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smooth surface of the water, but capable ofdiffusing a refreshing coolness through our frames, wearied and exhausted by the day's labour. All our hands were ashore at one of the plantations, for the ship was anchored up a narrow creek; and the balmy fragrance of plants and flowers uniting with the solitude of the scene, shed a soothing influence over us. Insensibly I fell into a train of melancholy musing. My mind wandered to the home I had been so long absent from. The dear friends I had left there were they still in existence, and did they recal thoughts of their wandering sailor? We talked over our early days, of our scattered school-fellows, of our boyish adventures, of our more recent perils, and now of our parting.

"I wish I could persuade you, Jack," said my companion, "to give up your birth here, and go home with me. One of your late crew told me that this ship would never see Old England again, for all the rats had forsaken her; and you know as well as any of us, that it is a sure sign the ending of the vessel is not far distant when they leave her.""Well, let them go," returned I, “and a fair wind to their tails! I care not though I never see a whisker of them again, we shall get the more beef and biscuit for ourselves in that case. I know it's a common superstition among seamen, but do you think I am such a swab as to believe that a parcel of vermine can foretel a vessel's fate? No, no, I have engaged to go the voyage, and, if that's all, I'll"Aye, but hearken to me," interrupted he, "that's not all." Many years ago, this ship left Nata, in the bay of Panama, with a quantity of specie for the merchants in London. They had not been long at sea when the mate and crew agreed to kill the captain, share the money, and turn pirates. He was accordingly attacked when he came on deck, but being a stout man he resisted, until weakened by loss of blood, he retreated to the bows, where he was overpowered, mur


dered, and thrown overboard. villains kept these seas in terror for some time; but at last, decoyed by a disguised sloop of war, which they mistook for a merchantman, they were captured, and the mate and five men run up to the fore-yard arm. Ever since that, the captain's ghost haunts the vessel, but is never seen except to foretel some disaster, either to the ship or crew. The sailor who told me saw him that night we arrived at Savannah; and has not the prediction been fulfilled in the death of our men?" I could not forbear laughing at the conclusion of this story, to his great annoyance, for he gave implicit credit to such tales. I declared my total unbelief of supernatural appearances, and tried to argue him out of his faith in them, but to no purpose; he remained firm and fast. We had much discussion on the subject, by which neither of us was convinced; so, getting fairly tired of the topic, I proposed taking supper and turning in. I do not know how long I had slept, when I was roused by Cuthbertson shaking me violently, and exclaiming, "Rise, Jack, for God's sake, rise, I have seen him!" I immediately started up; "Seen what," inquired I, " what have you seen?" but the poor fellow was in no condition to comply, he had become insensible. I lifted him up, and carried him on deck, where, by the application of a little water, he soon recovered.

"After turning in," said he, "I lay thinking on what we had been conversing about, till I worked myself up to such a state that I could not fall asleep. I tried repeatedly to banish it from my mind, but in spite of all my efforts to get rid of it, it still recurred. After tossing about for some hours, I got so heated that I could lie no longer, so I thought I would rise, and take a turn fore and aft to cool myself, and see how the night looked. The moon was dim and hazy, and her light much obscured by clouds driving with great swiftness across her surface. The wind was all

forward, and tried to grapple with it; but without any sensible motion it receded as I advanced, and, the moon suddenly becoming obscure, it vanished from my sight on the forecastle. A faintness came over me-I thought the ship whirling round-I staggered to the companion, but how I got down to the cabin I know not." He ceased, and the agitation of his frame shewed how deeply he was impressed with the reality of the apparition. I again ridiculed the notion of its having been a spirit, but rather some phantasy of the brain; a form conjured up by the force of an over-wrought imagination; and, perhaps, a particular reflection of moonlight might perfect the delusion: and I ended by swearing I would not trust the evidence of my senses, although my father should rise from the grave and present himself before me. "Well, Jack," he returned, "I'll argue the matter no more. I don't pretend to guess at the purport of its visit; no trifle would occasion its becoming visible to human eyes; but this I know, that all the powers on earth cannot shake my conviction of its reality, or prove it a mere delusion of sight. We are now about to part, perhaps for ever; and if so, and I am permitted, I promise to be thrice visible to you before your death, if you are left in this world behind me." I laughed, and swore I should be glad to see him; that I should deem myself secure till the last visit; and moreover, that I did not value all the rats and ghosts on earth a rotten rope-yarn. Here we ended. The boats came off with our men, we all went to help the schooner into the bay, hade farewell as he got under-way, and returned to our ship.

