;
Waiver, 456.

Mines and Minerals-Abandonment, 384; Equit-
able Mortgage, 401; Incorporeal Heredita-
ment, 18: Location, 384; Partnership, 148;
Rescission, 384; Secret Profits, 420; Sub-
Surface, 402; Tender of Consideration, 347;
Underground Laterals, 438; Unilateral
Lease, 165; Valid Location, 402.

Monopolies Cold Storage, 330; Independent
Agreement, 130; Interstate Commerce, 71;
Resales, 165.

Mortgages-Assumption of Payment, 258; At-
tachment, 456; Attestation, 18; Contract,
347; Counterclaim, 36; Deed Absolute, 148,
311; Deeds, 92; Default, 240; Defeasance.
110; Defined, 402; Discouraging Bidders,
184; Enjoining Sale, 203; Equal Equities,
275; Equitable Title, 165; Estoppel, 366;
Foreclosure, 275; Future Acquired Prop-
erty, 347; Future Advances, 71, 438; Incon-
sistent Duties, 130; Implied Agreement, 330;
Lien, 222; Mechanic's Liens, 110; Outstand-
ing Title, 240; Parol Evidence, 438; Prior-
ity, 92, 258; Qualified Title, 92; Redemption,
258; Rents, 18, 148; Setting Aside Sale,
366; Security, 347; Statutory Sale, 54; Sus-
pension of Alienation, 275; Transfer, 18.

Municipal Corporations-Burden on Streets,
258; Competitive Bidding, 165; Compromise,
330; Constructive Knowledge, 72; Contribu-
tory Negligence, 311, 330; Estoppel, 348;
Express Grant, 312; Governmental Power,
148; Nuisance, 36, 330; Option to Rescind,
165; Ordinances, 402; Police Power, 294;
Principal and Agent, 184; Public Service
Commission, 165; Ratification, 294; Respond-
eat Superior, 72; Revocation of License,
184; Speed Regulations, 72; Street Cross-
ings, 184; Street Obstruction, 72; Taxation,

Negligence-Assumption of Risk, 240; Attrac-
tive Nuisance, 294, 384; Burden of Proof,
54; Child, 294; Concurrent Negligence, 130;
Concurring Causes, 36. 92; Contributory
Negligence, 165, 240, 348; Emergency, 36,
203; Independent Contractor, 166; Inherent
Damage, 456; Imputability, 18, 184, 240, 258,
420; Inevitable Accident, 402; Injury by
Third Person, 222; Invitee, 166, 402, 420;
Last Clear Chance, 222; Licensee, 294; Miti-
gation of Damages, 178; Negligence per
se, 184; Ordinary Care, 165, 402; Perform-
ance of Duty, 148; Primary Negligence, 348;
Proximate Cause, 18, 312, 456; Res Ipsa
Loquitur, 402; Statutory Violation, 294;
Theory of, 456; Trespasser, 130; Unavoid-
able Accident, 366; Unsafe Structure, 438;
Ultimate Purchaser, 294.

[blocks in formation]

Joint Interest, 330; Land, 456; Offer of Judg-
ment, 166; Partnership Assets, 130; Profits,
92, 258, 312; Requisite of, 221; Settled Ac-
count, 366; Sharing Profits, 54.

Partition-Complete Relief, 72; Equity, 72, 366.

Patents-Abandonment, 72; Anticipation, 348;
Combination of Old Elements, 18; Descrip-
tion of Elements, 148; Interference, 366;
Invention, 348; Laches, 184; Lack of Iden-
tity, 166; Mechanical Equivalents, 204; New
Use, 384; Non-User, 184; Novelty, 148; Pat-
entability, 366; Prior Public Use, 204; Spe-
cific Patent, 420; Utility, 148.

Payment-Application of, 330; Check of Debtor,
312; Novation, 204; Place of, 240; Presump-
tion of, 36; Promissory Note, 204; Receipt,
72; Satisfaction, 36.


Acquittal, 402; Instruction,
275; Willful and Corrupt, 18.
Petition-Parol Agreement, 420.

Physicians and Surgeons-Care, 276; Consent to
Operation, 276; Implied Promise, 204; Li-
cense, 276; Principal and Agent, 348; Ac-
cepting Benefits, 384; Ascertainment of Au-
thority, 438; Declarations of Agent, 258,
294, 312, 330, 348; Exclusive Agency, 384;
Fidelity to Principal, 36, 221; Gratuitous
Agent, 240; Implied Authority, 420, 456;
Incidental Authority, 204; Personal Busi-
ness, 312; Private Instructions, 204; Rati-
fication, 166, 276, 361; Retaining Benefits,
294; Revocation, 18, 402; Scope of Agency,
130, 148; Secret Profit, 240; Transcending
Authority, 92; Trustee, 184; Undisclosed
Principal, 294, 438.

Principal and Surety-Anticipating Breach, 456;
Assignment, 456; Gratuitous Surety, 420;
Paid Surety, 312, 456; Release of Surety,
148, 294; Revocation, 402; Subrogation, 240;
Surety for Hire, 184; Surrender of Security,
18; Voluntary Payment, 166; Voluntary
Surety, 18.

Public Lands-Mineral Lands, 36.

Public Service Commissions-State Law, 18.
Quieting Title-Burden of Proof, 36; Cancella-
tion, 366; Cloud on Title, 72; Ejectment,

Railroads-Assumption of Liability, 204; Com-
pulsory Operation, 258; Crossing, 72; Con-
tributory Negligence, 54, 148, 330; Custom
and Usage, 294; Election to Sue, 204; Grade
Crossing, 54; Imputable Negligence, 222;
Last Clear Chance, 54, 204; Look and Lis-
ten, 330; Negligence by Lessee, 204; Negli-
gence per se, 366; Proximate Cause, 348;
Reciprocal Duty, 330; Signals, 366; Tres-
passer, 148, 276, 294; Vigilance, 312; Warn-
ing, 348; Warning to Travelers, 258.

Rape Attempt, 130; Civil Action, 258; Cor-
roboration, 312; Intent, 184; Overt Act, 110.
Receivers-Appointing Counsel, 54.
Receiving Stolen Goods-Recent Possession, 54.
Reformation of Instruments-Conformity to
Oral Agreement, 148; Equity, 92, 222; Mis-
take, 110, 130, 258; Mutual Mistake, 72, 204,

[blocks in formation]
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