a-peak for the fly of the vane at the
mast head was motionless and drooping.
Not a leaf rustled on the trees; and I
almost fancied I heard the rushing of
the clouds as they hurried over my head.
I never felt myself so impressed with
the awful stillness of nature. I walked
a good while to and fro, and then stop-
ped and leaned over the bulwarks at the
waist to watch the progress of the car-
ries, wondering why they flew so rapidly
above, when it was such a dead calm
below. While thus engaged I chanced
to turn my head, and thought I saw
something white standing behind me.
I started, and rubbed my eyes to ascer-
tain if I saw distinctly, for I had walked
the length of the deck only a few mi-
nutes before, and knew that our men
had not yet returned. The story of the
captain haunting the vessel now flashed
across my mind, and the idea that I
stood in the presence of an unearthly
being created a feeling I cannot describe
--my heart leaped to my mouth at the
conviction, and a cold shivering thrilled
through my body. I tried to shut out
the vision, but my eyes were fascinated
by some spell against which I had no
power of resistance. As I continued to
gaze, it gradually became brighter and
more defined, until I distinguished a
human face, wan and ghastly-its eyes,
lustreless and fixed, as those in the soc-
kets of a dead man; and gore stream-
ing from a wound over its temple. I
shuddered with horror at the sight, my
knees bent beneath me, and I was on
the point of sinking down, when, rally-
ing all my fortitude, with an effort of
desperation I threw myself forward
and attempted to seize it, but nothing
met my grasp. Panting and breath-him
less, a cold perspiration bursting through
every pore, and with a feeling as if the
scalp of my head was shrinking to no-
thing, I stopped and again looked on
it. It stood without motion with its
dull and lifeless eyes still riveted upon
me. I could endure their gaze no lon-
ger-I felt my brain maddening with
terror; driven to frenzy, I again darted

A few weeks afterwards we loaded, and left Savannah; and falling in with a Halifax brig, we were informed that war had been declared against the United States, whose privateers were swarming in all directions. One morning at day-break we discovered a small cutter to windward; she was on the

contrary tack, but in place of holding on her straight course, she kept yawing, and sheering, and gradually bearing down on us under English colours, and her foresail unset. Our men pronounced her to be American built, and seemingly a Charleston pilot-boat; but the captain, on the contrary, thought her one of the mail-carriers which ply between the islands, and shortened sail to send a boat on board to get the news. The jolly-boat was therefore prepared ; but by way of precaution we cast loose our guns and prepared for engaging. As she neared us we could see but a few men on board, which, with their manner of manoeuvring, gave her such a suspicious appearance, that I proposed to fire a gun and bring her to: for at arm's length I knew our heavy metal was capable of blowing her out of the water; but if she got under our guns she might easily carry us by boarding. The captain still hesitated, and desired me to have patience, but he had scarcely pronounced the words when a gust of wind blew aside the corner of the foresail, and disclosed the muzzle of a long swivel pointing out. There was no room for hesitation now, so I seized a trumpet, and desired them to haul their wind, or else we would fire into them. "Fire, and be d-d," was the reply.


The sail was cast off, and the contents of the swivel, with a shower of small arms, poured on us. We returned the broadside; but it was now too late to do any service, for she was so close, and so much under us, that our shot went clean over them. We had not time to exchange another, ere she was laid athwart our bows, and boarding us by the bowsprit. I now left the had been working, and called out for our men to stand fast; but instead of obeying, they run below for safety, with the captain at their head, leaving me alone on deck, and the colours flying. I saw there was nothing more to be done, so throwing away my cutlass, I was following their example, and had my back to the companion in the act



of descending, when I was surrounded, and ordered to stand. I cried out, that surely they wouldn't kill an unarmed man. Then, why don't you haul down your colours?" replied one of the fellows, and fired his pistol right in my face. I gave my head a sudden jerk to one side, by which means the ball only grazed my teeth, and went through my cheek, while both eyes were scorched and driven full of powder from the closeness of the discharge. I was knocked over, and fairly thought I was shot through the head; but in a little time I recovered, and finding the blood flowing from my mouth and cheek, I groped my way down the ladder, where, getting hold of a sail, I scraped off some tow, thrust it into the wound, and bound it round with a handkerchief. I next extended my search for my chest, out of which I took all my money, hid it about me, and lay down in my bed.

I remained undisturbed for an hour, brooding over the disasters such a short time had brought about, when I heard some one enter the cabin, and recognized the voice of the captain. "We have run ourselves into a fine mess, Gilkison," said he; "instead of our captors being Americans, I mistake much if they don't turn out a set of sea-sharks. They have been overhauling my papers above, and swear that there is money on board, and they threaten to make us walk the plank if it's not instantly delivered up. only knows what I am to do! I brought out some gold privately on account of my owners, which I left at Savannah, but, like a cursed idiot, I neglected to burn my private instructions. They have lost two men by our fire, and that makes them like so many devils, which, upon my soul, I believe they are, for I never saw such a set of cut-throat looking villains of all colours between the gunnels of a vessel."


You may thank yourself for the loss of your ship," returned 1; " but I can guess, if she hadn't been fully covered she

wouldn't have been given up so easily. However, you know your own course best; as for me, I am done for already; and it's all one whether I'm thrown overboard a few hours sooner or later." We were here cut short by a rough voice ordering us on deck. Knowing there was no use in refusing, I rose, groped my way up, and stood holding by the companion-door.



" I

"Well, my lads," said the same person whom I supposed to be the tain of the pirates, "have you agreed to find the Spanish for us, or must we knock about for it ourselves?" told you before," replied the captain, "that there was no gold on board, we left it-" "None of your infernal lies!" interrupted the other; "do not your own papers tell us to the contrary, and do take us for such cursed fools, as to be gulled, like a parcel of land swabs, with a long-spun yarn? No, no, the devil a skulking I'll allow of in this ship-It doesn't signify arguing the flash of a flint,-overhaul your secret stowing holes and bowse out the dust, or, by, I'll make you walk the plank in the turning of an hourglass." "I know I am completely in you power," returned the captain, "to do with me as you will; but again I declare my utter inability to comply with your demands, since, to my knowledge, there is no gold on board; but I am willing to give you a bill to any reasonable amount on the house in Savannah, for the ransom of the ship and cargo." "And how the hell is it to be paid?" rejoined the pirate; "do you think we'll let you go ashore to send a cruiser on us? or land and be kidnapped ourselves? Never think of that!-The devil a ransom you would offer to pay if there was nothing in her; so, once for all, either bear a haud and turn out the clink, or take yourself over the side. What you won't start then? we'll soon try that-hallo! Martinique, run out that plank there over the leegunnel, and balance it fair." The command was speedily executed, and

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the captain was again desired to go forward, but instead of so doing, the poor man supplicated the more earnestly for his life. But he appealed to wretches devoid of feeling. Some of the pirates then laid hold of him to drag him to the plank. A trampling of feet ensued-a struggling and shuffling along the deck as if he was violently forced on, while he strove, with all the strength of desperation to retard the fulfilment of his doom; all the time praying for his life in a voice of agony I shall never forget. Stop the cowardly fellow's muzzle with the end of that marlin-spike, and belay his jaw!" roared out the commander," sink me but you are a parcel of useless, good-for-nothing negers, without the pith of a louse, to let him hold on by those main-shrouds so long! By- I believe he'll master every soul of ye; take him over the fingers with a cutlass, and make him let go that clutch of his-that's it-there now, run him out on the plank-that's heaway with him!"


A heavy splash in the water told me that the unhappy man was indeed overboard. One long and piercing shriek, uttered as the stern of the vessel passed him when he rose to the surface, thrilled through every nerve of my heart. The ship was going fast through the waterhis cries waxed fainter and fainter on the breeze, and at length ceased altogether.

Knowing it to be my turn next, I braced up my heart as well as I could, and prepared for my fate.

"Well, my young spark," said the pirate, addressing me," what say you to it? are you going to be reasonable, and give up the gold; or are you ready to take a trip to Davy Jones's locker in the wake of your captain? You see there is no shamming here." "You forget," said another voice," that he didn't see the fun at all. I doused his glims with the flash of my cracker, when I thought I had sent the slugs through his lubberly brain. I can do that yet!-But in the mean time, since I've darkened his day

lights, it is but fair I set them to rights again. Hand here that cutlass of yours, Martinique, and I'll give him a touch of it over the lids; I'll be bound I'll soon let in the light, and doctor him to his heart's content.' With a shudder, I stood expecting to feel the sharp edge of the weapon drawn across my eyes, when their captain interfered. "Avast a bit, Derrick! let the poor devil's blinkers alone while he tells us where the shiners are to be got." I now related the circumstance of my having been picked up at sea; that I had been made mate in Savannah, and could know nothing about the gold. I tried to convince them that only a madman would risk his life to secret property from which he could reap no benefit. But I might have saved my pains; I was no more believed than the captain had been. "It's all a fair-weather story," said the pirate," all blarney, but it won't go down; I see we are to get nothing by listening to your palavers. Walking the plank's a d-d deal too good; we'll have to go on another tack with you, my spanker, to bring you by the wind. Here, Cuba, and you, Juan, cast a single hitch round his head with that line, make one end fast to the mast, and heave the other tight with the capstan; we'll soon give him a close fitting cap to make a clear breast in !" The negroes accordingly approached and laid hands on me to lead me forward, when just at that critical juncture, the man at the mast-head sang out, “ A sail to leeward!" I was released and ordered below again, the crew were dispersed to rig out the scudding-sails and clear for action, and in a short time I felt from the motion of the ship that she was flying under a press of canvas.

In a state of no small anxiety, hoping that the chase might prove a cruizer, I waited for hours, listening to every thing that could indicate what was going on. The bustle above had subsided, from which I inferred that the men were at their quarters; and I heard nothing but the steps of their commander as he

paced fore and aft, conning to the steersman. At length a bow-chaser was fired: after a brief interval it was again repeated, and quickly answered with three cheers and a broadside. How my heart beat with joy at the sound! All was now bustle and confusion. Broadside after broadside was exchanged with fatal effect among the pirates; the closeness and precision of whose fire by no means equalled that of their adversaries. But to me the groans of their wounded was delightful music: and the crush of the balls, as they tore through the side of the vessel, filled me with ecstasy. The conflict continued with unabated fury; for the pirates, aware of their fate if taken, fought with all the desperate resolution of men reckless of death, till, receiving a tremendous broadside that made the ship almost heel gunnel-in, a terrible crash took place above, and the cheering of her opponent made me suppose that one of our masts was carried away Our firing now became slack, and soon ceased altogether. Still, however, the uproar continued on deck; the hurried tramp of feet running here and there; the clamour of tongues; the bawling forth of commands which seemed unheeded, intermingled with horrible oaths aud imprecations. At length, all this disturbance ceased at once, and I heard the stroke of oars along-side.

I now supposed that the pirates had surrendered, and that the other party were taking possession. I waited for some time, surprised that no person came below, till I thought I felt the cabin filling with smoke. All at once a horrible suspicion rushed across me, that the ship was on fire, and deserted by the crew; and that I was left, alone and helpless, to be devoured by the flames. Overcome by the utter hopelessness of my situation, I staggered against the side; my brain quite bewildered, and my heart swelling almost to' suffocation. In a few minutes I again became capable of reflection; a hope that might yet be perceived, and res

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